scholarly journals Medan Makna Jihad dalam Perspektif Bahasa Arab dan Islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-105
Zamzam Nurhuda

All this time, jihad has been a popular term in Islam. It is used to motivate people in growing religious spirit related to psychosocial dimension. However, people define jihad in various meanings. Therefore, this study is aimed at identifying the various meanings of jihad based on numerous Arabic and Islamic contexts. Moreover, qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method are applied in this study. Several steps to conduct this study are classifying the data, analyzing the data, processing the data, concluding and writing the report. The primary source in this study is the word jihad and other related words in the perspective of morphology and semantics. Meanwhile, the secondary data in this study include journals, books, and academic studies on Arabic semantic and an analysis of its meaning.  There are some results found in this study. First, jihad is addressed personally, relating to worship to God. Second, jihad is defined as offensive and defensive, relating to dakwah. Third, jihad is captured simply in life and its modernity, relating to tasawwuf. Finally, jihad is describedas an action to avoid syirik, relating to akidah. ---Selama ini kata jihad sangat begitu populer di dunia Islam, dikatakan populer karena kata jihad tidak jarang dijadikan motivasi untuk menumbuhkan semangat keagamaan yang terkait dengan dimensi psikososial. Kata jihad muncul dalam ragam yang memiliki banyak makna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi makna-makna yang berhubungan dengan kata jihad dalam berbagaimacam konteks bahasa Arab dan agama Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode tersebut berupaya menjawab permasalahan yang sedang dibahas dalam penelitian bahasa. Selanjutnya, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan adalah dimulai dengan klasifikasi data, analisis data, pengelolaan data dan terakhir membuat kesimpulan serta laporan hasil penelitian. Sumber utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kata jihad dan kata-kata yang memilki persamaan secara morfologis dan semantis degan kata jihad. Sedangkan sumber sekunder dalam penelitian ini adalah jurnal-jurnal, buku-buku, atau karya-karya ilmiah  yang berhubungan dengan semantik bahasa Arab dan medan makna. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini mencakup beberapa yang berhubungan dengan kata jihad. Pertama, kata jihad bermakna jihad kepada diri sendiri ketika satu kolokasi dengan kata ibadah. Kedua, kata jihad berarti opensif dan defensif ketika satu kolokasi dengan kata dakwah. Ketiga, kata jihad bermakna sederhana dalam kehidupan dunia dan modrnitas ketika satu kolokasi dengan kata tasawwuf. Keempat, kata jihad bermakna menjauh dari perbuatan syirik ketika satu kolokasi dengan akidah. DOI :10.15408/bat.v24i1.7589

AJAR ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 143-157
Alfonsus Jantong ◽  
Yakobus Kaditti Bangun

This study aims to criticize village fund reporting by using qualitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of literature related to village fund as well as related research journals. Descriptive analysis method as an analyst tool. The results of the analysis showed that the reporting of village funds in accordance with the regulation of the minister of home affairs number 113 of 2014 concerning the reporting of village funds but not in accordance with the prevailing government accounting standards, other findings indicate a late reporting process, the existence of interfensions in the use and reporting of village funds, obstacles to infrastructure and human resources are lacking. The existence of village funds is very beneficial for the village government in development. Reporting must be consistent with higher regulations, the need for specific reporting for village funds, as well as increased community supervision and participation roles.

Faoza Saaroh ◽  
Tian Abdul Aziz ◽  
Dwi Antari Wijayanti

Students misconceptions in solving contextual algebraic problems is still often found in this educational world. This study aims to describe the forms of student’s misconceptions in solving algebraic contextual problems and explain the causes of these misconceptions. The approach in this research is a qualitative approach, that is library research where the data used are secondary data. This research uses literature review data collection techniques. The number of articles used as data sources is 19 articles related to topics in research with algebraic contextual items taken from 5 articles to be displayed in the results section of the study. Data analysis used descriptive analysis method by describing the intentions and comparing several research articles. The results showed several forms related to non-systematic errors, namely concept errors or students’ misconceptions in solving algebraic contextual problems, namely the occurrence of misconceptions within the scope of algebraic arithmetic operations, understanding the meaning of variables, simplifying, or operating algebraic expressions, and interpreting contextual problems into algebraic mathematical form. The misconception occurs in students with low and moderate mathematical abilities where the cause of this phenomenon is due to the occurrence of errors in the learning process by educators in which students are less accustomed to solving contextual problems or open-ended questions. Therefore, it is hoped that educators can determine the learning model appropriately in fixing the problem of contextual algebraic misconceptions and further researchers can find new learning models that affect this problem.

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Tim Kajian PKP2A III LAN Samarinda

The objective of this study is searching the outcomes of development implementation conducts by local governments in Kalimantan. This research uses descriptive analysis method and qualitative approach. The data is collected by interview with key informants in local governments and supported by secondary data. The result of this research are firstly, development in regional of Kalimantan remains great problems. It can be seen that development performance in several regions are still supported by exploitation on non-renewable natural resources, that has environmental risk. In other hand, several regions which has no natural resources meet trouble in accelerating their development performance. Even it still remains declining in economic growth and increasing in unemployment. Secondly, refer to regional planning document found that local governments tend to place short term output as main orientation in regional development, and not outcomes that should give long term benefits and impacts for the people.Keywords : outcome, district's development, regional KalimantanTujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari implementasi perencanaan pembangunan daerah kabupaten di regional Kalimantan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan data dilakukan melalui interview dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan meliputi beberapa hal yaitu pertama, bahwa secara umum implementasi pembangunan daerah di tingkat kabupaten masih menjadi tantangan yang berat. Hal ini terlihat di beberapa daerah yang memiliki kinerja pembangunan yang bagus ternyata ditopang oleh sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui, dan seringkali mengabaikan faktor lingkungan. Sementara di daerah lain yang tidak bisa mengandalkan potensi sumber daya alam mengalami kesulitan untuk mengakselerasi kinerja pembangunannya, bahkan masih ada daerah yang mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta peningkatan jumlah pengangguran. Sementara dari aspek pembangunan fisik, pembangunan infrastruktur dasar khususnya jalan di beberapa kabupaten cenderung lambat. Kedua, dilihat dari dokumen perencanaan, realisasi pembangunan di beberapa kabupaten masih cenderung berorientasi pada keluaran (output) jangka pendek. Pemerintah daerah masih berorientasi pada pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan jangka pendek dan kurang memperhatikan manfaat dan dampak jangka panjang (dampak/outcomes) yang seharusnya bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat.Kata kunci : dampak, pembangunan daerah, regional Kalimantan

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Iis Yeni Sugiarti

Abstrak. Desa Trusmi merupakan sentra batik sekaligus kuliner di Kabupaten Cirebon. Banyaknya pemegang usaha di bidang produksi batik mengakibatkan persaingan dagang diwilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)  di salah satu usaha batik milik H. Edi Baredi atau sering dikenal dengan EB Batik Tradisional melalui inkuri terbimbing. Analisis meliputi profil usaha, aspek produksi, aspek tenaga kerja, aspek pemasaran dan aspek keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif analisis. Berdasarkan analisis internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT, strategi yang  dilakukan oleh EB Batik Tradisional yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan profit yang disebabkan banyaknya persaingan dagang di kawasan sentra batik Trusmi dengan munculnya inovasi baru. Penguatan karakter pada produksi batiknya dapat mengatasi pesaingan dagang dan menambah daya tarik pembeli. Kata Kunci: SWOT, Inkuiri Terbimbing, dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Abstract. Trusmi village is a center of batik as well as culinary in Cirebon Regency. A large number of business holders in the field of batik production has resulted in trade competition in the region. This study aims to analyze SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) in one of the batik business owned by H. Edi Baredi or often known as EB Traditional Batik through guided injury. The analysis includes the business profile, production aspects, labor aspects, marketing aspects, and financial aspects. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Based on internal and external analysis of the SWOT analysis, the strategy carried out by EB Traditional Batik is to avoid losing sales and profits due to the high level of trade competition in the Trusmi batik center area with the emergence of innovations. Strengthening the character of batik production can overcome trade competition and increase the attractiveness of buyers. Keywords: SWOT, Guided Inquiry, and Economic Activities

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Yeni Maulina ◽  
Khairul Azmi

Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, and Bunut Subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency. Petalangan tribe has various cultures in the traditions of life. A good introduction to cultural heritage by the next generation can strengthen the nation's tradition in responding to the increasingly severe challenges of the future in this era of globalization. Cultural heritage in the form of moral-spiritual inheritance, one of which is obtained and known through the tradition of belief in the traditional proverb that exists in the community. The traditional adage in the Petalangan community, among others, explains the perspective on community life. This study aims to describe the style of language in the customary proverb that is related to the perspective of life in society. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The data source used was the book entitled Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. There are 16 traditional proverbs used as data in this study, which then obtained 3 language styles based on sentence structure and 2 language styles based on meaning. By knowing and learning the style of language in this traditional proverb, the philosophy of life and aesthetic tastes of the people of Riau can be understood. Petalangan merupakan salah satu puak asli di Provinsi Riau yang bermukim di Kecamatan Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, dan Bunut, Kabupaten Pelalawan. Suku Petalangan ini memiliki beraneka kebudayaan dalam kehidupan. Pengenalan yang baik terhadap warisan kebudayaan oleh generasi penerus dapat memperteguh tradisi bangsa dalam menjawab tantangan masa depan yang semakin berat dalam era globalisasi ini. Warisan kebudayaan yang berupa warisan moral-spiritual, satu di antaranya didapatkan dan diketahui keyakinan terhadap pepatah adat yang ada pada masyarakat. Pepatah adat dalam masyarakat Petalangan antara lain menjelaskan cara pandang mengenai hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa di dalam pepatah adat yang berhubungan dengan cara pandang dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah buku Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. Terdapat 16 pepatah adat yang dijadikan data dalam penelitian ini, yang kemudian diperoleh 3 gaya bahasa berdasarkan struktur kalimat dan 2 gaya bahasa berdasarkan makna. Dengan mengetahui dan mempelajari gaya bahasa dalam pepatah adat ini dapat dipahami filsafat hidup dan cita rasa estetika masyarakat Riau.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi

This study generally aims to analyze the concept of mudharabah financing in Baitul Qiradh (BQ) Abu Indrapuri for micro-enterprises. Specifically, the paper reviews the systems implemented in the management and revenue-sharing mechanisms derived from these micro-enterprises. This study employs primary and secondary data which were collected through interview and documentation studies. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The findings show that generally the concept of mudharabah financing in BQ Abu Indrapuri is based on Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No. 07/DSN/MUI/IV/2000. In the implementation level, however, the application of profit sharing and collateral system was not fully shariah compliance. The imbalance between the concept and implementation because the BQ still refers to the conventional banking rules. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep pembiayaan mudharabah pada Baitul Qiradh (BQ) Abu Indrapuri untuk usaha mikro. Secara spesifik, tulisan mengkaji tentang sistem yang diterapkan dalam pengelolaan dan mekanisme pembagian pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usaha mikro tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara bebas, dan studi dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum konsep pembiayaan mudharabah pada BQ Abu Indrapuri berpedoman pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No.07/DSN/MUI/IV/2000. Akan tetapi, dalam implementasinya masih terdapat hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan konsep syariah yaitu pada sistem bagi hasil dan jaminan. Terdapat ketimpangan antara konsep dan implementasi disebabkan karena BQ Abu Indrapuri masih mengacu pada aturan sistem perbankan konvensional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Wirman Wirman ◽  
Mira Fauziah

Jama’ah Mastūrah refers to a congregation of women division of Jama’ah Tabligh. As is the case of the male counterpart, Jama’ah Mastūrah also takes part in Islamic missionary activities. However, this group does not carry out da’wah in an open space or in front of the congregation. This study aimed to analyze the method of da’wah carried out by Jama’ah Mastūrah in raising women religious awareness in Aceh Besar. The study used qualitative approach and the descriptive analysis method. Data were collected by interview and documentation study. The results showed that the da’wah method carried out by Jama'ah Masṭurah was the method of da’wah bi al-lisān,  bi al-kitābah and bi al-hāl. The bi al-lisān method is carried out by inviting the surrounding community to invite people to pray, wear a headscarf, recite the Qur'an and attend ta'lim activities in their homes. The bi al-kitābah is a method of da’wah by means of written materials, such as books, billboards, banners, bulletin boards,  or pamphlets, containing messages of da’wah to mad’ū. The bi al-hāl method is carried out by showing noble morals, maintaining the limits of the genitals and avoiding meeting with men who are not mahram.

Al-Buhuts ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Abdul Latif

This study aims to determine the system for the results of Mudharabah on Business Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu with Qualitative Descriptive Analysis method. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data relating to the annual revenue sharing system Mudharabah (2010-2014). The results of this study indicate that the profit sharing system is implemented by the Multipurpose Business Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu in the form of Mudharabah financing. With a guarantee statement on the process akadnya. In the event of negligence made by members who resulted in his business losing the goods made in the guarantee will be seized by the cooperative. Businesses that are established by members are mostly small and medium enterprises so often encountered bookkeeping that is not clear and just make a budget booklet at random. However, it does not become alaasan and hamper the growth of cooperatives which each year has increased the remaining results of operations. Unclear budget bookkeeping can result in member earnings manipulation, by lowering the profits earned and the effect on the revenue share installments

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Nabila Rahma Silmi ◽  
Tuah Nur ◽  
Dian Purwanti

The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of regional disaster management policies in Sukabumi City and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors of the successful implementation of regional disaster management policies. This research method uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of regional disaster management policies was not optimal. The conclusion is that the socialization activities are still lacking and equitable, human resources and infrastructure have not been added yet. The inhibiting factors are in terms of institutional, apparatus discipline, budget, resources, facilities and environment that are less conducive. Supporting factors are the existence of regulations or regulations on disaster management. for communication carried out by BPBD Sukabumi City in carrying out socialization activities or training on disaster management to the public is still lacking and uneven. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Disaster Management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Joko Amin Sunarko ◽  
Rafeah Abubakar ◽  
Harniatun Iswarini

ABSTRACT This study aims To find out the constraints faced by extension workers in providing agricultural extension in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency and To know the response of farmers to the implementation of agricultural extension in the Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research was carried out in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in March to May 2017. The research method used is qualitative methods. While the sampling method used is simple random Purposive sampling will 28 samples of palm oil farmer. So the sample studied from members of the population as a whole that is as much as 28 oil palm farmers. Data collection methods used are interviews and observation methods. The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. Method of processing and analysis of data used is using descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. The results showed that agricultural extension facilities used extension workers are motorcycles, aids and props. Infrastructure that is not yet supported is not yet all extension workers get a service house near the location of counseling, Distance taken by agricultural extension workers in carrying out their duties is about 3 km for the location of the activities of the farmer's house and about 5 km for the location of agricultural gardens. Farmer's response to the organik fertilizer extension activiti b using cattle manure for oil palm plantation with total score or 47,50 which means getting high score.  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi penyuluh dalam memberikan penyuluhan pertanian di Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir dan Untuk mengetahui tanggapan petani terhadap pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir pada bulan Maret sampai dengan bulan Mei 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Sedangkan metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah acak sederhana Purposive sampling dengan anggota populasi sebanyak 28. Maka sampel yang diteliti dari anggota populasi secara keseluruhan yaitu sebanyak 28 petani kelapa sawit. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sarana penyuluhan pertanian yang digunakan penyuluh adalah sepeda motor, alat bantu dan alat peraga. Prasarana yang yang belum mendukung adalah belum semua penyuluh mendapatkan rumah dinas di dekat lokasi penyuluhan, Jarak yang ditempuh penyuluh pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugasnya adalah sekitar 3 km untuk kelokasi kegiatan dari rumah petani dan sekitar 5 km untuk lokasi kebun pertanian. Tanggapan petani terhadap kegitan penyuluhan pertanian pupuk organik dengan menggunakan kotoran ternak untuk tanaman kelapa sawit dengan jumlah keseluruhan skornya 47.5 yang artinya memperoleh nilai tinggi.  

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