The Role of Wine Buyouts in the Formation of the Initial Capital of the Russian Entrepreneurship of the XIX century: on the Example of D. E. Benardaki

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-348
Vasily A. Grigorkin

Introduction. The entrepreneurial activity in history has passed a very long distance in the course of its evolutionary development. At each of the stages of its development, it possessed very specific features and qualities that directly depended on a number of various factors. These factors include: the level of development of productive forces, the nature of various (socio-economic, production, political) relationships, forms of ownership and their changes. Materials and Methods. Comparative historical, chronological and genealogical research methods were used, the principles of objectivity and historicism were observed. Results. By the time the lease system was canceled, the period of initial capital accumulation for the former leaseholders was over. Discussion and Conclusion. One of the main stages in the development of Russian entrepreneurship falls on the first half of the 19th century. At this time, directly related to the beginning and development of the industrial revolution, there was a significant acceleration of the processes of initial capital accumulation. This process was based on various forms and types of trade and intermediary activities within the developing the all-Russian market.

2014 ◽  
pp. 268-335

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (49) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Beatriz Pérez Sánchez

RESUMEN Objetivo: Abordar los antecedentes del estudio del empresario en la economía neoclásica, keynesiana y contemporánea. En una etapa histórica que nace con la Revolución Industrial, se define al empresario como el propietario del capital; no obstante con la evolución del sistema capitalista esta definición resulta insuficiente. Material y metodos: Los métodos que se utilizaron fueron el método histórico-crítico, y el método comparativo. El método histórico-crítico, da mayor peso al origen histórico y a las condiciones de surgimiento para establecer la configuración definitiva y las prácticas económicas en la economía neoclásica, keynesiana y contemporánea. Así mismo; el método comparativo nos permite realizar una taxonomía del empresario. Se realiza una investigación bibliográfica de 12 teóricos representantes de estas tres corrientes. Resultados: El concepto de empresario aparece íntimamente unido al concepto de empresa concebida como realidad socioeconómica. El empresario personaliza la actuación de la empresa siendo la figura representativa que persigue objetivos coherentes con los fines a conseguir por la empresa en un intervalo temporal. Conclusiones: Las aportaciones, más que brindar una teoría satisfactoria del empresario, se complementan mutuamente para configurar valores, atributos, comportamientos y habilidades que los empresarios requieren para ser catalogados como tales. Al revisar los aportes, principales ideas y planteamientos de los autores que escribieron sobre los empresarios se encontró que se interesaron por definir: a) quién es un empresario; b) qué hace, es decir cuál es su función. A fines del siglo XIX y con el crecimiento en dimensión de las grandes empresas, comienza en la economía una preocupación por la actividad empresarial como función distinta de la propiedad de la empresa. ABSTRACT Objetivo: Review the background to study the entrepreneur in the neoclassical, Keynesian, and Contemporary economics. In a historic stage that was born with the Industrial Revolution, the entrepreneur is defined as the owner of the capital; however, with the evolution of the capitalist system this definition is insufficient. Material and method:The historical-criticism and the comparative method were used. The first one focuses its attention to the historical origins and the conditions of the appearance to establish the definite configuration and the economical practices in the neoclassical, Keynesian and contemporary economics. On the other hand, the comparative method allows us to make the taxonomy of the entrepreneur. A bibliographic research of 12 theoreticians of these three thoughts was performed. Results: The concept of entrepreneur appears intimately linked to the concept of enterprise conceived as a socioeconomic reality. The entrepreneur personalizes the performance of the company being the representative character that pursues the coherent goals of the company in a temporary interval. Conclusions: The contributions, more than providing a satisfactory theory of the entrepreneur, are mutually complemented to configure values, attributes, behaviors and abilities that the entrepreneurs require to be catalogued as they are. After reviewing the contributions, main ideas, and approaches of the authors who wrote about the entrepreneurs, it was found that they were interested to define a)who an entrepreneur is; b) what an entrepreneur does, this is, what his/her function is. At the end of the XIX century and with the growth in dimension of the great enterprises, it starts in the economics a preoccupation for the entrepreneurial activity as a different function of the company property.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Jonibek Butaev ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the Samarkand Regional Statistics Committee in the second half of the XIX -early XX centuries. Statistical committees and departments established in the second half of the 19th century in the province of Turkestan and all regions to study the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the country, compile statistical reports and collections, as well as consolidate the colonial policy of the empire. The article analyzes the data of the Statistics Committee and the Department of Samarkand region.

Antiquity ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (243) ◽  
pp. 275-282 ◽  
Marilyn Palmer

A thematic or a period discipline?Industrial archaeology has generally been defined as a thematic discipline, concerned with only one aspect of man’s past activity. Although the term ‘archaeology of industry’ was used in the 19th century, it was Michael Rix who used the phrase ‘industrial archaeology’ in print for the first time (Rix 1955). He later defined industrial archaeology as ‘recording, preserving in selected cases and interpreting the sites and structures of early industrial activity, particularly the monuments of the Industrial Revolution’ (Rix 1967: 5). The emphasis on the term ‘industrial monument’ followed a need to define an industrial class of Ancient Monument so that some examples would be scheduled. Industrial archaeology, then, grew from the need to record and preserve standing structures threatened with demolition rather than an inherent desire to understand more about the historical period of the monuments. It was perhaps felt that understanding of the industrial revolution period was more readily arrived at by other means, particularly written historical evidence. During the ‘rescue’ years of the 1960s and 1970s, archaeology was one of the two areas of fastest university expansion and very popular in extra-mural teaching. But none of the archaeology departments took up industrial archaeology, although many of the extra-mural departments did; it is largely as a part-time, amateur interest that industrial archaeology has flourished ever since. The author’s post as an industrial archaeologist in the Leicester archaeology department is one of the first occasions on which the specialism has been given a place in full-time undergraduate archaeology courses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Simone Silveira Amorim

Different aspects impacted the work of primary school teachers in the 19th century: the lack of materials for the teaching of classes, the delay in paying salaries and the release of resources to pay the rent of the houses where the classes worked, the health issues that implied the removal of the teacher for treatment, among others. Given this context, the objective is to inform how the teaching profession was configured based on the challenges faced by primary teachers in the 19th century. As a research in the field of History of Education, newspapers and official communications will be taken as sources, being analyzed from the conceptions of configuration and representation. It is possible to perceive that the profession of primary teacher was configured in the face of challenges and confrontations, corroborating the construction of the representation of the qualified teacher in the 19th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Roger Allan Christian Kembuan

Abstract: This research discusses the process of forming and developing of Pondol village in Manado as a location for exile along with the Dutch colonial government policy that placed exiles who came from several sultanates in Java in the Manado Residency during the 19th century. The discussion includes, first, the background of the exile of the Javanese aristocrats in Manado. Second, the process of establishing Pondol as a location for exile and its development during the XIX century, and third, the adaptations made by the exiles to adjust to their exile and the impact of their arrival on the Manado-Minahasa community. The historical method is used in this research, using colonial archives from the XIX century which are stored in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia, and local sources, especially manuscripts stored by their descendants in Manado and Java. The findings in this study are; Kampung Pondol was formed due to the isolation of Kanjeng Ratu Sekar Kedaton and Pangeran Suryeng Ingalaga and some of his followers originated from political intrigue that occurred in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Second, the reason why Kampung Pondol was chosen as the new location for exile by the Dutch colonial government for Javanese royal officials was different from the exile of other figures in Tondano and Tomohon. Third, the form of adaptation carried out by the exiles in Kampung Pondol Manado was marriage with women from Manado and relationships with Dutch people who lived around them.Keywords : Exile, Javanese Noble, Pondol Village, Adaptation. Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses terbentuk dan perkembangan kampung Pondol di Manado sebagai lokasi pengasingan seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Belanda yang menempatkan para eksil yang berasal dari beberapa kesultanan di Jawa di Karesidenan Manado pada sepanjang abad 19.  Pembahasannya meliputi; Pertama, Latar belakang pengasingan para bangsawan Jawa di Manado. Kedua, proses terbentuknya Pondol sebagai lokasi pengasingan dan perkembangannya selama abad XIX, dan Ketiga, adaptasi yang dilakukan para eksil untuk menyesuaikan diri di pengasingan serta dampak kedatangan mereka pada masyarakat Manado-Minahasa. Metode sejarah dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan mempergunakan sumber Arsip Kolonial kurun waktu abad ke XIX yang tersimpan di Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia,  dan sumber lokal terutama manuskrip yang tersimpan oleh keturunannya di Manado dan Jawa. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah; Kampung Pondol terbentuk karena Pengasingan Kanjeng Ratu Sekar Kedaton dan Pangeran Suryeng ingalaga dan beberapa pengikutnya berawal dari intrik politik yang terjadi di Kesultanan Yogyakarta. Kedua, alasan Kampung Pondol dipilih sebagai lokasi baru pengasingan Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda bagi pembesar kerajaan Jawa yang berbeda lokasi dengan pengasingan tokoh-tokoh lainnya di Tondano dan Tomohon. Ketiga, bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh para eksil di Kampung Pondol Manado dilakukan pernikahan dengan wanita dari Manado dan relasi dengan orang-orang Belanda yang tinggal disekeliling mereka.Kata Kunci : Eksil, Bangsawan Jawa, Kampung Pondol, Adaptasi.

Natasha Kurnia Tishani ◽  
Rudy Trisno

The advancement of technology in the world is marked by the industrial revolution event. Indonesia has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This incident affects the way society dwell, slowly our lives have been dominated by technology and it is possible that in the future humans will be replaced by robots. We must developing soft skills that cannot be replaced by robots through our education. Indonesia’s education itself does not prepare the next generation to deal with this event. Starting from outdated curriculum,  teachers who are afraid to explore in teaching to school buildings that still adhere to the school system in the 19th century. The study of the discussion is how human dwell in the future in this case is to study, namely primary school buildings, which can accommodate teaching and learning activities with a curriculum that suits future needs. The design method used is in form of design stages, starting from Area Analysis; Investigation of selected sites; Proposed Program;  Design Analysis: Composition of mass and the concept of mass of buildings using the Metaphor Method; Project Zoning; Application of Pattern Language Methods and Structure and Building Materials. The result of this research is an elementary school architectural building that accmodate 21st century learning. Keywords:  creativity; education; metaphorical architecture; pattern langugae;primary school  Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi didunia ditandai dengan adanya peristiwa revolusi industri. Indonesia telah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0. Peristiwa ini memengaruhi cara masyarakat berhuni, secara perlahan kehidupan kita telah didominasi dengan teknologi dan tidak menutup kemungkinan dimasa depan manusia akan digantikan dengan robot. Lalu, bagaimana kita sebagai manusia menghadapi ini ? yaitu mengembangkan softskill yang tidak bisa digantikan oleh robot melalui pendidikan kita. Pendidikan Indonesia tidak menyiapkan generasi selanjutnya untuk menghadapi perisitiwa ini. Berawal dari kurikulum yang sudah usang, lalu para guru yang takut untuk bereksplorasi dalam mengajar hingga bangunan sekolah yang masih menganut sistem sekolah di abad-19. Lingkup pembahasan laporan ini adalah bagaimana wadah berhuni manusia dimasa depan yaitu kegiatan menuntut ilmu, yaitu bangunan sekolah dasar, yang dapat mewadahi kegiatan pembelajaran dengan kurikulum masa depan. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah; a) Analisis Kawasan; b) Investigasi tapak terpilih; c) Usulan program; d) Analisis Perancangan : Gubahan massa dan Konsep Massa bangunan dengan Metode Arsitektur Metafora; d) Penzoningan Pada Proyek; e) Penerapan Metode Bahasa Pola dan f) Struktur dan Material Bangunan. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa bangunan arsitektur sekolah dasar yang mewadahi kegiatan pembelajaran abad-21.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12-3) ◽  
pp. 242-249
Alexander Sergeev ◽  
Ekaterina Bratukhina ◽  
Irina Kushova ◽  
Dmitriy Ovsyukov

The article examines the historical aspects of the evolution of the legislative definition of the age of onset of criminal responsibility and the specifics of sentencing juvenile offenders in the 18th and first half of the 19th century.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 323
Mansyur -

European Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century brought great changes not only in Europe itself but also in other parts of the world including Indonesia which was used to be a country of Dutch colony. The invention of steam-powered ships triggered the Dutch to use steam-powered vessels as the alteration of yachts, wind-powered ships, in the 19th century. At the beginning, the steam-powered ships used rotating wheels in the left and right side; however, the ships finally used ordinary windmills or propellers. The decrease and the lack of this production was getting worsened the competition of other producer countries in world market and the unstable coal market and in crisis year in 1930, Pulau Laut Mining Company production dropped so that it was closed down in the same year.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (10(74)) ◽  
pp. 4-7
M. Harutyunyan

Thus, our scientific research led to the conclusion that the applied art which originated in the previous centuries continued to develop along with other branches of the culture of Artsakh in the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century.  In this scientific article, we have presented mainly the following branches of the applied arts of Artsakh: carpet weaving, handicrafts, embroidery, silversmithing, pottery. We have mainly presented interesting information about the branches of the applied art which were covered in the periodicals of the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Noting about the carpet weaving of Artsakh, we emphasized that the carpets of that region of Artsakh stood out with their color structure, richness of ornaments, technical mastery. We highlighted the role of handicrafts in the life of Armenian women, emphasizing that this form of the applied art was developed in Artsakh in the Middle Ages. In this article, we also presented a number of pottery samples found during excavations by foreign archaeologists. 

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