scholarly journals The Social Impact and Enviromental Risks of Public Oil Mining in Musi Banyuasin Regency South Sumatera Province

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 02002

The oil mining was firstly performed in Musi Banyuasin Regency by the end of the 1990s as performed by the people on old wells of Standard Vacuum Oil Company which was no longer engaged in oil production activities. The crude oil is then refined into gasoline (premium), kerosene and gas oil (solar). Due to the increasing oil mining activities, the local government of Musi Banyuasin Regency stipulated a Local Regulation No.27 of 2006 concerning the sale of public oil mining products. In this local regulation, people are only paid for their work drawing out the crude oil, which is valued at a low price and is not suited with the workload. Since then, the people have not only performed mining for crude oil from old wells, but also by performing their own mining activities, especially for the mining field with a depth of 100 - 200 meters. The result is that the crude oil trade in the Musi Banyuasin Regency is increasingly widespread, either for the crude or distilled oil. This study aimed to describe, analyze and interpret social impact, environmental risks and multiplier effect of illegal public oil mining. This study used the paradigm of critical theory. The results showed there are some social impacts on people's lives in the mining and refinery sites. The positive impact is the shift of livelihood activities, from rubber farmers to oil miners, both as investors, traders, workers and oil takers, so that the multiplier effect of this activity is highly perceived by the community in their lives. The negative impact is the polarization in the life of society, such as gambling, drug distribution, red-light district and environmental degradation due to oil spills and distillation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3960
Meng-Meng Geng ◽  
Ling-Yun He

It is a problem worth thinking about whether the government’s environmental regulation policies can meet the residents’ requirements for environmental quality, and benefit the people. The study of the public’s subjective evaluation can more intuitively judge whether the government’s environmental regulation has realized “ecological benefits for the people”. Based on the data of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2013, this paper studied the impact of environmental regulation and environmental awareness on environmental governance satisfaction by an ordered probit model. The study found that environmental regulation has a significant positive impact on environmental governance satisfaction, while environmental awareness has a significant negative impact on environmental governance satisfaction. We also found that when public environmental awareness is taken into account, the positive relationship between environmental regulation and environmental governance satisfaction is affected. The robustness test proved this conclusion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Azwar Iskandar ◽  
Bayu Taufiq Possumah ◽  
Khaerul Aqbar

This research was conducted to analyze the influence and correlation of interest rates as one form of the implementation of usury practices on inflation and poverty in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data from the publication of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia for the period 2005-2018. This study uses Simple Linear Regression Analysis Techniques and Pearson Correlation Techniques. The results showed that interest rates as one form of the implementation of usury practices had an effect and had a positive and significant correlation to inflation in Indonesia. The practice of ribawi actually will bring a negative impact on the economy of the people in Indonesia in the form of an increase in the level of inflation in society. Measures of monetary policy intervention in maintaining price stability and inflation in society have not shown a positive impact. Also, the results of the study showed that interest rate policy also had a positive influence and correlation on the increase in the poverty depth index. That is, when interest rates are set to rise, the poverty depth index in the community also tends to go up or get worse. The findings of this study reinforce the legitimacy of the word of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the Qur'an and the Hadith related to the prohibition of usury practices that can lead to injustice, wrongdoing, and economic destruction of the people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 257 ◽  
pp. 03045
Hsiao-Ming Chang ◽  
Ching-Hui Lin ◽  
Ying-Wan Chuang

In recent years, the tribal tourism activities with the theme of aboriginal culture and ecology have been loved by the people of Taiwan, so the issue of sustainable development has been attached great importance. This paper analyzes the empirical research literature on the development of aboriginal cultural tourism and eco-tourism by means of literature review, and summarizes the framework of sustainable development of tribal tourism. After analysis, this study are finds that: 1. The government plays an important role in the process of sustainable development of tribes. 2. The positive impact of tourism development on the economy, society and environment is higher than the negative impact. Based on the above findings, this study puts forward specific suggestions for the sustainable development of tribal tourism in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Tamrin ◽  
Zulfan Saam ◽  
Sofyan H. Siregar

The research was done in December 2016 to March 2017 and located in Pasir Keranji Village, Pasir Penyu Districts, Indragiri Hulu Regency. The purpose of this research is analizing the impacts of sandstone mining activities against erosion in Indragiri River, quality of Indragiri River water and local socio-economic conditions. Based on the reasearch, sand-stone mining in Indragiri River causes erosion so that the river body widened and the depth of the river is shallower due to sedimentation. Other than that, quality of Indragiri River water such as brightness, turbidity, TSS, DO and BOD5 including the polluted category. This is caused by sand-stone mining activities, waste from palm factory and gold mining along the Indragiri River. Socially and economically, the sand-stone mining activities have a positive impact in improve the living standards of local communities and have a negative impact on environmental quality

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Suriyani BB

One sector that contributes to foreign exchange is the dominant mining sector. This mining sector contributes 36% of the country's revenue. Among the activities of the nickel mining industry, it has had a positive impact on the state treasury from taxes and royalties. Therefore, the existence of these natural resources has economic potential that must be utilized in order to prosper the lives of the people in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution (paragraph 2). This study tries to examine the positive impact of nickel mining activities on the socio-economic conditions of the community. The purpose of the study was to describe the positive impact of nickel mining activities on the socio-economic life of the community in Tinanggea sub-district. The research method uses a qualitative approach based on data collection with observation techniques, interviews with informants and review documents related to this research.the results showed that the positive impact of nickel mining activities in Tinanggea District was that it could accommodate local workers or increase the opportunity for people to get jobs in mining companies, increasing community income through monthly salary gains, increasing micro-businesses in the surrounding mining areas. buying and selling activities between the community and employees working in mining companies. While the conclusions of the study were that mining activities in Tinanggea Subdistrict had a positive impact on the people of the region. Keywords :  Positive impact of nickel mining activities, Socio-economic community. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Yustini Alioes ◽  
Elmatris Sy

 ABSTRACT Ultraviolet (UV) in addition to have a positive impact on health, can also endanger your health. UV negative impact is felt by the people who are exposed to UV light for long periods, such as fishermen and farmers.  UV radiation levels are causing skin redness (erythema), whereas high levels can cause bleeding in the skin. This study aims to determine the effect. These are experimental studies using rats as an animal, which conducted the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine University of Newcastle from September - December 2008. Population is 20 strains of Wistar rats, age ± 2 months and weight 200-250 grams. Samples were taken at random (simple random sampling) of the population and divided into two groups: control group (group UV irradiated 6 hours/day for 3 weeks without vitamin E) and the treatment group (group UV irradiated 6 hours/day for 3 weeks with doses of vitamin E 0:45 IU/Kg BB/kali/hari). The results showed in the control group declines erytrosit and catalase enzyme activity due to exposure to UV. Declining sum was much less after vitamin E. The effect vitamin E can inhibit the decrease in the number erytrosit and catalase enzyme activities of rats exposed to ultraviolet light of vitamin E on the number of erytrosit and catalase enzyme activities of rats by exposure to ultraviolet light. Keywords: Vitamin E, Erytrosit, Katalase 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 330-337
Shanaz hakim , Tugut Tursoy,

The analysis of this research focuses on the interactive relationship among the fluctuation of crude oil prices, the real GDP and the stock market of United State. This empirical investigation uses data is in between 1990 and 2018 with the Vector Auto-regression (VAR) analysis, and multiple regressions with its assumption were used in order to analyses data.  Findings, oil price and economic growth are very important determinates of stock market in US because the p-value of this were less than the common alpha α =0.05. For instance, the crude oil price had positive impact on stock market because for each unit increasing of crude oil price, the stock market will increase by (0.276901) after holding all other variable constant. However, we find that GDP has negative impact on the participations of increasing the stock market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Fahrial ◽  
Rini Fatriani ◽  

PT. PER as society wervice institution and PAD source in the economic crisis condition still exist and felt its role. The people economic improvement faces complex problem. The activities in the real sectors grow and will need huge capital. The role of PT. PER  will be importanc in improving the society economic. The society economic development and improvent faces complex  problem such as : the difficulty in accessing capital, the low  of human resoureces quality, the limited technology mastering, the wenk management (financial and marketing), the low quality product and the  weak institution and the institution arrangement in developing and empowering the people economic still non optimum. In the problems formulation, the writer discloseded qualitative and quatitative data. The results tried to describe the phenomenon about  the PT. PER roles in improving the society economic at Riau Province. The results showed that during four years operation, ther is credit channeling improvement from year to year.  PT. Permodalan Ekonomi Rakyat (PER) able to be “agent of development” in the economic  recovery, able to distribute economic factors  more evenly to people and has big multiplier effect. With PT. PER presence, the micro, small, middle business and cooperative and financial institution of Bank  (BPR/S) and  micro financial institution (UEK/D-SP), BMT) farmer group and other that formerly difficult to obtained business capital able to access PT. PER.The othe positive impact is PT. PER also contribute in illuminating the society attitude become bank minded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 531
Yuliana Krismonni ◽  
Putra Pratama Saputra

ABSTRAKPembangunan merupakan suatu proses yang mengarah pada perubahan dalam kehidupan masyarakatnya, baik dari kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, politik dan lain sebagainya menuju arah yang lebih baik lagi. Pada dasarnya dalam suatu pembangunan ditujukan bagi masyarakatnya. Disisi lain hal ini juga bisa berimplikasi atau berdampak bagi kehidupan masyarakatnya. Pembangunan yang tidak berorientasi pada masyarakatnya tentunya akan memberikan dampak yang negatif pula kepada masyarakatnya, dan sebaliknya pembangunan yang berorientasikan kepada masyarakatnya tentu akan memberikan dampak yang positif pula tidak hanya bagi masyarakatnya, juga bagi pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pembangunan tersebut.Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana dampak yang ditimbulkan dari adanya pembangunan objek wisata ini bagi kehidupan sosial-ekonomi masyarakatnya, dan melihat apakah dengan adanya objek wisata ini dapat mensejahterahkan hidup masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan informan, dan data sekunder berupa beberapa jurnal, literatur review, dan bebetapa penelitian terdahulu, penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Mekar Jaya Kecamatan Manggar Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni adanya pembangunan unit usaha waterboom ini pada kenyataannya belum terlalu memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan bagi kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakatnya. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat karena dari segi pembangunan yang dilakukan belum terlaksana sepenuhnya, karena terkendala dalam beberapa hal. Sehingga hal ini menghambat dalam proses pembangunan yang ada.  ABSTRACTDevelopment is a process that leads to changes in the life of the people, from social, economic, political and other life towards a better direction. Basically, in a development aimed at the community. On the other hand, this can also have implications or impacts on the life of the community. Development that is not oriented towards the community will certainly have a negative impact on the community, and on the other hand, development that is oriented towards the community will certainly have a positive impact not only on the community, but also for those involved in the development process.The purpose of this research is to see how the impact of the development of this tourist attraction for the socio-economic life of the people, and to see whether the existence of this tourist attraction can make the lives of the people prosperous. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with primary data obtained from interviews with informants, and secondary data in the form of several journals, literature reviews, and some previous research. The result of this research is that the development of the waterboom business unit has not had a significant impact on the socio-economic life of the community. This can be seen because from a development perspective it has not been fully implemented, due to constraints in several ways. So that this hinders the existing development process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 115-130
Suhendar Suhendar

Social media mostly provides facilities and applications which make the youth enjoy their time longer in using social media. In relation to which, the objectives of this study are to identify what are the positives and negatives effects of social media on the youth’s state and nation development. As for the method used herein is qualitative in nature and the method of collecting data applied herein is by adopting literary approach. Positive impact of social media are among the other things: to keep in touch with the members of family living so far from house or with the relative which have not met for a long time; to use it as teaching and learning sources; to use it as information media; to broaden fraternity networks; to use it as the facility to improve skill and competence; to use it as communication media; and to use it as promotion and business media. Meanwhile negative effect of social media are among the other things are: difficult to socialize with the people surrounding; social media can make somebody only think about him/herself; the lack of working performance; criminal in cyberspace; and pornography. Accordingly, by knowing positive and negative impact of social media the youth can be wiser to use it only for the purpose of developing the state and nation.

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