2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Nila Kartika Sari ◽  
Nikmatul Iza

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan buku ajar Animal Development Berbasis model REACT yaitu Relating (mengaitkan), Experiencing (mengalami), Applying (menerapkan), Cooperating (Bekerjasama), Transferring (mentransfer). Metode analisis kebutuhan telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4D Thiagarajan hingga tahap pendefinisian (define).. Subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang yang telah menempuh matakuliah perkembangan hewan sebanyak 40 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan observasi, angket kepada mahasiswa dan dosen. Hasil belajar berdasarkan angket menunjukkan bahwa sumber belajar yang kurang relevan. 75 persen mahasiswa masih kesulitan mengikuti perkuliahan, sehingga 100 persen mahasiswa setuju setuju dan menyatakan perlu dikembangkan buku ajar perkembangan Hewan Berbasis model REACT. Hasil analisis kebutuhan untuk dosen pengampu matakuliah perkembangan hewan menyatakan bahwa sangat perlu dikembangkan buku ajar berbasis model REACT khususnya materi pembelahan sel karena model ini mampu memberdayakan kemampuan berpikir mahasiswa dan dapat melatih pembelajaran mandiri dalam memahami materi perkembangan hewan. Abstract: This study aims to analyze the requirement Animal Development textbooks based on the REACT model, namely Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring. The method of analyzing needs has been done by Thiagarajan's 4D development model to the defining stage. The research subjects were students of Biology Education IKIP Budi Utomo Malang who had taken animal development courses as many as 40 people. Data collection techniques carried out by observing, conducting questionnaires to students and lecturers the result of the study based on questionaire showed that the lack of relevant learning resources. 75 percent students still had difficulty attending lectures, Moreover 100 percent students agreed to use a textbook based on the development of Animal-Based REACT models. The results of the analysis of the need for lecturers supporting animal development courses states that it is very necessary to develop textbooks based on the REACT model especially cell division material because this model can empower students' thinking abilities and can practice independent learning in understanding animal development material.

2018 ◽  
Riana Agustin Tindjabate

The purpose of this study is to describe learning needs of the students of Biology Education Department on the English learning. The research was conducted at the Christian University of Tentena particularly in the Biology Education Department. The research subjects were 24 students who acted as research participants. The data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires of the 25-BioSNEL to 24 participants. Data from the research showed that students of Biology Education Department of the Christian University of Tentena needed knowledge about the terms of English used in the field of biology education and for training English speaking students desperately needed exercises that teach them how to use the English vocabulary in daily conversation. The research concluded that the teaching of English in the field of biology education should be more focused on learning about the vocabulary and terms in the field of biology as well as learning about how to use the English vocabulary in conversation.

Biogenesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Oktavia Safitri ◽  
Evi Suryawati ◽  
Darmadi Darmadi

Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competencies states that one of the competencies of high school biology teachers is the competence to properly design and implement practicum. Biology Education students as prospective biology teachers must master these competencies. The existence of independent learning resources can be used as a reference for prospective student teachers in studying material related to practicum activities. This study aims to produce independent learning resources in the form of videos. This research was conducted at the PMIPA Laboratory FKIP Riau University, SMAN 8 Pekanbaru and SMAN 15 Pekanbaru in April-December 2020. The type of research used was Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The instruments used in this study were the validation sheet and response questionnaire. The results of the video validation obtained an average value of 3.57 with a very valid category. The results of the limited trial phase I obtained an average value of 3.64 in the very good category, while the results of the phase II trial obtained an average value of 3.43 in the very good category. Based on the results of the validation and trials, it shows that the video of the design and implementation of the biology practicum developed can be used as an independent learning resource for prospective biology teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Nikmatul Iza ◽  
Nila Kartika Sari

Abstract: This study analyzes textbooks based on research in biotechnology courses related to the principles of Forensic DNA discussion that need to be developed. The research method used in the development model Hanafin Peck (1988) at the beginning of the needs analysis. Research subjects were 45 biology education students who had taken Biotechnology courses. The instrument used consisted of a questionnaire distributed to students and lecturers supporting biotechnology courses and interview techniques. The results showed that in the learning process do not use textbooks and as much as 94% of students need the development of textbooks that are equipped with interesting pictures and practicum guides in them. Research results, so that the learning process becomes more directed, contextual and enjoyable Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis buku ajar berbasis hasil penelitian pada matakuliah bioteknologi terkait dengan pokok bahasan DNA Forensik yang perlu dikembangkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merujuk pada model pengembangan Hanafin Peck (1988) pada tahap awal yaitu analisis kebutuhan. Subjek penelitian adalah 45 mahasiswa pendidikan biologi yang telah mengambil matakuliah Bioteknologi. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket yang disebarkan kepada mahasiswa dan dosen pengampu matakuliah bioteknologi serta teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pembelajaran belum menggunakan buku ajar dan sebanyak 94% mahasiswa menginginkan pengembangan buku ajar yang dilengkapi dengan gambar yang menarik dan petujuk praktikum yang didalamnya memuat hasil penelitian, sehingga proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih terarah, kontekstual dan menyenangkan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 197-214
Ade Suryanda ◽  
Eka Putri Azrai ◽  
Anita Julita

The development of additional learning resources in the form of biology pocketbook based on mind map (Biomap) was carried out by referring to the ADDIE development model, then being tested for its feasibility by media experts, materials, languages, teachers and students. The method of data collection uses a feasibility questionnaire adapted from the Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan or BSNP. Data analysis was carried out by changing the total score of the test results in the form of percentages then converted into qualitative data using guidelines for interpreting product feasibility. The data obtained is used as a reference for product improvement. The results of the assessment conducted by linguists obtained an average score of 87.5%, media experts amounted to 86.1%, material experts amounted to 87.55%, trials to teachers amounted to 82.5%, trials for small group students amounted to 86,17% and a large group of 89%. The overall average score is 86.47%. Based on the interpretation of scores, the products developed obtained a category very feasible to use as an additional learning resource. Abstrak. : Pengembangan sumber belajar tambahan berupa buku saku biologi berbasis mind map (Biomap) dilakukan  dengan merujuk model pengembangan ADDIE, selanjutnya diuji kelayakannya oleh para ahli media, materi, bahasa, guru serta siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan buku saku biologi berbasis mind map (BIOMAP) bahan belajar mandiri berdasarkan pandangan ahli. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket uji kelayakan yang diadaptasi dari Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan atau BSNP. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengubah skor total hasil uji ke dalam bentuk persentase selanjutnya diubah menjadi data kualitatif menggunakan pedoman interpretasi kelayakan produk. Data yang diperoleh digunakan sebagai rujukan untuk perbaikan produk. Hasil penilaian yang dilakukan oleh ahli bahasa memperoleh skor rerata 87,5%, ahli media sebesar 86,1%,  ahli materi sebesar 87,55%, uji coba kepada guru sebesar 82,5%, uji coba kepada peserta didik kelompok kecil sebesar  86,17% dan kelompok besar sebesar 89%. Rerata skor secara keseluruhan sebesar 86,47%. Berdasarkan interpretasi skor, produk yang dikembangkan memperoleh kategori sangat layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pendukung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158
Elfrida Nurutstsany ◽  
Saifullah Hidayat ◽  
Nur Hayati

Learning resources need to be developed based on current developments. The purpose of this research was to develop an Islamic-based Botanical Encyclopedia and test its quality. The method used to develop the encyclopedia was Research and Development (RD) with the 4D model (Design, Define, Develop, and Disseminate) proposed by Thiagarajan in 1974 as the development model. The research instrument had been validated by the material, media, and integration experts. The average percentage of the validation result was 88% (a very valid category). The small-scale trial obtained a percentage of 89% (very valid), and the large-scale trial obtained a percentage of 85% (very feasible category). The results indicated that the developed Islamic-based Botanical encyclopedia could be used as a resource for independent learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 36
Ahmad Sudi Pratikno ◽  
Dewi Nurmasita

Social movement is an effort to provide benefits to others. However, within the context of cultivating the character, research on social movement through socio-drama based on local wisdom is very limited. This study aims to examine the increasing character of nationalism through social movements in the form of socio-drama. Research subjects were elementary and secondary students residing in rural area. This research used qualitative and descriptive method. Data collection techniques were documentations, observations, and interviews. The results showed that the increased character of nationalism only arise when playing socio-drama only, they would return to the previous character. Cultivating the character values need a long time, so the change of character did not necessarily happen.

Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

Social media is a necessity for everyone in communicating and exchanging information. Social media users do not know the boundaries of age, generation, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, what is interesting is the user among housewives. This study took the research subjects of housewives. Housewives are chosen as research subjects because they are pillars or pillars in a household. If the pillar is strong, then the household will also be healthy. Thus, if we want to build a resilient and robust generation, we will start from the housewives. A healthy household starts from strong mothers too. This study aims to find out the insights of the housewives of Kanoman village regarding the content on smartphones and social media and provide knowledge of social media literacy to housewives. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation. The results of the study showed that previously housewives had not experienced social media literacy. Then the researchers took steps to be able to achieve the desired literacy results. Researchers took several steps to make them become social media literates. They become able to use social media, understand social media, and even produce messages through social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 276-291
Mawaddah Mawaddah ◽  
Yandi Heryandi

This study aims to: (1) find out the misconceptions experienced by students in the material of similarity and congruence by using three-tier diagnostic tests based on open-ended questions. (2) find out the large percentage of students' misconceptions on the similarity and congruence material using a three-tier diagnostic test based on open-ended questions. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. The data collection instruments used were clinical interviews and three-tier diagnostic tests based on open-ended questions. This study was conducted in the SMP Negeri 2 Palimanan. The research subjects were selected using purposive sampling techniques so that 33 students were selected from 330 students. The results of the analysis of the three-tier diagnostic test based on open-ended questions showed that (1) the misconceptions that occurred in the material of similarity and congruence of 2D shapes included pure misconceptions, false positives, and false negatives. (2) the percentage of misconceptions experienced in the material of similarity and congruence 2D shapes as a whole was 50.2% with a large percentage of pure misconceptions 32.4%, false-positive 15.6%, and false-negative 2.2%

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-103
Yeni Ernawati

The purpose of this study was to describe the needs of students and teachers for learning to write scientific-based fable text, produce teaching materials on Student Worksheet (LKPD) on scientific-based Fable Text material, and describe the results of expert validation of the developed LKPD. This research is a development study using a modification of the development model of Dick, Carey, and Carey and Jolly & Bolitho. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII and Indonesian Language Teachers. Data collection techniques are done using a questionnaire and documentation. The feasibility of the developed teaching material is known from the results of validation by three experts on the 4 components of teaching material, namely the component of material eligibility, language component, presentation component and graphic. Based on the results of expert validation, LKPD on the fable text material developed is categorized as good or suitable to be used as a textbook companion teaching material. In the content / material component, LKPD outlines one Basic Competency (KD) in each activity. Each activity is in accordance with the steps of the scientific approach that is equipped with worksheets and assessment rubrics so as to facilitate students and teachers in the learning and assessment process. In the language component, LKPD uses simple and effective language, and is equipped with a glossary to make it easier for students to understand new vocabulary. In the presentation and graphic components, LKPD uses larger types and font sizes, and attractive designs with illustrations of colored images.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Sujatmi Sujatmi

This research is motivated by the discovery of teachers who do not compile test instruments according to the indicators and learning objectives, teachers have not been able to arrange instruments according to the level of difficulty, and the use of language according to the level of understanding of students. This study aims to improve the ability of teachers to compile test instruments through integrated self-assessment training activities. This research is in the form of school action research conducted on teachers of SDN 007 Pematang Ibul. The research subjects were 17 teachers. The data collection instrument used an observation sheet. The results showed that in the first cycle the teacher's ability to compile the test instrument was 71.78 which was a good criterion, then increased in the second cycle to 87.14 which reached very good criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that through integrated self-assessment training can improve the ability of SDN 007 Pematang Ibul teachers in preparing test instruments.

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