Ethical Challenges Posed by Nanotechnology

Subrata Saha ◽  
Stephen J. Florczyk

Nanotechnology Developments and Ethical Challenges: The hype surrounding nanotechnology includes the transformation of the world for the better, with the elimination of poverty and hunger and human life being extended. Medicine would be revolutionized by new treatments developed and “nanobots” circulating throughout the human body that would repair damage and prevent disease and aging.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Thomas Hidya Tjaya

Abstrak: Dalam pengantar pada karyanya Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty praktis mengidentikkan filsafat dengan fenomenologi sebagai usaha untuk mempelajari kembali bagaimana cara melihat dunia. Dalam upaya tersebut ia mengajak pembaca, mengikuti slogan khas fenomenologi Husserl, untuk kembali ke permulaan atau bendabenda itu sendiri. Yang menarik adalah bahwa permulaan yang dianalisis oleh Merleau-Ponty justru tubuh manusia, sebuah dimensi yang cenderung dipandang rendah dalam sejarah filsafat Barat. Ia tidak sendirian dalam hal ini, mengingat dalam fenomenologinya Levinas juga menekankan sensibilitas sebagai locus etika. Menurut penulis, gerakan fenomenologi menuju hal yang sensibel (the sensible) ini tidaklah mengubah hakikat filsafat sebagai usaha untuk mencari asal mula realitas. Realitas yang tersingkap dalam orientasi demikian justru menjadi lebih integral dan komprehensif daripada apa yang selama ini dikenal dalam sejarah filsafat dan sains. Meskipun demikian, orientasi pada pengalaman konkret manusia untuk menggali dasar realitas secara potensial menimbulkan masalah bagi fenomenologi itu sendiri yang selalu ingin kembali ke permulaan. Kata-kata Kunci: Fenomenologi, asal mula, permulaan, ada-dalam-dunia, sains. Abstract: In the Preface to his work Phenomenology of Perception Merleau-Ponty virtually identifies philosophy with phenomenology as a way of relearning to see the world. For this purpose he invites the reader, following the catchphrase in Husserl’s phenomenology, to return to the beginning or the things themselves. What is interesting is that the beginning that Merleau-Ponty analyzes is the human body, which belongs to a dimension that tends to be despised in the history of Western philosophy. He is not alone in this type of investigation, as Levinas also emphasizes sensibility as the locus of ethics. The author argues that the phenomenological movement towards the sensible does not alter the nature of philosophy as an attempt to seek for the nature of reality. The reality as disclosed in this analysis can be more integral and comprehensive than what is usually presented in the history of philosophy and science. The orientation towards the concrete dimension of human life in search for the foundation of reality, however, may cause a problem for phenomenology itself insofar as it always tries to return to the beginning. Keywords: Phenomenology, origin, beginning, being-in-the-world, science.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Ilija Kajtez

In this paper, the author considers the enterprise of fasting, in which the man faces the important issues of his existence, the purpose and worldly life. The author is aware that all social, philosophical and theological phenomena are very complex, profound and obscure and quotes the French philosopher and scientist Pascal, who claimed: ?We do not possess enough knowledge to?understand the life of human body?While in nature everything is closely intertwined ? No part can be recognized unless we have studied the unit. The life of each body will be understood only when we learn all that it needs; and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to study the universe. But the universe is infinite and it is beyond the human ability to grasp it??It is clear from this quotation that we are facing many complex issues whenever we try to reveal one of the secrets of Christian life - the secret of fasting. The second part of the essay has to do with people and the time we live in, the relations between believing doctors and their profession and whether and to what extent a believing doctor who observes fasts is closer to the Truth and Goodness that the one who does not believe. The author argues that the doctor who is a believer and who observes a fast seeing it as the time when values of human life should be put to test and the meaning of medical profession reconsidered is closer to the truth of Existence and love of the world. There is no duty that is more important for a modern, egotistic, materialistic man than resuming fasts. A fast as a profound rethinking of the whole of a human being, as a human effort, as Solzhenitsyn would say, to self-restriction, abstinence, nurturing of his own freedom.

2018 ◽  
pp. 155-167
Jakob Bek-Thomsen ◽  
Frank Lassen ◽  
Mikkel Thorup

The interview with the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama deals with what he once called ‘the most dangerous idea in the world’, namely transhumanism. Transhumanism is the intentional redesign of the human body to make it faster, smarter and healthier, ultimately to free it from the constraints of a corporeal existence and to live forever. Fukuyama is asked to reflect on the philosophical, moral and political dilemmas of the new technologies for designing human life and on the failed opportunities of not engaging oneself as individual and community in these new opportunities.

Mircea Gelu Buta

The disenchantment of the world and the understanding of the human body as a machine led to the training of physicians as mechanics, specialized in a limited field of the profession, in order to increase their competence and efficiency. The metaphor by which the body is understood as a machine gradually took hold of the public consciousness, changing the perception of society, about the role and purpose of the doctor. In this reality, the doctor-patient relationship, captive to the technical system, descends into dark and cold corners, drained by the mystery of human life. There are times when doctors, aware that their mechanistic training is not always enough to fulfil their vocation, realize that the medical act takes place on two levels: divine and human, and their unity is ensured by the love of God. The lack of this love gives way to evil, with the appearance of surprising medical failures, many of them unexplained rationally. 

Philosophy ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 84 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-339
Truls Wyller

AbstractOf what does the size of spatially and temporally extended phenomena consist? The particular, non-conceptual magnitude of a spatial thing is a determinate, world-defining unit size. Correspondingly, natural objects have a definite size in relation to embodied human subjectivity as a global ‘measure of worlds’. As displayed by the occurrence of global models in human life, this relation has an irreducibly indexical character. The particular temporal extension of events is intrinsic to human experience as well – albeit in a different way. As displayed in local models only, it is a conceivable object of practical but not of propositional knowledge. In its role as a global spatial measure, somehow the human body is more than one among the many possible objects of descriptive knowledge. This role is supplied by rational agency – which is then a condition of the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
I Nyoman Piartha

<p><em>The human body in the concept of Hinduism consists of three layers called Tri Sarira, namely: Sthula Sarira (body), Suksma Sarira (subtle body) and Anthakarana Sarira (causative body). Stula Sarira or coarse body is the outermost layer of the human body which is formed from the Panca Maha Buta, which consists of: Pertiwi (solid element), Apah (liquid element), Bayu (air element), Teja (heat / light element), and Akasa (ether). Suksma Sarira or subtle body which is a layer of the body that cannot be seen or touched, but is present    in mankind for example the mind. Anthakarana Sarira is a fine layer that is the cause of human life called Atman. Birth is closely related to the procurement of offspring, serves to pay birth debt. Debt in Sanskrit    is called Rna, which developed into Tri Rna, including: debt to the Gods (Dewa Rna), debt to parents or ancestors (Pitra Rna), and debt to the Rsi (Rsi Rna). In “Lontar Anggastya prana” it is told that the life of the baby while in the womb the mother is guarded and protected by Hyang Siwa / Siwatma.</em></p><em>The process of creation (uttpti) begins with interest or liking at the age of adolescence until the relationship occurs / intercourse until fertilization occurs between spermatozoid (kama petak) with ovum (kama bhang) becomes Sang Hyang Antigajati in the form of the seed of life. When a child is looking for birth, he is called Sang Hyang Siwatma. When humans are born into the world, he is accompanied by four brothers called Chess Sanak in the form of Yeh Nyom (amniotic fluid), placenta, shampoo, and blood. The Catur Sanak accompanies humans from birth as Sang Anggapati, Sang Prajapati, Sang Bhanaspati, and Sang Bhanaspatiraja, until humans die and change their designation according to human development, and continue with the depiction of God in the human body in the form of sacred characters.</em>

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Ray Indra Taufik Wijaya

Education is an important factor in human life. According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, education is a civilizing process that a business gives high values ??to the new generation in a society that is not only maintenance but also with a view to promote and develop the culture of the nobility toward human life. Education is a human investment that can be used now and in the future. One other important factor in supporting human life in addition to education, which is technology. In this globalization era, technology has touched every joint of human life. The combination of these two factors will be a new innovation in the world of education. The innovation has been implemented by Raharja College, namely the use of the method iLearning (Integrated Learning) in the learning process. Where such learning has been online based. ILearning method consists of TPI (Ten Pillars of IT iLearning). Rinfo is one of the ten pillars, where it became an official email used by the whole community’s in Raharja College to communicate with each other. Rinfo is Gmail, which is adapted from the Google platform with typical as its domain. This Rinfo is a medium of communication, as well as a tool to support the learning process in Raharja College. Because in addition to integrated with TPi, this Rinfo was connected also support with other learning tools, such as Docs, Drive, Sites, and other supporting tools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-106

Cruel and inhumane acts that harm human life and health, as well as humiliate the dignity, are prohibited in most countries of the world, and Russia is no exception in this issue. The article presents an analysis of the institution of responsibility for torture in the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that the current criminal law of Russia superficially and fragmentally regulates liability for torture, in connection with which the author formulated the proposals to define such act as an independent crime. In the frame of modern globalization, the world community pays special attention to the protection of human rights, in connection with which large-scale international standards have been created a long time ago. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international acts enshrine prohibitions of cruel and inhumane acts that harm human life and health, as well as degrade the dignity.Considering the historical experience of the past, these standards focus on the prohibition of any kind of torture, regardless of the purpose of their implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-248
Asep Saepul Malik

Kegiatan dakwah ialah suatu aktivitas yang mendorong umat manusia untuk memperkuat keyakinannya kepada Allah SWT dan agar umat yang belum memeluk ajaran Islam juga dapat memeluk ajaran agama Islam dengan menggunakan cara yang bijaksana melalui materi ajaran syariat Islam, supaya mereka mendapatkan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam ialah suatu kegiatan dakwah yang di pimpin langsung oleh sesepuh pondok pesantren azzayniyyah ialah KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. Pengajian kitab al-Hikam ini di dalamnya membahas tentang permasalahan kehidupan manusia seperti masalah hati (qolbu), akhlak, iman, dan Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui penyampayan dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam di pondok pesantren azzayniyyah dan untuk mengetahui pesan-pesan dakwah yang ada di dalam kitab al-Hikam. Landasan teori yang digunakan ialah teori M. Munir tentang dakwah bil-Lisan al-Hal. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif, ialah dengan menggambarkan keadaan sebenarnya melalui pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam yang di lakukan oleh KH. Aang Abdullah Zein di anggap cukup berhasil, karena jamaah memberikan respon yang baik atau positif dan jamaah yang hadir setiap bulan slalu meningkat atau lebih banyak.Da'wah activity is an activity that encourages mankind to strengthen his belief in Allah SWT and so that people who have not embraced the teachings of Islam can also embrace the teachings of Islam by using a wise way through Islamic teaching material, so that they get happiness in the world and the hereafter. Study of the market of the book al-Hikam is a missionary activity led directly by the azzayniyyah boarding school elders is KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. This study of al-Hikam in it discusses the problems of human life such as the problem of the heart (qolbu), morals, faith, and Islam.  Thep of this study is to determine the delivery of da'wah through the study of the market of the book al-Hikam in azzayniyyah boarding school and to find out the messages of da'wah in the book of al-Hikam. The cornerstone of the theory used is M. Munir's theory about the da'wah bil-Lisan al-Hal. This research method uses descriptive, is to describe the actual situation through data collection conducted using interview techniques, documentation, and literature. The results of this study indicate that preaching through the study of the book market al-Hikam conducted by KH. Aang Abdullah Zein was considered quite successful, because worshipers gave good or positive responses and worshipers who were present every month always increased or more.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (10) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Alexander N. Danilov

The article discusses the meanings of life and value priorities of the post- Soviet society. The author argues that, at present, there are symptoms of a global ideological crisis in the world, that the West does not have its own vision of where and how to move on and has no understanding of the future. Unfortunately, most of the post-Soviet countries do not have such vision as well. In these conditions, there are mistrust, confusion, paradoxical manifestation of human consciousness. The main meanings that determine our life-world are: the desire of citizens for social justice and social security, the desire to figure out and understand the basic values of modern society, how honestly and equally the authorities act toward their fellow citizens, and to what extent they reflect their interests. The meanings of life, which are the answers to the challenges of the time, are embodied in the cultural code of each nation, state. The growth points of new values, which will become the basis for the future sustainable development of a new civilization, have yet to be discovered in the systemic transformative changes of the culture. In this process, the emergence of a new system of values that governs human life is inevitable. However, modern technology brings new troubles to humans. It has provided wide opportunities for informational violence and public consciousness manipulation. Nowadays, the scenario that is implemented in Western consumer societies claims to be the dominant scenario. Meanwhile, today there is no country in the world that is a role model, there is no ideal that others would like to borrow. Most post-Soviet states failed to advance their societies to more decent levels of economic development, to meet the challenges of the modern information age, and to provide the population with new high living standards. Therefore, in conditions of growing confrontation, we should realistically understand the world and be ready to implement changes that will ensure sustainable development of the state and society without losing our national identity.

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