Mountain and Forest Communities and Their Changing Landscapes in 19th-Century Mexico

Alejandro Tortolero Villaseñor

For several years, some of Mexico’s most influential literary figures associated mountains with the presence of certain characteristics: wildlife, botanic variety, and most importantly, backwards and/or mysterious indigenous communities. Order and civilization, it seemed, for writers like Ignacio Altamirano and Manuel Payno, ceased to exist in mountainscapes. For these writes, mountains constituted social afterthoughts—places lacking history and dynamism, places that did not matter. They were, in Braudelian terms, the margins of civilization and factories that supplied human resources to cities. Such portrayals were not derived from reality, however. Far from solely being dull or dangerous sites where banditry and romantic indigeneity prevailed, Mexico’s mountains were, between the colonial era and the Porfiriato, the places where dramatic transformations took place. Impresarios’ mastery of Mexico’s natural resources fueled the country’s economic growth during the 19th and 20th centuries. Concomitant with this growth came dramatic alterations of the country’s landscape that left much of Mexico’s environment in disrepair. Mountains, thus, have histories. They are not landscapes where civilization parts ways with society. Such an argument has relevance in parts of the world like Latin America, where nearly half of the people who reside there live at elevations above sea level, and where only 7 percent reside under an elevation of 1,000 meters above sea level.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Julius Ary Mollet

<p>Today, the Asia Pacific region is one among the fastest growing region in the world with strong economic growth. Due to globalization, world economy has undergone significant changes. While Europe’s economic growth has been slowing down, Asia Pacific’s consistently shows an impressive growth. In the next few years, the economic growth in the region will remain strong, in parallel with improving living standards in the region. With its huge population and strategic location, Asia Pacific offers many opportunities for countries outside the region to embark on collaboration and economic cooperation.</p><p>Papua and PNG are integral parts of Asia Pacific and play a strategic role in the region. Papua and PNG share commonalities in terms of economic development’s approaches. Both regions rely on extractive economies which depend on the exploitation of natural resources. Papua and PNG posses enormous and extraordinary biodiversity, unique to the region. But natural resource-based development has not only threatened but also undermined any effort to protect region’s diverse flora and fauna. With the emergence of Asia Pacific as a new economic powerhouse, the growth has transformed indigenous communities and their livelihood including their economic, cultural and social institutions as well as their relationship with their environment.</p><p>Moreover, although Papua and PNG are resource-rich regions, both have a substantial number of populations who live in poverty or extreme poverty. Income distribution in Papua and PNG demonstrates that there is a striking gap between the poor and the rich. On top of that, the provision of basic services such as education and healthcare is still unevenly distributed. While cities are generally well-served, some areas in the hinterland suffer from a lack of teachers and medical personnel. The fundamental challenges faced by Papua and PNG lie precisely in these aspects: economic, social, cultural and environmental.</p><p>Considering the importance of human development and biodiversity in Papua’s and Papua New Guinea’s contexts, efforts are needed to develop the region, while at the same time, to save and protect region’s immense diversity by improving the quality of life, promoting sustainable development in all sectors, preserving natural resources, and improving community awareness. Furthermore, there is a need to conduct more research and studies related to above mentioned components in order to support better development efforts in the region.</p><p>Papua and PNG have been collaborating in the education sector for a long period, which takes the form of research collaboration, student exchanges, seminars and symposia. This long standing collaboration has strengthened bilateral relations between Papua and PNG. This symposium has persist this tradition as well as add a new tone in the framework of knowledge sharing between educators in Papua, PNG and abroad by bringing together some crucial issues in social sciences and biodiversity in Papua and PNG. Additionally, this symposium is also an important moment for Cenderawasih University as the symposium will be held to commemorate the university’s 53rd anniversary and to celebrate 40 years of diplomatic relations between Papua-Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.</p><p>Cenderawasih University was established on November 10th, 1962. Cenderawasih University is the oldest university in Papua and has committed to develop its human resources and determined to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi or the Three Principles of Higher Education which focuses on education, research, and contribution to society. This momentum of holding International Conference on Social Sciences and Biodiversity of Papua and Papua New Guinea in Cenderawasih University was vital given that some distinguished experts are gathered from around the world presenting their finest research. We highly expect that this event had inspiring researchers who are interested in exploring further research on the social sciences and biodiversity around Papua and Papua New Guinea.  </p>

حسن بن إبراهيم الهنداوي (Hassan Hendawi)

الملخّصإنّ الفقر والإملاق من المشكلات الرئيسة التي يواجهها العالم اليوم، ومن أسبابها ندرة الموارد الاقتصادية الشديدة وندرة الغذاء والماء. فندرة الموارد وقلتها كانت ذات أثر مباشر في قتل الملايين من الأنفس البشريّة. وتعدّ ندرة الموارد عند الاقتصاديين الخطر الأساس الذي يهدد الوجود البشري في هذا العصر. ويعتبرها الاقتصاديّون كذلك معضلة اقتصادية ناتجة عن رغبات الإنسان غير المتناهية مقابل موارد محدودة ومتناهية. ومن الأمور التي يقترحها الاقتصاديون من اجل التغلب على هذه المشكلة أن النّاسن ينبغي عليهم أن يختاروا الموارد الضرورية والحاجية لتلبية رغباتهم. فمفهوم الندرة من منظور الاقتصاد التقليدي يعني موارد محدودة في العالم مقابل حاجات ورغبات غير محدودة. وسبب ذلك عند الاقتصاديين أن الطبيعة لا توفر موارد كافية لتلبية حاجات الناس ورغباتهم غير المتناهية. ونظرة الإسلام التي يمثلها القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة لمسألة الندرة نظرة مختلفة تماما عن نظرة الاقتصاد التقليدي. ويعنى هذا البحث ببيان أن الندرة ليست مشكلة الطبيعة التس سخّرها الله تعالى للإنسان،  ولكن المشكلة في أخلاقيات الناس وتصرفاتهم في الموارد الطبيعية وطريقتهم في الانتفاع بها التي أدت إلى إدخال الضرر والفساد على الموارد الموجودة.الكلمات المفتاحية: الإسلام، ندرة الموارد، الاقتصاد المعاصر، الموارد الطبيعية، الطبيعة. **************************************               AbstractAmong the main problems that the world is facing today are poverty and destitution caused by severe scarcity of economic resources and the scarcity of food and water. The lack of resources has already caused the death of millions of human beings. The scarcity of resources is counted by economists as the primary danger that threatens the human existence. Economists also consider it an economic dilemma caused by infinite human desires against limited and finite resources. In order to overcome this problem among the suggestions made by economists is that human beings should choose only necessary resources to satisfy their desires. The conventional concept of scarcity is that the resources in the world are limited vis-à-vis the unlimited human needs and desires. The reason for that according to economists is that the nature does not provide sufficient resources to meet people’s endless needs and desires. Islamic approach as represented by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah to the issue of scarcity is essentially different from the conventional viewpoint of economists. This paper proposes and explains that the problem is not in the nature which Allah has made subservient to man, but it is in the ethics of the people and their behaviour and way of utilization of natural resources, which ultimately damage and corrupt the available resources.Keywords: Islam, Scarcity of Resources, Modern Economy, Environmental Resources, Nature.

1960 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 59-73 ◽  
Leo A. Orleans

Whereas throughout most of the world the results of the 1953 censusregistration of Communist China, reporting a population of 582·6 million, evoked anxiety and even alarm, the Communists expressed only pride and overwhelming confidence. As a people “liberated from the oppressive chains of capitalism,” Communist leaders felt that their horizons were unlimited and that feeding and caring for a population of this size presented no problems under a system in which people are “the most precious of all categories of capital.” The simultaneous release of vital rates which indicated a birth rate of 37 per thousand population and a death rate of 17 per thousand, further stressed the “great vitality of the people of new China.” The 2 per cent, natural increase (excess of births over deaths), resulting in an annual population growth of some 12 million, was declared, in line with Marxist doctrine, to be an asset in a country with vast new lands and unexploited natural resources, where additional people create additional wealth.

Durga D Poudel

Sustainable conservation, development, and utilization of natural and human resources is necessary for accelerated economic growth and fast-paced socio-economic transformation of Nepal. Asta-Ja Framework, which is a theoretically grounded grassroots based peaceful and self-reliant planning and development approach, offers practical strategies for sustainable conservation and development of natural and human resources enhancing food, water, climate, and environmental security, accelerated economic growth, and socio-economic transformation of Nepal. Asta-Ja includes interconnected eight resources in Nepali letter, Ja, – Jal (water), Jamin (land), Jungle (forest), Jadibuti (medicinal and aromatic plants), Janashakti (manpower), Janawar (animal), Jarajuri (crop plants) and Jalabayu (climate). Asta-Ja Framework is a unifying framework for planning and resources development and has a strong footing on science, business, and eastern philosophy. While providing practical guidelines for achieving food, water, climate and environmental security, this article presents Nepal Vision 2040, which is developed considering challenges that Nepal is currently facing and its available Asta-Ja resources, envisioning that Nepal’s economic development reaching at the par of developed nations by 2040. Key strategic sectors identified in Nepal Vision 2040 include smallholder mixed-farming system, agro-jadibuti industrialization, protection of drinking water sources, climate change adaptation, environmental pollution control, conservation of natural resources, infrastructure, tourism, renewable energy, alleviation of inequalities, and good governance. This article demonstrates strategies for addressing social discrimination and inequalities through the process of Asta-Ja community capacity-building and self-reliant development. Ecological balance of Asta-Ja resources is necessary for sustainable natural resources, economic development, and community resiliency. The Government of Nepal is suggested to adopt Asta-Ja Framework as its national planning and development framework for sustainable economic growth and fast-paced socio-economic transformation of the country.

Al-Albab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Suraya Sintang ◽  
Rosdiana Onga ◽  
Siti Aidah Hj Lukin ◽  
Asmady Idris

Borneo Island is the third largest island in the world, rich in natural resources, biodiversity and cultural diversity. The uniqueness of Borneo is that it is home to three countries; Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, each with their own valuable cultural heritage. One of the unique aspects of the Borneo archipelago is the shared wealth of civilizations derived from the dissemination of Islam. Treasures known as the “Borneo Islamic Heritage" are not only valuable as cultural artefacts that need to be preserved, but they can also be elevated and commercialised as regional economic drivers. This paper discusses the Idahan manuscript written in Jawi script as one of the treasures of Islamic intellectual legacy in Borneo. The method of study is based on content analysis which depicts the descriptive history of the discovery of the Idahan Jawi manuscript. This manuscript not only serves as evidence of the early embrace of Islam in Sabah, but also as a reference to matters pertaining to religion and the laws of Islamic jurisprudence. This factor leads the Idahan community be considered as the first native people embracing Islam at the east coast of Sabah. The contribution of this study is to enhance understanding of the development of Islamic heritage in Borneo Island and to inculcate the spirit of solidarity among the people living in the region.

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (1-2 (5)) ◽  
pp. 112-119
Gayane Petrosyan

The poetry of the world-renowned poetess Emily Dickenson received general acclaim in the fifties of the previous century, 70 years after her death. This country-dwelling lady who had locked herself from the surrounding world, created one of the most precious examples of the 19th century American poetry and became one of the most celebrated poets of all time without leaving her own garden.Her soul was her universe and the mission of Dickenson’s sole was to open the universe to let the people see it. Interestingly, most of her poems lack a title, are short and symbolic. The poetess managed to disclose the dark side of the human brain which symbolizes death and eternity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Zhuobi Luo

The dissimilation of the social functions of commercial banks is a phenomenon that the function of commercial banks deviates from the economic development and the people's livelihood. Such phenomenon, which can be seen all over the world, impedes the socio-economic development and affects the well-being of the people to some degree. After investigating and analyzing the dissimilation of the social functions of Chinese commercial banks, it was found that their social functions play a significant role, and the booming development of these banks has made great contribution to the economic growth and improved people's livelihood in China. China should also have special experience in preventing and handling this dissimilation.

2018 ◽  
pp. 843-867
Jyoti Chandiramani ◽  
Aanchal Airy

Urbanization in the South Asia Region (SAR) stood at 34% (2014) and is relatively sluggish when compared to that of the World at 54%. The World Urbanization Prospects (2014) and World Bank Report (2016) reveals that the future urbanization globally will be concentrated in Asia and predominantly in the select countries of SAR - Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The chapter analyses the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the select countries, which are indicative of the quality of life of citizens, benchmarking it with that of Asia and the world. The analysis reveals the slow, messy and hidden nature of urbanization in the region which is required to be addressed. The conclusions recommend large investment and policy imperatives which should bring about sustainable urbanization ensuring basic urban services resulting in improved demographics, Human Development Indices and other socio-economic characteristics of the people in the region.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Dewi Saraswati Sakariah

This study discusses about the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement in Japan’s manufacturing companies. Japan is a country with the fastest aging population in the world that has many problems in itspopulation demographic.Meanwhile, the government launched intensifying efforts to make Japan rises from its economic recession since the 1990s.One of the efforts is call on each of the people who is still able to work to contribute to the employment sector in order to achieve economic growth strategy.One of the encouraged groups isthe post-retirementsenior workers in Japan’s manufacturing companies.The call on was well received while a number of companies were adopting this system with several different reasonsnamely life expectancy increases, the government calls to the people, the needs of the company's senior workers for productivity and skill transfering, the salary and the company's view of the young workers. This research will be interpreted by sosial changes perspective in society from Anthony Giidens. This study concludes that the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement is the result of social changes that has occurred in Japanese society today.

Efrén Orozco López

Una discusión reciente en México es la posesión territorial. Este artículo comprende cuatro apartados que discuten tal fenómeno. El primero refiere al despojo como proceso histórico que se da por la disputa de recursos naturales, se ejemplifican dos casos de México y se plantean a los geoparques mundiales como alternativas de apropiación territorial de comunidades originarias. El segundo analiza fundamentos de los geoparques, y su situación en Latinoamérica, especificando al Geoparque Mundial Mixteca Alta (GMA). El tercero aborda la Educación Popular como paradigma de análisis, enfatizando al taller como herramienta de reflexión y acción en temas como la defensa del territorio. finalmente se da cuenta de dos talleres realizados a guías del GMA y los resultados referentes a la apropiación territorial. An actual discussion in Mexico has been the possession of land by the indigenous communities. The article is organized into four sections. The first refers to territorial evictions as a relevant historical process in Latin America due to the dispute over natural resources. In this same section the attention is focused in two cases of the activities developed in two mexican indigenous lands and the importance of the existence of geoparks as an alternative to land possession. The second section analyzes the characteristics of geoparks, their situation in Latin America, particularly in the case of the Mixtec World Geopark (GMA) in Mexico. The third part refers to methodologies that are based on Popular Education. It emphasizes the implementation of workshops as a tool that intends to generate reflection and action on issues such as the defense of the communal land. The final section represents the testimonies of two workshops conducted with GMA guides and their results regarding territorial management and property.

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