1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Ігор Галян

У   статті   представлено   авторське   бачення   професійного   становлення   педагога   в   умовах  українського освітнього сьогодення. Метою публікації є аналіз особистісних детермінант становлення  професіоналізму   педагога.   Для   її   досягнення   застосовувалися   загальнонаукові   методи   теоретичного  дослідження,  з  поміж  інших,  теоретичний  аналіз,  зіставлення  й  узагальнення,  інтерпретація  сучасних  теоретико-емпіричних досліджень у вітчизняній і зарубіжній психології. Висвітлено сутність та змістову  відмінність   таких   засадничих  категорій   освіти,   як   «педагогічна   діяльність»  і   «освітній   процес».  Зазначається, що сучасний педагог повинен бути суб’єктом педагогічної діяльності, орієнтуватися на  цінність розвитку; прагнути особистісного та професійного саморозвитку; вміти практично працювати з  освітніми процесами, будувати розвивальні освітні ситуації, показувати школярам ціннісні образи, що  презентують  моделі  життєвого  й  особистісного  успіху;  володіти  психолого-педагогічною  культурою  поведінки  у  складних,  невизначених  ситуаціях,  позначених  різноманітністю  і  складністю.  Зроблено  висновок, що професіоналізм педагога виявляється у його здатності реалізувати ідею цінності розвитку  школяра,  яка  наділена  вищим  пріоритетом  порівняно  з  педагогічною  діяльністю  та  приймається  ним  (педагогом)  як  особистісно  значуща.  Акцентується  на  важливості  ціннісно-смислової  та  моральної  саморегуляції. Констатовано, що пріоритетною в школі повинна стати смислова освіта, яка передає не  дискретні значення, а симультанні цілісні простори смислів і мотивації, готуючи молодих людей до змін у  сучасному світі The article presents the author's vision of the professional formation of the teacher in the Ukrainian  educational conditions nowadays. The aim of the publication is to analyze personality determinants of professional  development of the teacher. To achieve it there have been applied general scientific methods of theoretical research among  others,  theoretical  analysis,  comparison  and  generalization,  interpretation  of  modern  theoretical  and  empirical research in Ukrainian and foreign psychology. There has been highlighted the essence and the content  difference in such basic categories of education as “pedagogical activity” and “educational process”. It is noted  that the modern teacher should be the agent of pedagogical activity, should focus on the value of development;  strive for personal and professional self-development; be able to work practically with educational processes, to  build developmental educational situations, to show students the value images representing models of life and  personality success; to assimilate the psychological and pedagogical culture of behaviour in complex, uncertain  situations characterized by diversity and complexity. It is concluded that the professionalism of the teacher is  manifested in his/her ability to realize the value of the pupil's development that is endowed with a higher priority  compared to the pedagogical activity and is accepted by the teacher as personally significant. The emphasis is on  the importance of the value-sense and moral self-regulation. It is stated that the priority in school should be the  sense education which conveys not discrete values, but the coherent holistic spaces of sense and motivation,  preparing young people for changes in the modern world.

Eduweb ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-193
Vira Mizetska ◽  
Olena Sierykh ◽  
Hanna Savchuk ◽  
Diana Yevtimova ◽  
Oleh Synieokyi

The aim of the study is to characterize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the administration of the educational process on the examples of legal and linguistic-didactic aspects. The object of the study is systemic and functional changes in science and education under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of the study is public relations in the field of education and science in their legal and linguistic-didactic aspect under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Research methods are general scientific and special scientific methods, in particular, system-structural, formal-legal, hermeneutic; methods of analysis, synthesis. As a result of the research, the peculiarities of administration of educational processes in the conditions of COVID-19 in the aspect of mechanisms of legal support of activity of bodies of education and science, linguodidactics were formulated; the characteristic of systemic changes in the sphere of education which have occurred under the influence of the distribution of a coronavirus is carried out; describe the main approaches contained in the current scientific literature to solve the above problems.

wisdom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Nataliia CHUBINSKA ◽  
Iryna GAVRYSH ◽  
Oleksandra KHLTOBINA ◽  

The study?s main purpose is to highlight the philosophical and psychological aspects of the self- development of scientific and pedagogical workers in the context of the development of the education sys- tem. The article uses various methods to conduct research, namely general scientific methods: formal- logical, systemic, structural-functional, concrete-historical. The pedagogical synergetics is considered as part of the research. Pedagogical synergetics, which explains the development of a complex system, edu- cation, is a new philosophy of the educational process. Pedagogical synergetics makes it possible to ap- proach the development of problems of the development of pedagogical systems and the pedagogical pro- cess in a new way, considering them primarily from the standpoint of openness, co-creation and orienta- tion towards self-development. As a result, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical approaches to self-improvement are characterized.


The problem of self-development of a student related to the transformation of the educational process in the post- neoclassical science is highlighted. This problem is considered in the context of a synergetic approach with the actualization of the needs and opportunities for self-organization of the applicant’s personality as a holistic characteristic of a human. It is noted that the pedagogical process of an educational institution of innovative type should be aimed at developing the abilities of the applicant, their ability to meet the challenges of the information society and self-realization in the changing conditions of the modern world. It is stated that self-development of an applicant within the synergetic paradigm of education requires a reorientation of the educational process from traditional conservative to innovative creative, in which the acquisition of vital competencies is carried out in interaction (communication) with other subjects and taking into account external (physical) and internal (mental) human activity. It is substantiated that the key aspects of the self-development of the student should be focused on the formation of their optimal developmental lifestyle. It is about the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization. In the projections of the synergetic paradigm, the individual as a complex, open, nonlinear system appears with all the potential opportunities for self-development, which can be realized under certain organizational and pedagogical conditions. It is stated that despite the fact that the applicant – the future specialist controls their own development, the teacher of higher education should exercise general management of educational activities and is fully responsible for the quality of training of the applicant. This is inherent in any level of education. The new roles of the modern teacher (“moderator”, “coach”, “tutor”, “speaker”, “medium”, etc.) set adequate requirements for these roles. Not only the updated knowledge, but also the ways of obtaining it and the possibilities of its application become valuable for the student at various stages and levels. Key aspects of self-development: the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization will contribute to the formation of the individual’s personality, open to new knowledge and values, able to realize their own life purpose.

Tetiana Vilchyk ◽  
Alla Sokolova ◽  
Tetiana Demchyna

The objective of the article is to analyze the regulation of the legal profession and its global trends. There are many different types of regulators globally, and many different sources and methods of regulation. There is no simple approach to setting goals for regulating the legal profession in different legal systems. Although self-regulation of the legal profession is considered the basis for adhering to the standard of its independence, at the same time, academics recognize the existence of the theory of the management of the legal profession. To study these problems, the authors conducted a comparative study of the regulatory models of the legal profession in the world in terms of compliance with international standards of legal independence in different legal jurisdictions and made some suggestions to improve the legal regulation of the legal profession in Ukraine. Empirical sources for scientific research were international documents, court decisions, national legislation of Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Ireland, Scotland, Australia and others, and the work of scientists. The article uses general scientific methods - dialectic, analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc., and special methods, particularly legal, historical, and formal comparative law.

Nataliia Zhukovskaya ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Kalinina

This article reviews the prerequisites, content and consequences of the impact of global processes on the sovereignty of modern states. The object of this research is the international legal relations and their peculiarities in the current context. The subject is the conditions and forms of restriction of sovereignty of national states, as well as contributing factors. Special attention is given to representations on the “fate” of sovereign rights and variants of their transformation reflected in the scientific literature, as well as change in the vector of development of globalization processes under the influence of strategy of the countries that act in accordance with their sovereign rights and national interests. The main method of “diluting” the state sovereignty are viewed based on the general scientific methods − induction and deduction, analysis, generalization, abstraction, modeling; sectoral methods of studying global processes: political scientific, statistical, formal-legal, specific-historical, and comparative. The research relies on the dialectical approach towards analyzing the concept of state sovereignty. The following conclusions were made: 1) modern world marks to multidirectional trends that testify to the transformation of state sovereignty, narrowing of its separate spheres in the conditions of globalization, or on the other hand, change in the vector of development of the global processes; 2) there is virtually no formal legal equality of the countries set by the leading norms of international law and underlying sovereignty; however, the national states continue demonstrating the resistance to global challenges; at the same time, the most “impregnable” for leveling sovereign rights is not the economy or politics, but cultural-historical values (the sphere of humanities); 3) in the conditions of globalization, the prospect of losing sovereignty depends on the degree of resistance to external challenges demonstrated by a particular state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (I) ◽  
pp. 74-88
Тетяна ДЯК

The article “Education in the Context of Interdisciplinary Paradigm in the Transitional Period” by Т. Dyak deals with the issues of interdisciplinary approaches in education in the transitional period. The problems of the essence and distinguishing features of education in the transitional period are defined. The role and place of interdisciplinary bonds as well the requirements for the educational process to meet the needs of the person, society and state are substantiated. The transitional period is revealed to be characterized by the emergence of a set of pedagogical practices caused by the pluralism of cultures, and, consequently, different requirements to education. The formulation of the educational goals and content should take place in a synergistic atmosphere. Intensification of education and the formation of personal qualities appear to be a universal human need nowadays. The problem of creativity as a manifestation of spirituality is emphasized to become the main criterion for the effectiveness of educational processes. Thus, the creation of the necessary, most favorable conditions for self-realization and self-development of a particular person by means of intellectual, emotional, moral, cultural, informational and other vectors of personality formation are found to be the most important tasks.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 122
Kiryl Shuvayev ◽  
Pavel Andriyanov

The aim of the study is to analyse the process of using «Virtual tours» technology in the educational process. This technology allows you to transfer the lesson from the passive into the interactive forms, to activate the cadets’ cognitive activity and to involve them into the educational process. The use of visualization techniques develops broad-minded thinking and enhances a better learning of the curricular material. The main tasks of the research are to analyse the process of using «Virtual tours» technology in the educational process of law enforcement officers; to estimate the functional practice of «Virtual tours» technology. The study is fundamentally based on the dialectical-philosophical method alongside with the general scientific and specific scientific methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (46) ◽  
S. O. Danylov

In the article the author shows the peculiarities of the development of socio-professional maturity of the future pedagogue in the context of pedagogical acmeology. Therefore, there is an urgent need to optimize the process of professional training of future lecturers on the basis of a new methodology that would combine personal and professional development in the educational process, direct professional self-determination and self-improvement of the future specialist, promote their self-realization and professional development. We believe that the process of professional training of future pedagogues should be based on the developed acmeogram and professiogram, model the professional and personal development of the specialist in accordance with the content and objectives of professional activity. This will not only direct the process of professional training to a certain ideal model of the specialist, but also to actualize the professional self-determination and self-development of the future pedagogue.Key words: future pedagogue, activity, personality, self-determination, self-improvement, acmeology.

Oksana Kulida

In the article the professional training of a future specialist is analyzed; development, self-development, self-determination and self-reflection are its main tasks. It is proved that reflection plays the synthesizing role and encourages the widening of the personality limits. The reflection essence is personality’s realizing oneself as a potential or a real subject of a particular professional activity. According to the lawyers’ professional training results this activity determines not only proper specifics of the attitude to a profession but one’s personal or social life. It has been justified that professional self-reflection is carried out as the initial professional self-determination of a personality and the series of professional choices. It is noted that the positive attitude to oneself encourages the positive attitude to the future and awareness of one’s abilities in achieving a goal is taking place on the conditions of a positive attitude to future. It has been proved that one of the main components influencing the formation of today’s specialist abilities in achieving success in professional activity and professional self-actualization is the high level of the formed professional self-consciousness. The model of professional self-reflection of a future specialist corresponds to the psychological structure of self-consciousness and it has three subsequent interconnected stages: professional self-knowing, self-attitude and self-regulation, the content of which is determined by peculiarities of professional activity of a specialist and requirements set by a personality to one’s professional knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities. It is emphasized that professional self-reflection specifies the understanding oneself as a subject of a particular professional activity and involves the availability of: the conscious process of forming one’s attitude to the professional-working sphere; self-assessment of one’s individual psychological qualities and comparing one’s abilities with psychological requirements to a profession; the constant search for senses in a professional activity; self-regulation of behavior carried out through correlation of inner-personal and social-professional needs and directed to reaching a set goal. It has been proved that reflection activity is an important condition of self-development of a personality, an indicator of personal and professional values and senses determining the culture of activity. Reflection activity is considered as one of the ways education modernization and a mechanism of independent development, search, discovery, creation or making a new product, constructing individual experience, experimental check of external impacts, stereotypes, activity patterns, self-development forecasting.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-86
Anna Algazina

The subject. The article is devoted to the description of the basic functions of self-regulating organizations: regulatory, control, organizational and security, jurisdictional.The purpose of the article is to explore the content features of self-regulating organizations, to identify problems in their implementation and offer recommendations for their solution.Methodology. The methodological basis for the study: general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, description); private and academic (interpretation, formal-legal method).Results, scope. Under self-regulation this article is to understand the management activities carried out by self-regulatory organizations, and consisting in the development and establishment of standards and rules of professional activity, as well as sanctions for non-compliance or inadequate performance. Set forth in the Law on SRO powers to self-regulating organizations United by the author and summarized as to their functions – activities of the SRO. The main functions of the SRO as special entities, the following:– regulatory, which manifests itself in the development of standards and rules, conditions of membership in self-regulating organizations and other internal documents SRO;– control: self-regulating organizations exercise control over the professional activities of its members;– organizational and security: an example of this function is the maintenance of the register of members of the SRO, ensuring property liability of members of self-regulating organizations to consumers of goods (works, services) and other persons forming management authorities of the self-regulating organization, lodging of statutory documents and information on the official website of SRO;– jurisdictional: SRO consider complaints against actions of members of self-regulating organization and cases on breaches of its members of the standards and rules of self-regulating organizations, conditions of membership in self-regulating organization, apply disciplinary measures against its members.Conclusions. The combination of ongoing self-regulating organizations against their members functions determines features of the legal status of SRO.Analysis of peculiarities of self-regulating organizations of these functions has allowed the author come to the conclusion that, at present, administrative and legal status of self-regulating organizations in need of further refinement, since the content of normative legal acts regulating relations in the sphere of self-regulation, often contradictory and requires improvement.In the case of mandatory self-regulation SRO vested with the special administrative-legal status, carry out in relation to their member state authority, which means that the implementation of these authority relationships are vertical.

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