Claims for locabiotal (L.P.) aerosol - selpharm

1967 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 30-31

Locabiotal Pressurised Aerosol or L.P. Aerosol (Selpharm) is a French preparation of a fungus extract, fusafungine, dispensed under pressure in a nebuliser. It contains 0.25% fusafungine dissolved in isopropyl myristate - fusafungine is insoluble in water - and a mixture of about ten perfume oils. The makers recommend it for all infections and inflammatory conditions of the respiratory tract. They claim that ‘most Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens in the respiratory tract are sensitive’, that Locabiotal has ‘anti-inflammatory activity equivalent to prednisone’ and that it is a ‘powerful antibiotic with built-in anti-inflammatory action.’ The preparation has been heavily advertised, and the basic NHS cost of each prescription is 18/-.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-96 ◽  
N.K. Manaswini ◽  
S Nazneen ◽  
Garige Baba Shankar Rao ◽  
Boggula Narender ◽  
Bakshi Vasudha ◽  

Aim: The present study is aimed to evaluate in-vitro anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity of phenolic ethereal oils like Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum). Materials and methods: A total of 500 g of fresh leaves and dried flower buds of Tulsi and Clove were subjected to hydro-distillation method for 6 h using Clevenger’s apparatus. The isolated ethereal oils were used for testing the in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity by using albumin denaturation assay, proteinase inhibitory activity at a concentration of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µl/ml and anti-bacterial activity against two gram positive microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus) and two gram negative microorganisms (Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli) at concentrations 50 µl/ml, 100 µl/ml and 200 µl/ml by adopting cup plate method. Results:  The isolated ethereal oils exhibited significant in-vitro anti-inflammatory effect and also inhibited the growth of both Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms at 50 µl/ml, 100 µl/ml and 200 µl/ml concentrations. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the effectiveness of Phenolic ethereal oils isolated from Clove and Tulsi. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) showed enhanced anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity compared to Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum). The present study provides evidence that Ocimum tenuiflorum and Syzygium aromaticum; Phenolic ethereal oils contain medicinally important bioactive components justifying its traditional use. Keywords: Phenolic ethereal oils, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-bacterial activity, Ociumm tenuiflorum, Syzygium aromaticum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Jiaqi Wang ◽  
Shanshan Lu ◽  
Fuming Yang ◽  
Yi Guo ◽  
Zelin Chen ◽  

AbstractAcupuncture is used in the treatment of a variety of inflammatory conditions and diseases. However, the mechanisms of its anti-inflammatory action are complex and have not been systematically investigated. Macrophages are key components of the innate immune system, thus, balancing the M1/M2 macrophage ratio and modulating cytokine levels in the inflammatory environment may be desirable therapeutic goals. Evidence has shown that acupuncture has anti-inflammatory actions that affect multiple body systems, including the immune, locomotory, endocrine, nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems, by downregulating pro-inflammatory M1 and upregulating anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages, as well as by modulating associated cytokine secretion. Macrophage polarization is controlled by the interlocking pathways of extrinsic factors, the local tissue microenvironment, and the neural-endocrine-immune systems. It has been suggested that polarization of T lymphocytes and cytokine secretions resulting in modulation of the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, may be upstream mechanisms of acupuncture-induced macrophage polarization. We further propose that macrophage polarization could be the principal pathway involved in acupuncture immune regulation and provide the scientific basis for the clinical application of acupuncture in inflammatory conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 1934578X1984581
Thana Juckmeta ◽  
Weerachai Pipatrattanaseree ◽  
Wuttichai Jaidee ◽  
Bhanuz Dechayont ◽  
Jitpisute Chunthorng-Orn ◽  

A Thai traditional remedy called Benchalokawichian (BLW) consists of 5 plant species, Ficus racemosa, Capparis micracantha, Clerodendrum petasites, Harrisonia perforata, and Tiliacora triandra. It has long been used in Thai traditional medicine to reduce fever in respiratory tract infection, but there is no report on either cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines of the respiratory tract system or anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, the objectives of this research were to investigate the cytotoxic activity of the ethanolic and water extracts of BLW, its single plant ingredients and its isolated compounds against 5 cancer cell lines of the respiratory tract, by SRB assay. Anti-inflammatory activity of all extracts and compounds was also tested by using lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide (NO) in RAW 264.7 cells. The main compounds were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography and compared with BLW and plant ingredients. A major compound of BLW and H. perforata ethanolic extracts is perforatic acid, which inhibited the growth of 2 lung cancer cell lines, A549 and H226, with IC50 values of 6.7 and 13.2 µg/mL. The ethanolic extract of BLW and T. triandra showed cytotoxic activity against all cancer cell lines with IC50 values in the range of 10.1 to 45.2 µg/mL. In contrast, all EtOH extracts showed moderate anti-inflammatory activity, but the water extract had no inhibitory effect on either activity. Pectolinarigenin and O-methyllaloptaeroxyrin, 2 minor compounds, exhibited NO inhibitory effect with IC50 values of 7.1 and 7.9 µg/mL, respectively, whereas perforatic acid was inactive (>50 µg/mL). Moreover, pectolinarigenin showed high cytotoxic activity against all cancer cell lines of the respiratory system with IC50 values in the range of 1.9 to 9.1 µg/mL. As a result, these 2 minor compounds can be used as markers for quality control of BLW for anti-inflammatory activity. Perforatic acid and pectolinarigenin are of interest for further study on their cytotoxic mechanism. Remarkably, T. triandra, one of the plant components of BLW, is possibly the source of the active cytotoxic compounds.

Marine Drugs ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 590 ◽  
Saraswati ◽  
Puspo Edi Giriwono ◽  
Diah Iskandriati ◽  
Chin Ping Tan ◽  
Nuri Andarwulan

Sargassum is recognized both empirically and scientifically as a potential anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation is an important response in the body that helps to overcome various challenges to body homeostasis such as microbial infections, tissue stress, and certain injuries. Excessive and uncontrolled inflammatory conditions can affect the pathogenesis of various diseases. This review aims to explore the potential of Sargassum’s anti-inflammatory activity, not only in crude extracts but also in sulfated polysaccharides and purified compounds. The tropical region has a promising availability of Sargassum biomass because its climate allows for the optimal growth of seaweed throughout the year. This is important for its commercial utilization as functional ingredients for both food and non-food applications. To the best of our knowledge, studies related to Sargassum’s anti-inflammatory activity are still dominated by subtropical species. Studies on tropical Sargassum are mainly focused on the polysaccharides group, though there are some other potentially bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, terpenoids, fucoxanthin, fatty acids and their derivatives, typical polar lipids, and other groups. Information on the modulation mechanism of Sargassum’s bioactive compounds on the inflammatory response is also discussed here, but specific mechanisms related to the interaction between bioactive compounds and targets in cells still need to be further studied.

1997 ◽  
Vol 87 (10) ◽  
pp. 460-465 ◽  
JW Brook ◽  
A Boike ◽  
RL Zema ◽  
M Weaver ◽  
P Postak

Locally injected steroids are used to treat inflammatory conditions, in spite of the complications associated with their use. Ketorolac tromethamine, an injectable nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has not previously been evaluated for treatment of musculoskeletal inflammatory conditions via local administration. Eighty Achilles tendons of rabbits were traumatized in a controlled fashion. At the time of trauma, a single dose of ketorolac (1, 3, or 5 mg/kg) or normal saline was administered peritendinously. Three days later, the tendons were harvested and examined histologically to evaluate the degree of inflammation present in the tissue. No statistically significant difference was found between the experimental and control groups. The authors conclude that locally injected ketorolac does not prevent the onset of an inflammatory process.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-2
M. Medhabati ◽  
L. Babycha ◽  
L. Tarinita ◽  
Bikram Tewari ◽  
Saumya Kanti Sinha

In the present study, the anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous extract of Portulaca oleracea (POE 200, 400 and 600mg/kg) was studied using carrageenan induced paw oedema in albino rats. The mean increase in paw volume was recorded. POE produced significant (p<,0.01) anti-inflammatory activity when compared to the control. The anti-inflammatory action of POEcan be attributed to its flavonoid contents which are known to act through inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis. However, the test drug at maximum dose (600mg/kg) was found to be less effective than the standard drug, aspirin (100mg/Kg).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
M. Mishyna ◽  
M. Gonchar ◽  
O. Logvinova ◽  
H. Isaieva ◽  
M. Basiuk

DISTRIBUTION OF THE CAUSATIVE AGENTS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN. Mishyna М., Gonchar M., Logvinova O., Isaieva H., Basiuk M. The study aimed to investigate prevalence of microorganisms depending on the site of isolation and disease. The study involved 48 children aged 1 year to 17 years. Acute bronchitis (54, 17%), community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) (33, 33%), bronchial asthma (12, 50%) were diagnosed. Were isolated 173 strains of microorganisms. Gram-positive microorganisms were detected 106 strains (61, 3%), Gram-negative microorganisms - 49 strains (28, 3%), fungi - 18 strains (10, 4%). We investigated 100 samples from nose (nasal swabs), pharynx (throat swabs) and sputum. In 83 cases were isolated Gram-positive microorganisms, in 36 cases were isolated Gram-negative microorganisms, in 18 cases - fungi. Analysis reviled that Staphylococcus aureus most often isolated from patients with acute bronchitis; Gram-negative microorganisms most often detected from throat swabs, comparing with microorganisms detected from nose swabs and sputum. Keywords: microorganisms, biofilms, respiratory diseases, children.   Анотація ПОШИРЕНІСТЬ ЗБУДНИКІВ ІНФЕКЦІЙ ДИХАЛЬНИХ ШЛЯХІВ У ДІТЕЙ. Мішина М.М, Гончарь М. О., Логвінова О.Л., Ісаєва Г.О., Басюк М.А. Метою дослідження було вивчити переважання умовно-патогенних мікроорганізмів, які викликають захворювання органів дихання у дітей, в залежності від місця виділення та захворювання. У дослідженні було 48 дітей у віці від 1 року до 17 років. Пацієнти були з такими діагнозами: гострі бронхіти (54, 17%), негоспітальні пневмонії (33, 33%), бронхіальна астма (12, 50%). Було виділено 173 штама умовно-патогенних мікроорганізмів. Грампозитивних мікроорганізмів було виділено 106 штамів (61, 3%), грамнегативних мікроорганізмів – 49 штамів (28, 3%), грибів – 18 штамів (10, 4%). Було досліджено 100 зразків з зіву, носу, мокротиння. Грампозитивні мікроорганізми були виділені з 83 зразків, грамнегативні – з 36 зразків, гриби – з 18 зразків. Проведене дослідження довело, що Staphylococcus aureus найчастіше виділявся у пацієнтів з гострими бронхітами. Грамнегативні мікроорганізми частіш за все виділялись зі зразків із зіву в порівнянні з мазками з носу та мокротинням. Ключові слова: мікроорганізми, біоплівки, захворювання органів дихання, діти.   Абстракт РАСПРОСТРАНЕННОСТЬ ВОЗБУДИТЕЛЕЙ ИНФЕКЦИЙ ДЫХАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПУТЕЙ У ДЕТЕЙ. Мішина М.М., Гончарь М. О., Логвінова О.Л., Ісаєва Г.О., Басюк М.А. Целью исследования было изучить преобладание условно-патогенныхмикроорганизмов, вызывающих заболевания органов дыхания у детей, в зависимости от места забора материала и заболевания. Исследование включало 48 детей в возрасте от 1 года до 17 лет. Пациенты находились с такими заболеваниями: острые бронхиты (54, 17%), внегоспитальные пневмонии (33, 33%), бронхиальная астма (12, 50%). Всего было выделено 173 штамма условно-патогенных микроорганизмов. Грамположительных микроорганизмов было выделено 106 штаммов (61, 3%), грамотрицательных микроорганизмов – 49 штаммов (28, 3%), грибов – 18 штаммов (10, 4%). Было исследовано 100 образцов из зева, носа, мокроты. Грамположительные микроорганизмы были выделены из 83 образцов, грамотрицальные – из 36 образцов, грибы – из 18 образцов. В ходе исследования было доказано, что Staphylococcus aureus чаще всего выделялся от пациентов с острыми бронхитами. Грамотрицательные микроорганизмы чаще всего выделялись из мазков из зева по сравнению с мазками из носа и мокротой. Ключевые слова: микроорганизмы, биопленки, заболевания органов дыхания, дети.

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