scholarly journals Application of bioactive compounds for increasing production of grape planting materials and higher germination of hybrid seeds

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 05010
Olga Seget ◽  
Irina Avdeenko ◽  
Galina Aleynikova ◽  
Grigori Malih

The paper presents the results of studying biological methods of increasing the yield of planting material for grapes and increasing the germination of hybrid seeds to accelerate the selection process. The impact of bioactive compounds (6-benzylaminopurine and gibberellic acid) in culture medium on production of grape clones during micropropagation stage was studied. Modified culture medium of the A.N. Rebrov’s patent was determined as having the most potential on the first stage of grape explant cultivation. The establishment of grape regenerant plants was up to 80%, depending on the variety. On the second and third passages Rebrov’s culture medium was modified by the addition of 6-benzylaminopurine in the concentration 0.35 mg/l and gibberellic acid in the concentration 0.1 mg/l. The method of prestratification soaking of seedlings seeds in the solutions of gibberellic acid of various concentrations was also studied to accelerate the breeding process. The production of seedlings increased to 91.2% at the concentration of gibberellic acid 0.01% that was higher than control production on 31.2%.

V. V. Yatsenko ◽  

Providing the population with food, agriculture with planting material, and raw materials for the processing and canning industries is an urgent problem of garlic production. Currently, not studied yet the passage and changes in the production processes of garlic plants under the influence of reproduction, which in some way constrains the industrial production of planting material and marketable products in general. Studies on the impact of reproductions on changes in physiological state, plant resistance to disease and productivity were conducted during 2017–2020 in the research field of the Department of Vegetable Growing, Uman National University of Horticulture. During the biometric measurements, a significant change in the variation of approbation traits (height of the plant and scape, number of leaves and its size, number and weight of bulbils, cloves in the bulb) of garlic plants under the influence of reproduction, ie variety testing must indicate what is this generation. There was a significant decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll and the antioxidant enzymes activity in the leaves in III–V reproductions, which significantly affected the productivity and tolerance of plants. Indicators of plant damage disease on a natural infectious background indicated a sharp decrease in the resistance of plants of the Sofiivskyi cultivar in IV–V reproductions, Prometei and Lyubasha cultivarss in III–V. It was found that in the cultivar Sofiivskyi the largest mass of the bulb was formed in the first reproduction, while in the cultivars Prometheus and Lyubasha – in the second, and its gradual decrease to 21.2 % in the fifth reproduction. Yield had a similar trend, where the maximum reduction in yield was observed at 18.2; 28.0 and 17.0 % in the cultivars Sofiivskyi, Prometei and Lyubasha. The developed scientifically substantiated provisions will allow to increase efficiency of selection process and production of seed material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 172

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Pemuliaan untuk menghasilkan klon yang toleran terhadap penyakitbusuk buah kakao sudah lama dilakukan di Indonesia. Pengendalian yangefektif dan efisien terhadap penyakit ini adalah dengan menggunakanbahan tanaman yang tahan. Tetapi untuk mendapatkan atau merakit bahantanaman yang tahan memerlukan waktu yang lama, juga ketersediaanplasma nutfah yang memiliki keragaman genetik yang tinggi. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respon koleksi kakao terhadap infeksipenyakit busuk buah P. palmivora. Kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalahpengujian ketahanan 35 klon kakao terhadap infeksi P. palmivoraberdasarkan uji detached pod, dan menentukan ada tidaknya hubunganantara tipe kakao dan bentuk buahnya dengan sifat ketahanan terhadapinfeksi P. palmivora, serta kerentanan klon kakao terhadap infeksiP. palmivora pada koleksi plasma nutfah kakao. Penelitian dilakukan diLaboratorium Penyakit Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia Jemberpada Tahun 2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan buah kakao dari 35 klonbuah 4 bulan setelah antesis. Buah yang dipetik dari pohon diinokulasidengan miselia P. palmivora di laboratorium. Pengamatan dilakukan ter-hadap panjang dan lebar bercak yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi P. palmi-vora terhadap buah kakao yang diuji. Berdasarkan hasil penelitiandiketahui bahwa klon kakao yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk buah(P. palmivora) adalah klon ICCRI 1, PA 300, ICCRI 3, UIT 1, NIC 4, DR38, ICS 13, Sca 6, TSH 858 dan ICS 60 merupakan 10 klon kakao yangmempunyai tingkat resistensi tinggi terhadap infeksi P. palmivora dari 35plasma nutfah klon kakao yang diuji. Klon kakao yang sangat rentanadalah RCC 73, KKM 22, NIC 7, DRC 16, RCC 71, BL 300, BL 301,KEE 2, TSH 908 dan DRC 15. Klon kakao yang dapat digunakan sebagaitetua untuk proses seleksi lebih lanjut adalah: ICCRI 1, PA 300, ICCRI 3,UIT 1, TSH 858, NIC 4, DR 38, ICS 13, dan Sca 6.Kata kunci : Theobroma cocoa, kakao, busuk buah, evaluasi, plasmanutfah, uji ketahanan</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Resistance of 35 Cocoa Clones against Phytophthorapalmivora Butl. Infection Based on Detached PODAssays</p><p>Breeding to produce clones tolerant to black pod disease of cocoahas long been done in Indonesia. Effective and efficient control of thisdisease is by using resistant planting material. But to obtain or assembleresistant planting materials require long period of time, also theavailability of germplasm with high genetic diversity. This researchactivities were conducted to evaluate the response of cocoa collectionagainst infection of black pod disease caused by Phytophthora palmivora.The objectives of this experiment were (i) to evaluate the respone of 35cocoa clones against infection of P. palmivora using detached pod assay,(ii) to determine the most resistance cocoa clones, and (iii) the mostsusceptible cocoa clones among evaluated cocoa germplasm collectionagainst infection of P. palmivora. The research was conducted at theDisease Laboratory of Indonesian Center for Coffee and Cocoa ResearchInstitute in 2008. In the experiment, pods of 35 cocoa clones (at 4-5months after anthesis) were harvested and inoculated with mycelia of P.palmivora in the laboratory. Observations were conducted on length andwidth of necrosed symptoms because of P. palmivora infection on thesurface of the tested pods. The experiment showed that ICRI 1, PA 300,ICRI 3, UIT 1, NIC 4, DR 38, ICS 13, TSH 858, SCA 6, and ICS 60 werethe ten most resistant cocoa clones. On the other hand, cocoa clones ofRCC 73, KKM 22, NIC 7, DRC 16, RCC71, BL 300, BL 301, KEE 2,TSH 908, and DRC 15 were the ten most susceptible cocoa clones.Genotypes used as the parental clones for future selection process wereclones: ICCRI 1, ICCRI 3, ICS 13, TSH 858, UIT 1, PA 300, NIC 4, DR38, and Sca 6.</p><p>Key words: Theobroma cocoa, cocoa, black pods, germplasm evaluation,resistance tests</p>

Sidik Wibowo Akhmad

The purpose of this study was to describe the students’ management in increasing the character and achievement in MAN 2 Banjarnegara including: (1) the enrollment process of new students, (2) guiding students through discipline, noble character building, academic and non-academic achievement, and (3) the impact of character building and the achievement for students MAN 2 Banjarnegara. This research implemented descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were in-depth interview, observation, and documentation study. The validity of the data used three criteria; namely credibility, dependability, and conformability. The findings of this study were: The first, the enrollment process of the new students was made a breakthrough during the registration of academic and non-academic achievement of scholarships, the selection process was conducted through the value of official learning reports, certificate of championship/achievement, academic potential test and non-academic, and also the skill test. For the students who passed the selection process were supposed to sign the achievement contract during the learning process at MAN 2 Banjarnegara. The second, the character building was done by the concept of habituation and activities program that were integrated in curricular and extracurricular activities. The third, students who joined the academic and non-academic achievement programs at MAN 2 Banjarnegara had strong motivation, spirit of competition to achieve higher achievement and more focus on self-development and they could anticipate the usage of spare time for positive things/activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (13) ◽  
pp. 1287-1299
Muhammad Akram Mohd Noordin ◽  
Mahanem Mat Noor ◽  
Wan Mohd Aizat

It is expected that in 2050, there will be more than 20% of senior citizens aged over 60 years worldwide. Such alarming statistics require immediate attention to improve the health of the aging population. Since aging is closely related to the loss of antioxidant defense mechanisms, this situation eventually leads to numerous health problems, including fertility reduction. Furthermore, plant extracts have been used in traditional medicine as potent antioxidant sources. Although many experiments had reported the impact of various bioactive compounds on aging or fertility, there is a lack of review papers that combine both subjects. In this review, we have collected and discussed various bioactive compounds from 26 different plant species known to affect both longevity and fertility. These compounds, including phenolics and terpenes, are mostly involved in the antioxidant defense mechanisms of diverse organisms such as rats, mites, fruit flies, roundworms, and even roosters. A human clinical trial should be considered in the future to measure the effects of these bioactive compounds on human health and longevity. Ultimately, these plant-derived compounds could be developed into health supplements or potential medical drugs to ensure a healthy aging population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6581
Jooyoung Hwang ◽  
Anita Eves ◽  
Jason L. Stienmetz

Travellers have high standards and regard restaurants as important travel attributes. In the tourism and hospitality industry, the use of developed tools (e.g., smartphones and location-based tablets) has been popularised as a way for travellers to easily search for information and to book venues. Qualitative research using semi-structured interviews based on the face-to-face approach was adopted for this study to examine how consumers’ restaurant selection processes are performed with the utilisation of social media on smartphones. Then, thematic analysis was adopted. The findings of this research show that the adoption of social media on smartphones is positively related with consumers’ gratification. More specifically, when consumers regard that process, content and social gratification are satisfied, their intention to adopt social media is fulfilled. It is suggested by this study that consumers’ restaurant decision-making process needs to be understood, as each stage of the decision-making process is not independent; all the stages of the restaurant selection process are organically connected and influence one another.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1414
Josep M. Cambra ◽  
Emilio A. Martinez ◽  
Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez ◽  
Maria A. Gil ◽  
Cristina Cuello

The development of chemically defined media is a growing trend in in vitro embryo production (IVP). Recently, traditional undefined culture medium with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been successfully replaced by a chemically defined medium using substances with embryotrophic properties such as platelet factor 4 (PF4). Although the use of this medium sustains IVP, the impact of defined media on the embryonic transcriptome has not been fully elucidated. This study analyzed the transcriptome of porcine IVP blastocysts, cultured in defined (PF4 group) and undefined media (BSA group) by microarrays. In vivo-derived blastocysts (IVV group) were used as a standard of maximum embryo quality. The results showed no differentially expressed genes (DEG) between the PF4 and BSA groups. However, a total of 2780 and 2577 DEGs were detected when comparing the PF4 or the BSA group with the IVV group, respectively. Most of these genes were common in both in vitro groups (2132) and present in some enriched pathways, such as cell cycle, lysosome and/or metabolic pathways. These results show that IVP conditions strongly affect embryo transcriptome and that the defined culture medium with PF4 is a guaranteed replacement for traditional culture with BSA.

Marine Drugs ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 196
Muhammad Bilal ◽  
Leonardo Vieira Nunes ◽  
Marco Thúlio Saviatto Duarte ◽  
Luiz Fernando Romanholo Ferreira ◽  
Renato Nery Soriano ◽  

Naturally occurring biological entities with extractable and tunable structural and functional characteristics, along with therapeutic attributes, are of supreme interest for strengthening the twenty-first-century biomedical settings. Irrespective of ongoing technological and clinical advancement, traditional medicinal practices to address and manage inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are inefficient and the effect of the administered therapeutic cues is limited. The reasonable immune response or invasion should also be circumvented for successful clinical translation of engineered cues as highly efficient and robust bioactive entities. In this context, research is underway worldwide, and researchers have redirected or regained their interests in valorizing the naturally occurring biological entities/resources, for example, algal biome so-called “treasure of untouched or underexploited sources”. Algal biome from the marine environment is an immense source of excellence that has also been demonstrated as a source of bioactive compounds with unique chemical, structural, and functional features. Moreover, the molecular modeling and synthesis of new drugs based on marine-derived therapeutic and biological cues can show greater efficacy and specificity for the therapeutics. Herein, an effort has been made to cover the existing literature gap on the exploitation of naturally occurring biological entities/resources to address and efficiently manage IBD. Following a brief background study, a focus was given to design characteristics, performance evaluation of engineered cues, and point-of-care IBD therapeutics of diverse bioactive compounds from the algal biome. Noteworthy potentialities of marine-derived biologically active compounds have also been spotlighted to underlying the impact role of bio-active elements with the related pathways. The current review is also focused on the applied standpoint and clinical translation of marine-derived bioactive compounds. Furthermore, a detailed overview of clinical applications and future perspectives are also given in this review.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 554
Marta C. Coelho ◽  
Tânia B. Ribeiro ◽  
Carla Oliveira ◽  
Patricia Batista ◽  
Pedro Castro ◽  

In times of pandemic and when sustainability is in vogue, the use of byproducts, such as fiber-rich tomato byproducts, can be an asset. There are still no studies on the impact of extraction methodologies and the gastrointestinal tract action on bioactive properties. Thus, this study used a solid fraction obtained after the conventional method (SFCONV) and a solid fraction after the ohmic method (SFOH) to analyze the effect of the gastrointestinal tract on bioactive compounds (BC) and bioactivities. Results showed that the SFOH presents higher total fiber than SFCONV samples, 62.47 ± 1.24–59.06 ± 0.67 g/100 g DW, respectively. Both flours present high amounts of resistant protein, representing between 11 and 16% of insoluble dietary fiber. Furthermore, concerning the total and bound phenolic compounds, the related antioxidant activity measured by 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) radical cation decolorization assay presented significantly higher values for SFCONV than SFOH samples (p < 0.05). The main phenolic compounds identified in the two flours were gallic acid, rutin, and p-coumaric acid, and carotenoids were lycopene, phytofluene, and lutein, all known as health promoters. Despite the higher initial values of SFCONV polyphenols and carotenoids, these BCs’ OH flours were more bioaccessible and presented more antioxidant capacity than SFCONV flours, throughout the simulated gastrointestinal tract. These results confirm the potential of ohmic heating to modify the bioaccessibility of tomato BC, enhancing their concentrations and improving their antioxidant capacity.

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