Zuhal İNCEOĞLU ◽  

Since the beginning of history, human beings have made great advances in technology. In the field of architecture, this movement has had reflections such as new construction and application techniques and the use of different materials. In parallel with this rapid progress in building and construction technology, solutions that meet the changing needs in architectural design have started to be offered. Aim: The aim of the research is to find out which plan type is the most preferred in terms of design in high-rise office buildings in Eskişehir road region, which attracts attention with its office building stock in Ankara, and to analyze the relationship of this plan type preference with the building's height and current value parameters. Method: Tracing method was used to find the ratio of plan types in the examined office buildings and to establish the relationship of these plan types with height and m2 current value. Then the obtained data were evaluated statistically and regression values were found by using regression analysis method. Results: In the 12 office structures examined in the study, open office (47%), mixed office (27%), closed (13%) and co-working offices (13%) were preferred, respectively. 66% of the multi-storey office buildings in the sample space of the research have a height of 100 m or more. Closed offices are the lowest value in terms of market value and mixed offices are the highest valued. Conclusion: It is understood that open-plan offices are preferred in the Ankara Eskişehir road region. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that these plan types, which are mostly used in office buildings, have a directly proportional relationship with the concept of current value per m2, but not with the height of the multi-storey building. In this respect, it is possible to say that architectural design decisions directly affect the real estate market of the country and this interaction has formed an important relationship with the country's economy by shaping the capital market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (07) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Sevinj Mais Nurullayeva ◽  

Human beings perceive of the outside world by listening and reading skills; he also conveys his emotions, thoughts, dreams and impressions to his opponents with his speaking and writing skills. In other words, listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing is the ability to explain. For this, developing reading, writing skills in primary school children is important. The relationship between this skills should be well understood and attention should be paid to these skills in education and training. Key words: Primary education, researches, reading, writing, relationship of reading and writing

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 37-48
Nithin Varghese ◽  
Suman Sigroha

Acclaimed Kannada and English playwright, Girish Karnad’s play Broken Images focuses on human relationships and their intricacies, as well as on the relationship between languages. Outwardly, it addresses the sibling relationship and focuses on its destructive side. However, on a close reading, this monologue unfolds a series of diverse human relationships, viz., the relationship of the two sisters, Manjula and Malini; the husband-wife relationship between Manjula and Pramod; the camaraderie of Pramod and Malini; the friendship between Pramod and Lucy; and the amity between Lucy and Manjula. Besides these personal relationships, the play deals with and explores at length another important relationship, the one between two languages, one regional and one global, the legacy of the erstwhile colonizers. The relationship between Manjula and Malini acts as a metaphor for the mismatch and the hierarchy between regional language writers and Indian English writers on the Indian literary scene. This paper, therefore, examines the aforementioned human relationships in the play to reveal the motives behind the enmity and the causes which lead to sinful actions that remain invisible at all times, and in the process comments upon the relationship between different language writers, as well as what leads to the formation of existing hierarchies. First, the paper investigates the sororal bond between Manjula and Malini; second, it examines the tripartite relationships and how the third party is perceived as a rival in the relationships of Manjula-Lucy-Pramod and Manjula-Malini-Pramod; and finally, it looks at the relationship that exists between the Bhasha writers and Indian English writers, and exposes the enmity in these relationships and its various causes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (296) ◽  
pp. 847-866
Volney José Berkenbrock

Na tradição do pensamento ocidental, as diversas ciências que lidam com o ser humano – da filosofia à psicologia, da teologia à medicina – são herdeiras de um conceito dualista: matéria-espírito; corpo-alma; físico-psíquico. O modo de pensar yorubano, que chegou ao Brasil pelos escravos, e sobreviveu, sobretudo na religião do Candomblé, tem um conceito diverso deste dualista. O ser humano é multidimensional e constitui-se a partir da relação harmônica entre as diversas dimensões. Quais são estas dimensões e como elas concorrem para a composição de um conceito de ser humano serão o objeto das considerações desta contribuição.Abstract: In the tradition of Western thought, the various sciences that deal with human beings - from philosophy to psychology, from theology to medicine - are heirs of a dualistic concept: matter-spirit; body-soul; physical-psychic. The thinking of yoruba-people, who arrived in Brazil by slaves, and survived, especially in religion Candomble, have a different concept of this dualistic. The human being is multidimensional and is constituted by the relationship of various dimensions. What are these dimensions and how they contribute to the composition of a concept of human being will be the object of consideration of this contribution.Keywords: Human being. Candomblé. Religious anthropology. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Masnun Tahir

Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka per­ ceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian penelitian diarahkan untuk megetahui: 1) tingkat perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 2) pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 3) tingkat efek­ tivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio antropologis. Penelitian ini mem­ posisikan manusia sebagai pelaku yang memahami, meyakini, dan menjalankan ketentuan­keten­ tuan hukum perkawinan dalam Islam maupun dalam perspektif budaya lokal tentang perkawinan yang berkembang di Lombok. Pilihan pendekatan hukum perkawinan dan pendekatan agama dalam penelitian ini akan menjawab beberapa persoalan antropologi melalui empat macam metode ilmiah. Pertama, metode historis, yakni menelusuri pikiran dan perilaku manusia tentang pemahaman dan perilaku perkawinan dan persepsi agamanya yang berlatarbelakang sejarah. Kedua, metode normatif, yaitu mempelajari ketentuan hukum dan norma­norma (kaidah, patokan, atau sastra suci agama) maupun yang merupakan perilaku adat kebiasaan tradisional yang masih berlaku, baik dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam gaib ataupun dalam hubungan antara sesama manusia yang bersumber dan berdasarkan ajaran agama. Ketiga, metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang berusaha mencatat, melukiskan, menguraikan dan melaporkan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di masyarakat berkaitan dengan obyek yang diteliti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh para etnografer. Keempat, metode empirik yang mempelajari pikiran sikap dan perilaku perkawinan dan agama manusia yang ditemukan dari pengalaman dan kenyataan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang dikategorikan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat darijumlah total pernikahan dan pengaduan kehendak bercerai yang tercatat di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang pada beberapa tahun yang dideskripsikan dalam beberapa bab dalam artikel ini.[This research examines the effectiveness of the policy bride course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Sub Batukliang region. Therefore, the focus of the research study directed to 1) The divorce rate in the region KUA Sub Batukliang region. 2) Implementation of the policy bride’s course in KUA Sub Batukliang. 3) The effectiveness of the policy bride’s course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA sub­Batukliang region. This research uses a socio­anthropological approach. This research puts man as an actor who understands, believes, and executes the provisions of the marriage law in Islam as well as in local cultural perspectives about marriage that evolved in Lombok. In this study, the choice of law approach to marriage and religious approach will answer some of the questions of anthropology through four different scientific methods. First, the historical method, i.e. the trace of the mind and human behavior of understanding and combining behavior and perception of the diversity of religious history. Second, normative methods, namely studying the laws and norms (rules, benchmarks, or sacred religious literature) as well as the behavior of a traditional custom which is still believed, whether in the relationship of humans with supernatural or in the relationship between fellow human beings based on religious teachings. A method which attempts to record, illustrate, describe and report on everything that is found in the community related to the observation object, as done by ethnographers. Fourth, the empirical methods study the mind, attitude, and behavior of the marriage and human religion according to experience and the reality in the field. The result shows that the policy bride’s course is effective in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Batukliang sub-region. It reflects from the total marriage and denunciation of wills divorced are recorded in Batukliang Sub­district on the KUA number of years described in several chapters in this article.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Ahmed H. Hameed ◽  
Basim H. Hashim

"The architectural studies in general dealt with the study of several concepts that have an important role in the design part as well as providing preparation and support of its requirements, procedures, and rules for a variety of aspects and details. The current research directed towards a specified study of the relationship of two influential concepts within the frame-work of architectural design. These concepts are; the method and its relationship to the state of intellectual repercussion with the necessity of introducing, clarifying and defining the general knowledge frameworks for the nature of those rela-tions and the effect of the indicators of that situation with respect to the general knowledge about them. This research is Directed to define the general frameworks of the basic research concepts, which are both the method and the repercussion with other concepts that are influential, design, thought or thinking, to determine the cases of interconnec-tion between them and then to refer these cases to several levels, and to propose the models adopted from the studies and architectural proposals, which will determine the indicators needed to define the situation The correlation between the basic concepts of research (method and repercussion) within the framework of the field of architecture to show that the final out-come refers to the adoption of the repercussion as an instrument or preparation for the benefit of the method within the ar-chitectural design"

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Wulandari Ramadania

ABSTRACTThe moral value conveyed by the author to the reader through works of fiction especially novels is useful and useful to the reader. This study aims to describe the moral values associated with social messages and expose the moral values associated with the religious message contained in the novel Tasawuf Cinta by M. Hilmi As'ad. The method used in this research is analytic descriptive method. The results of this study indicate the moral values associated with social messages are: (1) social in social life; (2) relations between human beings of religion, and (3) association between the opposite sex. The moral values associated with the religious message are: (1) the relationship of man and God; (2) human nature and conscience; (3) the personal freedom that man possesses; And (4) the dignity and dignity of each individual.Keywords: moral value, novel                                                

Kursor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Yose Rizal ◽  
Imam Robandi ◽  
Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno

Natural lighting is an important factor that affects the comfort of building users. Natural lighting in a room requires a window area of ​​at least 1/6 of the floor area. This study was conducted to obtain the distribution of Daylight Factor (DF) as a natural lighting factor during the day in the room, based on the shift in the position of the window on the wall. The distribution of lighting entering the depth of the room through window openings is a tool to compare the best window position in the spread of illumination with DF calculations based on Sky Component (SC). Shifting the window position will be analyzed by Standard Deviation (S) and Mean (μ) based on the DF distribution. Optimizations of the DF distribution on the window position shifts if it has the largest DF mean value and the smallest DF variant value. The results of the study in a simple room showed that the optimal DF distribution was at the window position in the middle and the mean value was 2.59%. The relationship of shifting window position and DF distribution can be useful for architects to determine the function of a room in architectural design.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Riaan Rheeder

God did not create once and then put an end to it. Testimony from Scripture shows that God continuously establishes or creates new things. Humans can therefore expect to always see and experience new things in creation. With this pattern of reasoning, one can anticipate that the human being as image of God will continuously establish new things in history. Although nature has value, it does not have absolute value and therefore it can be synthesised responsibly. The thought that humans are stewards of God is no longer adequate to, theologically put into words, the relationship human beings have with nature. New biotechnological developments ask for different answers from Scripture. Several ethicists are of the opinion that the theological construction of humans and created co-creators can help found the relationship of the human being to nature. Humans developed as God’s image evolutionary. On the one hand, this means humans themselves are a product of nature. On the other hand, the fact that humans are the image of God is also an ethical call that humans, like God, have to develop and create new things throughout history. Synthetic biology can be evaluated as technology that is possible, because humans are the image of God. However, it should, without a doubt, be executed responsibly.Sintetiese biologie eties geëvalueer: Die skeppende God en medeskeppende mens. God het nie net eenmaal geskep en daar gestop nie. Uit Skrifgetuienisse kan afgelei word dat God voortdurend nuwe dinge tot stand bring of skep. Daarom kan die mens verwag om gedurig nuwe dinge in die skepping te sien en te beleef. Hiermee saam kan verwag word dat die mens as beeld van God voortdurend nuwe dinge in die geskiedenis tot stand sal bring. Alhoewel die natuur waarde het, het dit nie absolute waarde nie en kan dus verantwoordelik gesintetiseer word. Die gedagte dat die mens rentmeester van God is, is nie meer voldoende om die mens se verhouding tot die natuur teologies te verwoord nie. Nuwe biotegnologiese ontwikkelinge vra na ander antwoorde vanuit die Skrif. Verskeie etici is van mening dat die teologiese konstruksie van die mens as geskepte medeskepper kan help om die mens se verhouding tot die natuur te begrond. Die mens het deur ’n evolusionêre proses tot God se beeld ontwikkel. Aan die een kant beteken dit dat die mens self ’n produk van die natuur is. Aan die ander kant is beeldskap ook ’n etiese oproep dat die mens, soos God, nuwe dinge in die geskiedenis moet ontwikkel en skep. Sintetiese biologie kan gesien word as tegnologie wat moontlik is omdat die mens na die beeld van God geskape is. Sonder twyfel moet sintetiese biologie egter verantwoordelik beoefen word.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-56
Nancy Levene

Abstract In working to understand myths, rituals, and the human beings who craft and use them, Jonathan Z. Smith involved himself in a debate located primarily in anthropology. What is one to make of cultural and linguistic differences? How do differences come to matter? Are there barriers to understanding between one culture-group-tribe and another that surpass the power of translation? Smith’s stance in this debate was partly negative. It cannot be the case that there are differences between cultures that entail ranking some higher than others. More constructively, Smith posed the question of the relationship of two approaches that shape the debate: on one side, the approach of structuralism, which seeks to identify what all cultures share, and on the other, the approach of history, which looks for anomalies and outliers, specificities and accidents. One must commit to both, he claimed. The question is, how?

2014 ◽  
Vol 1073-1076 ◽  
pp. 2709-2713
Ta Liu ◽  
Dong Ping Han ◽  
Hang Zhou

Nowadays, economic system scale is continuously extendinging; it has closed to or maybe exceeding the carrying capacity of ecological system. To convert such situation, human beings have to concern about how to maximize material capital service while minimizing ecological capital consumption. One of the approaches is to turn the traditional operating model into environmental operation model, which extends the value-based management idea, explores the relationship of economic and ecological capital efficiency, establishes the ecological capital efficiency analytical system and discovers its driving factors and improving methods.

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