2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Samuel Lante ◽  
Usman Usman

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pemijahan udang windu betina F-1 dan mutu telur, serta larva turunannya (F-2) dengan inseminasi buatan menggunakan sumber spermatofora udang jantan yang berbeda. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah induk udang windu betina F-1 diinseminasi menggunakan spermatofora dari sumber induk jantan berbeda yaitu: spermatofora induk jantan F-1 hasil budidaya (S-1), dan spermatofora induk jantan alam (S-A). Data pemijahan induk betina, kualitas telur, dan profil asam amino pada daging dan hepatopankreas jantan, serta morfologi larva dianalisis secara deskriptif, sedangkan data uji vitalitas larva dianalisis uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induk udang windu betina F-1 yang diinseminasi dengan perlakuan S-1 memiliki tingkat pemijahan 67%; fekunditas 179.257 butir/induk; total produksi telur 1.434.053 butir; tingkat pembuahan telur 86,2%; daya tetas telur 59,8%; dan total produksi nauplii 738.439 ekor yang lebih rendah dibandingkan pada induk udang F-1 yang diinseminasi perlakuan S-A yang memiliki tingkat pemijahan 75%; fekunditas 215.489 butir/induk; total produksi telur 1.939.399 butir; tingkat pembuahan telur 88,9%; daya tetas telur 62,7%; dan total produksi nauplii 1.081.140 ekor. Sementara diameter telur (248-255 µm) dan mutu larva relatif sama di antara kedua perlakuan. Profil asam amino hepatopankreas dan daging pada induk udang jantan alam lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada induk udang jantan F-1. Penggunaaan spematofora jantan alam masih lebih baik daripada jantan budidaya pada inseminasi induk betina F-1 udang windu.This study was aimed at evaluating the spawning rate of F-1 female tiger shrimp and the quality of their egg and larvae derivatives (F-2) by artificial insemination using different sources of male shrimp spermatophore. The treatments consisted of broodstock of F-1 female tiger shrimp inseminated with different male spermatophores, namely: cultivated F-1 male spermatophore (S-1), and wild male spermatophore (S-A). Data on spawning performance of F-1 female tiger shrimp and amino acid profile in the hepatopancreas and muscle of male tiger shrimp and larval morphology were analyzed descriptively.The vitality of larvae was analyzed using t-test. The results showed that the broodstock of F-1 female tiger shrimp inseminated with S-1 treatment had spawning rate of 67%; fecundity of 179,257 egg; total egg production of 1,434,053 eggs; egg fertilization rate of 86.2%; hatching rate of 59.8%; and total nauplii production of 738,439 ind. Broodstock of F-1 female inseminated with S-A treatment had higher values for spawning rate of 75%, fecundity of 215,489 egg; total egg production of 1,939,399 egg; egg fertilization rate of 88.9%; hatching rate of 62.7%; and total nauplii production of 1,081,140 ind. The produced egg diameter (248-255 ¼m) and larva quality were relatively same between the two treatments. Amino acid profiles in the hepatopancreas and muscle were higher in the wild male broodstock compared to the cultivated (F-1) male broodstock. In conclusion, wild male spermatophore is generally better than the cultivated F-1 male spermatophore for artificial insemination of female broodstock F-1. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Samuel Lante ◽  
Andi Tenriulo ◽  
Andi Parenrengi

Udang windu transgenik merupakan udang hasil rekayasa dengan mengintroduksikan gen antivirus yang diisolasi dari udang windu untuk menghasilkan fenotipe yang lebih baik. Domestikasi udang transgenik telah dilakukan dan berhasil memijah/bertelur, tetapi umumnya telurnya infertil yang disebabkan tidak terjadinya pembuahan di tambak pemeliharaan. Udang betina tidak kawin ditandai tidak membawa spermatofor di telikumnya. Upaya untuk mendapatkan telur fertil udang dengan inseminasi buatan (IB) perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi performa reproduksi udang betina transgenik dan mutu larva yang dihasilkan pasca IB menggunakan sumber spermatofor yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu: IB menggunakan spermatofor udang windu jantan transgenik (SJT), spermatofor udang windu jantan alam Sulawesi Selatan (SulSel) (SJS) dan spermatofor udang windu jantan alam Aceh (SJA). IB dilakukan pada udang windu betina transgenik setelah dua hari moulting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa udang windu betina transgenik pasca IB perlakuan SJT menghasilkan total telur fertil sebanyak 766.949 butir, perlakuan SJS 535.644 butir dan perlakuan SJA 678.016 butir dengan daya tetas telur fertil yaitu: pada SJT, SJS, dan SJA masing-masing adalah 53,5%; 53,7%; dan 55,0%. Uji vitalitas larva dengan perendaman dalam larutan formalin 150-200 mg/L, perendaman air tawar: 5-15 menit, dan pengeringan 3-9 menit menghasilkan sintasan larva udang yang relatif sama pada ketiga perlakuan. Nilai morfologi larva perlakuan SJT, SJA, dan SJS adalah masing-masing 85,0; 84,5; dan 75,0. Dari hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa performa reproduksi udang windu betina transgenik dan mutu larva yang dihasilkan pasca IB tidak dipengaruhi oleh sumber spermatofor induk udang windu jantan Penaeus monodon.Transgenic tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon has been developed in the last decade to equip shrimp with immunity against viral diseases. However, the effort to produce large quantities of specific pathogen resistance (SPR) tiger shrimp seed is hampered by several constraints in the domestication process. The successfulness of domesticated broodstock in producing larvae is very low due to low fertilization rate. An artificial insemination (AI) offers a solution to increase fertilization rate in crustacean. This study was aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance of female transgenic tiger shrimp broodstock and their larval quality after artificially inseminated with males from different sources. The spermatophores of male from different sources i.e. transgenic male spermatophore (SJT), wild male from South Sulawesi (SJS), and wild male from Aceh (SJA) were collected through electric shock and inseminated to female transgenic broodstock two days after moulting. The results showed that the total numbers of fertile eggs produced from SJT, SJS, and SJA treatment were 766,949 pcs; 535,644 pcs; and 678,016 pcs, respectively and not significantly different (P>0.05). Similar to the number of fertile eggs, the hatching rate of eggs of SJT (53.5%), SJS (53.7%), and SJA (55.0%) also did not indicate any significant differences (P>0.05). On the larval vitality test by soaking the larvae in formalin and freshwater as well as by air exposure at different duration showed no significant difference on the survival rate (P>0.05) as indicated by score value at each treatment of 85.0, 84.5, and 75.0 for SJT, SJS, and SJA, respectively. In conclusion, the reproductive performance of female transgenic tiger shrimp and their larval quality were not affected by the different sources of spermatophores inseminated artificially during the spawning cycle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 271
Samuel Lante ◽  
Asda Laining

Salah satu kendala utama dalam domestikasi udang windu adalah rendahnya tingkat perkawinan secara alami dalam wadah budidaya. Hal yang sama terjadi pada udang windu alam yang digunakan di unit pembenihan. Salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan telur fertil adalah melalui inseminasi buatan (IB). Inseminasi buatan merupakan teknik mentransfer spermatofor dari induk jantan dengan cara memasukkannya ke dalam telikum udang betina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reproduksi udang windu betina alam pasca-inseminasi menggunakan sumber dan jumlah spermatofor induk jantan alam yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap yaitu 1) IB menggunakan spermatofor induk jantan dari perairan Sulawesi Selatan (SS) dan spermatofor induk jantan dari Aceh (SA) dan 2) IB menggunakan jumlah spermatofor berbeda yaitu satu spermatofor (S-1) dan dua spermatofor (S-2) pada udang windu betina alam. Inseminasi spermatofor dilakukan pada induk udang windu betina setelah dua hari moulting. Hasil yang diperoleh pada IB tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur udang windu betina alam lokal tidak dipengaruhi oleh sumber (lokasi) asal udang jantan, di mana daya tetas telur relatif sama pada kedua perlakuan, yaitu 61,6% pada SS dan 61,7% pada SA. IB pada tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur fertil yang diperoleh pada S-2 sebesar 40,5%; lebih rendah dari S-1 sebesar 44%.One of the main constraints in the domestication of black tiger shrimp is very low natural mating in the tank. Similar condition have been happened in commercial hatcheries. An effort to improve the eggs fertility is through artificial insemination (AI). This study aimed to know reproductive performance of wild black tiger shrimp after insemination with different sources and numbers of spermatophore. This study consisted of two trials.The first one was AI using spermatophores of wild male obtained from two different locations, namely from South Sulawesi (SS) and Aceh (SA). The second trial was AI using different numbers of spermatophore namely one spermatophore (S-1) and two spermatophores (S-2). AI was applied to the females at two days post-moulting. The results of the first trial showed that the hatching rate (HR) was not affected by the source of the male which was 61.6% for SS and 61.7% for SA. The second trial indicated that female inseminated S-2 had lower HR than S-1 (40.5% vs 44%).

F1000Research ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 683 ◽  
Netti Aryani ◽  
Indra Suharman ◽  
Hafrijal Syandri

Background: Hemibagrus wyckii Bagridae is one of the most important economic fish species that lives in the rivers and reservoir in Riau Province, Indonesia. The present study aimed to determine the reproductive performance of H.wyckii under culture conditions. Methods: A total of 10 female and 10 male fish were selected, and weight, length, characteristics of egg and sperm, and hatchery performance were measured. Eggs were fertilized using the dry method. Egg weight and egg diameters were measured for 50 eggs per female. Egg size (50 eggs for each fish) was measured using an Olympus microscope (CX40). Then, saline solution was added over the eggs, followed by the addition of pooled sperm from 10 males. Results: Average relative fecundity, egg weight and egg diameter were 2060±512 eggs/kg fish, 29.86±1.21 mg and 2.67±0.26 mm, respectively. The fertilization rate and hatching rate were 60.91±4.68% and 42.91±2.92% respectively. Sperm characteristics such as volume per fish (mL), pH, concentration (per mL), motility (%) and duration of motility (second) were 0.82±0.20, 7.15±0.12, 3.68±0.15, 72.77±1.46 and 47.5±4.84, respectively. Conclusion: The study results and scientific observations regarding reproductive performance suggest that H. wyckii can be considered a new candidate species for aquaculture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Lies Setijaningsih ◽  
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Deni Radona ◽  
Brata Pantjara ◽  
Anang Hari Kristanto ◽  

Permintaan ikan belida cukup tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi dan bahan baku olahan makanan yang masih mengandalkan tangkapan dari alam. Tingginya eksploitasi mengakibatkan populasi ikan dari tahun ke tahun semakin berkurang dan terancam punah. Teknologi pembenihan ikan belida dengan penggunaan hormon diduga dapat meningkatkan produksi larva untuk keperluan budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi performasi pemijahan ikan belida secara alami dan buatan melalui induksi hormon HCG dan LHRH analog. Pemijahan alami dan buatan dilakukan menggunakan induk betina sebanyak enam ekor dan jantan tiga ekor (rasio 2:1). Induk yang digunakan berukuran panjang 46 ± 5 cm dan bobot 2.209 ± 623 g. Pemijahan buatan dilakukan dengan induksi hormon HCG dosis 500 IU/kg dan LHRH analog dosis 0,5 mL/kg. Penyuntikan HCG dan LHRH diberikan dengan interval 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pemijahan buatan (induksi hormon) diperoleh induk yang memijah sebanyak dua ekor dengan nilai diameter telur (3,1 ± 0,3 mm); fekunditas (282-907 butir); derajat pembuahan (21%-40%); derajat penetasan (56%-75%); dan sintasan (30%-50%); sedangkan pada pemijahan alami diperoleh satu ekor induk yang memijah dengan nilai diameter telur (3,5 ± 0,3 mm); fekunditas (1.616 butir); dan derajat pembuahan (86,7%); selama tiga bulan pengamatan secara intensif dengan frekuensi pemijahan enam kali. Aplikasi teknologi pemijahan dengan menggunakan induksi hormon dapat menghasilkan produk larva pada ikan belida.The demand for fish consumption of Clown Knifefish is considerably high. However, the fish supply for consumption and processed food still relies on wild-caught. Such exploitation has decreased the population of Clown Knifefish to a point that it can become an endangered species. Efforts on the breeding technology of Clown Knifefish through natural and artificial propagation using of hormones have shown promising results. The current study was conducted to evaluate the performance of Clown Knifefish in natural and artificial spawning conditions using the induction of HCG hormone and LHRH analogues. The natural and artificial spawning treatments were conducted using six fish females and three fish males (a ratio of 2:1). The average Broodstocks’ size was 46 ± 5 cm in length and 2,209 ± 623 g in weight. The artificial spawning was conducted with HCG hormone induction (dose of 500 IU/kg body weight) and LHRH analogue (dose: 0.5 mL/kg). HCG and LHRH injections were given within 24 hours interval. The results showed that the artificial spawning (hormone induction) had successfully caused two broodstock to spawn producing eggs with the diameter of 3.1 ± 0.3 mm; fecundity of 282-907 eggs; fertilization rate of 21%-40%; hatching rate of 56%-75%; and survival rate of 30%-50%. In the natural spawning, one broodstock had spawned with the egg diameter of 3.5 ± 0.3 mm; fecundity of 1,616 eggs; and fertilization rate of 86.7%. This study concludes that spawning technology applications using hormonal induction can increase the production larvae of Clown Knifefish broodstock.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
I Wayan Subamia ◽  
Nina Meilisza ◽  
Sudarto Sudarto ◽  
Slamet Sugito

The Research Institute for Freshwater Ornamental Fish Culture has been conducting domestication research since 2004 on adult freshwater puffer fish or buntal broodstock in which the fish were reared in aquaria and fed with small feed fish teri (anchovy) and earthworm (Lumbricus sp.). The domestication of freshwater puffer fish or buntal has resulted in successful environmental adaptation and reproductive ability of the fish and further rearing of its fry. The adaptive ability was indicated by its high survival rate, good growth and development, and the reproductive success in spawning, egg production, hatching as well as growing of the larvae to fry stages. The mature gonad stage of the fish was reached at an average body weight of 150 g with a reproductive period of 5 months. The spawning occurred naturally and the eggs were gradually released at interval periods of 14—18 days with egg production rates of 1,000—1,900 eggs per spawning. The highest egg fertilization rate was 96%, with the highest egg hatching rate of 78.6%. Hatching process took place on the 6th to 13th days after spawning process. The surviving larvae began feeding filtered natural foods Moina sp. on the 3rd day up to the 6th day, whereas unfiltered Moina sp. was given from the 7th to 14th days. The fish were fed the live feed Culex sp. from the 15th to 30th days. In the following period the fish was fed earthworm and small feed fish teri (anchovy).

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (10) ◽  
pp. 171012 ◽  
Miao Ye ◽  
Linghong Sun ◽  
Ru Yang ◽  
Zaigui Wang ◽  
KeZong Qi

The proper culture conditions for producing cellulase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens S1, isolated from the cecum of goose was optimized by single-factor experiment combined with orthogonal test. The properties of the cellulase were investigated by DNS method. The appropriate doses of B. amyloliquefaciens S1 were obtained by adding them to goose feed. It indicated that the suitable culture conditions of producing cellulase were the culture temperature of 37°C, the initial pH of 7.0, the incubation time of 72 h and the loaded liquid volume of 75 ml per 250 ml. The effects of each factor on producing cellulase by B. amyloliquefaciens S1 were as follows: initial pH > incubation time = culture temperature > loaded liquid volume. The optimum reaction temperature and pH were 50°C and 7.0, respectively. This enzyme is a kind of neutral cellulase that possesses resistance to heat and acidity. It showed high activity to absorbent cotton, soya bean meal and filter paper. By adding different doses of B. amyloliquefaciens S1 to the goose feed, it was found that the egg production, average egg weight, fertilization rate and the hatching rate were promoted both in experiment 1 (1.5 g kg −1 ) and experiment 2 (3 g kg −1 ). Also the difference of egg production, fertilization rate and hatching rate between experiment 1 and control group was obvious ( p  < 0.05), and the average egg weight was significantly increased in experiment 2 ( p  < 0.05).

2004 ◽  
Vol 61 (11) ◽  
pp. 2097-2110 ◽  
Edward A Trippel ◽  
Steven RE Neil

Egg and larval production of 22 captive spawning pairs of northwest Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) were monitored. Females spawned an average of nine egg batches (range 3–16) with a mean batch fecundity of 60 000 eggs and mean total fecundity of 535 000 eggs. Mean spawning duration was 37 days with a mean batch interval of 5.4 days. In multiple linear regression, male Fulton's condition factor (range 1.10–1.55) and mean batch interval explained 56% of variation in fertilization rate (33% and 23%, respectively). Seasonal composite egg diameter spanned 1.37–1.53 mm among females. Mean egg diameter within females declined seasonally by an average of 10.4% (37% by volume). Females produced 46 larvae per gram body weight. Body weight was the single best predictor of fecundity (r2 = 0.57), with Fulton's condition factor (range 1.04–1.76) explaining no significant additional variation over length or weight. Length and condition explained 39% of variation in seasonal composite egg diameter (22% and 17%, respectively) and body weight independently explained 32%. Sex-specific parental condition and body size acted through large egg size and elevated fertility to enhance reproductive output. Male spawning success was more sensitive than egg production to changes in condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-83
Safira Qisthina Ayuningtyas ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Jr. ◽  

ABSTRACT The intensification of catfish culture requires a regular and sustainable good seeds quality. Microbial-based aquaculture with probiotic application is expected to improve the reproductive performance of catfish. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of catfish given probiotics Bacillus sp. NP5 with different concentrations through feed. This study used a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with the administration of probiotic Bacillus sp. NP5 at 2% concentration of 108 CFU/mL and 1010 CFU/mL in feed given and control (without probiotics), then repeated four times. Catfish broodstocks with an average size of 955 ± 261.27 g were kept in a net sized 1 m×1 m×1 m with seven broodstocks per net. Parameters observed included the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), fecundity, number of matured eggs, frequency distribution of egg diameter, fertilization rate, and hatching rate. The result showed that the GSI value of female catfish broodstock was significantly different in sixth week as the highest value was obtained from 1010 CFU/mL probiotics with 5.19%. Moreover, the fecundity of all treatments showed significantly different results (P<0.05) as the highest value was on the concentration of 1010 CFU/mL Bacillus sp. NP5 with 137,123 ± 32,635 eggs/broodstock. This study concludes that the administration of probiotics Bacillus sp. NP5 with 1010 CFU/mL in feed given to catfish broodstock increases the fecundity (137,123 eggs/broodstock), GSI (5.19%), number of matured eggs percentage (64.50%), and hatching rate (82.53%).  Keywords: Bacillus sp. NP5, catfish, reproductive performance   ABSTRAK   Intensifikasi budidaya ikan lele menuntut penyediaan benih yang berkualitas secara teratur dan berkelanjutan. Budidaya berbasis mikroba diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja reproduksi ikan lele. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi performa reproduksi ikan lele yang diberi probiotik Bacillus sp. NP5 dengan konsentrasi berbeda melalui pakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan pemberian probiotik Bacillus sp. NP5 pada konsentrasi 108 CFU/mL dan 1010 CFU/mL sebanyak 2% dari pakan yang diberikan serta kontrol (tanpa pemberian probiotik), masing-masing dengan empat ulangan. Induk ikan lele dengan ukuran 955 ± 261.27 g dipelihara pada jaring hapa ukuran 1 m × 1 m × 1 m sebanyak tujuh ekor per jaring hapa. Parameter yang diamati meliputi indeks kematangan gonad (IKG), fekunditas, jumlah telur matang, sebaran frekuensi diameter telur, derajat pembuahan, dan derajat penetasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai IKG induk betina ikan lele berbeda nyata pada minggu keenam dengan nilai tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan probiotik 1010 CFU/mL yaitu sebesar 5.19%. Selain itu, fekunditas semua perlakuan menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata (P<0.05) dengan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan pemberian probiotik Bacillus sp. NP5 dengan konsentrasi 1010 CFU/mL sebesar 137,123 ± 32,635 telur/induk. Kesimpulan, pemberian probiotik Bacillus sp. NP5 dengan konsentrasi 1010 CFU/mL melalui pakan kepada induk ikan lele mampu meningkatkan nilai fekunditas 137,123 telur/induk, GSI 5,19%, persentase jumlah telur matang 64,50% dan derajat penetasan telur 82,53%.   Kata kunci: Bacillus sp., ikan lele, performa reproduksi  

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Nasril Ismail ◽  
Usman M Tang ◽  
Henni Syawal

The purpose of this study was analyze the amount of estradiol and tostesterone hormone in the body of the selais (O. hypophthalmus Blkr) fish the mature gonads and the number of ovaprim hormone doses used based on the amount of hormone in the fish body on ovulatory success and spawning of fish Selais. The study used a complete randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replicates consisting of controls, 0.05 mL / 100 grams of body weight, 0.07, mL / 100 gram body weight, 0.09 mL / 100 gram body weight and 0,11 mL / 100 gram body weight. The results showed that the concentrations of estradiol-17β hormone in blood ranged from 199.13 pg / mL to 236.28 pg / mL before and after ovulation of each treatment ranging from 273.97 pg / mL to 873.65 pg / mL and after ovulation ranged from 0.71 pg / mL to 1.78 pg / mL Whereas for other parameters obtained the results of the latency 11.27 ± 0.252 to 13.40 ± 1,95 hours, fecundity 1919 ± 0.546 to 3243 ± 0.420 grains, egg diameter after ovulation 1.32 ± 0.29 to 1.32 ± 0.29 mm, fertilization rate of 28.99±157 to 36.54±148 %, hatching rate of 40.79± 071 to 36.54±148 % and the survival rate 3 day 75.82 ± 047 to 84.53 ± 0.36 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Usman - Usman ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Asda - Laining ◽  
Samuel - Lante

Perfomansi reproduksi dan kualitas larva ikan baronang, Siganus guttatus, masih rendah. Rumput laut, Gracilaria sp. dan Ulva sp. merupakan pakan alami di alam dan mengandung nutrien penting untuk ikan baronang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penggunaan pakan yang mengandung rumput laut terhadap performa reproduksi induk ikan baronang. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah (A) pakan buatan tanpa kandungan tepung rumput laut, (B) pakan buatan mengandung tepung rumput laut Gracilaria sp. 15%, (C) pakan buatan mengandung tepung rumput laut Ulva sp. 15%, (D) pakan buatan tanpa tepung rumput laut (A) + rumput laut segar Gracilaria sp. Induk ikan baronang berukuran rata-rata 250,7 ± 20,8 g; dipelihara dalam bak beton berukuran 2,0 m x 1,5 m x 1,0 m; kepadatan 20 ekor/bak dengan rasio betina dan jantan 1:1. Peubah yang diamati meliputi fekunditas, diameter oocyte,diameter telur terbuahi, tingkat pembuahan telur, tingkat penetasan telur, panjang larva D-0, dan kandungan energi larva D-0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat pakan uji memberikan performansi reproduksi ikan baronang yang tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Induk ikan baronang pada semua perlakuan memijah setiap bulan, fekunditas telur 863-1.149 butir/g induk; diameter oosit 435,7-439,7 µm; diameter telur yang terbuahi 576,1-583,0 µm; tingkat pembuahan telur 94,8%-96,1%; tingkat penetasan telur 78,6%-84,7%; dan panjang larva D-0 berkisar 2,20-2,24 mm; serta kandungan energi larva D-0 5.620-5.662 kal/g. Rumput laut Gracilaria sp. dan Ulva sp. tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap performansi reproduksi, namun keempat pakan tersebut dapat diaplikasikan dalam pematangan gonad dan pemijahan induk ikan baronang untuk produksi larva secara massal.Reproductive perfomance and quality of larvae of rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, are still low. Seaweed, Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp., are the natural food of rabbitfish and contain important nutrients for the fish. This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of seaweed-supplemented artificial diet on the reproductive performance of rabbitfish. The treatments consisted of the artificial diet : (A) without seaweed content, (B) 15% of seaweed, Gracilaria sp. meal, (C) 15% of seaweed, Ulva sp. meal, (D) without seaweed meal (A) + fresh Gracilaria sp. The rabbitfish broodstock with an average weight of 250 ± 20.9 g were maintained in eight concrete tanks measuring at 2.0 m x 1.5 m x 1.0 m. The fish stocking density was 20 fish/tank with the ratio of female and male of 1:1. The observed variables were fecundity, oocyte diameter, fertilized egg diameter, egg fertilization rate, egg hatching rate, D-0 larvae length, and D-0 larvae energy content. The results showed that the feed treatments had no significant effect (P>0.05) on all of reproductive variables of rabbitfish broodstock. The test fish spawned every month, with fecundity, oocyte diameter, fertilized egg diameter, egg fertilization rate, egg hatching rate, D-0 larval length, and the energy content of D-0 larvae ranged between 863-1,149 egg/g fish, 435.7-439.7 µm, 576.1-583.0 µm, 94.8%-96.1%, 78.6%-84.7%, 2.20-2.24 mm, and 5.620-5.662 cal/g, respectively. This study concludes that the application of seaweed Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp. have no significant effect on the reproductive performanceof rabbitfish broodstock. However, the four test diets could be used in gonad maturation and spawning of rabbitfish in the effort of mass producing the fish larvae for aquaculture.

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