Problemos ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 71 ◽  
Rein Vihalemm

Whiteheado ir Prigogine’o mokslo filosofines koncepcijas jungia tai, kad juos abu domina ontologija, grindžiama modernaus mokslo duomenimis. Mokslo filosofija ontologinį požiūrį, ypač tokį kaip Whiteheado metafizinis mąstymas, paprastai laiko spekuliatyviu, todėl vengtinu. Tačiau Ilya Prigogine’as ir Isabelle Stengers į Whiteheado metafiziką žvelgė kaip į kosmologiją ir vertino ją už tai, kad, būdama ambicingiausias, tegu spekuliatyvus, gamtos filosofijos projektas, ji vis dėlto nėra nei nukreipta prieš mokslą, nei siekia supriešinti filosofiją ir dabarties mokslą. Whiteheadas kritikavo klasikinį mokslą, tačiau netapatino jo su mokslu bendrąja prasme ir tyrimo sričių bei siekiamų tikslų požiūriu nepripažino principinio skirtumo tarp mokslo ir filosofijos. Pasak Prigogine’o ir Stengers, Whiteheado filosofija turėtų būti vertinama kaip Prigogine’o ne-klasikinio mokslo pirmtakė. Toks požiūris suteikia naują turinį Whiteheado spekuliacijoms. Prigogine’o ne-klasikinės fizikos koncepcijos atspirties taškas yra chemija. Šiame straipsnyje Prigogine’o koncepcija nagrinėjama chemijos filosofijos siūlomos teorinės mokslo sampratos požiūriu. Iš tikrųjų nei Prigogine’as ir Stengers, nei Whiteheadas nepateikė teorinės mokslo koncepcijos. Tačiau straipsnyje teigiama, kad būtent teorinė mokslo samprata duoda raktą, padedantį atrakinti ne vieną mokslo filosofijos, mokslo bendrąja prasme, taip pat ir Prigogine’o ne-klasikinio mokslo keliamą klausimą. Autorius simpatizuoja Prigogine’o optimizmui, kad mokslas išsilaisvino iš mito, tačiau, autoriaus požiūriu, šis optimizmas visgi klaidina. Gali susidaryti įspūdis, kad ne-klasikinis mokslas neturi nieko ben dra su idealizacijomis, kad jis nėra vien tyrimo būdas, priklausantis nuo konkrečių reikalavimų ir tikslų, kad naujasis mokslas iš tikrųjų supras pasaulį „tokį, koks jis yra“, kad net vadinamojo žmogaus pasaulio problemos (pvz., etikos) taps iš principo moksliškai suprantamos. Tačiau jei ne-klasikinis mokslas gebėtų atsikratyti klasikinio mokslo mito, tai vienintelė skirtybė būtų ta, kad jis netapatintų mokslinio pasaulio vaizdo ir moksliškai sumodeliuotos realybės su pasauliu, „koks jis yra“ iš tikrųjų. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: ne-klasikinis mokslas, chemijos filosofija, Prigogine’o mokslinė ontologija, teorinis mokslo modelis, Whiteheado metafizinė ontologija.Whitehead’s Metaphysical Ontology and I. Prigogine’s Scientific Ontology: From a Point of View of a Theoretical Conception of Science Rein Vihalemm SummaryWhitehead’s and Prigogine’s philosophies of science are similar in this respect that they both are interested in ontology built in the light of modern science. This kind of ontological approach, especially Whitehead’s metaphysical reasoning is usually regarded as speculative which should be avoided in philosophy of science. Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers appreciated, however, Whitehead’s metaphysics as cosmology in that being the most ambitious attempt to elaborate a philosophy of nature that, although speculative, is not directed against science or towards separation of philosophy from the actual science. Although Whitehead criticized the classical science, he did not identify it with science in general and did not acknowledge the respective domains and tasks of science and philosophy as distinct of principle from each other. According to Prigogine and Stengers Whitehead’s philosophy was somewhat the forerunner of Prigogine’s non-classical science which gives a new content to the speculations of Whitehead. Chemistry was a starting point of Prigogine’s non-classical physical theory. In the present paper Prigogine’s conception of non-classical science is examined from the point of view of a theoretical conception of science elaborated in the context of philosophy of chemistry. Prigogine and Stengers, as well as Whitehead, have not really presented a theoretical conception of  science. It is argued that the latter, however, offers a key for examining various issues in philosophy of science and understanding science in general, including Prigogine’s non-classical science. Appreciating Prigogine’s optimism concerning the chances of science that has liberated itself from the myth, the author still finds that this optimism can also be misleading as it can create a false impression that this new science does not deal with idealizations any more, that it is not a means of inquiry resulting from special requirements and aims, but will really understand the world “as it is” to the point that the problems of so called human world, including those of, e.g., ethics would be, in principle, scientifically understandable. In fact, however, if non-classical science manages rid itself from the myth of classical science, the only change will be that it does not equate the scientific picture of world and scientifically modelled reality with the real world “as it is”. Keywords: non-classical science, philosophy of chemistry, Prigogine’s scientific ontology, theoretical model of science, Whitehead’s metaphysical ontology.

Marlian Arif Nasution

<span class="fontstyle0">Tracing a starting point that is very important from the traditional Islamic sciences, modern Western science was developed such that it adopts a philosophical footing. Unlike modern Islamic science, the philosophical footing is to be distinguished from the philosophical foundation of Islamic science. Indeed, Islamic science main concern is closely related to the basic philosophy of science issues is growing and is recognized today, including science paradigms and methodologies developed in the modern world that is more influenced by the thinking paradigm of the modern secular Western philosophy. This implies bias in epistemology and axiology between science and moral paradigm developed in Islam. In the practical level of science that was developed to be dried from a religious touch, these conditions afflict various disciplines of knowledge that Muslims studied. Therefore, Muslims increasingly need to differentiate between Islam and science that is not Islamic. Today, not many intellectual issues are more important to the contemporary Islamic world beyond the relationship between Islam and modern science.</span> <br /><br />

2019 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 584-615
Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla

Abstract The Newtonian research program consists of the core axioms of the Principia Mathematica, a sequence of force laws and auxiliary hypotheses, and a set of methodological rules. The latter underwent several changes and so it is sometimes claimed that, historically seen, Newton and the Newtonians added methodological rules post constructione in order to further support their research agenda. An argument of Duhem, Feyerabend, and Lakatos aims to provide a theoretical reason why Newton could not have come up with his theory of the Principia in accordance with his own methodology: Since Newton’s starting point, Kepler’s laws, contradict the law of universal gravitation, he could not have applied the so-called method of analysis and synthesis. In this paper, this argument is examined with reference to the Principia’s several editions. Newton’s method is characterized, and necessary general background assumptions of the argument are made explicit. Finally, the argument is criticized based on a contemporary philosophy of science point of view.

Igor D. Osipov ◽  
Aleksandr E. Rybas ◽  

The article examines the philosophical discussions at the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University during the Khrushchev “thaw”, initiated by the need to study the phenomenon of science and resulted in the organization of the Leningrad philosophical school. Having analyzed the issues brought up by the Leningrad philosophers and the research methodology they used, the authors conclude that this school mainly developed problems of science philosophy. Therefore, the definition of the Leningrad school as an ontological one (as op­posed to the Moscow gnoseological school), which is widespread in Russian his­torical and philosophical literature, is far from being correct. Moreover, it makes it difficult to see the relevance of the philosophical achievements of the Lenin­grad thinkers since it provokes to consider their ideas exclusively in the context of the disputes around the definition of matter, which took place among the theo­rists of dialectical materialism in Soviet times. On the contrary, considering the works written by the Leningrad philosophers in the 1950s–1960s from the point of view of the current philosophy of science allows us to better understand the philosophical innovations and original ideas of the Leningrad school. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the views of V.I. Svidersky and V.A. Shtoff, the founders of the Leningrad school of philosophy of science. The authors also consider the works of A.D. Aleksandrov, rector of Leningrad State University (1952–1964), and those of the deans of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University V.P. Tugarinov (1951–1960) and V.P. Rozhin (1960–1969), who contributed to the popularization of scientific-philosophical doctrines at the uni­versity and helped to organize candid discussions. The views of some other Leningrad philosophers of science, e.g. A.S. Mamzin, L.O. Reznikov, G.A. Pod­korytov, V.P. Bransky, A.S. Carmin, are mentioned as well to trace back the de­velopment of the Leningrad school.

Ronald Hoinski ◽  
Ronald Polansky

David Hoinski and Ronald Polansky’s “The Modern Aristotle: Michael Polanyi’s Search for Truth against Nihilism” shows how the general tendencies of contemporary philosophy of science disclose a return to the Aristotelian emphasis on both the formation of dispositions to know and the role of the mind in theoretical science. Focusing on a comparison of Michael Polanyi and Aristotle, Hoinski and Polansky investigate to what degree Aristotelian thought retains its purchase on reality in the face of the changes wrought by modern science. Polanyi’s approach relies on several Aristotelian assumptions, including the naturalness of the human desire to know, the institutional and personal basis for the accumulation of knowledge, and the endorsement of realism against objectivism. Hoinski and Polansky emphasize the promise of Polanyi’s neo-Aristotelian framework, which argues that science is won through reflection on reality.

Trictrac ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Liliana Danciu ◽  
Petru Adrian Danciu

The axes of the creation and birth of the imaginary as a mythical language. Our research follows the relationships of the concepts that are taking into account creation on the double axis of verticality and horizontality. We highlight those symbolic elements which would later constitute the mythical language about the sacred space-temporality. Inside this space-temporality a rich spectrum of mythical images develops; images capable of explaining the relationships of the creation plans. Without a religious perception of the temporality, the conceptualization of the axis would remain a philosophical approach. Through our point of view, the two are born simultaneously. Thanks to them, creation can be imagined. The first “frozen” formula of the mystical human spirit can be thought, brought to a palpable reality, expressed in an oral and then a written form. Studied together, temporality (sacred or not) and space are permanently imagined together. For example, a loss of mundane temporality in the secret ecstasy that offers to the soul an ascending direction does not mean getting out of universal temporality, but of its mundane section. In the sacred space the soul relates to time. Even the gods are submitted by the sacred, Aeon sometimes being synonymous to destiny. The universal creator seems to evade every touch, but not consistently, only when he avoids the descent into its created worlds. In sacredness, time and space seem or become confused, both expressing the same reality, by the immediate swing from thinking to deed. The mythical imagery conceives the displacement in the primary space-temporality by the spoken word. So, for something to appear and live, the spoken word is required. Even the divine dream appears as a pre-word of a creator’s thought. The thought follows the spoken word, the spoken word follows the gestures which finally indicate the meanings of the creative act, controlling the rhythm of the creation days. These three will later be adapted through imitation in rite. We are now situated at the limit of the physical world, a real challenge for the mythical imagery. The general feature of the mythical expression on the creation of the material world is the state of the divinity’s exhaustion, most often conceptualized by sacrifice or divine fatigue. The world geography identifies with the anatomy of a self-gutted god. Practically, material creation is most likely the complete revelation of God’s body autopsy. As each body decomposes, everything in it is an illusion. An axial approach of the phenomenon exists in all religious systems. The created element’s origin is exterior, with or without a pre-existing matter, by a god’s sacrifice or only because it has to be that way. This is the starting point of the discussion on the symbolism of axiality as a reason for the constitution of the language of creation, capable of retelling the imaginary construction of myth in an oral and then written form.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza

Resumo: O artigo é um ensaio sobre como a atividade científica poderia ser influenciada por uma proposta ética voltada para a superação das desigualdades. A questão subjacente a este estudo tematiza a possível contraposição entre a ética, que parece ser inteiramente vinculada à liberdade humana e seus processos de escolha, e a lógica da pesquisa científica, que ainda, pelo menos em visão popular, parece se basear na posse de informações objetivas e na descoberta de leis de regulação da natureza. Será feita uma breve contextualização das aquisições teóricas sobre o sentido da ciência positiva dos últimos séculos, procurando extrair daí as indicações de uma estreita dependência dessa em relação às escolhas humanas, em virtude de sua metodologia dialética.   Palavras-Chave: Ciência positiva. Filosofia da ciência. Dialética. Ética.      Abstract: The article is an essay on how scientific activity could be influenced by an ethics proposal aimed at overcoming inequalities. The question underlying this study discusses the possible contrast between ethics, which seems to be entirely linked to human freedom and choice processes, and the logic of scientific research, which still, at least in a popular view, seems to be based on possession of objective information and discovery of regulatory laws of nature. Will be presented a brief background of theoretical acquisitions on the meaning of positive science of the last centuries, looking to extract the indications of a close dependence of this in relation to human choices, because your dialectic methodology.  Keywords: Positive Science. Philosophy of Science. Dialectic. Ethics. REFERÊNCIASARISTÓTELES, Tópicos. In: _______. Órganon. 2.ed. São Paulo: EDIPRO, 2010, p. 347-543.BLONDEL, M. L’Action (1893): essai d’une critique de la vie et d’une science de la pratique, Paris: Quadrige, 1993.CARNAP, R. A superação da metafísica por meio da análise lógica da linguagem. In: Cognitio, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 2, jul./dez. 2009, p. 293-309.DESCARTES, R. Discurso do Método. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.DILTHEY, W. Introdução às ciências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2010.FANNING, P. A. Isaac Newton e a transmutação da alquimia: uma visão alternativa da revolução científica. Balneário Camboriú (SC): Livraria Danúbio, 2016.GALILEI, G. Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Galileo Galilei. Antonio Favaro (ed.) Florença: Barbéra, 1928-38, 19 Vols.HESSE, Mary. Revolutions and Reconstruction in Philosophy of Science. Brighton, 1980.HUME, D. Investigações sobre o entendimento humano. In: BERKELEY, G.; HUME, D. Tratado sobre os princípios do conhecimento humano; Três diálogos entre Hilas e Filonous em oposição aos Céticos e Ateus; Investigação sobre o entendimento humano; Ensaios morais, políticos e literários. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.KUHN, T. La strututtura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche. Torino: [s.n], 1978.LEVINAS, E. Totalité et Infini. [sl]: The Hague, 1971.MACINTYRE, A. Dopo la virtù: Saggio di teoria morale. Milano: Feltrino, 1988.NEIMAN, S. O mal no pensamento moderno: uma história alternativa da filosofia. Rio de Janeiro: DIFEL, 2003.NIETZSCHE, F. Assim falou Zaratustra. 2.ed., Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008.ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. O que é Filosofia? Campinas: Vide Editorial, 2016.PAGANI, S.M.; Luciani, A. (org.) Os Documentos do Processo de Galileu Galilei. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1994.PLATÃO. Teeteto. Tradução de Edson Bini, Bauru/SP: EDIPRO, 2007.POPPER. K. A lógica da descoberta científica. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2001.WHITE, M. O grande livro das coisas horríveis: a crônica definitiva da história das 100 piores atrocidades. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2013. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 97
G. E. Bokov

The article is devoted to the study of the worldviews and social contradictions in Russian society on the example of two different positions on the relationship between religion and science. According to one of these positions these relationships are defined as conflict. The second, opposing point of view says there never was and there cannot be any conflict between religion and science. In the publication such points are called “the paradigm of conflict” and “the paradigm of dialogue”. It shows, the first “paradigm” in the Soviet period of Russian history was determined by ideologization of science and was an important part of anti-religious propaganda. On the contrary, “the paradigm of dialogue” has always been represented primarily by religious thinkers. Today it is the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The official Church document “The Basis of the Social Concept” says religion and science are designed to complement each other, especially in solving ethical problems that inevitably arise in the face of modern science. However, secular scientists often see in such statements the Church’s claims to active participation in the public life, including the educational process. Representatives of the academic community often speak out against the introduction of the theological educational programs and the theological departments in secular Universities of the Russian Federation. Thus, in contemporary Russian society some continue to believe that there is a conflict between religion and science, while others insist on the need for dialogue.

2012 ◽  
pp. 66-80
Michał Mrozowicki

Michel Butor, born in 1926, one of the leaders of the French New Novel movement, has written only four novels between 1954 and 1960. The most famous of them is La Modification (Second thoughts), published in 1957. The author of the paper analyzes two other Butor’s novels: L’Emploi du temps (Passing time) – 1956, and Degrés (Degrees) – 1960. The theme of absence is crucial in both of them. In the former, the novel, presented as the diary of Jacques Revel, a young Frenchman spending a year in Bleston (a fictitious English city vaguely similar to Manchester), describes the narrator’s struggle to survive in a double – spatial and temporal – labyrinth. The first of them, formed by Bleston’s streets, squares and parks, is symbolized by the City plan. During his one year sojourn in the city, using its plan, Revel learns patiently how to move in its different districts, and in its strange labyrinth – strange because devoid any centre – that at the end stops annoying him. The other, the temporal one, symbolized by the diary itself, the labyrinth of the human memory, discovered by the narrator rather lately, somewhere in the middle of the year passed in Bleston, becomes, by contrast, more and more dense and complex, which is reflected by an increasinly complex narration used to describe the past. However, at the moment Revel is leaving the city, he is still unable to recall and to describe the events of the 29th of February 1952. This gap, this absence, symbolizes his defeat as the narrator, and, in the same time, the human memory’s limits. In Degrees temporal and spatial structures are also very important. This time round, however, the problems of the narration itself, become predominant. Considered from this point of view, the novel announces Gerard Genette’s work Narrative Discourse and his theoretical discussion of two narratological categories: narrative voice and narrative mode. Having transgressed his narrative competences, Pierre Vernier, the narrator of the first and the second parts of the novel, who, taking as a starting point, a complete account of one hour at school, tries to describe the whole world and various aspects of the human civilization for the benefit of his nephew, Pierre Eller, must fail and disappear, as the narrator, from the third part, which is narrated by another narrator, less audacious and more credible.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1993-2005
Shemsije Demiri ◽  
Rudina Kaja

This paper deals with the right to property in general terms from its source in Roman law, which is the starting point for all subsequent legal systems. As a result of this, the acquisition of property rights is handled from the historical point of view, with the inclusion of various local and international literature and studies, as well as the legal aspect devoted to the respective civil codes of the states cited in the paper.Due to such socio-economic developments, state ownership and its ownership function have changed. The state function as owner of property also changed in Macedonia's property law.The new constitutional sequence of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 became privately owned as a dominant form of ownership, however, state ownership also exists.This process of transforming social property into state or private (dissolves), in Macedonia starts from Yugoslavia through privatization, return and denationalization measures, on which basis laws on privatization have been adopted. Because of this, there will be particularly intensive negotiations regaring the remaining state assets.

Суусар Искендерова

Аннотация: Исследование проблемы фольклоризма является наиболее актуальной в современной науке о фольклоре. На разных этапах развития художественной литературы для формирования индивидуального творчества писателя особенно значимым становятся фольклорные жанры, сюжетные мотивы и художественные средства. В статье рассматривается связь письменной литературы и фольклора, особенно точка зрения проблеме фольклоризма в прошлом и их анализ. Термин «фольклоризм» начал использоваться советскими исследователями учеными как научный термин еще в 1930-х гг. Термин «фольклоризм» используется в различных сферах культуры, а в этой статье мы будем рассматривать в литературе. Несмотря на то, что на протяжении многих лет этот вопрос изучается литературоведами, фольклористами, все -таки нет единого теоретического определения понятия. Ключевые слова: фольклор, фольклоризм, литература, культура, письменная литература, художественная литература, оседлый народ, пословицы и поговорки, фольклорные песни. Аннотация: Көркөм адабияттын өнүгүүсүнүн ар кайсы баскычтарында сүрөткердин жеке чыгармачылыгынын калыптанышы үчүн фольклордук жанрлар, сюжеттер, мотивдер жана көркөм каражаттар айрыкча мааниге ээ. Макалада жазма адабият менен фольклордук карым-катышы, айрыкча фольклоризм маселеси жөнүндө мурдагы көз караштарга кайрылып, аларга талдоо жүргүзүү менен бирге автор өз байкоолорунда келтирет. “Фольклоризм” деген илимий термин 1930-жылы баштап колдонула баштаган. “Фольклоризм” термини маданияттын түрдүү сфераларында кеңири колдо- нулат, бул жерде адабияттагы колдонулушун каралат. Макалада адабий материал менен фольклордук байланышын терең түшүнүү үчүн адабий фольклоризм маселесинин талаштуу жактары каралат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: фольклор, фольклоризм, адабият, маданият, жазма адабият, көркөм адабият, көчмөн калк, макал-лакап, фольклордук ырлар. Annotation: The study of the problem of folklore is the most relevant in the modern science of folklore. At various stages in the development of fiction, folklore genres, plot motifs, and artistic means become especially significant for the formation of the writer's individual creativity. The article examines the relationship between written literature and folklore, especially the point of view of the problem of folklorism in the past and their analysis. The term "folklorism" began to be used by Soviet scholars as a scientific term back in the 1930s. The term "folklorism" is used in various fields of culture, and in this article we will consider in the literature. Despite the fact that for many years this issue has been studied by literary scholars, folklorists, all the same there is no single theoretical definition of the concept. Keywords: folklore, folklorism, literature, culture, written literature, fiction, settled people, proverbs and sayings, folk songs.

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