scholarly journals I. V. Arnold’s Theory of Foregrounding and Its Application to Text Analysis

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Vera Meniailo

The theory of foregrounding, developed by St. Petersburg scholar Irina Vladimirovna Arnold in the middle of the 20th century, was rather revolutionary for its time as it aimed to establish connection between formal levels of the language and textual meanings that allowed the reader to decode the author’s message. Arnold identifies four principal elements of foregrounding that disclose conceptual textual meaning: the strong position of a text, repetitions on different levels of language, the convergence of stylistic devices and defeated expectancy. The professor states that these elements of the text are always intentional and, thus, give a key to understanding the author’s message and position. This theory, being universal and easy to apply, has been widely used by Russian scholars working in the domain of textual linguistics and stylistics until nowadays. Such an approach increases the objectivity of the scientific findings in this area and enriches the overall text analysis with extra details and more meanings disclosed. The paper gives an overview of the theory of foregrounding, emphasizing the role it plays in text analysis and stylistics of decoding, and illustrates its principles with examples of practical analysis of the text conducted by the author of the paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-69
E. A. Frolova

The article presents an analysis of three poems about war («The Tale of Our Lady and Russian Soldiers» («Slovo o Bogoroditse i Russkih Soldatah»), «The Attack» («Ataka»), «The Forties» («Sorokovye»)) written by D. Samoylov in different periods of his creative activity. On the basis of the existing research of the creative work of the famous poet of the 20th century, a multilevel characteristic of his war lyrics is given. The aim of the article is to characterize the specific features of the poetic language of such an original author by means of a lingvo-stylistic analysis of D. Samoilov’s poems, to reveal the richness and diversity of his artistic manner. The following research methods were used: analytical reading, comparative analysis, ontological method, a multilevel analysis of poetry. The author accentuates reminiscences in D. Samoilov’s war poetry, the contrast and contrast means, repetition as an artistic device, paronomasia in the stylistic mixture of linguistic means belonging to different levels. A multidimensional poet’s approach to the theme of the war is the conclusion of the article.

Mikhail Tarasov

The article deals with the narrative text construction. The study thoroughly analyzes cognitive models that can become the basis of this process. Firstly, the author is studying the theory of rhetoricalcommonplaces. The article shows that this theory is suitable for constructing a rhetorical text, but not a narrative one. The second model discussed is the concept model. The article argues that this model is most convenient for text analysis, but not for its formation. Marvin Minsky's frame theory is analyzed in detail. It is stated that the theory of frames and individual narrative concepts, in particular those formulated by R. Barth, have much in common. It is concluded that the theory of frames can be perceived as the ontological basis of the narrative scientific description. In addition, the article briefly discusses the cognitive model by R. Quillian and R. Langacker. Their essence is to highlight the main and secondary content in the text. The possibility of using these models in the text analysis and its synthesis is proved by their conceptual similarity with G.Y. Solganik’s analysis of the novel by L. Tolstoy. Special attention is paid to the theory of R. Abelson. It is argued that the proposed hierarchy of cognitive structures has a generalizing character and is adequate to the text. The article gives an example based on a local narrative figure analysis undertaken by V.V. Vinogradov. The paper indicates the possibility to describe this figure within Abelson's theory. As a result of different cognitive models and narrative conceptscomparison, the article formulates the sequence of stages in the analysis and synthesis of text units found at different levels. The first stage of this sequence is the narrative figures analysis. The second one is the analysis of episodes, which are narrative figures associations. The third one is the analysis of the text plot structures. It is proposed to consider text units as realizations of cognitive structures. It is argued that the cognitive approach to the narrative provides its holistic and detailed adequate description.

Tilen Slakan

The following article presents a detailed analysis of compositional techniques in the orchestral work Slovenica for Brass, Percussion and Strings (1976) by Alojz Srebotnjak. It discusses the composer‘s intertwinment of folklore elements with the sonority of compositional processes in the 20th century. Throughout all three sentences Srebotnjak uses multiple linking compositional elements that he complexly intertwines on different levels of musical texture. The structure is also tightly connected to the concept of constructing different musical textures, melodical patterns, orchestral and dinamic constrasts, and harmonic systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-289
Marina S. Krutova

The article raises the actual questions: if the theater can be Christian and who in that case the actor is — “a priest” or “a buffoon”. The purpose of this article is to consider the issue of “Christian theater” at different levels: historical, psychological, social. The article analyzes the issues of actors’ personalities formation and their religious sear­ches. There are considered the conditions of Christian upbringing in families and faith preservation in the complex historical period of the Russian history of the late 19th — mid-20th century. The no­velty of this study lies in the fact that it introduces into scientific circulation little-known manuscript materials stored in the Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library: 44 autobiographies of recognized actors, which were published in 1928 in edited form by the writer V.G. Lidin; as well as some other unpublished documents. The sources show that actors brought up on Christian ideals followed them in their work, despite the difficult conditions of socio-political life in the country. Among them are well-known actors of the Moscow Art Theater, Moscow Art Academic Theater, State Academic Maly Thea­ter, Vsevolod Meyerhold State Theater, Bolshoi Drama Theater, Vakhtangov State Academic Theater (and others): V. Kachalov, I. Ilyinsky, R. Apollonsky, L. Vivyen, G. Ge, A Koonen, A. Orochko, G. Martynova and other masters. The article also uses some little-known writings of the actors, their questionnaires on the psychology of acting, photographs, as well as manuscripts and published memoirs of their contemporaries (E.D. Golovinskaya, E.A. Korotneva, V.D. Markov, Yu. Panich), allowing to consider the issue of “Christian theater” from different sides.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 4056 ◽  
Maria Busse ◽  
Nico Heitepriem ◽  
Rosemarie Siebert

To successfully implement sustainability innovations, it is crucial to gain knowledge about their acceptability by potential users. This paper addresses the acceptability of land pools for the sustainable revalorization of wetland meadows using two case studies in a cultural landscape (CL) in Germany. The aim of this study is to analyse factors that influence the decisions of landowners and farmers towards these land pools. Therefore, we developed a sociologically driven framework of acceptability. We applied structured qualitative text analysis for analysing qualitative interviews. The results show that acceptability differs between the two case study areas and between interviewees. The value-based appreciation of the CL is high, but does not lead “per se” to a positive acceptance of the land pools. Reasons for this are the lack of shared values and the existence of diverging opinions about the objectives of land pools. Additional important factors are previous experiences, level of participation, and trust in actors or institutions. A recommendation is that discussion of values of nature supports the identification of shared values. A clear description of the problem and embedding the concept in a systematic strategy for regional development could enhance acceptability. For the success of similar sustainability innovations, it is essential to design a fair innovation process (transparent communication and active actors’ involvement). A theoretical-conceptual conclusion is that the acceptability framework supports qualitative, in-depth and actor-centred analyses focussing on linkages between values and arguments on different levels. The framework also reveals diverse and previously unknown factors.

Winfred Wenhui Xuan ◽  
Dongbing Zhang

Abstract The present study examines the ways Chinese high school EFL learners organize information in their writing. A class of 50 students at grade 9 from a local high school in Guangzhou, China, were recruited as participants. The students’ writing at grade 9 was collected as a corpus, comprising ten writing tasks from different text types. In order to gain a holistic understanding of the organization of information in student writing, the analytical framework of Theme at three levels – that is, clause, paragraph, and text – from Derewianka and Jones (2010) was adopted. Findings show that the students have varying degrees of control over information organization at different levels. In particular, the students are not proficient in organizing information at the paragraph level. Findings also show that registerial differences affect the organization of information. The study provides relevant pedagogical implications and recommendations for this group of learners.

2020 ◽  
pp. 171-179
N. N. Fedina ◽  

The paper describes the phonetic correlations found in the records done by V. V. Radlov (1866–1907), N. A. Baskakov (1934–1952), and modern Chalkan records (2010–2019). We show certain phonetic shifts that have taken place since the middle of the 19th century: spirantization of labial consonants in the inlaut; the shifts in consonants: j-č-t’; elimination of the auslaut -ғ (-ɣ). Graphic correlations are also shown in anlaut: p- (mid-19th century), b- (mid-20th century), p- (early 21st century). The text analysis in the diachronic aspect allowed us to assume that the anlaut grapheme “b” in the texts of N. A. Baskakov is not a confirmation of the presence of the corresponding sound [b] in the language of the Chalkans of the beginning of the 20th century. The use of the analog sound [p] instead of [b] is evidenced by the materials of V. V. Radlov. N. A. Baskakov most likely used the grapheme “b” in his texts to reflect Chalkan speech at the beginning of the 20th century by analogy with other Turkic closely related languages in which this sound is present. Graphic correlations are also shown in inlaut: -џ- (mid-19th century), -dž- / -ž- (mid-20th century), -ž- / -š’- (early 21st century). Graphic variations stem from the fact that the Chalkan language remains unwritten to this day, and for the transmission of national speech, researchers and native speakers use graphics of written Altai and Russian languages, adapting it to the features of their speech.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Abdul Basid

Polemic on the origin of women creation is still exist, since the study on misoginis hadith on those problem is still interesting to be discuss. This article tries to reveal the origin of women creation focusing on text analysis through takhrīj al-ḥadīth method in Bukhori and Muslim books. Hadith texts stating that the origin of women is created from men’s rib based on feminism movement is considered invalid, although it comes from ṣāḥiḥain book since it gives negative impression toward women position. Those negative impression can be lost when the meaning toward those hadith through metaphor, not through textual meaning. Keywords: creation, women, Takhrij al-Ḥadīth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Dewi Puspitasari

This research aimed to interpret the meaning of aspects in the verbal and visual texts to identify whether these two texts created interplay. It was intended to understand the meaning conveyed by the writer and illustrator in a Japanese children’s book entitled ‘Kuroino’ (Little Shadow). This research used the approaches for verbal text analysis by Halliday  about Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and visual text analysis by Kress and van Leeuwen about Visual Grammar (VG). The research method was descriptive qualitative by explaining two data types: clauses in the Japanese language and images in the storybook. The data analysis of every aspect in the three metafunctions of language and the three metafunctions of images show the meaning that completes each other. In the analysis of ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning, the writer narrates the friendship and adventure of ‘Kuroino’ (the Black) and Watashi (I). Meanwhile, in the analysis of representational meaning, interactive meaning, and compositional meaning, the illustrator describes two characters in a book entitled ‘Kuroino’ as the focuses in some pictures. Besides, the illustrator describes the background in detail as if he invites the reader to participate in the adventure of these two characters. Although verbal and visual texts describe a story from two different perspectives, in ‘Kuroino’, these texts collaborate to create a message in the story with synergy and meaning to be easily understood by the readers by maintaining the entertainment aspect in a story narrated.

Marina V. Kushcheva ◽  

The following article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of the images of a key character in the epoch of the Civil (religious) wars in France, Henry, Duke of Guise in schoolbooks of the 19th – early 20th century. The research is based on several schoolbooks for different levels of education published in France and Russia at that time. It is concluded that the “black legend” about the Duke of Guise consolidated in the collective consciousness as a contribution of educational literature. He was portrayed not only as an antagonist to not only the last Valois, but also to the future monarch Henry IV, the one traditionally standing for tolerance and progress in European historical culture. However, in the liberal-republican discourse Henry of Guise’s image was always rather ambiguous. The schoolbooks reflect the controversial char - acter of his figure, as it was constructed by historians. The ever-changing politi- cal context and the development of historical research defined the evolution of his image in France as well as in Russia and the aiming for further objectiveness in 19–20th century schoolbooks. Nevertheless, the main features of his image haven’t changed.

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