scholarly journals Deserters, Spies and Kumanists»: Some Episodes from the Peasants’ Everyday Life in Perm Province in the Second Half of 1919

2021 ◽  
pp. 112-122
Dolgova Anzhela

The article is devoted to the history of the peasants’ everyday life in 1919. The basis is archival documents presenting four criminal cases: two murders, torture and malfeasance. Using comparative historical and typological methods the author showed how peasants from different districts of Perm province reacted to the events in the village. A causal analysis of the links between historical events made it possible to identify the general patterns of the considered social phenomena and processes among the peasantry. The history of everyday life is relevant to this day. It is impossible to study historical facts without addressing this topic. The peasantry constituted the majority of the country's population, and therefore was a kind of indicator of the ongoing internal political changes in the country. The life of the peasants in each region of the country had its own characteristics. It depended on the natural and climatic conditions, the standard of living, and the social composition of the population. The civil war showed that interference in the life of peasants could change their social appearance. The war imbalanced the life of the village for a long time, destroyed social ties, and led to senseless human casualties. The cited archival documents, in a way, are the episodes from peasants’ life in a certain period of time. As long as the author's goal was to convey the era of war the documents are given in the form in which they have survived to this day: with the preservation of spelling, punctuation and style. Due to the absence of editorial revision in them a picture of complex relationship in the village opens up the tragic events unfold with the forced participation of peasants. It becomes clear what the norm was for them and what was the main thing in their life - justice or legality. The peasants’ attitude towards life and death had been changed during the Civil War. Life lost its value, and death began to be perceived as something ordinary and inevitable.

В.В. Хутарев-Гарнишевский

Публикуемый источник является отрывком из дневника депутата Московской городской Думы Н.П. Вишнякова (1844-1927). Автор лично не принимал участия в боевых действиях, но находился в самом эпицентре боевых действий между «красными» и «белыми», так как проживал с семьей в центре города. Именно эти события часто называют началом полноценной Гражданской войны. Его дневник отражает психологическое состояние мирного горожанина, оказавшегося заложником гражданского противостояния на улицах Москвы.Особый интерес представляют описания особенностей быта москвичей, циркулирующие среди них слухи, домыслы, их надежды и страхи, а также поведенческие стратегии различных социальных слоев. Особую ценность представляет то, что автор делал свои записи два-три раза в день, подробно фиксируя происходящее. Подобного рода источники крайне немногочисленны.Мемуарное и эпистолярное наследие Н.П. Вишнякова давно признано уникальным источником по истории общественно-политической, культурной и экономической жизни Москвы, но никогда не было опубликовано полностью. Лишь дважды публиковались небольшие отрывки.Данная публикация является частью работы по подготовке полного издания эпистолярного наследия Н.П. Вишнякова, который был вовлечен почти во все политические и экономические процессы Москвы времен правления императора Николая II. Он был депутатом (гласным) Московской Думы с 1873 по 1917 гг. с пятилетним перерывом в 1892--1897 гг., мировым судьей, известным ученым-геологом и краеведом.Для публикации были раскрыты многочисленные сокращения топонимов, а также расшифрованы индивидуальные, характерные для автора сокращения.Особую трудность представляет почерк Н.П. Вишнякова, подчас очень сложный для понимания и в отдельных случаях не поддающийся расшифровке.Эпистолярное наследия Н.П. Вишнякова весьма обширно, а сам дневник охватывает события с 1872 по 1918 гг. Published is an excerpt from a diary of N.P. Vishnyakov (1844–1927), a Moscow Duma deputy. Nikolay Petrovich has never personally participated in the events, but was in the epicenter of the October battles between the Red and the White movements, as he and his family lived in the centre of Moscow. Those events in particular are often referred to as the beginning of the real Civil War. His diary shows us the mental state of a peaceful citizen caught as a hostage during the civil confrontation on Moscow streets. Depicted are certain peculiarities of everyday life, rumors and doubts, hopes and fears of Moscovites, as well as behavioral strategies of different social groups.Most valuable is that the author made 2–3 diary entries a day, registering the events in details. Such sources are very few in number.N.P. Vishnyakov's memoirs and epistolary heritage have never before were fully published and were marked as a unique source on the history of political, cultural and economic life in Moscow between 1873--1918.This is a part of an upcoming publication of the complete texts of N.P. Vishnyakov's epistolary heritage. Nukolay Petrovich was fully engaged into almost every political and economical process in Moscow during the times of Nicholas II. He was a deputy of the Moscow Duma from 1873 to 1917, with a short break in 1892--1897, a magistrate judge, a well-known geology scientist and ethnographer.For this publication shorten forms of toponymies and some personalized abbreviations have been deciphered. It is sometimes very difficult to follow and understand N.P. Veshnyakov’s handwriting.

Angela V. Dolgova

During the Civil War, Soviet workers had to fight against desertion and banditry. Since the majority of the country’s population was the peasantry, a confrontation arose with the Soviet government of that part of it that could not accept it. More often than not, peasants fell under such Bolshevik propaganda labels as “white gangs” or “gangs of deserters”, which had spread through the efforts of the party-Soviet propaganda machine. According to archival documents, local Soviet workers used terror not only to suppress resistance, but also as a forced measure caused by the real military-political situation in the Perm Governorate. The fight for the establishment of the power of the Soviets was fought against banditry, not desertion, and was fierce. Consequently, the widespread thesis in the history of the Civil War in the Perm Governorate about mass desertion is nothing more than an assumption. The line of the Eastern Front passed next to the Osinsky District, so the most fierce fight unfolded here, which in turn had an impact on the military-political situation in the governorate as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-253
I. G. Devyatyarova

The subject of this article arose in connection with the study of the cultural history of Siberia during the Civil War (1918–1922). An appeal to archival documents and L. N. Martynov’s memoirs made it possible to reveal many interesting facts from the life of the White capital and recall one of its significant episodes – the meeting of the schoolboy Leonid Martynov with the Petrograd poet Georgy Maslov in the summer of 1919. They met at the book collection office creating hospital libraries in August 1919. The meeting with the first real poet made a strong impression on Leonid. Young people met often, came to each other’s homes. It is not difficult to imagine how fascinating and informatively rich were he stories of the participant in the Pushkin seminary and the university’s “Circle of Poets” for the Omsk schoolboy. Maslov introduced the schoolboy and his friends N. Kalmykov and V. Shebalin to all the “stray” writers. Maslov wrote a lot and published poetry in local periodicals, and Martynov was probably one of the first to read them. Maslov firmly adhered to the anti-Bolshevik position, and in poetry on contemporary themes he expressed his high patriotic feelings, calling on his compatriots to enlightenment. These moods influenced the young Omsk citizen. In line with the influence of Maslov on the worldview of young Martynov – a positive attitude towards the personality of A. V. Kolchak. In the spring in Soviet Omsk, Leonid left the gymnasium, which, under the new government, has now become the United Labor School. This decision, formed, of course, under the influence of Maslov, was an expression of protest and a demonstration of Martynov’s attitude to the new government. At the end of May 1920, fifteen-year-old Martynov went to Krasnoyarsk, where he met with E. Ivanov, who told him about the long, painful retreat to the east, the death of Maslov, showed him the poems he had written on the way. Returning to Omsk, Martynov meets with Maslov’s friend Tanya Solovyova, with whom they remember the poet and read his poems. At this time, Martynov conceived the idea of a poem dedicated to the memory of a friend – “Harlequinade”. In May 1922, Martynov is in Moscow, where he meets with the participants of the Omsk literary meetings and participates in an evening in memory of Maslov. The short friendship between the “Pushkinist and the Futurist” was fruitful for the young Martynov. It played a decisive role in his professional development, the forming of his literary tastes, social guidelines. The name of Georgy Maslov remained dear to Leonid Martynov until the end of his life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Oleh Boiko

The study is carried out in line with general problems of the history of state- church relations in the conditions of the Soviet totalitarian system. For a long time modern historiography did not pay proper attention to anti-religious politics in the USSR in 1939–1941, both at general and regional levels. Most scholars avoided themes related to repressive policy regarding worshipers in the years following the Great Terror, and some even noted the liberalization of the course of the Soviet leadership in the field of religion and church on the eve of the German-Soviet war, which began in June 1941. The purpose of the study is to highlight political repressions against the clergy and believers of various Christian denominations in Dnipropetrovsk region in 1939–1942. Research methods: problem-chronological, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, analysis, synthesis. The main results of the work. The process of preparation and further implementation of repressions of the clergy and active believers of various religious groups of Dnipropetrovsk region in 1939–1942 is highlighted. Dozens of convicted worshipers and “sectarians” are identified by name. Nature of accusations and peculiarities of imposed sentences are determined. The course of collective cases fabricated by the NKVD bodies against the Orthodox clergy is shown. Repressive measures of the authorities in the initial period of the German-Soviet war are analyzed. The continuity of the state anti-religious course and the use of terror until 1942 is proved. The originality of the work is in the use and analysis of numerous previously unknown archival documents which helped to disclose the formulated scientific problem. Practical value: despite the regional limitations of the study, the materials of the article are useful not only to local historians, but also to church historians for further development of the problems in the outlined chronological framework. Type of article: analytical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 357-395
Fehér Krisztina ◽  
Kovács Máté Gergő

A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszékén a műemléki és történeti épületek felmérése évszázados múltra tekint vissza. Az oktatásban is rendkívül fontos szerepet betöltő felmérőtáborok hagyományát oktatóink, dr. Istvánfi Gyula és dr. Kalmár Miklós hosszú évtizedeken keresztül éltették tovább megszerettetve hallgatóikkal – így velünk is – a régi házak, szerkezetek megfigyelését, rajzolását és kutatását. Tanulmányunkban a Tanszék által 2017-ben a Pest megyei Ipolytölgyesen szervezett nyári felmérőtábor emlékét és tanulságait történeti és néprajzi kitekintéssel szeretnénk összefűzni. A tábor során felmért tíz portát főleg építészeti szempontból vizsgáltuk és dokumentáltuk, de ahogyan az minden épület tanulmányozása esetén fennáll, betekintést nyerhettünk a falu mindennapi életébe és értékeibe is.Surveying monuments and historical buildings at the Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation of Budapest University of Technology and Economics dates back to age-old traditions. The tradition of survey camps, that played an all-important educational role, had been kept alive for decades by our tutors Gyula Istvánfi and Miklós Kalmár, thus winning the affection of the students – and so ours – towards observing, drawing and studying historical buildings and structures. In our study, we wish to incorporate the memory and lessons of the 2017 survey camp organized by the Department in Ipolytölgyes, Pest county, with a historical and an ethnographical outlook. During the camp, we studied, surveyed and documented ten vernacular houses with their service buildings, mainly from an architectural point of view, but we could also inspect the everyday life and values of the village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-60
Albina Bessonova

The history of the Dostoevsky estate Darovoe, which is an important period in the life of Fyodor Dostoevsky, still contains unresolved issues. The most ambiguous is the fate of the writer's father, who ended his days in Darovoe. The cause of the tragic death of M. A. Dostoevsky and the place of his burial are still controversial. The document from the State Archive of the Tula region, published for the first time, allows to dispel all doubts about the location of the grave of M. A. Dostoevsky. The article examines the history of the issue, including oral tradition, analyzes well-known documentary sources, and the entry in the metric book of the Holy Spirit Church of the village Monogarovо in 1839 confirms the testimony of A. M. Dostoevsky about the burial of his father in the churchyard. The fact of M. A. Dostoevsky's affair with the house serf Ekaterina Alexandrova is questioned, since it was based on rumors and undocumented. The author analyzes the oral tradition phenomenon and its influence on the formation of the image of M. A. Dostoevsky as a cruel landowner killed by peasants out of revenge. New archival documents allow us to revise the stereotypes that have become entrenched in Dostoevsky studies.

Batenko H.

The purpose of the work.The south of modern Ukraine has always been geographically and historically particularly interesting for researchers. Its geographical indicators make it possible to analyze theories of the origin of man, development, formation of human society under the influence of climatic conditions to its highest degree - its own independent state. The Soviet state’s rather popular concepts, designed to artificially unite and forcibly bring peoples together in tsarist Russia, have not withstood the test of time and history. The use of the concept of the South Ukrainian region requires a definition: we move freely through the territory of modern Kherson, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.Results and scientific novelty of the studyAccording to the chronology, scientists use the names Little Russia, New Russia, contained in primary sources, archival documents, memoirs, correspondence. The presence of the French component in the culture, history, mentality of the population of the region give grounds for reflections on demographic data. A relatively small number of representatives of France have influenced the culture, economy, domestic policy, self-identification of the inhabitants of our region. Accordingly, the German colony, the Swedish village, the Bulgarian, Greek settlements in the history of the region are present and studied, as for the French - there are no such clear characteristics.Key words:regional history, demographic research, South of Ukraine, French culture, education, religious factor. Мета роботи. Південь сучасної України географічно та історично завжди був особливо цікавим для дослідників. Його географічні показники дають можливість проаналізувати теорії виникнення людини, розвитку, формування людського суспільства під впливом кліматичних умов до його найвищої ступеня – власної незалежної держави. Достатньо популярні концепції, розраховані на штучне об’єднання та насильницьке зближення народів на території царської Росії, радянської держави не витримали випробування часом та історією. Використання поняття Південноукраїнський регіон вимагає визначення: ми вільно переміщуємося територією сучасних Херсонської, Одеської, Миколаївської, Запорізької областей та Автономною республікою Крим. Результати та наукова новизна дослідження. Присутність французької компоненти в культурі, історії, ментальності населення краю дають підстави для рефлексій, щодо демографічних даних. Відносно невелика кількість представників Франції справила вплив на культуру, економіку, внутрішню політику, самоідентифікацію мешканців нашого краю. Відповідно, німецька колонія, шведське село, болгарські, грецькі поселення в історії краю присутні і досліджуються, щодо французів – таких чітких характеристик немає. Ключові слова: регіональна історія, демографічні дослідження, Південь України, французька культура, освіта, релігійний чинник

Mytrofanenko Yu.

The purpose of the work. The article aims to study the problems of Ukrainian Revolution in 1917–1921 on a territory of Kirovograd or Dnipropetrovsk region. The type of article is empirical. An unrenowned episode from the history of Ukrainian Revolution in 1917–1921 is analyzed in the article, in particular, the participation of the citizens of Katerunoslavska province in Kamianske town in the events of “National rebellion” in 1918 in Elysavetgrad against Bolsheviks and anarchists. Results and scientific novelty of the study. The author attracted attention to the geographical mistake in the memoirs of V. Antonov-Ovseenko “Notes About Civil War”. The scientific novelty, that author explaine, that he confused the names of the cities: Katerynoslav and Elysavetgrad. The reasons and consequences of the participation of workers of Dniprovskyi plant in Kamianske city in the events of Elysavetgrad national rebellion are determined in the article on the basis of sources. For a long time Bolsheviks concealed, shifted responsibility to their political opponents and then erased from the pages of censored memoirs of participants of revolutionary events the episode of battles between Kamianske and Elysavetgrad workers because it did not fit into the concept of “class struggle” in the history of revolution in Ukraine. The main result of Kamianske workers deception was the numerous victims on both sides. Only the leaflet spread by Elysavetgrad headquarters of the city protection among Kamianske citizens and the end of battles near Elysavetgrad stopped the following bloodshed. Nevertheless, in their memoirs Bolsheviks from Kamianske continued to accentuate that those were they who had established the Soviet power in Elysavetgrad, continued to be proud of the participation in the attempt of helping Bolsheviks to invade Elysavetgrad. The author originality is refutes these statements on the basis of resources. The material of the article may have practical application in scientific studios on the history of Ukrainian Revolution in 1917–1921 on a territory of Kirovograd or Dnipropetrovsk regionKey words: revolution, rebellion, bolshevics, anarchists, Red guard, mishap, Katerynoslav, Elysavetgrad, Kamianske. Мета роботи. Стаття присвячена аналізу маловідомого епізоду революційного періоду 1917–1921 рр. на теренах сучасних Кіровоградської та Дніпропетровської областей. Проаналізовано документи Єлисаветградської міської думи, мемуари учасників подій: Володимира Антонова-Овсієнка та червоногвардійців Дніпровського металургійного заводу м. Кам’янське. В статті на основі джерел розглянуто цей епізод Української революції 1917–1921 рр., визначено причини та наслідки участі робітників Дніпровського заводу м. Кам’янське в подіях Єлисаветградського народного повстання.Результати та наукова новизна дослідження. З’ясовані обставини участі робітників Кам’янського заводу у придушенні «Народного повстання» в Єлисаветграді. Вони були в складі червоногвардійських частин, яких кинули на підтримку більшо-викам та анархістам, що протягом кількох днів безуспішно намагалися оволодіти Єлисаветградом. Доведено, що Володимир Антонов-Овсієнко автор спогадів «Записки про громадянську війну» припустився помилки, що стало причиною географічного казусу. Він сплутав назви міст: Катеринослав та Єлисаветград. Також встановлено, що червоногвардійці Кам’янського стали жертвами більшовицької провокації, які використали їхню необізнаність у ситуації, яка склалася в Єлисаветграді та відправили на фронт. З’ясовано долю кам’янчан, які брали участь в боях під Єлисаветградом.Емпірична стаття написана на різноманітних першоджерелах. Здійснено верифікацію спогадів кам’янських більшовиків, які неправдиво описали результат бою та рушійні сили Єлисаветградського народного повстання. Матеріал статті має прак-тичне застосування. Зокрема, копії документів, використані автором, поповнили експозиції Кам’янського краєзнавчого музею, а факти та узагальнення використовуються під час екскурсії. Під час написання статті було використано метод історичної критики джерел та текстологічного аналізу, застосовано регіональний метод Ключові слова: «народне повстання», більшовики, червоногвардійці, анархісти, «революція, Єлисаветград, Катеринослав, Кам’янське.

2019 ◽  
pp. 357-374
Maksim M. Stelmak ◽  
Dmitry I. Petin ◽  

In 2000s there appeared in the Internet video materials on the Civil War in Russia made by military journalists of the Allied Intervention. Most noteworthy of these is a newsreel made by the American military mission in January–February 1919. Of particular interest is it part shot in Omsk. Although it is of great informative value, the researchers have overlooked this historical newsreel; its analysis and scientific attribution have not been made. The authors have rectified this by conducting a study involving various historical sources, scientific literature and memoirs. The study has resulted in the description of buildings and places on the film in accordance with its video sequence. It also provides a detailed explanation on agencies housed in the buildings in 1919, when Admiral A. V. Kolchak’s government was in power, and on their current holders. Attribution of the American newsreel, which captured Omsk in 1919, allows to reconstruct daily life of this provincial city and once-upon-a-time capital of anti-Bolshevik Russia. The analysis highlights subjects that were of most interest to the American allies. The reel shows different sides of everyday life in White Omsk, of the Supreme ruler and of the refugees. At the same time, it provides some specific, yet important to historians, details of Omsk urbanism of a hundred years ago. Visual sources are rarely used by researchers of the Civil War. Thus, the publication is of immediate interest to military historians studying the Civil War and Allied Intervention, as well as experts in the history of Siberia, source studies, and history of everyday life.

2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-119
Gustav Auernheimer

Abstract This article is dealing with an important chapter in the history of Greece that has hitherto received very little attention by the German research community: the Greek civil war from 1947 to 1949, whose consequences left their mark on the Greek society for a long time. The topic has to be addressed through its classification in two contexts. First in a historical context that comprises the past history and foremost the conflicts without which the armed struggle probably would not have erupted. This also includes the posthistory and the dealings with the civil war in the memory culture and politics of history, from the 1950s to the present time. A comparison with a, in some respects, similar development concerning the Spanish civil war further examines the Greek example. The second context is a theoretical one. Although research rather tends to neglect civil wars vis-a-vis wars between states, there numerous approaches to the topic of civil wars, some of which are dealt with in this article. The summary examines to which degree they apply in the case of Greece.

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