scholarly journals Innovative technology of flour confectionery products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 03010
Maria Zaikina ◽  
Ksenia Chebotareva ◽  
Anastasia Gurenko

Recently, much attention has been paid to the introduction of raw materials with a low glycemic index into the food industry, among which buckwheat, oat and barley flour occupy a special place. The use of raw materials with a low glycemic index in the formulation of flour confectionery products makes it possible to improve both the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of the product. They also allow to reduce the energy value of such products by reducing the amount of wheat flour, low-calorie margarine, melange and at the same time significantly increase the biological value of the food product. With the aim of adjusting the chemical composition, three recipes for cookies have been developed wheat-oat, wheatbuckwheat and wheat-barley, with the replacement of water in the recipe with an infusion from the collection of herbs “Arfazetin-E”, replacing part of the low-calorie margarine with linseed oil, with the addition of wheat flakes and flaxseed, as well as an aqueous solution of sorbitol and stevioside, apple pectin, iodized salt and flavocene (dihydroquercetin). The introduced components will improve the structural and mechanical properties of the dough, organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the finished product, and bring the composition closer to the formula for balanced nutrition. The use of unconventional raw materials with a low glycemic index in the food industry makes it possible to enrich the chemical composition of biscuits with dietary fiber, vitamins, and mineral components. From the results of the analysis of the nutritional value, it follows that the finished product contains vitamins B1, B2, β-carotene and E, which can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. The use of non-traditional raw materials of vegetable origin in the recipe for cookies leads to an increase in the biological value of the product and a decrease in its calorie content.

Y. P. Dombrovskaya ◽  
A. A. Derkanosova ◽  
E. V. Belokurova ◽  
E. E. Kurchaeva ◽  
I. V. Maksimov ◽  

A modern progressive direction in the development of confectionery production is the creation of new resource-saving technologies and the development of flour confectionery products with a reduced energy value based on the use of various types of non-traditional and local raw materials. The application of oilseed cake in the food industry makes it possible to enrich products chemical composition with proteins, lipids, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The use of amaranth oil cake as a dry component allows the biological value increase, as it is characterized by a high content of easily digestible protein (18-20%) containing all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. Recently, special attention has been paid to the introduction of animal fats to the food industry. Bone fat occupies a special place among them. It is produced from bones, regardless of the type of meat from which they were obtained. The application of bone fat allows to enrich foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as improve the ?-3 / ?-6 ratio of fatty acids in the diet. Taking into account the traditional technology, as well as the properties of amaranth cake and bone fat, the recipe for "Mayachok" gingerbread was developed to adjust chemical and fatty acid composition. The recipe for custard gingerbread with the addition of 15% amaranth oil cake and 11% bone fat to the flour mass in the dough improves organoleptic and physicochemical indicators; to increase their biological value (by 24.5%); to obtain products with the most balanced amino acid composition (amino acid rate for lysine is 44.5%); to balance the ?-3 / ?-6 ratio of fatty acids; to increase the calcium content in products and to normalize its ratio with magnesium and phosphorus - Ca: Mg: P - 1: 0.65: 1.65. The components added improve the structural and mechanical properties of the choux pastry, such as plasticity, elasticity, absorptivity.

A. Boroday ◽  
A. Horobes ◽  
Y. Levchenko ◽  
I. Choni

The article highlights the research aimed at proving the prospects of using valuable local raw materials – sweet potatoes to increase the nutritional and biological value, as well as reducing the caloric content of flour products from cake dough. The range of flour confectionery products and the peculiarity of manufacturing technology are analyzed. Cake flour products occupy a significant place in the general structure in terms of production, although the analysis of their physical and chemical composition gives grounds to claim that they do not always have a high degree of nutritional and biological value, balanced chemical composition. This is due to the high proportion of carbohydrates, fats and low content of proteins, vitamins and other biologically active compounds. In addition to nutritional value, the shelf life of products is an important factor. Cake products belong to the fat-containing flour confectionery products, and accordingly they are subjected to oxidative treatment, which encourages the search for new antioxidants of natural origin. The aim of the work is to improve the technology of cake batter with the use of sweet potato puree and to study the influence of additives of local plant raw materials on the structural-mechanical and organoleptic characteristics of finished products. The local raw material of sweet potatoes, which is characterized by a valuable chemical composition as a source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements of pectin and dyes, was chosen as an improver. The main indicators of the quality of sweet potato puree were determined experimentally. The influence of sweet potato puree on the organoleptic characteristics of the finished products was investigated, and it was found that the introduction of 20 % puree by weight of flour is optimal. As the concentration of the puree increases, the taste of the product deteriorates, as well as the porosity decreases and the color changes. The positive effect of sweet potato puree on physico-chemical indicators of the quality of finished products has been established. When adding puree in the amount of 20 % by weight of flour, the porosity is increased by 8 % in comparison with the control sample. The technology of obtaining a cake from sweet potato puree has been developed. The prescription composition and the basic technological scheme of their production are substantiated. It is proved that flour products with the addition of sweet potato puree in the amount of 20 % to the weight of the flour are slower to harden and retain their properties for 9 days of storage. The safety of prolonged storage has been confirmed by microbiological studies. Thus, the expediency of using sweet potato puree in the technology of cake dough products in order to reduce calories, increase the biological value, improve organoleptic characteristics. As well as the possibility of replacing artificial improvers in the structure, taste and aroma of cakes, due to the substances contained in sweet potato puree.

2019 ◽  
Ш.Р. Холикназарова ◽  
Н.Х. Тухтабоев

Ушбу илмий хабарномада Amarantus [Amaranthaceae] турига кирувчи ўсимликларни фойдаланиш тарихи, кимёвий таркиби, тиббиётда ва озиқ-овқат саноатида кўлланилиши хақида маълумотлар тахлил килинган. Амарант ўсимлиги таркибида биологик актив моддалар борлиги, махсус ва умумий озиқ-овқат махсулотларини ишлаб чикаришда кўлланилишида, шунингдек биологик актив моддаларни ажратиб олиш учун хомашё сифатида фойдаланилиши унинг самарадорлигини белгилаб беради.В следующем научном сообщение был проведен обзор материалов по истории развития использования амаранта, химическому составу, использованию в медицине и пищевой промышленности представителей рода Amarantus [Amaranthaceae]. Наличие в амаранта ценных биологических активных веществ определяет перспективность его использования в производстве пищевых продуктов специального и общего назначения, а также в качестве сырья для получения биологических активных добавок. The following scientific report reviewed the materials on the history of the development of using amaranthus, chemical composition, using of representatives of the genus Amarantus [Amaranthaceae] in the medicine and food industry. The presence of valuable biological active substances in the amaranthus determines the prospects of its use in the production of special and general food products, as well as raw materials for the production of biological active additives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
L Bal-Prylypko ◽  
H Тolok ◽  
M Nikolaenko ◽  
A Antonenko ◽  

This article highlights the problem of functional nutrition in Ukraine. Rationale and need for creating new products with improved properties are substantiated, the list of used natural additives, which are a source of important nutrients, is given. The results of conducted tests confirm the optimization of the chemical composition of new cereal concentrates, improvement of their organoleptic properties, an extension of shelf life, which indicates that the choice of the prescription components is correct and their rational proportion. The nutritional and biological value of Extrapolyvitamix, a new cereal concentrate, enriched with vegetable powders, wheat germ, casein iodide, and raisins, is determined. The investigations of cereal concentrate properties proved that they might be included in a group of functional foods due to changes in chemical composition, which will compensate for the deficiency of nutrients necessary for optimal body functioning after previous diseases. The rational concentrations of functional ingredients that can be used in new products are established. It is proved that the use of vegetable-based milk substitutes will allow the development of new products that meet current market needs. Taking into account global trends and changes in consumer preferences, plans for future studies focuses on creating new products with high biological value using only plant raw materials.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-21
Сергей Леонидович Филатов ◽  
Марина Сергеевна Михайличенко ◽  
Сергей Михайлович Петров ◽  
Надежда Михайловна Подгорнова

Выполнен обзор коммерчески доступных сиропов из различного натурального растительного сырья, используемых в качестве альтернативных сахару подслащивающих веществ пониженной калорийности, здорового углеводного профиля, с пребиотическими свойствами. Приведена общая характеристика и отражен химический состав растительного сырья (топинамбур, цикорий) и сиропов (из сорго, якона, агавы, кленовый, пальмовый, кукурузный), минеральные вещества (макро- и микроэлементы), витамины. Предложена и в производственных условиях апробирована современная инновационная мембранная технология получения фруктозно-глюкозного и фруктоолигосахаридного биосиропов из топинамбура, направленная на наиболее полное использование и сохранение природного состава клеточного сока растения. Фруктоолигосахариды топинамбура обладают пребиотическими свойствами, являются низкокалорийными подсластителями, создают чувство сытости, способствуют контролю массы тела, облегчают пищеварение, имеют низкий гликемический индекс и не вызывают кариес. Для апробации использования в пищевой промышленности приведена сравнительная характеристика сиропов из сахарной свеклы и топинамбура, которые получены на промышленном предприятии. Биосиропы с высоким содержанием фруктозы и олигофруктозный сироп изучены по углеводному составу и протестированы в приготовлении безалкогольных напитков. A review of commercially available syrups from a variety of natural plant materials used as alternatives to sugar, low-calorie sweeteners with a healthy carbohydrate profile and prebiotic properties is reviewed. The general characteristics and the chemical composition of plant raw materials (Jerusalem artichoke, chicory) and syrups (sorghum, yacon, maple, agave, palm, corn) are given: minerals (macro- and microelements), vitamins. A modern innovative membrane technology for producing fructose-glucose and fructo-oligosaccharide biosyrups from Jerusalem artichoke has been proposed and tested in production conditions, aimed at the most complete use and preservation of the natural composition of the plant cell juice. Jerusalem artichoke fructo-oligosaccharides have prebiotic properties, are low-calorie sweeteners, create a feeling of satiety, promote weight control, facilitate digestion, have a low glycemic index and do not cause tooth decay. For approbation of use in the food industry, a comparative characteristic of sugar beet and Jerusalem artichoke syrups, which are obtained at an industrial enterprise, is given. High fructose biosyrups and oligofructose syrup have been studied for their carbohydrate composition and tested in the preparation of soft drinks.


Одним из многочисленных способов обогащения мучных кондитерских изделий является введение в их рецептуру натуральных ингредиентов растительного происхождения. Особый интерес для кондитерской отрасли представляет зерно гороха, богатое белком. Исследован химический состав продуктов переработки зерна гороха – концентрата горохового белка и крахмальной фракции зерна гороха. Оценена возможность их использования для обогащения мучных кондитерских изделий. Установлено, что концентрат горохового белка содержит 53–55% протеина, незаменимые аминокислоты, поэтому обладает высокой биологической ценностью. Перевариваемость аминокислот горохового белка составляет 94%. Крахмальная фракция зерна гороха содержит 62–70% крахмала. Продукты переработки зерна гороха имеют низкий гликемический индекс. Использование продуктов переработки зерна гороха позволит повысить пищевую и биологическую ценность мучных кондитерских изделий за счет увеличения содержания белка, незаменимых аминокислот, минеральных веществ и резистентного к перевариванию крахмала. One of the many ways to enrich flour confectionery products is the introduction of natural ingredients of plant origin into their formulation. Of particular interest for the pastry industry is pea grain, rich in protein. The chemical composition of pea grain processing products – pea protein concentrate and the starch fraction of pea grain has been studied. The possibility of their use for enriching flour pastry products is estimated. It was found that the pea protein concentrate contains 53–55% protein, essential amino acids, so it has a high biological value. The digestibility of amino acids of pea protein is 94%. The starch fraction of pea grain contains 62–70% starch. Pea grain processing products have a low glycemic index. The use of peagrain processing products will increase the nutritional and biological value of flour pastry products by increasing the content of protein, essential amino acids, minerals and starch resistant to digestion.

Yu. A. Sinyavsky ◽  
D. N. Tuigunov ◽  
E. A. Deripaskina ◽  
H. S. Sarsembaev ◽  
S. M. Barmak ◽  

The article provides information on the development of new functional snacks based on local traditional and non-traditional raw materials. The uniqueness of the composition of snacks is associated with the presence in the recipe of dry mare's and camel's milk, as well as fruit and vegetable purees, dry strains of lacto and bifidobacteria, fucoidan and other food ingredients with increased nutritional and biological value. Evaluation of the chemical composition of the nutritional and biological value of snacks indicates their targeted antioxidant, detoxifying and immunostimulating properties. Functional snacks are recommended for use by the general public, including climbers, pilots of civil and military aviation, athletes, as well as in emergencies and conditions that adversely affect human health.

A. Antonenko ◽  
Y. Bosak ◽  
M. Goloburda ◽  
K. Dmitruk ◽  
S. Kazakevich ◽  

In Ukraine, the number of socially conditioned diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, has increased sharply in recent years, which is influenced by excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates. The most important factor in the health of the population is nutrition and intensity of lifestyle. The human diet should include fiber, hemicellulose, pectin, gums, which are physiologically important components of food that prevent many human diseases, including due to deteriorating environmental conditions, increasing the number of stressful situations, reduced immunity to many pathogens diseases. The quality and technology of flour confectionery depends on the quality and functional properties of raw materials. Products of processing cereals, fruits and vegetables are sources of physiologically necessary for the functioning of the human body proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The development of functional foods with high nutritional value and the creation of ways to improve the structure of nutrition in general will affect the further development of technologies for foods with high nutritional value and low glycemic index. It is possible to prevent a rapid increase in blood glucose levels through the use of raw materials enriched with dietary fiber. The main problem in our country is to provide the population with useful food products that meet the physiological needs of the body and ensure physical health and active work. The article considers the topicality and development of technologies of functional shortbread cookies with low glycemic index using fiber and fructose. Organoleptic, technological and physicochemical studies were conducted, which proved the feasibility of replacing wheat flour and sugar in the developed technology. In the process of technological development, taking into account the organoleptic evaluation, a prototype was selected and the technology of shortbread cookies "Crispy" with partial replacement of flour and sugar with fiber and fructose, respectively. In determining the rational concentration of fiber and fructose in the partial replacement of flour and sugar in the technology of shortbread cookies, technological processing of recipes and studied the organoleptic characteristics of the model compositions. The quality of finished culinary products is characterized by organoleptic, physicochemical, biological and microbiological indicators, and a comprehensive quality indicator is used for the overall assessment. Calculating the quality indicators of shortbread cookies "Crispy", the following indicators were selected: organoleptic evaluation, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral and vitamin composition, dietary fiber and energy value. According to the results of the research, the technology of functional shortbread cookies with high content of dietary fiber, reduced amount of mono- and disaccharides was developed. The developed confectionery can be recommended for food in the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, living in environmentally contaminated areas and all segments of the population, as well as to meet consumer demand for functional foods. Social efficiency is to expand the range of low-sugar flour confectionery using the sweetener fructose and wheat germ fiber. Key words: technology, nutritional value, confectionery, functional cookies, fiber, wheat germ, grape seeds, fructose.

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