2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-54
Svetlana V. Murasheva

The urgency of the problem of studying the tension and conflict of interethnic interaction in the modern world is caused by the prevalence of negative opinions and stereotypical attitudes in society about persons belonging to ethnic groups different from Russian, the rapidly growing alienation of nations, the injustice of the administrative and territorial hierarchy of peoples, facts of ethnophobia and xenophobia. The ethnic component is becoming key and decisive in the social and political life of our country and causes inter-ethnic tensions and conflicts. At the current stage of development of social relations, there is an urgent need to develop and further introduce a system of prevention and resolution of inter-ethnic conflicts, which would be based on the Concept of State National Policy. Consolidation of society in order to solve national problems should be identified as a priority in the Concept of State National Policy. Due to these circumstances, research into the tensions and conflicts of inter-ethnic interaction has conceptual and practical significance, attracts the close attention of researchers from various fields of scientific knowledge and encourages them to develop and implement effective ways of preventing and settling conflicts of this type. The aim of the article was to present the results of the study of interethnic tensions and conflicts in the modern world. An important place is given to the impact of interethnic conflicts on the development of social relations. The scientific novelty of the provisions proposed in the article is the study of the peculiarities of interethnic interaction and conflicts. Practical importance lies in the possibility of using the findings of the article to develop programmes for preventing and settling inter-ethnic conflicts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Svetlana V. Murasheva

The relevance of the problem of studying social conflicts in the modern world is due to the extreme complexity and inconsistency of social relations, the struggle of opposing forces and trends in all spheres of life. Changes in social interaction are accompanied by an expansion of the sphere of conflict manifestation. They involve not only large social groups, but also entire territories, both homogeneous in national respects and populated by different communities. The complication of the social structure, the differentiation of society, the emergence of freedom, pluralism, divergent and sometimes mutually exclusive interests, goals and values create sources for potential conflicts. At the present stage of development of social relations there is an urgent need for the development and subsequent implementation in practice of the system of prevention and settlement of social conflicts. Due to these circumstances, the study of tension and conflict of social interaction has conceptual and practical importance, attracting the close attention of researchers from various fields of scientific knowledge and encourages them to develop and implement in practice effective ways to prevent and resolve conflicts of this type. The aim of the article was to present the results of the study of the specifics of social conflicts in modern Russia. The important place is given to the influence of this type of conflicts on the development of social relations. The scientific novelty of the provisions proposed in the article lies in the study of the peculiarities of social interaction and conflicts. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the conclusions of the article for the development of programs to prevent and resolve social conflicts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 64-73
Юрий Семенович Исаченко ◽  
Алексей Анатольевич Прядехо ◽  
Александр Павлович Тонких

Процесс воспитания и становления личности на современном этапе развития общества необходимо рассматривать в совокупности всех общественных процессов, которые неразрывно связаны в своем взаимосуществовании. Нежелание или неспособность субъектов социальных отношений видеть в личности абсолютную цель любого социального взаимодействия активизирует первоначальное противоречие между свободой и необходимостью, проявляющееся внешне в конфликте между индивидуумами в социальном конфликте. Его преодолевает приверженность моральному долгу и уважение к социальным нормам. Секрет ориентации на такого рода отношения достаточно прост: современный образовательный процесс – это феномен социальной культуры, который можно представить как процесс культурного образования или процесс личной инкультуры. В современном социуме был сформирован положительный стереотип школьной жизни: учитель соответствовал образу самого уважаемого человека – за его знания, мудрость, доброту и другие личностные качества. Этому способствовало как общество в целом (в первую очередь государственная пропаганда, в которой учителю отводилась главенствующая роль), так и конкретные педагогические работники. Люди четко представляли цель своей жизни и способы ее достижения. Причем эти способы не отражались негативом своего достижения на окружающих. В работе анализируется влияние средств массовой информации, кинематографа, эстрады на состояние воспитанности подрастающего поколения, выявлены последствия воздействия современного медиаресурса на формирование поведения и самосознания подрастающего поколения в современном мире. The process of education and formation of the individual at the present stage of development of society must be considered in the totality of all social processes that are inextricably linked in their mutual existence. The unwillingness or inability of the subjects of social relations to see in the individual the absolute goal of any social interaction activates the initial contradiction between freedom and necessity, which manifests itself externally in a conflict between individuals in a social conflict. It is overcome by a commitment to moral duty and respect for social norms. The secret of orientation to this kind of relationship is quite simple: the modern educational process is a phenomenon of social culture, which can be represented as a process of cultural education or a process of personal inculturation. In modern society, a positive stereotype of school life was formed: the teacher corresponded to the image of the most respected person – for his knowledge, wisdom, kindness and other personal qualities. This was facilitated both by society as a whole (first of all, by state propaganda, in which the teacher was given a dominant role), and by specific teaching staff. People had a clear idea of the purpose of their life and how to achieve it. Moreover, these methods were not reflected by the negative of their achievement on others. The paper analyzes the influence of mass media, cinema, pop music on the state of upbringing of the younger generation, reveals the consequences of the impact of modern media resources on the formation of behavior and self-consciousness of the younger generation in the modern world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Adek Setiyani ◽  
Budi Anna Keliat

AbstrakRemaja merupakan tahap perkembangan yang dilalui oleh setiap individu dan mempunyai tugas perkembangan dalam penentuan identitas diri. Dalam proses pembentukan identitas diri, remaja tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh keluarga, tetapi juga oleh lingkungan sekolah dan teman sebaya. Kedekatan interpersonal remaja mulai bergeser kepada teman sebaya. Hal ini menyebabkan remaja rentan terhadap perilaku negatif, salah satunya perilaku penyalahgunaan Napza. Dampak dari perilaku penyalahgunaan Napza tidak hanya terhadap kesehatan remaja, tetapi juga terhadap hubungan dalam keluarga, hubungan sosial dan prestasi belajar. Untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut, remaja perlu rehabilitasi. Keberhasilan rehabilitasi dipengaruhi oleh motivasi remaja. Metode Penelitian menggunakan studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi remaja penyalahguna Napza dalam mengikuti program rehabilitasi. Hasil Respons remaja terhadap penyalahgunaan Napza diantaranya secara kognitif, afektif, fisiologis dan sosial sehingga memberikan dampak terhadap pendidikan, kesehatan fisik dan mental, hubungan dengan keluarga bahkan masalah hukum. Sebagian besar remaja penyalahguna Napza mengikuti rehabilitasi karena terpaksa, baik dipaksa oleh keluarga maupun karena terlibat masalah hukum. Untuk mendapatkan penanganan, remaja penyalahguna Napza memerlukan dukungan keluarga untuk mengambil keputusan untuk rehabilitasi dan memberikan dukungan selama mengikuti rehabilitasi. Tenaga kesehatan dapat meningkatkan motivasi remaja dalam mengikuti rehabilitasi dan meningkatkan dukungan keluarga melalui terapi modalitas.Kata kunci: Remaja, Penyalahgunaan Napza, Motivasi, RehabilitasiADOLESCENTS’ MOTIVATION TO PARTICIPATE IN A SUBSTANCE USE REHABILITATION PROGRAMAbstractAdolescence is a stage of development that is traversed by each individual and has a developmental task in determining self-identity. In the process of forming self-identity, adolescents are not only influenced by the family, but also by the school environment and peers. Teenage interpersonal closeness begins to shift to peers. This causes adolescents to be vulnerable to negative behavior, one of which is the behavior of drug abuse. The impact of drug abuse behavior is not only on adolescent health, but also on relationships in the family, social relations and learning achievement. To overcome this impact, adolescents need rehabilitation. The success of rehabilitation is influenced by the motivation of adolescents. Method: The study used a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach which aimed to determine the motivation of adolescent substance use in participating in a rehabilitation program. Results: The response of adolescents to drug abuse includes cognitive, affective, physiological and social so that it has an impact on education, physical and mental health, family relationships and even legal issues. Most teenagers who use drugs are forced to undergo rehabilitation, both forced by family and because of legal problems. To get treatment, teenagers who use drugs need family support to make decisions for rehabilitation and to provide support during rehabilitation. Recommendation: Health workers can increase the motivation of adolescents to follow rehabilitation and increase family support through therapy modalities.Keywords: Adolescents, Drug Abuse, Motivation, Rehabilitation

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-56
M G Groshev ◽  
A V Sugorovsky ◽  
An V Sugorovsky

An important place in the operational management of traffic on the basis of plan formation, train schedule, technical regulations on the use of vehicles and railway infrastructure is operational control operational regulation. To date, not enough research which would allow to evaluate the effectiveness of dispatch adjustment techniques in areas in the nodes and marshalling yards, given the nature of their work and infrastructure development. Goal: to prove the effectiveness of the control method of "Changing the points of crossing or overtaking of freight trains in the area". Method: simulation. Since the simulation of station processes enables a comparison of idle time between operations on options: using the adjustment of intake and without its application, we investigated the feasibility and practical significance of its application, based on the goal of reducing the magnitude of the idle time between operations. Results: it was found that the application of the dispatch of the impact of the Change points of crossing or overtaking of freight trains in the area," the total delay in waiting for service is less than an average of 60% than without using it. Practical significance of the research: the research results will contribute to improving the efficiency of the dispatching regulation and maintenance in the areas. Research and define the operational and economic efficiency of application of the adjusting dispatching of methods in areas at the nodes and marshalling yards will increase the effectiveness of Supervisory regulation, as a result, each of the independent participants will receive a specific economic benefit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
Zh.Zh. Nurseitova ◽  
G. A. Abayeva ◽  

Dyslexia as a variant of language difficulties in teaching younger schoolchildren is traditionally one of the urgent problems of modern speech therapy, which has undoubted theoretical and practical significance. In the last 10-15 years, there has been an increase in scientific interest in the problem of dyslexia all over the world, which is associated not only with an increase in the prevalence of the disorder and the need to clarify its pathogenesis. Public awareness of the importance of learning in the modern world, the need to assess the impact of dyslexia on a person's personal development and to find ways to fully integrate children with dyslexia into the cultural and educational environment. A dyslexic child constantly faces difficulties when reading: one incorrectly read word in itself destroys the overall picture of what he has read, that is, the text remains completely incomprehensible to the child. The article provides an overview of the concept of dyslexia and provides information on the prevalence. The article considers reading disorders occurring in primary school students with the Kazakh language of instruction.

Novalita Sandy ◽  
Puspitawati Puspitawati

This study aims to determine the stereotype Melayu Malas on Ethnic Malay associated with the term "kojo saibu tak kojo mangatus kojo tak kojo saibu mangatus" for the effect on the work ethic, and community perceptions of the negative stigma on Ethnic Malays, as well as the impact of stereotypes. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, using data collection techniques with non participation observation and interviews, the researchers not directly involved with community activities but only observe and conduct a question and answer. Based on the research method is the verdict that stereotype Malay lazy aimed at the Malay community in the Village Nenassiam is the result of past experiences of ethnic groups that serve as self image to the Malays that gives effect to the work ethic masyarakatanya, where it has become the benchmark for welfare is considered to have a relaxed work ethic and want delish without life planning ahead so that the results obtained are also modest. The views of the public like two sides of a coin, on one hand the people refused regarded as Malays lazy but the other communities is also confirmed that the Malays are lazy, while the impact of stereotypes Malay lazy affects three things: social relations, ethnic conflicts, identity ethnicity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 148-157

Task. The article deals with the problem of transformation of personnel policy in the context of the digitalization of the economy. The relevance of the topic is beyond doubt, as it is due to the fact that the modern economy is entering a new innovative stage of development, and a person with his potential, knowledge, creative thinking and experience is gaining more and more importance. Business digitalization actively affects the functionality of HR managers, since organizational tasks and processes are automated, and therefore more developed competencies in the field of digital technologies are required from personnel. In this regard, the main trends and issues of software development in international practice are investigated and conclusions are drawn about the need to apply foreign experience in the implementation of personnel policy in small, medium and large businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Model. The article examines the theoretical modern trends in the transformation of the personnel policy of companies in the context of the use of digital technologies in business, which make it possible to create a favorable environment and develop support measures for talented youth. Summary. The HR department in companies today is no longer just a performer, but a kind of business partner who provides services for providing business with qualified personnel and their development. Therefore, in order to maintain the work of HR departments or departments, to minimize risks at all stages of selection, training and development of employees, to build effective interaction with personnel, new methods and technologies, including digital ones, are urgently needed. Practical importance. The practical significance of this article lies in the fact that the conclusions and proposals made are intended to explore new opportunities for doing business, develop new digital products, etc. Originality. The performed analysis of the main results of the process of introducing digitalization into all spheres of the international and national economy through the systematic constant development of the ICT sector indicates the direct applied significance of the problem under study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-73
T. A. Timofeeva ◽  
M. V. Dmitrieva ◽  
L. L. Nikolaeva ◽  
O. L. Orlova ◽  
N. A. Oborotova ◽  

Introduction.Liposomal technologies are widely used in medicine and cosmetology as a delivery system for diagnostic and medicinal products and biologically active substances. The undoubted practical importance at the stage of development of a liposomal preparation is represented by the characteristic and assessment of the sustainability of the obtained product, and special attention is paid to the study of the latter. Essentially, the methods for their preparation affect the stability of liposomes; therefore, the study of the influence of technological factors on the properties of the product at various stages of the preparation of liposomes is very important. This article is devoted to the study of the dependence of the quality of liposomes loaded with a phthalocyanine photosensitizer – thiosens, on the conditions of their production.Aim.Detection of the influence of various technological factors on the stability indicators of the liposomal form of the thiosens photosensitizer.Materials and methods.For this purpose, an analysis of the average size, polydispersity and zeta (ζ) potential of the liposomes of thiosens obtained at the stage of hydration of the lipid film, filtration of the liposomal dispersion, its extrusion, homogenization, ultrasonic treatment, and lyophilization was carried out.Results and discussion.During the preparation of a liposomal preparation, various changes in conditions can be made within the framework of the technological process. At each stage of obtaining a liposomal form, there are many critical points and parameters that must be strictly monitored and controlled. In the course of the work, the influence of technological factors on the stability of liposomal intermediate and finished products was assessed. The conditions of the most effective hydration with the formation of a stable dispersion of multilayer liposomes of thiosens and the optimal method of their grinding have been determined. It was also shown that liposomes formed after rehydration of the lyophilisate are more uniform in size and have the highest ζ-potential value in comparison with non-lyophilized liposomal dispersion.Conclusion.Using the example of a thiosens phthalocyanine photosensitizer liposomes, the influence of various technological factors on the stability of this nanostructure is shown, therefore, the characteristic and assessment of the sustainability of the resulting product according to 3 main indicators – vesicle size, polydispersity index, and ζ-potential are of undoubted practical importance.

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