scholarly journals Harmonization of laws related to the protection of artisanal fishermen fishing grounds in Aceh Province

2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012054
S Sulaiman ◽  
M A Abdullah ◽  
T M Mansur ◽  
N Roesa

Abstract This paper aims to examine how to protect of artisanal fishermen fishing ground and the policies that protect them. Small-scale fisher fishing grounds has to have a special attention due to their limitation. They are using very simple fishing gear, so they can’t sail far away from the coastal waters. The Fishing law give a specific attention for this matter, by limiting fishermen with 5 gross tonnage (GT) are only able to conduct their activities within the coastal waters. This study combines legal documents and the results of interviews with fishermen on 5 GT vessel. this studi of find, then the Law Number 27/2016 changed this regulation by increasing gross tonnage for small-scale fishermen from 5 became 10 GT, and it attract more serious problems for these small-scale fishermen since they have no exclusive fishing ground anymore. It will also affect to changes of fishing lane; fishing ground and vessels authorization procedure. By increasing GT, the 10 GT vessels also have rights to sail in the same fishing ground with 5 GT vessels and it’s created a potential conflict between the fishermen. So, harmonization of law is important task for the government in avoiding the overlapping rules on vessels criteria, by choosing law that prioritize on small-scale GT vessels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012044
Y D Sari ◽  
Mira ◽  
S H Suryawati ◽  
B O Nababan ◽  
Y Hikmayani ◽  

Abstract The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has been perceived by all community. The global economic slowdown has an impact on Indonesia’s economic growth. Exports of Indonesian fishery products are delayed due to restrictions on imported products in Indonesia’s export destination countries. This study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of fishery resources in the Indramayu District. The data used in this study are primary and secondary. Methods of data analysis using quantitative descriptive. The results showed that fishermen in the Indramayu District continue to catch fish using the same fishing fleet and gear at the same fishing ground. The decline in business income due to the decrease in the selling price of fish causes a decrease in business capital and a decrease in the source of livelihood for small-scale fishermen. Fishermen’s income has decreased by 20-30% per trip. Fishers continue to use the same boat, fishing gear, fishing ground, operational costs, and crew. The adaptation made by small fishermen is to reduce the number of trips to avoid losses when catches are low. The adaptation carried out by large-scale fishermen is to look for alternative sources of capital for operational costs to be still carried out during the fishing season. The government can provide fishing gear assistance and financial assistance to small fishers and provide capital institutions for large-scale fishers in reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fishers in Indramayu.

Ucha E. Janis ◽  
Alfret Luasunaung ◽  
Lefrand Manoppo

ABSTRACT The success of baited hook and line fishing gear is determined by the activity of fish in terms of finding and catching food. Adding shrimp extract on bait may increase the fishing power of the bait; but this kind of scientific information, particularly on the bottom hand line is not widely available. This study aimed to determine the effect of shrimp extracts on demersal fish catch in the surrounding fishing ground and to identify the species caught by the bottom hand line. This research was conducted in coastal waters Tateli Weru Village, District of Mandolang, Minahasa in October 2015 which was based on an experimental method. Six units of bottom hand line was operated, where three units using bait of scad mackerel marinated in shrimp extract, and three other units using plain bait of scad mackerel; and the data were analyzed using t-test. Total catches was 60 fish; 38 fish caught by bait with shrimp extract, and 22 fish caught by bait without shrimp extract. The results showed that use of bait with shrimp extract give more catches. Keywords: bottom hand line, extrack of shrimp, demersal fish, Tateli Weru   ABSTRAK Keberhasilan alat tangkap pancing dasar berumpan sangat ditentukan oleh aktivitas hidup ikan dalam hal mencari dan menangkap makanan. Pemberian ekstrak udang pada umpan diduga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tangkap dari umpan; namun informasi ilmiah seperti ini, khususnya pada pancing dasar belum banyak tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak udang terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan demersal di sekitar daerah penangkapan dan mengidentifikasi jenis ikan hasil tangkapan pancing dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan pantai Desa Tateli Weru, Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa  pada bulan Oktober 2015 yang didasarkan pada metode experimental. Enam unit pancing dasar dioperasikan, di mana tiga unit menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis yang direndam dalam ekstrak udang, dan tiga unit lainnya hanya menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis tanpa ekstrak; dan data dinalisis dengan uji t. Tangkapan total berjumlah 60 ekor; 38 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan yang diberi ekstrak udang, dan 22 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan tidak memiliki ekstrak udang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak udang pada umpan memberikan hasil tangkapan yang lebih banyak. Kata-kata kunci: pancing dasar, ekstrak udang, ikan demersal, Tateli Weru

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 437
Alfian M Berlianmastan ◽  
Angga J Aponno ◽  
Refindo Arundaa ◽  
Isti Utami Indah Sari Ali ◽  
Wilhelmina Patty

Since the fishing ground is getting farther from the coastal waters, Fish Aggregating Device is needed  as auxiliary fishing gear. Light is one of the auxiliary gear to attract fish gathering in the fishing ground. The use of underwater light has the potential to make the fish be in the target locality. Fish distribution underwater can be detected using a fish finder. Both technologies was applied to the partnership fishermen in Malalayang Satu Timur, Manado Bay, who have got impact of the coast reclamation. The technological implementation of yellow and red LED-sourced light underwater can be automatically turned on through automatically charged solar. In fishing operations, together with the partnership fishermen, the underwater light and the fish finder were put on the 3x4 m raft. Results revealed that the use of these technologies gave the economic advantage obtained that the catch has increased from the average before using the underwater light of 150 kg / trip to 400 kg / trip, after using this technologic underwater light.The average fishermen's income increased from the previous Rp 1,439,500 / trip to Rp. 4,020,000 / trip, after using of underwater light. The fish finder observation showed that the fish migration to the fishing ground was highly affected by the light color as well.Keywords: Light, fish behavior, Manado.ABSTRAKDengan semakin bergeser daerah penangkapan yang semakin jauh dari wilayah pesisir, maka diperlukan alat bantu penangkapan. Cahaya merupakan salah satu alat bantu penangkapan yang membuat ikan terpikat untuk berkumpul di suatu lokasi penangkapan. Penggunaan lampu dalam air memiliki keunggulan untuk memikat ikan karena berada langsung di lokasi ikan. Distribusi ikan yang berada di sekitar lampu dalam air dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan fish finder. Kedua tipe teknologi ini diterapkan ke nelayan mitra di kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur yang merupakan salah satu lokasi di Teluk Manado yang terkena dampak reklamasi di Teluk Manado. Penerapan teknologi alat bantu cahaya dua warna kuning dan merah bersumber dari lampu LED dalam air dan dapat dinyalakan secara otomatis dengan bantuan panel surya dan control charge otomatis. Dalam kegiatan penangkapan, bersama nelayan mitra, alat bantu lampu dalam air dan fish finder diletakan dirakit berukuran 3x4 m2. Keunggulan ekonomis yang diperoleh nelayan adalah jumlah hasil tangkapan mereka meningkat dari rata-rata sebelum menggunakan lampu sebanyak 150 kg/trip menjadi 400 kg/trip, setelah menggunakan lampu LED dalam air otomatis. Pendapatan nelayan rata-rata sebelum menggunakan lampu LED dalam air tenaga surya otomatis, sebesar Rp 1.439.500/trip menjadi Rp. 4.020.000/trip, setelah menggunakan lampu LED dalam air otomatis. Pengamatan dengan fish finder menunjukan bahwa migrasi ikan ke daerah penangkapan  sangat dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan warna lampu kuning dan merah.Kata kunci: Lampu, Tingkah laku ikan, Manado

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Yeyen Mardyani ◽  
Tahmat Kurnia ◽  
Luky Adrianto

Pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Bangka pada beberapa kurun waktu terakhir menunjukkan produktivitas yang semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengelolaan ruang laut yang tidak hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan, tetapi juga sebagai wilayah eksploitasi penambangan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder; analisis bioekonomi digunakan pada ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) dengan memisahkan sumberdaya ikan pelagis dan demersal untuk melihat status pemanfaatan perikanan pada masing-masing zona. Ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan didasarkan pada kondisi eksisting menurut RZWP3K Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, yaitu: Zona A (DPI dengan IUP), Zona A1 (DPI dengan IUP tanpa kegiatan), dan Zona B (DPI tanpa IUP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perikanan pelagis Zona A cenderung economical overfishing; sedangkan perikanan demersal sudah menunjukkan kondisi economical overfishing; Zona A1 berada pada kondisi underfishing; serta Zona B berada pada kondisi underfishing. Pemanfaatan perikanan Zona A dan A1 tidak mencapai 50% TAC; sedangkan pada Zona B hanya 15% TAC. Agar pemanfaatan perikanan baik pelagis ataupun demersal dapat berkelanjutan baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi, pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka perlu dilakukan pengelolaan input pada upaya tangkap yang berbeda-beda pada tiap zona serta pengelolaan ekologi dan ekosistem.Title: Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in The Coastal Waters of Bangka Regency with Bioeconomic ApproachManagement of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency has recently shown decreased productivity. This is caused by the management of marine area which is not only used as a fishing ground, but also as an area of exploitation for off-shore mining. Based on these conditions, this study aims to determine the level of utilization of small-scale fisheries in the waters of Bangka Regency. This research uses primary and secondary data; bio-economic analysis was carried out in the three fishing ground zones by separating pelagic and demersal fish resources to see the utilization status of each zone. The three fishing ground zones are based on the existing fishing ground conditions according to RZWP3K Bangka Belitung Islands Province, namely: Zone A (fishing ground with IUP), Zone A1 (fishing ground with IUP without activities), and Zone B (fishing ground without IUP). The results showed that Pelagic Zone A fisheries tend to be economical, whereas demersal fisheries have shown economical overfishing; Zone A1 is under fishing; Zone B is under fishing. The utilization of fisheries in Zone A and A1 does not reach 50% TAC, while in Zone B it is only 15% TAC. For the utilization of pelagic and demersal fisheries to be sustainable both ecologically and economically, the management of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency waters needs to carry out input management for different fishing efforts in each zone as well as ecological and ecosystem management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Zuzy Anna ◽  
Rahmahwati Rosidah ◽  
Iskandar ◽  
Achmad Rizal ◽  
Tri Dewi K. Pribadi ◽  

Fisherman in Indonesia is still dominated by small-scale fishermen or traditional fishermen. This condition is very vulnerable to poverty with condition is identical with low well-being. This research was conducted in Indramayu from February to May 2018 by interviewing 100 fishermen. This study aims to analyze the domain of life satisfaction and subjective well-being of fishermen because prosperity is generally measured objectively through standards made by the government. Structured questionnaires are used to find out whether they are satisfied with their life or not in certain conditions such as satisfaction with fishing gear, government policies, the environment, the relationship between them and others. Life satisfaction domain analysis is used to determine which domain is the most dominant. The method used in this study is a purposive sampling method which is a sample determination technique with certain considerations. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, namely average, standard deviation, and variance. Subjective welfare levels are categorized into four classes, very poor, poor, good, and very good. The results show that Indramayu. Fishermen belong to a very good subjective well-being.   Keywords: Subjective Well-being, Fishermen, Fishing Gear, Well-being domain

Mustamin Tajuddin ◽  
Ihsan H.Cotte ◽  
Asmidar Asmidar

The research is entitled Utilization of coastal fisheries resources with trap net fishingequipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency. Related to that, the community uses thepotential of fish resources in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency with a variety offishing gear, one of which is trap net (local read: tiku). Objectives are: 1) Knowing thecomposition of the type of trap net caught operated in coastal waters; 2) Knowing thelevel of environmental friendliness of the trap net fishing equipment operated in coastalwaters 3) Knowing the economic feasibility of trap net fishing equipment operated in thecoastal waters of Pangkep Regency. This research is expected to provide constructorsregarding the composition of catches in the use of Coastal Fishing Ground resourceswith net trap fishing equipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi toensure access to sustainable use of fisheries resources. The study was conducted in June -December 2018 in the coastal waters of Sigeri District, Pangkep Regency. Materials andtools related directly or indirectly to research to make measurements and observations inthe field. The data needed consists of pruimer and secondary data. To achieve the goal,the data collected is carried out by analyzing fishing gear designs and analyzing thecomposition of catch species.The design of the trap net fishing gear is rectangular with avery small mesh size and the material is made of nylon (waring). The size of the trap netis 500 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. The composition of the types of trap net catchesoperated in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency is very large and in general, fish thatmigrate daily at low tide take place.

Hety Hartaty ◽  
Budi Nugraha ◽  
Bram Styadji

<p>ABSTRACT<br />In general, fisheries in Indonesia is still dominated by small-scale fisheries, one of themis the purse seine fishery based in Tamperan Fishing Port. This study aims to determine aspects of purse seine fishery based on Tamperan Fishing Port such as vessel size and fishing gear, FADs , fishing ground and catches. The study was conducted in 2012 in Tamperan Fishing Port with measurement methods and direct observation and interviews with owners, skippers and crew. The results showed that the vessel of small-scale tuna purse seine fishing based in Tamperan Fishing Port have tonnage between 28-45 GT and made of wood with length 17.21-28 m, width 6-7 m, and depth 2-3 m. Nets is used have length between 250-300 m and width 8-10 m. Fishing ground is FADs at coordinates 10º-12º S and 100º-110º E, 60-100 miles from the Pacitan Bay with distance to the location of FADs about one day. The catch is dominated by skipjack about 57.27%, followed by scad26.31% and juvenile yellowfin 10.05%.</p><p><br />Keywords: Purse seine, small scale tuna fisheries, Tamperan</p><p>-------</p><p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Secara umum, perikanan tangkap di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh usaha perikanan skala kecil, salah satunya adalah nelayan pukat cincin yang berbasis di PPP Tamperan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek penangkapan perikanan pukat cincin yang berbasis di PPP Tamperan berupa ukuran kapal dan alat tangkap, rumpon, daerah penangkapan dan hasil tangkapan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2011 di PPP Tamperan Pacitan dengan metode pengukuran dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan serta wawancara dengan nelayan pemilik, nakhoda dan awak kapal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa armada pukat cincin perikanan tuna skala kecil yang berbasis di PPP Tamperan memiliki ukuran tonase antara 28-45 GT dan terbuat dari kayu dengan ukuran panjang antara 17,21-28 m, lebar 6-7 m, dan dalam 2-3 m. Jaring yang digunakan memiliki panjang antara 250-300 m dan lebar 8-10 m dengan menggunakan rumpon. Daerah penangkapan berada pada koordinat 10º-12º LS dan 100º-110º BT dan berjarak sekitar 60-100 mil dari Teluk Pacitan dengan lama perjalanan menuju lokasi rumpon sekitar 1 hari. Hasil tangkapan didominasi oleh cakalang sebesar 57,27%, diikuti oleh layang 26,31% dan yuwana madidihang 10,05%.</p><p><br />Kata kunci: Pukat cincin, perikanan tuna skala kecil, Tamperan</p>

Febi Yulianti ◽  
Ketut Sukiyono ◽  
Satria Putra Utama

Bisnis perikanan selalu dihadapkan dengan resiko ketidakpastian, termasuk upaya penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap Gilnett. Identifikasi sumber risiko, dampak dan strategi risiko penting, tidak hanya untuk bisnis tetapi juga bagi pemerintah untuk merancang intervensi yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi sumber risiko, (2) menganalisis probabilitas dan efek risiko, dan (3) menganalisis strategi manajemen risiko. Pemilik atau kapten kapal dari dua puluh tujuh unit kapal yang menggunakan alat tangkap Gilnett disensus dan diwawancarai dengan kuesioner. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik responden, sumber risiko, dampak risiko, aspek operasional, harga dan pasar bisnis perikanan yang dilakukan. Analisis deskriptif dan analisis manajemen risiko diterapkan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber risiko yang terjadi paling besar adalah risiko operasional pada sumber risiko cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi, ketidakpastian hasil tangkapan, dan permodalan. Pada usaha penangkapan ikan laut di Kota Bengkulu, nilai probabilitas berdasarkan lama melaut dan nilai tangkapan ikan, yaitu sebesar 32,64% dan 48,40%. Nilai dampak risiko berdasarkan lama melaut dan nilai tangkapan sebesar Rp9.948.578,25 dan Rp548.793.316,42. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengelola risiko, yang meliputi (a) pemanfaatkan informasi cuaca seoptimal mungkin, (b) membiasakan menabung ketika hasil melimpah, (c) perluasan fishing ground di luar daerah tangkapan tradisionalnya, (d) ketepatan area pengkapan (fishing ground), (e) perpanjangan lama melaut, dan (f) diversifikasi vertikal (hilirisasi) hasil tangkapan.Title: Risk Management of Fishing Activity Using Gillnet Fishing Gear in Baai Island, BengkuluFishery business is always faced with uncertainty risks, including fishery business using Gilnett fishing gear. The identification of sources of risk, impacts and risk strategies are important not only for businesses but also for the government to design appropriate interventions. This research aimed to (1) identify the sources of risks, (2) analyze the probabilities and risk effects, and (3) analyze the risk management strategies. The owner or captain of the twenty-seven vessel units who use the Gilnett fishing gear were censused and interviewed with a questionnaire. Data was collected includes the characteristics of the respondents, sources of risks, risk impacts, operational aspects, prices and markets of the business of fishing. Descriptive analysis and risk management analysis were applied to answer research objectives. The results of the study indicate that the greatest source of risk is an operational risk on sources of unpredictable weather risks, uncertainty about catches, and capital. Fishing activity in Bengkulu City, the probability value is based on the fishing trip period and the catch value is 32.64% and 48.40%. The value of the risk impact is based on the fishing trip period and the value of the catch is IDR 9,948,578.25 and IDR 548,793,316.42. The results of the study conclude that strategies that can be carried out in managing risks including (a) utilizing the most optimal weather information, (b) getting used to saving when the abundant results, (c) expanding fishing ground outside the traditional catchment area, (d) accuracy of the catching area (fishing ground), (e) prolongation of fishing day, and (f) vertical diversification (downstreaming) of catches. 

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 772-779
T.Vinsela Jeev

During the DMK regime many welfare schemes for implemented for women especially. This schemes for developments for socio and economic activities for women. The poor women, widows, physically challenged were benefited their schemes. The government allotted lot of sewing machines, Free school books, Midday meal schemes, Small scale Industry, Self help groups, Boating supply for fisher mans and many women teachers were appointed in Elementary school, Middle school, High schools. Women’s were appointed in police Department and also so many schemes for the development of socio and economic condition of the poor women people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 365-372
Jayanti.G ◽  
Dr. V.Selvam

India being a democratic and republic country, has witnessed the biggest indirect tax reform after much exploration, GST bill roll out on 1 April 2017.  The concept of this reform is for a unified country-wide tax reform system.  Enterprises particularly SMEs are caught in a state of instability.  Several taxes such s excise, service tax etc., have been subsumed with a single tax structure. it is the responsibilities of both centre and state government to shoulder the important responsibility to cater the needs of the people and the nation as a whole.  The main basis of income to the government is through levy of taxes.  To meet the so called socio-economic needs and economic growth, taxes are considered as a main source of revenue for the government.  As per Wikipedia “A tax is a mandatory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed upon tax payer by the government in order to fund various public expenditure”   it is said that tax payment is mandatory, failure to pay such taxes will be punishable under the law.   The Indian tax system is classified as direct and indirect tax.   The indirect taxes are levied on purchase, sale, and manufacture of goods and provision of service.  The indirect tax on goods and services increases its price, this can lead to inflationary trend.  Contribution of indirect taxes to total tax revenue is more than 50% in India, therefore, indirect tax is considered as a major source of tax revenue for the government, which in turn is one of source for GDP growth.  Though indirect tax is a major source of revenue, it had lot of hassles.  To overcome the major issues of indirect tax system the government of India subsumed most of the indirect tax which in turn gave birth to the concept called Goods and Service Tax.

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