scholarly journals Paradigma Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-315
Irawan Irawan

When the word “Islam” is attached to the subject “Education Management” and become “Islamic Education Management” it would rise a question whether or not it is a science? If It is a science, what is the assurance that truly represent it as a science? This paper tries to proof that Islamic education management could be considered as a science and it bears its own scientific paradigm. The analysis employs the critical realism school of Stephen Ackroyd in the philosophy of management as well as numbers of episthemeological issues of organizational practices by Frits Schipper that are brought to the context of Islamic education. The analysis shows that the formal object of Islamic education management is management science, whereas, its material object is management practices of educational activities in Islamic education institutions such as madrasah, pesantren (boarding school) dan Islamic schools. The researches in Islamic education management focus on facts, context, event and cases happened in that institutions, by not merely attaching Qur’anic verses in the existing theory of education management, so that it looks Islamic, since the Qur’an is also contextual with its asbabun nuzul (the causes of revelation) concept.

Guntur Dwi Purwanto ◽  
Mohammad Ulyan ◽  
Abdul Basit

Educational management is an important reference in the management of industrial-based Islamic boarding schools. When the management of a leader must go through several things, including planning, organizing, and planning industry-based learning. This research includes a qualitative descriptive approach to da'wah management. The data source used in this research is a literature review. Collecting data in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation. Islamic boarding school Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap is an industry-based Islamic boarding school. This was done to follow developments in the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, researchers feel it is important for the management of Islamic education at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Islamic boarding school in Cilacap. The results of the application of Islamic education management include, a) soroggan, with the bin-nazhr method, the tahfidz method, the talaqqi method, and the tikrar method, b) taddabur, c) habituation of the Hasbanah and Isyraq prayers, d) rewards for students, e ) the application of industrial learning, and f) the benefits of evaluating industry-based learning at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap Islamic boarding school.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Zainal Anshari Marli

Islami Elementary School is combination Islamic education institution that was born from non formal education in Islamic boarding school formed as formal  education of madrasah with elementary school as the continuing of Sekolah Rakyat (SR). This school is an elementary school formed by Dutch colonialist for the local students in Indonesia as the basic need of education. Sekolah Rakyat for the next transformation become elementary school created to make a combination the heritage of colonial education with the heritage of Indonesian Islamic education so that it is called Islamic Elementary School that still drive formal education mission and madrasah generally. Islamic Elementary School is a respond of muslim that shown by doing some innovation and creation of development of education institution in a complex society. Islamic elementary school not always using Islamic term, some of them stil use elementary school but the subject elaborate between elementary school and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, so the content of this school become an Islamic Elementary School. It means the combination elementlary school with Madrasah Ibtidaiyah like Elementary Full Day School al-Baitul Amien Jember as the object focus of this paper.

Moh. Harun Al Rosid ◽  
Ilma Safira

The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation, characteristics of Islamic education management based on pesantren in SMA Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi. The research method uses descriptive qualitative, data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. The paradigm of this research is postpositivistic with data analysis of three Miles and Huberman models, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results in this study are the implementation of Islamic boarding school-based education management through planning; with good service adopting the concept of modern school management, involving all stakeholders, organizing; grouping of work units according to school needs, implementation; creating effective communication, committed to implementing the school's vision, mission and values, supervision; determination of implementation standards, determination of measurement of the implementation of activities. Meanwhile, the characteristics of Islamic education management based on pesantren are having sincerity in teaching; high dedication in work, discipline in every activity, maintaining solidity by establishing friendship between teachers and employees, and maintaining trust and responsibility in carrying out each task.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-172
Jerry Hendrajaya ◽  
Nanat Fatah Natsir ◽  
Mohamad Jaenudin

          This study aims to determine the holistic education at Al Hamidiyah Islamic boarding school in Depok, the existence of Holistic education management at the Al Hamidiyah Islamic boarding school in Depok, which includes planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring aspects, and to determine the efforts to improve Holistic management in Islamic Education in Islamic Boarding Schools Al Hamidiyah. Ideally Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School has set the foundation for the implementation of Holistic education. From the management aspect, Holistic education management functions have also been established and implemented. Therefore a research with a qualitative approach was conducted. The research technique was carried out by interview, observation and document review techniques. The results showed that the Al Hamidiyah Sawangan Islamic Boarding School in Depok had organized a Holistic education as seen in its vision, mission, and special objectives and various activities. Such education is inseparable from the history of its founder and the environmental conditions that surround it, both at its inception, the history of its development, to the present condition. Holistic education management implemented or organized by the Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School in Depok has used the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising in the education process in general and learning in particular at various types and levels of education at the Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School. There are still a number of deficiencies in the implementation of Holistic education in Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School, in addition to a number of advantages possessed. Among the shortcomings are superior human resources, incomplete facilities and infrastructure, and the use of information technology that has not been maximized. Keywords: Management, Islamic Education, Islamic Boarding Schools, Holistic.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-150
Siti Nur Hidayah ◽  
Ahmad Arifi

This paper focuses on two issues. Firstly, the role performed by women (nyais) in managing pesantren by considering the issue of work division, authority and responsibility principles in management practices.  Secondly, it observes on how knowledge is managed and preserved in pesantren. This paper is based on reviews of the previous research about women and pesantren. Thi study shows that there are three types of nyai’s role in managing pesantren education. First, a nyai who hold clear responsibility, work division and at the same time owned authority in managing a male and female students. Second, a nyai who has a clear division of work, and responsibility but does not have authority in managing a male and female students. And third, a nyai who leads a sepcific female pesantren and hold authority, responsibility and task in developing her pesantren. It is through various method of learning, espceially memorization of knowledge and the Qur’an, that tradition and knowledge of Islamic tradional subjects in pesantren are preserved and practiced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
pp. 1054-1066
Agus Mursidi ◽  
M. Kamal ◽  
Harwanti Noviandari ◽  
Nurul Agustina ◽  
M. Haddadalwi Nasyafiallah

If general education has been implemented virtually, there is nothing wrong with the same method applied by Islamic education or Islamic boarding schools. For this reason, we will look for data to strengthen this discussion to propose a virtual boarding school education system which is the idea of ??equal distribution of educational services to the millennial generation from house to house. We collect data online on published journals, books, proceedings, and websites that address virtual boarding school education issues. Furthermore, the collected data is analyzed using a coding system, comprehensive evaluation, and drawing conclusions that can answer the main problems of this project. By analyzing and discussing the data, we can conclude that virtual boarding school education is an exciting idea with efforts to distribute Islamic education services to the millennial generation, who happen to be not santri.

Muhammad Irshad ◽  
Manzoor Ahmad ◽  
Salah Uddin

Ever since the beginning of human pedigree/genealogy religion has remain the binding force of man’s social life by giving him a sense and account of his individual and collective responsibilities. Religions make certain practices binding on their believers to keep the society, man, and nature in harmony among each other. Islam provides clear, logical, and improvised (Fiqhee) bases for the ends mentioned earlier in the form of obligations defined and laid out for every person capable of solid reasoning. These bases are known as “aqd”in Islamic Shari’-a body of Islamic injunctions binding on believers to lead successfully a meaning full life. Aqd covers all aspects of Muslim society for varied needs of social life: hence emerging in different forms for different aspects of Muslims’ social life ranging from marriage to state affairs with the sole objective of making people realize their role in the society, that they are responsible and answerable before other human beings and Allah for their choices and deeds. In Arabic the word “Aqd” means “fastening or tying together of two or more things”. The injunctions of Aqd having vast connotations concerning the very meaning provided above makes it most concise and comprehensive aspect of Islam. Contemporarily Aqd translates to legal terms such as “contract, oath, lease, deed, pact, charter, covenant, act, intrument, cast, contribute, and agreement to mention the very few. As for the connotative aspects taken into account, Islam provides guiding principles and conditions for establishing or declaring an act or practice to be labeled as “aqd”. These concerns of these principles range from fostering relationships to governing a state. The article explores the etymological information about aqd, its historical significance, and brings together the perspectives of different and prominent early Islamic schools of thought on the subject concerned. The article is part historical, and part content analysis on the literature concerning the subject of “aqd” through the words of Qur’anic scripture, sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT), and Leading noble scholars of Islamic education and practices.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Arfiansyah Arfiansyah ◽  
Muhammad Riza

Dayah is an Islamic educational institutions located in Aceh. This educational institution is similar to the so-called pesantren – an Islamic boarding school in the island of Java, both from the aspect of function and purpose (although there are also some important differences). In 2003, the Government of Aceh through the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Decree, issued a regulation, numbered 451.2 / 474/2003 on the Criteria Stipulation and Dayah Assistance in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). One of the subject matter is to make a policy that dayah is divided into several classifications: Type A, Type B, Type C and Non Type. This classification aims to distinguish the type of assistance to be given to dayah. This qualitative study is conducted to see how effective is the government assistance to support the quality of education in dayah. By conducting interviews to four (4) different dayah (2 interviews at traditional dayah and 2 at modern dayah), this research is expected to analyze the management of education and the impact of government assistance. The results of this study concluded that the education management of dayah remain dependent on their leadership figure (teungku), so that the impact of government assistance also varies positively to dayah physical development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, but this assistance has also interestingly changed teungku’s positive paradigm into a much more negative one.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Umar Umar

Abstract: This case study intended to analyze the higher graders’ English learning difficulties of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counselling study program and Islamic Education Management. This study mainly focused on finding students’ difficulties in mastering English competency. It was conducted in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Buntet Pesantren Cirebon by involving 40 students who are also as Santri and a lecturer as the subjects or the researcher. The researcher used both classical and individual approaches in gathering both qualitative and quantitative data. The procedures used context, input, process, and product/CIPP-Evaluations Model for its benefit to increase teaching quality. The data was analyzed by using McDonough & McDonough Model, i.e.: (1) exploration on both students’ learning processes and the results; (2) analyzing the results of exploration through questionnaire, interviewing with students; (3) conducting peer-debriefing, i.e. interviewing with other lecturers related to, the methods, syllabus content, whether they have matched with the students’ needs. The findings showed that students’ English learning difficulties for: (1) Their sense of being-forced; (2) Low mastery on the basic concept/intakes; (3) Less-endorsement from their environment; (4) Forget factor; (5) Having less-chance to practice. In reference with the findings, it was suggested that teachers and institution should facilitate and give high motivation for their students’ English learning process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 495
Edi Setiawan

The purpose of this study is to reveal the waqf management practices in Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School and contribution to education and community empowerment, and uncover the factors supporting and managing endowments in the foundation. This research used qualitative research methods with case study management approach. The results of this study showed that Endowments foundation is managed in synergy with the management of education. Management practices applied this foundation is still traditional. Utilization endowments for community empowerment is realized through activities which can be grouped into four areas: Economics, Department of Structure, and Education and Religious Affairs. 

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