scholarly journals Factors associated with Hb concentration in children aged 6–59 months in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

2004 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-314 ◽  
Mônica M. Osório ◽  
Pedro I. C. Lira ◽  
Ann Ashworth

In 1997, the prevalence of anaemia was 40·9 % among children aged 6–59 months in the State of Pernambuco, north-east Brazil. Using the same sample of children, we have investigated possible reasons for this high prevalence. A representative sample was selected through a three-stage process: proportional systematic random sampling of municipalities in the State, systematic random sampling of census sectors within these municipalities, and finally, simple random sampling of households with children aged 6–59 months to obtain the sample of 650 children. Data collection included demographic, environmental, socio-economic and maternal variables, and nutritional status and dietary intakes of the children. Multiple linear regression analysis was based on a hierarchical model of factors associated with Hb concentration. The mean Hb concentration of children aged 6–23 months was 10 g/l lower than that of older children. In the regression analysis, child age explained 8·3 % of the variance in Hb concentration. The intake of bioavailable Fe explained a further 3·3, serum retinol 2·7, diarrhoea 2·4, water treatment 1·7, sanitation 1·3 and low birth-weight 0·5 %. The final model explained 23·4 % of the variance in Hb concentration. We conclude that child age, bioavailable-Fe intake, serum retinol concentration, diarrhoea, water treatment, sanitation and low birth-weight are independently associated with Hb concentration. In north-east Brazil, anaemia prevention programmes among children should focus on those aged <2 years and should consider feasible strategies to improve intakes of bioavailable Fe and vitamin A, and reduce infection. Supplemental Fe should be given to low birth-weight infants.

2020 ◽  
Alhassan Sibdow Abukari ◽  
Shamsudeen Mohammed ◽  
Nathaniel Awuni ◽  
Ibrahim Yakubu ◽  
Adam Yakubu ◽  

Abstract Background: Apgar score remains the most effective measure of newborn health outcomes in the first few minutes of delivery and it is useful in diagnosing perinatal asphyxia and metabolic acidosis. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the Baptist Medical Centre in the North East Region of Ghana. For the period January 1 to December 31 2018, we extracted information on 3011 women who delivered at the facility from birth records. Binary logistic regression models were used to determine the factors associated with low fifth minute Apgar score, preterm low fifth minute Apgar score, and term low fifth minute Apgar score.Results :Nearly half of the participants had experienced 2 to 5 pregnancies (47.1%) and had given birth to 2 to 5 children (47.7%). Most of the women delivered at 37 weeks gestation or more (87.6%), attended 1 to 4 antenatal care visits (53.2%), and received 1 to 3 doses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (70.9%). The majority of the newborns weighed 2.5kg or more at birth (90.7%), were delivered through the vagina (79.8%), and a little over half of them (51.40%) were males. After adjusting for potential confounders, we found evidence that multigravid women were 0.67 (95% CI 0.49 - 0.90) times less likely to deliver a child with low fifth minute Apgar score while delivery at less than 37 weeks gestation, birth weight of less than 2.5kg, and caesarean delivery were associated with increased odds of low fifth minute Apgar score. For infants born at term, being born to a multigravid mother was protective against low fifth minute Apgar score while delivery through caesarean section increased the odds of low fifth minute Apgar score among this group of newborns. Among preterm infants, our study found strong evidence that those born with low birth weight (<2.5kg) had about 4 times the odds of suffering low fifth minute Apgar score compared to those with normal birth weight.Conclusion:In designing interventions to improve the survival and the Apgar score of newborns, measures to properly diagnose and prevent preterm delivery and low birth weight should be of great concern.

Rini Mayasari Rini Mayasari

  ABSTRAK Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) menurut World Health Organization (WHO) 2014 adalah bayi yang terlahir dengan berat kurang dari 2500gram.  Bayi dengan BBLR masih terus menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang signifikan secara global dikarenakan efek jangka pendek maupun efek jangka panjangnya terhadap kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara preeklampsia dengan kejadian berat badan lahir rendah di RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan survey cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang melahirkan di RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2016 yaitu sebanyak 967 ibu melahirkan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Systematic Random Sampling. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 283 ibu melahirkan. Data penelitan diperoleh dari data sekunder dengan mencatat data rekam medik RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2016 dan analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara preeklampsia dengan kejadian BBLR dengan p= 0,001 dan hasil uji chi-square 10,874. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saran yang diajukan adalah perlunya peningkatan perilaku hidup sehat dan peningkatan kegiatan penyuluhan oleh petugas kesehatan kepada masyarakat mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan pengetahuan tentang BBLR, sehingga tindakan pencegahan dapat dilakukan.   ABSTRACT Birth Weight Low (BBLR) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2014 is a baby born with a weight less than 2500gram. LBW infants continue to be a significant global public health problem due to their short-term effects and long-term health effects. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation betweeen  preeclampsia with the occurence of low birth weight at Palembang BARI Regional Hospital 2016. The method of this research was descriptive correlation with survey cross sectional approach. Population of this research were all delivery mothers Palembang BARI Regional Hospital in 2016 as many as 967 mothers. Sampling technique used Systematic Random Sampling. And number of samples were 283 samples. Research data obtained from the secunder data by writing medical record of Palembang BARI Regional Hospital in 2016 and analyzed by chi square test with significant degree 95% (α=0,05). Based on chi-square analysis it is known that there is correlation between preeclampsia with occurance of low birth weight with  p= 0,001 and result chi-square test is 10,874. Based on the research, it is suggested to increase healthy live behaviour and information activities by health provider to the society about reproductive health and knowledge about low birth weight, so that preventive measures can be done.

Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih

ABSTRACT   Low birth weight (LBW) infants with birth weight is less than 2500 grams, regardless of gestational age. Statistically showed 90 % incidence of LBW obtained in developing countries with a mortality rate 35 times higher tinggi.Di South Sumatra Province Infant Mortality Rate ( IMR ) is 29 per 1,000 live births. In Palembang BARI hospitals incidence of LBW in 2013 amounted to 317 cases . The purpose of this study is to determine is there a relationship between the factors of age, education, and parity with the incidence of Low Birth Weight in Palembang BARI hospitals in 2013. This study used survey method crosss sectional analytic approach. The study population was all women who gave birth and was admitted to hospital obstetrics Palembang BARI installations in 2013 amounted to 901. This research was conducted in February 2014. Samples were taken with a random sampling method sistematic. Analyze data using statistical test Chi - Square. Results of univariate analysis of this study showed that 193 (69.4 %) of the respondents had low birth weight, and 85 (30.6 %) respondents had BBLN. 63 (22.7 %) of respondents with a high risk of maternal age and 215 (77.3 %) of respondents with a low risk of maternal age. 157 (56.5 %) respondents with low education mothers and 121 (43.5 %) of respondents with higher education mothers. 48 (17.3 %) respondents with high parity mothers and 230 (82.7 %) respondents with low parity mothers. So the bivariate analysis showed no significant association between maternal age with the incidence of LBW with P value = 0.035, no significant association between education and the incidence of LBW with P value = 0.006, and no significant relationship between the incidence of low birth weight with parity P value = 0.041. It is recommended for health care workers (midwives) hospital in order to be used as material information regarding the occurrence of LBW and as an input as well as the evaluation of success in good health or when needed to do counseling and care of LBW, especially to mothers who give birth to low birth weight baby.   ABSTRAK Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) adalah bayi dengan berat lahir kurang dari 2500 gram tanpa memandang masa gestasi. Secara statistik menunjukkan 90% kejadian BBLR didapatkan di negara berkembang dengan angka kematiannya 35 kali lebih tinggi.Di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) sebesar 29 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Di RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2013 angka kejadian BBLR berjumlah 317 kasus. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan antara faktor umur, pendidikan, dan paritas dengan kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan crosss sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang melahirkan dan dirawat inap di instalasi kebidanan RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2013 berjumlah 901. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2014. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan metode sistematic random sampling. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi – Square. Hasil penelitian analisis univariat ini menunjukkan bahwa 193 (69,4%) responden mengalami BBLR, dan 85 (30,6%) responden mengalami BBLN. 63 (22,7%) responden dengan umur ibu resiko tinggi dan 215 (77,3%) responden dengan umur ibu resiko rendah. 157 (56,5%) responden dengan ibu pendidikan rendah dan 121 (43,5%) responden dengan ibu pendidikan tinggi. 48 (17,3%) reponden dengan ibu paritas tinggi dan 230 (82,7%) responden dengan ibu paritas rendah. Sehingga analisa bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur ibu dengan kejadian BBLR dengan P value = 0,035, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan dengan kejadian BBLR dengan P value = 0,006 dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara paritas dengan kejadian BBLR dengan P value = 0,041. Disarankan bagi petugas kesehatan (bidan) rumah sakit agar dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan informasi mengenai terjadinya BBLR dan sebagai bahan masukan serta evaluasi keberhasilan dalam pelayanan kesehatan yang baik atau bila perlu dilakukannya penyuluhan serta asuhan  tentang BBLR khususnya kepada ibu yang melahirkan Bayi dengan BBLR.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 65 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. A344-A344
C. Maliye ◽  
M. Taywade ◽  
S. Gupta ◽  
P. Deshmukh ◽  
B. Garg

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Ravi Kumar Bhaskar ◽  
Krishna Kumar Deo ◽  
Uttam Neupane ◽  
Subhadra Chaudhary Bhaskar ◽  
Birendra Kumar Yadav ◽  

Background. This study was done to assess the maternal and sociodemographic factors associated with low birth weight (LBW) babies.Methods. An unmatched case control study was done involving 159 cases (mothers having LBW singleton babies) and 159 controls (mothers having normal birth weight singleton babies).Results. More than 50% of LBW babies were from the mothers with height ≤145 cm while only 9.43% of NBW babies were from the mothers with that height. Finally, after multivariate logistic regression analysis, maternal height, time of first antenatal care (ANC) visit, number of ANC visits, iron supplementation, calcium supplementation, maternal education, any illness during pregnancy, and hypertension were found as the significant predictors of LBW. However, maternal blood group AB, normal maternal Body Mass Index (BMI), mother’s age of 30 or more years, and starting ANC visit earlier were found to be protective for LBW.Conclusion. Study findings suggest that selectively targeted interventions such as delay age at first pregnancy, improving maternal education and nutrition, and iron and calcium supplementation can prevent LBW in Nepal.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0245528
Almaz Tefera Gonete ◽  
Bogale Kassahun ◽  
Eskedar Getie Mekonnen ◽  
Wubet Worku Takele

Background Stunting at birth is a chronic form of undernutrition majorly attributable to poor prenatal nutrition, which could persist in children’s later life and impact their physical and cognitive health. Although multiple studies have been conducted in Ethiopia to show the magnitude of stunting and factors, all are concentrated on children aged between 6 to 59 months. Therefore, this study was done to determine the prevalence and associated factors of stunting at birth among newborns delivered at the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital, Northwest, Ethiopia. Methods An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February 26th to April 25th/2020. A systematic random sampling technique was used, to select a total of 422 newborn-mother pairs. The binary logistic regression was employed to identify factors associated with stunting and all independent variables were entered into the multivariable logistic regression model to adjust for confounders. Variables that had significant association were identified based on p-value < 0.05 and the adjusted odds ratio with its respective 95% confidence interval was applied to determine the strength as well as the direction of the association. Results About 30.5% (95% CI: 26.3%, 35.1%) of newborns were stunted at birth. Being male [Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.9(1.62, 5.21)], newborns conceived in Kiremt(rainy season) [AOR = 2.7(1.49, 4.97)], being low birth weight [AOR = 3.1(1.64, 6.06)] were factors associated with stunting at birth. Likewise, newborns born to short stature mothers [AOR = 2.8(1.21, 6.62)] and chronically malnourished mothers [AOR = 15.3(8.12, 29.1)] were at greater risk of being stunted. Conclusion Just under a third of newborns are stunted at birth, implying a pressing public health problem. Newborns born to chronically malnourished and short stature mothers were more stunted. Besides, stunting was prevalently observed among male neonates, newborns conceived in Kiremet, and being low birth weight. Thus, policymakers and nutrition programmers should work on preventing maternal undernutrition through nutrition education to reduce the burden of low birth weight and stunting. Further, paying due attention to newborns conceived in Kiremet season to improve nutritional status is recommended.

2020 ◽  
Vol 96 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-332
Julia Damiani Victora ◽  
Mariangela Freitas Silveira ◽  
Cristian Tedesco Tonial ◽  
Cesar Gomes Victora ◽  
Fernando Celso Barros ◽  

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