scholarly journals SYAIR LAGU JENIS POP SUNDA KARYA DOEL SUMBANG (Kajian Struktural-Semiotik dan Nilai Moral)

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidenti􀂿kasi struktur puisi syair lagu jenis pop Sunda karya Doel Sumbang yang meliputi, imaji, simbol, musikalitas, suasana, tema dan gaya bahasa; mengidenti􀂿kasi aspek semiotik (ikon, indeks dan simbol); dan mendeskripsikan nilai moralnya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi dan transkripsi. Setelah dianalisis terlihat bahwa kehidupan di dunia tidak terlepas dari dua kemungkinan, yaitu kesenangan dan kesedihan. Di akhir penelitian ditarik kesimpulan, hasil analisis struktur syair lagu jenis pop Sunda karya Doel Sumbang, bahwa imaji yang banyak ditemukan adalah imaji penglihatan. Gaya bahasa yang paling banyak terlihat adalah hiperbola dan personi􀂿kasi. Sedangkan hasil analisis semiotik syair lagu karya Doel Sumbang disimpulkan tanda yang paling banyak dijumpai adalah simbol dan indeks. Hasil analisis nilai moral dalam syair lagu karya Doel Sumbang banyak menceritakan mengenai kritikan bagi para penguasa dan pejabat negara yang mempunyai prilaku nilai kurang terpuji seperti korupsi, yang menyebabkan rakyat sengsara. AbstractThis study aims to identify the structure of Sundanese pop song lyrics by Doel Sumbang, comprising images, symbols, musicality, nuance, theme and 􀂿gure of speech; to identify the aspects of semiotics (icons, indexes and symbols); and to uncover the moral of the lyrics. The research used the descriptive method. The data were documentated and transcribed. Results show that the wordly life cannot be separated from the two possibilities, namely pleasure and misery. The structural analysis reveals that the most common image was visual images. The most identifiable figures of speech were hyperbole and personi􀂿cation. Meanwhile, the semiotic analysis indicates that the signs most often found were symbols and indexes. Results of moral examination show that much of the lyrics carries criticisms to state of􀂿cials who are corrupt, and consequently makes the people miserable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ardian Wicaksono

Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk analisis penggunaan Schoology pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn terhadap minat belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan Bantul Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah : (1) satu orang Kepala Sekolah SMA N 1 Srandakan Bantul (2) satu orang Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (3) Siswa SMA N 1 Srandakan sejumlah 8 orang. Teknik analisis data melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemerikasaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Schoology memiliki kemudahan dalam mengatur administrasi pembelajaran siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan karena siswa dapat presensi, mendapat materi hingga evaluasi di Schoology; (2) Schoology dapat mengendalikan minat belajar siswa dalam aspek preventif dengan cara kegiatan belajar menyenangkan, persuasif dengan cara membujuk melalui fitur massages, dan represif dengan cara didatangi rumahnya berdasarkan informasi yang disajikan dalam aplikasi tersebut; (3) Schoology memiliki tampilan seperti media sosial Facebook ditandai warna dasar yang sama yaitu biru dan putih serta menu yang identik; (4) Schoology memiliki keunggulan untuk diskusi pada pembelajaran daring, siswa dapat berdiskusi kelompok dengan guru sebagai pemantik materi dalam fitur Groups; (5) Schoology mengakomodasi aneka macam media pembelajaran antara lain media gambar visual, audio, dan audio visual atau video. Kata Kunci: Schoology, PPKn, Minat Belajar Siswa Abstract The research aims to analyze the use of Schoology in PPKn Subjects on student interest in learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan Bantul in 2020. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan from July to August 2020. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were: (1) one principal of SMA N 1 Srangkan Bantul (2) one teacher of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (3) 8 students of SMA N 1 Srangkan. Data analysis techniques through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity was checked by data triangulation. The results of this study are: (1) Schoology has the convenience of managing the administration of student learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan because students get presence, receive material and evaluation in Schoology; (2) Schoology can control student interest in preventive aspects by means of fun, persuasive learning activities by persuading through massages, and repressive features by visiting their house based on the information presented in the application; (3) Schoology has a display similar to Facebook's social media marked with the same basic colors, namely blue and white and identical menus; (4) Schoology has the advantage of discussions on online learning, students can have group discussions with the teacher as material triggers in the Groups feature; (5) Schoology accommodates various kinds of learning media, including visual images, audio, and audio-visual or video media. Keywords: Schoology, PPKn, Student Learning Interest

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Nur Huda

<p><em>Tawasul</em> dan <em>Tabaruk </em>merupakan tradisi yang sudah banyak dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat muslim pada saat berdoa di makam. Kedua tradisi ini juga sering disalahpahami sebagai praktek yang menjerumuskan kepada kemusyrikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap aspek living hadis pada tradisi <em>tawasul</em> dan <em>tabaruk</em> warga Desa Bonang di makam Sunan Bonang dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif induktif, dan menganalisisnya dengan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, tradisi ini merupakan suatu living hadis. Kedua, berdasarkan tipe tindakan tradisional, para pelaku tradisi ingin terus menerus menghormati Sunan Bonang dengan cara melestarikan tradisi yang sudah dilakukan secara turun temurun. Ketiga, tindakan afektif, memperlihatkan bahwa para pelaku memiliki ikatan emosional dengan para tokoh agama dan waktu pelaksanaan (malam Jumat). Keempat, tindakan instrumental rasional, para pelaku secara sadar mampu melaksanakan tradisi tersebut, baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia maupun aspek finansial. Kelima, rasionalitas nilai, pelaku ingin meniru perilaku tokoh-tokoh agama dan membiasakan diri bersedekah sekaligus ingin menanamkan nilai solidaritas jamaah.</p><p> </p><p>[<strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>Tabaruk</em> Traditions in Sunan Bonang’s Tomb Lasem Rembang: A Study of Living Hadith</strong>.<strong> </strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> are traditions that have been widely practiced by Muslim communities when praying at the grave. These two traditions are also often misunderstood as practices that lead to idolatry. This study aims to reveal aspects of the living hadith in the tradition of <em>tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> of the people of Bonang Village in the Sunan Bonang tomb by using the inductive descriptive method, and by analyzing it through Max Weber's theory of social action. This study yielded several findings. First, this tradition is a living hadith. Second, based on the type of traditional action, traditional actors want to continue to respect Sunan Bonang by preserving traditions that have been carried out from generation to generation. Third, affective action shows that peoples have an emotional bond with religious leaders (<em>ulama</em>) and the time of implementation (Thursday night). Fourth, rational instrumental action, where the actors are consciously able to carry out the tradition, both from the human resource and financial aspects. Fifth, value rationality, the people want to imitate the behavior of religious figures and get used to giving alms at the same time wants to instill the value of solidarity among the <em>jama'a</em>.]</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Danil Fahreza Pohan ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto

Abstrak. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingginya perkembangan pembangunan, menyebabkan banyaknya kawasan yang beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan yang bukan peruntukan yang sesuai yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah termasuk ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) yang berfungsi untuk menunjang kualitas hidup masyarakat di dalam suatu kota baik dari segi lingkungan maupun kesehatan. Pesatnya perkembangan suatu kota tentu banyak menarik minat masyarakat untuk pindah menuju kota tersebut, semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk tentu juga meningkatkan kebutuhan akan oksigen. Untuk itu Kota Bireuen dituntut mampu menyediakan RTH untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan oksigen masyarakat kota itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung ketersediaan RTH yang direncanakan di dalam RDTR Kota Bireuen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada lah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survai. Sedangkan analisis kecukupan RTH menggunakan rumus berdasarkan luas daerah dibagi dengan RTH yang tersedia. Hasil perhitungan analisis RTH di dapat bahwasannya RTH Kota Bireuen sebesar 46,96%.Kata Kunci: Bireuen, RTH, RDTR Abstrack. The rapid growth of population and the high development of the developmental, causing the number of areas that switch functions to areas that are not appropriate designation established by the government including green open space (GOS) that serves to support the quality of life of people in a city both in terms of environment and health . The rapid development of a city would attract many people to move to the city, the increasing number of people of course also increases the need for oxygen. For that Bireuen City is required to provide GOS to compensate for the oxygen needs of the people of the city itself. This study aims to calculate the planned GOS availability in the DSP of Bireuen City. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey technique. While the analysis of GOS adequacy using the formula based on the area divided by the available GOS. The calculation result of GOS analysis can be that the GOS of Bireuen City is 46.96%.Keyword: Bireuen, GOS, DSP

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-244
Teuku Mahmud

This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​contained in the Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. Cultural value is very important to be studied in order to preserve the cultural heritage of the people of Aceh so that it can be known by the younger generation and re-cultivated in life in the present. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how the cultural values ​​contained in the Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. The data source in this research is Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. The selected data is each quotation that has a relation to cultural values ​​in the saga. The approach and method used in this research is a qualitative approach and a descriptive method by describing the facts which are then followed by analysis. The cultural values ​​analyzed in Banta Amat sects are grouped according to five categories, namely (1) cultural values ​​in human relations with God, (2) cultural values ​​in human relations with nature, (3) cultural values ​​in human relations with other humans, (4) cultural values ​​in human relations with society, and (5) cultural values ​​in human relations with oneself. The results showed there were 37 quotations related to cultural values ​​that exist in the Banta Amat saga, namely: (1) Cultural values ​​in the human relationship with God there are 6 values ​​in 24 quotes; a) Give thanks to God 3 quotes, b) Give to Allah the Prophet 1 quote, c) Pray and ask God 9 quotes, d) surrender to God 8 quotes, e) Fear God 1 quote, and f) Obey to worship God 2 quotes, (2) Cultural values ​​in human relations with nature are found in 2 quotations about utilizing the forest, (3) Cultural values ​​in human relations with other humans there are 3 values ​​in 4 quotations; a) respect for others 2 quotes, b) say greetings 1 quote, and c) answer greetings 1 quote, (4) Cultural values ​​in human relations with the community there are 3 quotes namely about mutual care, and (5) Cultural values ​​in relationships humans with themselves there are 3 values ​​in 4 quotes; a) Never give up 2 quotes, b) responsibility 1 quote, and c) hard work 1 quote. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the cultural values ​​in the human relationship with God are more numerous than the other values. This illustrates that the people of Aceh are religious and devout people who worship God. Suggestions from researchers that the people of Aceh continue to preserve cultural values ​​such as the Banta Amat saga in daily life. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II Karya T. A. Sakti. Nilai budaya sangat penting untuk dikaji guna melestarikan warisan budaya masyarakat Aceh agar dapat diketahui oleh generasi muda dan kembali dibudidayakan dalam kehidupan pada masa sekarang. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II Karya T. A. Sakti. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II karya T. A. Sakti. Data yang dipilih adalah setiap kutipan yang ada kaitannya dengan nilai budaya dalam hikayat. Pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskritif dengan mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Nilai budaya yang dianalisis dalam hikayat Banta Amat dikelompokkan berdasarkan lima kategori, yaitu (1) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, (2) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam, (3) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain, (4) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat, dan (5) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 37 kutipan yang terkait dengan nilai budaya yang ada dalam hikayat Banta Amat, yaitu: (1) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan terdapat 6 nilai pada 24 kutipan; a) Bersyukur kepada Allah 3 kutipan, b) Berselawat kepada Nabi Allah 1 kutipan, c) Berdoa dan memohon kepada Allah 9 kutipan, d) menyerahkan diri kepada Allah 8 kutipan, e) Takut kepada Allah 1 kutipan, dan f) Taat beribadah kepada Allah 2 kutipan, (2) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam terdapat pada 2 kutipan tentang memanfaatkan hutan, (3) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain terdapat 3 nilai pada 4 kutipan; a) menghormati orang lain 2 kutipan, b) mengucapkan salam 1 kutipan, dan c) menjawab salam 1 kutipan, (4) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat terdapat 3 kutipan yaitu tentang rasa saling peduli, dan (5) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri terdapat 3 nilai pada 4 kutipan; a) Pantang menyerah 2 kutipan, b) tanggung jawab 1 kutipan, dan c) kerja keras 1 kutipan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan lebih banyak dari nilai yang lainnya. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa masyarakat Aceh adalah masyarakat yang religius dan taat beribadah kepada Allah. Saran dari peneliti agar masyarakat Aceh terus melestarikan nilai budaya seperti pada hikayat Banta Amat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Hikayat, Nilai Budaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ida Bagus Putrayasa

This study aimed at finding out the figures of speech used by the government in the political language variation and the purposes to which they serve. On the basis of the data analysis, it was found that there are sixteen types of figures of speech contained in the political language variation, for example, euphemism, repetition, parallelism, personification, parable, anticlimax, sarcasm, trope, hyperbole, pleonasm, climax, antithesis, synecdoche, anaphor, allusion, and metonymy. The purposes of their uses are to vary sentences, to show respect, to express something in a polite manner, and to give an emphasis or stress meanings. The suggestion made in relation to the uses of the figures of speech in political language variation is for the authority (government) to use words or phrases that are simple to make it easy for the people to understand.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Ikeu Nurhidayah ◽  
Neng Lani Ligina

Sexual violence in children case happens most in age 6-12 years. Impact of sexual violence in children is post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and revictimizations in adulthood. Role of parents in prevention sexual violence is very important because parents is the people closest to the child. The Purpose of this study is to get an overview of parents roles to prevention sexual violence in children at SDN 061 Cijerah Bandung Kulon Bandung. This study used quantitative descriptive method with samples 141 of parents at SDN 061 Cijerah from populations 530 students and used accidental sampling method.  The instrument used is a quistionnaire by researcher combined prevention sexual violence based on government program PANTS with role of parents based on BKKBN. Reability of this study has a alfa cronbach of 0,918. Data analysis used with calculate cut of point from each role of parents and categorize to good roles or less good roles. The results of this study showed that of  141 parents in general that is 93,6% had good roles. The role of parents as educators 88,7% parents had good role as educators. For incentive 90,8% had good role as incentive. For role models, 91,5% parents be a good role models.  As supervisor 85,1% parents be a good supervisors. For counselor 91,5% parents had good role as counselors. For comunicator 72,3% had good role as comunicators.

Crisbin Joseph Mathew

Abstract: Due to the rise in population and increase in urbanisation levels in our country, most of the settlements are in urban areas. As the cities that already existing are heavily populated along with a great deal of limitations in the infrastructure, emergence of an advanced township away from the vicinity of these overpopulated urban areas offer safer and better accommodation for the people. The planning and layout of the project is shown using autoCAD and for the structural analysis we use STADD Pro V.18i. Demographic analysis is done among specific clientele. Development of roof top rainwater harvesting(sump)has been carried out in order to provide source of water for the whole population of the township. Use of intze tank which is a circular overhead tank to meet the daily water requirement of the population inside the township.For the proper disposal and processing of the waste generated, almost 30 acres of land is being used to hold the per capita waste generated which managed after calculating factors like total waste generated, estimated landfill, total area required for land etc. The salient features a major advantages of this township is discussed in detail. Keywords: IS - Indian Standard BM - Bending Moment BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards cm - CentiMeters mm - MilliMeters m - Meter C - Celsius

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus ◽  
Atik Yuliani

The language acquisition process can be seen as a running parallel throughout a child’s life every day, it happened for every human who interacts with other people to share information since they were a child. It looks closely at the acquisition of the early age of Virendra, he was a child under 5 age who lives in the Sundanese environment and he is not familiar with English as a foreign language. Virendra was familiar with Arabic literature previously in his house, and he knows English in the formal school of his Playgroup up to now in kindergarten, the writer tried to report this case using a descriptive method. The data is collected while he was used the language in the school and how his parents influence his language acquisition in the house. And it is conducted to know how well Virendra’s comprehension in producing language. Beside it, this study is expected to the parents to lead the child in using language.

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