scholarly journals The impact of perception of consistency and inconsistency in parenting style on pro-social motives of adolescents

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-115 ◽  
R. Karmakar

Adolescence is the most dynamic and eventful period of human development. During this crucial period of life, adolescents encounter challenges in life and constantly adapting to the relationship dynamics with friends, family, school and society. There is tendency of adolescents to engage in antisocial or pro-social behaviour. Adolescents’ relationship with parents and guardian significantly influence their antisocial and prosocial behavior. Pro-social behavior is defined as a behavior that is primarily aimed at benefiting others. Some pro-social behaviour is extrinsically motivated whereas some are intrinsically motivated. The present study investigated the nature of prosocial behaviour among adolescents and impact of consistency and inconsistency of parenting style on prosocial behaviour. A group of 610 adolescents (310 boys and 300 girls) aged between 16—18 years (mean = 17.07 and standard deviation = 1.02) was selected for the present study. Pro-social Motivation Questionnaire and Parental Authority Questionnaire were used to measure pro-social motive and parenting style, respectively. The results indicate that adolescents generally show higher level of intrinsic pro-social motive. Adolescent girls prefer to display internalised and empathetic pro-social motives whereas adolescent boys tend to gain others’ approval by displaying heroic activities. Consistency in parenting style facilitates intrinsic pro-social motive only when both parents are authoritative in nature. The result interestingly reveals that inconsistent parenting style is not always bad. Authoritative and permissive dyad facilitates intrinsic pro-social motive among adolescents. Implications for parental socialisation in families and pro-social motive among adolescents are discussed.

Katarzyna Tomaszek ◽  
Agnieszka Muchacka-Cymerman

Most previous research has examined the relationship between FB addiction and burnout level by conducting cross-sectional studies. Little is known about the impact of changes in burnout on FB addiction in an educational context. Through a two-way longitudinal survey of a student population sample (N = 115), this study examined the influence of changes in academic burnout over time and FB motives and importance (measured at the beginning and the end of the semester) on FB intrusion measured at the end of the academic semester. The findings show that: (1) increases in cynicism and in FB motives and importance significantly predicted time2 FB intrusion; (2) FB importance enhanced the prediction power of changes in the academic burnout total score, exhaustion and personal inefficacy, and reduced the regression coefficient of changes in cynicism; (3) the interaction effects between FB social motive use and changes in academic burnout, as well as between FB importance and personal inefficacy and exhaustion, accounted for a significant change in the explained variance of time2 FB intrusion. About 20–30% of the variance in time2 FB intrusion was explained by all the examined variables and by the interactions between them. The results suggest that changes in academic burnout and FB motives and importance are suppressive variables, as including these variables in the regression model all together changed the significance of the relationship between independent variables and FB intrusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Naveed Sultan ◽  
Zainab Javed

Suicide is described as death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior. Adolescence is a period of marked risk for suicide. This study was carried out to find out the relationship of parenting style and suicidal ideation of adolescents. A sample of (N= 200) with age range of 13 to 19 years from different schools of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan was selected. Two instruments were used in study:  Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), and Suicidal Risk Scale (SRS). Pearson partial correlation was applied to analyze the data. The findings shows permissive mother parenting style is significantly positively correlated with authoritarian mother parenting, permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation. Whereas, authoritarian mother parenting style significantly positively correlated with permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation. Meanwhile authoritative/flexible mother parenting style is significantly negatively correlated with permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation.

Анатолій Сорока ◽  
Ольга Гмирь

Мета: аналіз психологічних особливостей мотивації, стилів конфліктної поведінки та ціннісної сфери в підлітків та їх батьків. Методи дослідження: теоретичні (аналіз, порівняння, узагальнення, інтерпретація теоретичних підходів та емпіричних досліджень); емпіричні (тестування); методи математичної статистики (для виявлення відмінностей психологічних особливостей мотивації, стилів конфліктної поведінки та ціннісної сфери в підлітків та їх батьків було використано t-критерій Ст’юдента). Результати: визначено, що провідні мотиви, особливості поведінки в конфліктних ситуаціях та цінності в підлітків і їх батьків істотно відрізняються між собою. Висновки: встановлено, що підліткам характерна висока виразність таких змінних як «Мотивація повного прийняття партнера в поведінці», «Мотивація конфліктом між владою й афіліацією». Серед термінальних цінностей найбільш значущими є: друзі, розваги, любов і свобода. Найменш вираженими є: щастя інших, пізнання та цікава робота. Високий рівень сформованості інструментальних цінностей виражений такими змінними як сміливість, незалежність та почуття гумору. Найменш виявленими є освіченість, раціоналізм та правдивість. Натомість у групі батьків ми бачимо високий рівень сформованості такої змінної як «Мотивація страхом слабкості (владні відносини)». Мотивованість поведінки культурними нормами як у підлітків, так і в їх батьків виражена на низькому рівні сформованості. Серед термінальних цінностей найбільш значущими є: сім’я, здоров’я та матеріальна забезпеченість, а найменшу цінність для них представляють щастя інших, творчість та розваги. У батьків високий рівень сформованості виявлено за такими змінними інструментальних цінностей як самоконтроль, терпимість і дисциплінованість. Визначено специфіку особливостей стилів конфліктної поведінки: батьки намагаються зберегти свій авторитет, що відбивається на їх оцінці батьківсько-підліткових розбіжностей, а також створення батьками ситуації постійного психологічного тиску й нездатність сім’ї задовольняти потреби емоційної підтримки та симпатії підлітків. Література Анопрієнко, О.В. (2017). Стиль батьківської поведінки як чинник виникнення і подолання хронічного стресу в підлітковому віці. (Дис. канд. психол. наук). Київ. Гончар, Л.В. (2017). Формування гуманних взаємин батьків з дітьми молодшого шкільного і підліткового віку. (Монографія). Київ : ТОВ «Задруга». Дубров, Д.И. (2020). Информационно-коммуникационные технологии и семейные отношения: вред или польза? Социальная психология и общество, 11(1), 72–91. Крейдун, Н.П., & Сорока, А.В. (2015). Прикладна психологія: навчальний посібник. Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна. Пріба, Г.А., & Калюжна, Є.М. (2020). Психологія особистості на сучасному ринку праці. (Монографія). Херсон : ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС. Солдатова, Г.У., & Львова, Е.Н. (2018). Особенности родительской медиации в ситуациях столкновения подростков с онлайн-рисками. Психологическая наука и образование, 23(3), 29–41. Сорока, А.В. (2010) Юридическая психология: Краткий курс: Учебно-методическое пособие. Харьков : Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина. Токарева, Н.М. (2014). Сучасний підліток у системі психолого-педагогічного супроводу. (Монографія). Кривий Ріг. Abar, C.C., Farnett, S., Mendola, K., Koban, K., & Sarra, Sh. (2018). Relationships between parent-child social media interactions and health behaviors. Journal of Substance Use, 23(3), 335–337. Karmakar, R. (2017). The impact of perception of consistency and inconsistency in parenting style on pro-social motives of adolescents. Социальная психология и общество, Social Psychology and Society, 8(2), 101–115.

Zeba Fatima ◽  
Birender Kaur ◽  
Tabish Kamran ◽  
Rabia Aftab

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between grit and parenting style of mother among Indian rural adolescents. Parental Authority Questionnaire [1] and Short Grit Scale [2] was used to meet objectives of the paper. A sample of 60 adolescents was chosen from private institution located at Bathinda (Punjab) by using convenience sampling technique. Results of correlation analysis revealed that significant (negative) relationship exists between mother’s authoritarian parenting style (only) and grit. This is true for both genders and for adolescents who comes from joint families. Educational implication of the study signifies that the suitable informative and counseling sessions should be organised for the parents to make them conscious of the appropriate parenting style for the development of gritty adolescents.

Sakineh Mofrad ◽  
Liew Jia Yam ◽  
Ikechukwu Uba

Objective This is an empirical study that examined the impact of parenting style, peer relationship on learned helplessness among 120 university students aged 18 to 23 years (M=19.7) from Sunway University, Malaysia. Methodology/Technique A survey was conducted to collect the data. Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) was used to measure parenting style, while the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) was used to measure peer relationship and Helplessness Behaviour Questionnaire (HBQ) was used to measure learned helplessness. Findings Findings of the study revealed no significant relationship between parenting style and learned helplessness behaviour. However, there was a negative and significant relationship between peer relationship and learned helplessness behaviour. The study, therefore revealed the significant effect of peer relationship on learned helplessness among the sample of the study irrespective of gender. Novelty The paper, hence highlighted the importance of peer relationship in the planning of educational curriculum for adolescents. Later studies may examine the effect of other socio-environmental factors on learned helplessness behaviour. Type of Paper Empirical paper Keywords: Learned Helplessness; Parenting Style; Peer Relationship; Education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Adina-Gabriela Tomșa

This paper objective is to investigate the elements from childhood that can be associated with some type of attachment in adult relationships. Participants were 207 young people aged between 20 and 30 (M= 23,22), from Romania, who have been in a relationship during the last year. The used instruments were: Parental Authority Questionnaire and Experiences of Close Relationships Inventory. The results supported that a permissive parental style is associated with a low level of anxiety (r = .17) as a dimension of attachment in adult relationships; while authoritarian parental style coincides with avoidance tendencies (r = .17) and an increased anxiety (r = .35) in adult relationships and last but not least, authoritative parental style is associated with low levels of anxiety (r = .19) or avoidance (r = .29) in relation to others. Furthermore, the work revealed differences between participants from single-parent families (following the death of their mother or father) and participants who were raised in two parent families, the latter having a lower level of avoidance, being able to express themselves more easily in relationships and show their affection. The parental structure was not supported as a significant moderator of the relationship between perceived parenting style and attachment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Amos Amuribadek Adangabe ◽  
Ankama Mensah Gideon ◽  
Daniel Inkoom ◽  
Dogbey Alice Emmanuella

No two parents view things in the same way when it comes to raising their children. In this light, the current study attempted to establish a link between parenting methods and gender role ideas. This study used a correlational research design. We selected 300 individuals from a population of 1480 using stratified and simple random selection procedures. The participants’ parenting styles were assessed using Buri’s (1991) Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), and their sex role beliefs were assessed using Williams and Best’s Sex-Role Ideology Scale (SRIS) (1990). Moment of Pearson-Product Correlation was used to determine the relationship between parenting methods and sex role ideology, while regression was utilised to determine the variables’ predictions. It was discovered that parenting techniques had no effect on the participants’ sex-role ideas. Individuals with an authoritative parenting style, on the other hand, were more likely to develop a more modern sex-role ideology, whereas those with an authoritarian parenting style developed a more conventional sex-role ideology. Additionally, both sex and religion predicted modern and traditional sex-role ideas, respectively. Tribe anticipated an authoritative parenting style without regard for either permissive or authoritarian parenting methods. The study recommends that because parenting styles are related to sex-role ideology, guidance and counselling coordinators should place a premium on the most effective parenting style in order to help students develop an acceptable sex role ideology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Adina-Gabriela Tomșa

This paper objective is to investigate the elements from childhood that can be associated with some type of attachment in adult relationships. Participants were 207 young people aged between 20 and 30 (M= 23,22), from Romania, who have been in a relationship during the last year. The used instruments were: Parental Authority Questionnaire and Experiences of Close Relationships Inventory. The results supported that a permissive parental style is associated with a low level of anxiety (r = .17) as a dimension of attachment in adult relationships; while authoritarian parental style coincides with avoidance tendencies (r = .17) and an increased anxiety (r = .35) in adult relationships and last but not least, authoritative parental style is associated with low levels of anxiety (r = .19) or avoidance (r = .29) in relation to others. Furthermore, the work revealed differences between participants from single-parent families (following the death of their mother or father) and participants who were raised in two parent families, the latter having a lower level of avoidance, being able to express themselves more easily in relationships and show their affection. The parental structure was not supported as a significant moderator of the relationship between perceived parenting style and attachment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 487-496 ◽  
Surya A. V. ◽  
Rahul Sharma

There are various individual factors that impact child diarrhoea-related behaviours among primary care seekers. Behavioural factors, social norms, economic considerations, access to healthcare, gender, etc., are some of the factors that can impact the treatment-seeking behaviour of the parents for their children who are suffering from diarrhoea. This article also establishes the relationship between open defaecation as a social behaviour and the incidence of child diarrhoea. Other than this, the relationship between open defaecation and child nutritional indicators is also established through substantive evidence. Open defaecation is known to have significant health impact, especially on children. Children from ODF distrcits are also significantly less wasted and under weighing than children from Non-ODF districts. However, the open defaecation free (ODF) status showed no significant impact on stunting in the current study.

Humaniora ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Almira Rizki Pontania ◽  
Rose Mini Agoes Salim

This research presented the relationship between a child’s empathy and parents’ prejudice, which was mediated by parenting style. The purpose of this research was to determine whether parenting style could be a mediator between parents’ prejudice and child’s empathy and also what type of parenting style would be appropriate to increase empathy in children. The research respondents consisted of 233 parents who had children aged 6-8 years old and were measured using the Basic Empathy Scale-Parent Report (BES-PR), the Blatant Prejudice Scale, and the Parental Authority Questionnaire-Revised (PAQ-R). The data obtained were processed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression (Hayes process). The results show that parenting style can be a mediator between child’s empathy and parents’ prejudice. The parenting style that can increase empathy in children is authoritative parenting. It means that when parents have a low prejudice, they tend to apply authoritative parenting, and this has an effect on increasing empathy in children.

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