scholarly journals Зміни деяких показників імунітету в самок білих щурів за умов експериментального токсичного гепатиту та їх вплив на репродуктивну функцію

Л. Є. Лимар

ЗМІНИ ДЕЯКИХ ПОКАЗНИКІВ ІМУНІТЕТУ В САМОК БІЛИХ ЩУРІВ ЗА УМОВ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОГО ТОКСИЧНОГО ГЕПАТИТУ ТАЇХ ВПЛИВ НА РЕПРОДУКТИВНУ ФУНКЦІЮ - Проблема порушень функції репродуктивної системи у жінок залишається актуальною впродовждесятиліть. Значну роль в цьому відіграють не лише генетично детерміновані особливості організму, але й наявність супутньої екстрагенітальної патології. Зростання захворюваності жінок призводить не лише до порушення їх працездатності, але й до зниження репродуктивної функції. У жінок репродуктивного віку часто спостерігається поєднання порушень функції репродуктивної системи з хронічними гепатитами різного генезу. Саме ці обставини спонукали нас до проведення експериментальної роботи з метою детального вивчення і аналізу вказаної проблеми. Ми змоделювали хронічний токсичний гепатит у самок білих щурів репродуктивного віку. Вивчали результати клінічних, гістологічних досліджень, показники імунного статусу в піддослідних тварин, а також їх репродуктивну функцію за умов експериментального токсичного гепатиту. Обстежено 65 самок білих щурів репродуктивного віку, яким змоде- льовано хронічний токсичний гепатит (ХТГ). Вивчено клінічні прояви захворювання, стан імунної системи та репродуктивну функцію цих тварин.<br />ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ НЕКОТОРЫХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ ИММУНИТЕТА В САМОК БЕЛЫХ КРЫС В УСЛОВИЯХ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОГО ТОКСИЧЕСКОГО ГЕПАТИТА И ИХ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА РЕПРОДУКТИВНУЮ ФУНКЦИЮ - Проблема нарушений функции репродуктивной системы у женщин остается актуальной на протяжении десятилетий. Значительную роль в этом играют не только генетически детерминированные особенности организма, но и наличие сопутствующей экстрагенитальной патологии. Рост заболеваемости женщин приводит не только к нарушению их работоспособности, но и к снижению репродуктивной функции. У женщин репродуктивного возраста часто наблюдается сочетание нарушений функции репродуктивной системы схроническими гепатитами различной этиологии. Именно эти обстоятельства побудили нас к проведению экспериментальной работы с целью детального изучения и анализа указанной проблемы. Мы смоделировали хронический токсический гепатит у самок белых крыс репродуктивного возраста. Изучали результаты клинических, гистологических исследований, показатели иммунного статуса у подопытных животных, а также их репродуктивную функцию в условиях экспериментального токсического гепатита. Обследовано 65 самок белых крыс репродуктивного возраста, которым смоделирован хронический токсический гепатит (ХТГ). Изучены клинические проявления заболевания, состояние иммунной системы и репродуктивная функция этих животных.<br />CHANGES OF SOME PARAMETERS OF IMMUNITY IN FEMALE OF WHITE RATS IN CONDITIONS OF EXPERIMENTAL TOXIC HEPATITIS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION - The problem of violation of the functions of the reproductive system in women remains relevant over the decades. Significant role in this play not only genetically determined characteristics of the organism, but also the presence of concomitant extragenital pathology. The increase in the incidence of women not only leads to violation of their health, but also a decrease in reproductive function. In women of reproductive age, there is often a combination of dysfunctions of the reproductive system with chronic hepatitis of different etiology. These circumstances prompted us to conduct experimental work with the purpose of detailed study and analysis of this problem. We<br />simulated chronic toxic hepatitis in female albino rats of reproductive age. We studied the clinical, histological studies, indicators of immune status in experimental animals and their reproductive function in conditions of experimental toxic hepatitis. 65 female albino rats of reproductive age, which simulated chronic toxic hepatitis (HTG) were surveyed. The clinical manifestations of the disease, the immune system and reproductive function of these animals were investigated.<br />Ключові слова: імунна система, хронічний токсичний гепатит, репродуктивна функція.<br />Ключевые слова: иммунная система, хронический токсический гепатит, репродуктивная функция.<br />Key words: immune system, chronic toxic hepatitis, reproductive function.

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
L. Ye. Lymar

<p>Parafunctions of organs of the reproductive system occupy one of the main places among gynaecological diseases<br />and are the issue of the day, because they result not only in the loss of capacity but also decline of reproductive function.<br />Concomitant diseases play a considerable role in the development of this pathology. Women of reproductive age<br />often have combination of violations of menstrual function with chronic hepatitis of different genesis. With the aim of<br />the detailed study and analysis of the indicated problem an experimental study was undertaken. We made a model<br />of chronic toxic hepatitis for the sex matured females of white rats. There were studied the results of morphological<br />changes in the liver of experimental animals, state of enzymatic, protein-synthesizing liver functions in the conditions<br />of experimental toxic hepatitis and their correlation with the results of clinical and biochemical researches. 50 sex<br />matured females of white rats were examined whom chronic toxic hepatitis (CT H) was modelled.</p>

Kalinkina O.B. ◽  
Tezikov Yu.V. ◽  
Lipatov I.S. ◽  
Aravina O.R.

Genital endometriosis is a disease of women of reproductive age, accompanied by infertility in 50% [1]. Adenomyosis can be considered as an endometriosis of the uterus. Histologically, this process is represented by ectopic, non-tumor endometrial glands, and stroma surrounded by hypertrophic and hyperplastic myometrium [2]. Adenomyosis is accompanied by pelvic pain of varying intensity as well as menstrual disorders [1]. The disease is accompanied by significant violations of reproductive function (infertility, unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy and miscarriage, abnormal uterine bleeding). Adenomyosis can be accompanied by a violation of the function of adjacent organs (such as the bladder, rectum). Often, one of the clinical manifestations of adenomyosis is the development of sideropenic syndrome, which is also caused by the development of chronic post-hemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia. This is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of patients, a decrease in their ability to work. Despite a large number of publications in Russian and foreign scientific sources devoted to this problem, reproductive doctors and obstetricians-gynecologists often underestimate the role of adenomyosis in pregnancy planning using assisted reproductive technologies. Without interpreting the anamnesis data obtained through an active survey, doctors do not prescribe additional methods for diagnosing this pathology, which is not complex and expensive. To confirm the diagnosis, a transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs during the premenstrual period is sufficient. In cases that are difficult to diagnose, the MRI method of the corresponding anatomical area can be used. Underestimation of the clinical picture and under-examination of the patient did not allow prescribing timely correction of the pathology and led to unsuccessful attempts to implement the generative function using assisted reproductive technologies. The conducted examination with clarification of the cause of IVF failures and the prescribed reasonable treatment made it possible to achieve regression of endometriosis foci in this clinical situation, followed by the patient's ability to realize generative function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-39
V.A. Bocharov ◽  
V.V. Bocharova ◽  
M.M. Lebediuk ◽  
A.A.S. Sarayreh ◽  
L.V. Kuts

According to the decisions of international scientific forums, the problem of phenomenon of rosacea (acne rosacea), a common dermatosis with numerous unexplained aspects of etiopathogenesis is a promising area of modern medical research. The aim of the study was theoretical substantiation of the essential features of the mechanisms of occurrence, development and clinical manifestations of the first signs of rosacea in women of reproductive age. The use of a systematic analytical methodical approach to assess the data of clinical and laboratory examinations of women with rosacea, conducted in different regions of the world, allowed to establish the originality of such manifestations of dermatosis as the appearance of unexpected rushes to limited areas of the face, accompanied by local redness and local heat areas of the skin differring significantly from similar rushes in other diseases or syndromes (menopause, migraine, etc.). It is established that the peculiarity of the relationship of these clinical characteristics (from English: rush, ruddy, redness, rosacea, reproductive age of women, reaction) allows to indicate the first signs of dermatosis as a phenomenon inherent in this disease Rush-Ruddy-Rosacea-Reproduce-Reaction (abbreviated – «5-R»), the key pathophysiological target of which (as well as the disease as a whole) is a disorder of a set of hierarchically dependent mechanisms of the evolutionarily determined motivational need to ensure reproductive function in women (both at the cellular level and extracellular structures of the ovaries, and at different levels of subcortical formations and centers of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres). The phenomenon of rosacea rush is closely related to other phenomena of this dermatosis – hypersensitivity of bradykinin receptors, actinic elastosis, development of post erythematous telangiectasia. The prospect of further research on the problem of rosacea is to study the relationship of disorders in the functional systems of molecules of signaling compounds of different classes (hormones, eicosanoids, neuropeptides, kinins, cytokines and others) in the pathogenesis of the disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 27-31
O.D. Dubenko ◽  
M.A. Flaksemberh ◽  
A.Ye. Dubchak

The objective: a study of the condition of the mammary glands in women with uterine leiomyoma on the background of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Materials and methods. At the first stage of the research, a retrospective analysis of histories of 246 women with infertility and uterine leiomyoma on the background of inflammatory diseases and pathology of mamma glands, who were treated in the department of family planning and rehabilitation of reproductive function of State Institution “Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine” named after Academician OM Lukyanova in 2015-2019 was done. In the second stage, a screening ultrasound examination to detect pathology of the breast was performed on the 6th-11th day of the menstrual cycle. Results. The severity of clinical manifestations of dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast depends on the influence of the most significant risk factors associated with mamma glands diseases: late reproductive age, number of interrupted pregnancies (abortion, miscarriage), genital diseases, age of menarche, the parameters of the menstrual cycle, disorders and duration of menstruations, duration of infertility and lactation, comorbid somatic pathology, especially liver disease, thyroid disease, frequent stress and severe heredity.Conclusions. The high frequency of combination of uterine leiomyoma and dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast in women with infertility indicates the need for timely diagnosis and adequate correction of this pathology as one of the factors in the development of mamma gland diseases and the earliest use of methods of rehabilitation of reproductive function. This will increase the effectiveness of infertility treatment and prevention of uterine and mammological pathology.

2018 ◽  
pp. 46-48
B.M. Ventskovskii ◽  
L.M. Varchenko ◽  

6 months levothyroxine appointment in 80 reproductive-age women with subtypical hypothyroidism contributed to the normalization of hormonal interactions in the pituitary-ovarian axis with the elimination of reproductive system disorders in 58.8% cases. Hormonal disorders with hyperprolactinemia persisted in 41.2% of women, so they continued substitution therapy with the inclusion of selective dopamine receptor blocker of cabergoline. After 9, and even more after 12 months of this treatment, both the normalization of the hormonal profile and the elimination of clinical manifestations of disorders in the reproductive system were achieved. Key words: hyperprolactinemia, cabergoline, menstrual disorders, reproductive system, hormones.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-43
Sergey A Babanov ◽  
Leonid A Strizhakov ◽  
Irina A Agarkova ◽  
Yuriy V Tezikov ◽  
Igor S Lipatov

Background. Exposure to physical and chemical work-related hazards can lead to an impairment of reproductive function, gynecological diseases and a pregnancy course worsening. Aim to determine methods of prevention and treatment of occupational disorders of the reproductive system in women and men who deals with harmful labour conditions. Outcomes and methods. To write this review a search for domestic and foreign publications in Russian and international search systems (PubMed, eLibrary, etc.) for the last 2-15 years was conducted. The review includes articles from peer-reviewed literature. Results. Evaluation of a relationship and its degree between a reproductive system diseases and workplace conditions showed that women working in harmful conditions (class 3.1-3.3) had complications of pregnancy and childbirth disorders which were to a high or medium degree related to their labour conditions. Newborns’ health disorders were assessed as a category of very high degree relationships with the mother’s work. Thus the fact that maternal occupational risks induce a child’s health disorders can be considered as fundamentally proven. This study data showed that occupations of high risk of a reproductive health disorders include female workers who work in conditions of class 3 of the 2nd degree of harm. Conclusions. Obstetrician-gynecologists, occupational physicians who work as part of medical commissions for preliminary and periodic medical examinations as well as obstetrician-gynecologists who deals with women of reproductive age in women’s consultation clinic and reproductive health centers (including those planning childbearing) need to make decisions strictly according to legal and regulatory acts on health protection of employees who work under arduous and harmful labour conditions, and above all to consider on maintenance of their reproductive function.

Reproduction ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 155 (1) ◽  
pp. R13-R37 ◽  
R S Tavares ◽  
S Escada-Rebelo ◽  
A F Silva ◽  
M I Sousa ◽  
J Ramalho-Santos ◽  

Diabetes mellitus has been increasing at alarming rates in recent years, thus jeopardizing human health worldwide. Several antidiabetic drugs have been introduced in the market to manage glycemic levels, and proven effective in avoiding, minimizing or preventing the appearance or development of diabetes mellitus-related complications. However, and despite the established association between such pathology and male reproductive dysfunction, the influence of these therapeutic interventions on such topics have been scarcely explored. Importantly, this pathology may contribute toward the global decline in male fertility, giving the increasing preponderance of diabetes mellitus in young men at their reproductive age. Therefore, it is mandatory that the reproductive health of diabetic individuals is maintained during the antidiabetic treatment. With this in mind, we have gathered the available information and made a critical analysis regarding the effects of several antidiabetic drugs on male reproductive function. Unlike insulin, which has a clear and fundamental role on male reproductive function, the other antidiabetic therapies' effects at this level seem incoherent. In fact, studies are highly controversial possibly due to the different experimental study approaches, which, in our opinion, suggests caution when it comes to prescribing such drugs to young diabetic patients. Overall, much is still to be determined and further studies are needed to clarify the safety of these antidiabetic strategies on male reproductive system. Aspects such as the effects of insulin levels variations, consequent of insulin therapy, as well as what will be the impact of the side effect hypoglycemia, common to several therapeutic strategies discussed, on the male reproductive system are still to be addressed.

B.A. Markevich ◽  
G.V. Chayka

Most of the problems of the female reproductive system in fertile age are a direct consequence of those pathologies that have arisen in puberty age, in the period of the establishment of its functions. Therefore, the formation of the normal physical and sexual development of adolescent girls depends on the formation of reproductive capacity, the improvement of the demographic situation and the health of future generations. The aim of the study — detection of the relationship between the features of sexual development in healthy and girls with primary dysmenorrhea of puberty age. The results of researches of 306 girls of puberty age of different somatotypes are analyzed, defined by the Hit-Carter method. Statistical processing of the results obtained was carried out in a licensed package “Statistica 6.1”. The study group included 76 girls with primary dysmenorrhea, and the control group consisted of 230 healthy girls (data were taken from the database of the SRC National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya). We investigated the peculiarities of the development of the reproductive system of girls of pubertal age with primary dysmenorrhea of different somatotypes. The results of our research show that there is a connection between the age-depending dynamics of sexual development: the thelarche, axillary hair growth, the formation of menstrual function in girls of pubertal age who suffer from primary dysmenorrhea in comparison with healthy girls. The results of our study should be taken for the diagnosing of primary dysmenorrhea of girls of pubertal age in order to reduce clinical manifestations and further development of complications in reproductive age.

2013 ◽  
Vol 17 (1 (65)) ◽  
pp. 50-51
L. M. Koptieva ◽  
S. P. Poliova ◽  
O. S. Hurskyi

The data of the diagnosis of a tuberculous lesion of the reproductive system in women with pulmonary tuberculosis are presented. It is shown that in this group of patients the reproductive function undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes whose, early detection contributes to effective prevention of diseases caused by the tuberculous process.

2016 ◽  
pp. 126-129
M. Makarenko ◽  
D. Hovsyeyev ◽  
L. Sydoryk ◽  

Different kinds of physiological stress cause mass changes in the cells, including the changes in the structure and function of the protein complexes and in separate molecules. The protein functions is determined by its folding (the spatial conclusion), which depends on the functioning of proteins of thermal shock- molecular chaperons (HSPs) or depends on the stress proteins, that are high-conservative; specialized proteins that are responsible for the correct proteinaceous folding. The family of the molecular chaperones/ chaperonins/ Hsp60 has a special place due to the its unique properties of activating the signaling cascades through the system of Toll-like receptors; it also stimulates the cells to produce anti- inflammatory cytokines, defensins, molecules of cell adhesion and the molecules of MHC; it functions as the intercellular signaling molecule. The pathological role of Hsp60 is established in a wide range of illnesses, from diabetes to atherosclerosis, where Hsp60 takes part in the regulation of both apoptosis and the autoimmune processes. The presence of the HSPs was found in different tissues that are related to the reproductive system. Key words: molecular chaperons (HSPs), Toll-like receptors, reproductive function, natural auto antibody.

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