scholarly journals Analisis pendidikan kewirausahaan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan untuk re-generasi usaha keripik gadung

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 711-717
Ginanjar Septiana Supardiansyah ◽  
Rizky Dwi Putri

Abstract Entrepreneurship education can be said as an educational process that can be seen through the way parents educate and instill entrepreneurial values in children. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) entrepreneurial education applied by gadung chip business owners to their children, (2) entrepreneurial values instilled by gadung chips business owners to their children, (3) business regeneration of gadung chips business owners. This study uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The selection of informants used the purposive sampling method by looking at several criteria that were considered in selecting informants, namely the criteria for the first informant were parents who had a gadung chip business that had been passed down for 2 to 3 generations, the criteria for the second informant were teenagers who would continue the business. fake chips. The techniques used in collecting this data are observation techniques, interview techniques, and documentation. To test the validity of the data, the data was checked by triangulation of sources to the informants' children. The results of the study are (1) The entrepreneurial values instilled by the gadung chip business owner are honesty, responsibility, discipline, hard work, courage. (2) Entrepreneurship education for the family of gadung chip owners is carried out by establishing closeness between parents and children, providing positive activities, creating a learning atmosphere, and parenting habits. (3) Entrepreneurship education by instilling entrepreneurial values in children produces results with evidence that children have been involved and helped develop the gadung chip business. Abstrak Pendidikan kewirausahaan dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu proses pendidikan yang dapat dilihat melalui cara orang tua dalam mendidik dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan pada diri anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Pendidikan kewirausahaan yang diterapkan oleh pemilik usaha keripik gadung kepada anaknya, (2) Nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang ditanamkan oleh pemilik usaha keripik gadung kepada anaknya, (3) Regenerasi usaha pemilik usaha keripik gadung. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan fenomenologi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan melihat beberapa kriteria yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih informan, yaitu kriteria informan pertama adalah orang tua yang memiliki usaha keripik gadung yang sudah mengalami turun-temurun 2 sampai 3 generasi, kriteria informan kedua adalah anak remaja yang akan melanjutkan usaha keripik gadung. Teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data ini adalah teknik observasi, teknik wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Untuk menguji keabsahan data dilakukan pengecekan data dengan triangulasi sumber kepada anak informan. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) Nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang ditanamkan pemilik usaha keripik gadung yaitu kejujuran, tanggung jawab, disiplin, kerja keras, keberanian. (2) Pendidikan kewirausahaan pada keluarga pemilik keripik gadung dilakukan dengan cara yaitu menjalin kedekatan antara orang tua dan anak, memberikan kesibukan positif, menciptakan suasana belajar, kebiasaan pola asuh orang tua. (3) Pendidikan kewirausahaan dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan kepada anak membuahkan hasil dengan bukti anak sudah ikut terlibat dan membantu mengembangkan usaha keripik gadung.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Nisa Ardiana ◽  
Yeni Mariani ◽  
Gusti Eva Tavita

Medicinal plants are used by the community to treat various diseases, including inflammatory related diseases. The study aim to analysis utilization of medicinal plants have the potential as anti-inflammatory by community in Teluk Batang Utara Village, Teluk Batang Sub-district, Kayong Utara District. Data collection is done by interview and the selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method. The results of research with the community in Teluk Batang Utara Village, Teluk Batang Sub-District, Kayong Utara District, 44 species of medicinal plants, 26 families and 5 habitus that are utilized by the community. The most widely used family is Zingiberaceae (8 species). The highest percentage of habitus is herbs (36.36%).The most widely used plant parts are leaves (43.18%).The most widely used processing method is boiled (35.09%).The most widely used method of use is sticked (44.83%).The most frequently used frequency is three times a days (52.63%).The duration of treatment with the highest percentage is 3-4 days (61.41%). Plants with the highest UV values are Hibiscus rosa-sinesis L (0.54). Inflammatory-related diseases with the highest ICF values are sprains (0.99). Plants with the highest percentage are (100%). The family with the highest FIV value is Zingiberaceae (57.64).  Keywords: Anti-Inflammation, medicinal plants, Teluk Batang Utara Village. 

Achmad Djunaidi ◽  
Setiadi Aji Prawira

Abstrak:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian upacara adat jawa, yaitu upacara siraman. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengajukan rumusan masalah yang cukup menarik. Adapun rumusan masalah tersebut adalah bagaimana proses siraman serta apa makna siraman tersebut. Dengan tujuan memahami bagaimana proses siraman beserta makna yang terdapat dalam proses siraman.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif lebih bersifat deskriptif yang disusun secara sistematis dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan fenomenolgi, karena metode ini memakai pengalaman hidup sebagai alat untuk memahami fenomena yang sedang terjadi ataupun yang sudah terjadi. Dalam penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode  purposive sampling dimana peneliti menentukan sendiri sampel yang akan diambil karena pertimbangan tertentu. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menganggap metode ini lebh efektif dalam penelitian kualitatif.Pembahasan proses upacara siraman berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang mendeskripsikan proses upacara siraman. Adapun proses dari siraman tersebut seperti berikut : calon pengantin memakai pakaian siraman lantas diiringi oleh orang tuanya ketempat siraman, orang tua calon pengantin yang menyiram dilanjutkan oleh sesepuh (orang yang dituakan) dan diakhiri dengan dukun pengantin memecahkan kendil siraman disambut para tamu yang mengucapkan  “wes pecah pamore” . Selain proses upacara siraman, hasil penelitian juga membahas tentang makna yang terkandung dalam proses upacara siraman. Adapun makna yang terkandung dalam upacara siraman yaitu melakukan upacara adat (meminta berkah tuhan) sebagai bentuk harapan kesuksesan upacara pernikahannya, membersikan jasmani dan rohani sebagai bentuk penyucian diri untuk menghadapi upacara yang sakral serta pemberian doa yang terbaik dari keluarga dan para tamu undangan bagi calon pengantin. Abstract:  This study is a Javanese traditional ceremony, the ceremony siraman. In this study, the researchers propose formulation of the problem is quite interesting. The formulation of the problem is how the siraman process and what the meaning of the siraman. With the goal of understanding how the process of being washed along with the meaning contained in the siraman process.The method used is a qualitative research method. Qualitative research is descriptive systematically arranged in this study. The approach used is phenomenological approach, because this method uses life experiences as a tool to understand the phenomenon that is happening or has already happened. In this research using purposive sampling method where researchers determine their own samples to be taken because of certain considerations. Methods of data collection in this research is the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Researchers believe this method is more effective in qualitative research.Discussion ceremony siraman process based on research results that describe the process of being washed ceremony. The process of being washed in the following manner: the bride to wear a splash of water and then accompanied  by his parents to place siraman, parents of prospective brides flush followed by the sesepuh (elder person) and ends with a splash kendil (water container)solve shaman bride greeted guests say “wes pecah pamore” (already glowing aura). Besides ceremonial siraman process, the results of the study also discusses the meaning contained in the process of being washed ceremony. As for the meaning contained in ceremonial splash of water that traditional ceremonies (ask for a blessing of god) as a form of hope of success wedding ceremony, cleaning physically and mentally as a form of self-purification to confront the ceremony of the sacred and the provision of prayer is the best of the family and invited guests for the bride.

Puji Rahayu ◽  
Annawaty Annawaty

Labobo isle is one of the satellite isle located around the mainland of Sulawesi Island. This study aims to determine the species composition of freshwater shrimp in the Batambean Stream located on Labobo Island, Banggai Laut, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. A purposive sampling method based on the habitat of freshwater shrimps was applied to collect the shrimps. Measurement of abiotic environmental factors is carried out before samples collection. Furthermore, freshwater shrimp are collected using tray net and hand net. Collected specimens were preserved in alcohol 96%. The specimen wasidentified at the Laboratory of Animal Biosystematics and Evolution, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Tadulako University. The composition of freshwater shrimp species in the Batambean Stream consists of four species, namely Macrobrachium equidens, M. australe, and M. latidactylus and Caridina gracilipes. The first three species belong to the family Palaemonidae while the latter species is a member of the family Atyidae. The brief description and conservation status of each species  were also provided

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-166
Ni Kadek Purnamawati ◽  
Ade Maharini Adiandari ◽  
Nyoman Dwika Ayu Amrita ◽  
Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education and family environment partially and simultaneously on the interest in entrepreneur in student of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. The number of samples is determined by the Probability Sampling technique using the Simple Random Sampling method of 75 students in the sixth semester of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. Analyzed by classical assumption, multiple linear regression analys, determination analys, simultaneous significant test (F-test) and partial significant test (T-test). The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence partially or simultaneously between entrepreneur education and the family environment towards the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar.

SAGE Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824402091459
Yusuf Keskin ◽  
Sevgi Coşkun Keskin ◽  
Deniz Yüceer

In Turkey today, one of the most frequently mentioned issues in the media is the influx of refugees, mostly from Syria. While most refugees are attempting to reach Europe by crossing through Turkey illegally, some consider Turkey an asylum center. This study used a phenomenological approach and qualitative experiment to determine how the phenomenon of refugeehood discussed in the media in Turkey affects children’s views on the issue. The sample was determined using the convenience sampling method, and 31 seventh-grade students (18 girls and 13 boys, all aged 14 years old) were selected. “Having previously met refugees” was used as a basic criterion in the selection of students, while classroom activities, letters, and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Descriptive and content analyses revealed that there were both positive and negative changes in students’ views regarding refugees, depending on the content of the news in the media, which was an important factor in influencing these changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Himmatul Miftah ◽  
Arti Yoesdiarti ◽  
Tiara Dewi Soka

The price gap between farmers and retailers in commercial vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, potatoes and shallots in Bogor City was predicted as a result from the high trading margin. The research aims to analyze income, margin and farmer share obtained by commercial vegetable supply chain actors in Bogor City. The study was conducted in March - October 2017 at the Bogor Traditional Market and the Jambu Traditional Market. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling and snowball sampling method. Result shows that the R / C ratio of farmers is lower than that of traders. The R/C ratio received by farmers is 1,48, while that received by traders is 2,64. The average Farmer Share (41,2%) is lower than the seller share (58,8%). The average marketing margin is Rp 14,576.5. The supply chain that take side to farmers regarding to the value of R/C, the total margin and the farmer's share value are found in potato commodities because it has a higher R / C ratio than traders, higher farmer shares than traders, and trading margin that lower than the three other commodities compared

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Belet Lydia Ingrit

The development of complementary therapies especially infertility treatment is increasing. A qualitative research was conducted to explore the experience of infertile women undergoing nursing complementary therapy. Eight women participated in this research were selected by purposive sampling method based on the inclusion criteria. Selection of participants was done using snowball sampling. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and field notes. Data analysis was performed using thematic content analysis and stages suggested by Collaizi. The results of this research  were: 1) Feeling of sadness was experienced by infertile women 2) Increasing age and the insistence of the family caused anxiety to infertile women, 3) Infertile women chose nursing complementary because they want to get pregnant naturally 4) Various ways and efforts were done by infertile women to get pregnant, 5) Infertile women had appropriate perception toward complementary nursing 6) Family supports were needed to succeed the complementary nursing. In conclusion, complementary nursing was very important to be chosen as one of solution for infertile couples. It is recommended that maternity nurses optimize their roles in giving information and support to infertile women.

2003 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-210 ◽  
Haejeong Kim ◽  
Sharon A. DeVaney

Decisions that the family business owner makes about retirement and succession are critical and could affect a large proportion of the work force. Compared to employees, family business owners may have more of an opportunity to retire partially, i.e., reduce the number of hours worked. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of family business owners who expect to retire partially. Data on 1,155 family business owners from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances reveals that family business owners with more education and more income, who work more hours per week, and who have tax-deferred retirement accounts expect to retire partially. There is a direct correlation between age and those choosing partial retirement, suggesting that many family business owners expect to retire partially. Married family business owners were less likely to expect to retire partially; instead, they would retire fully. The equity in the business, type of ownership, and involvement of other family members did not affect the expectation of partial retirement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 30
Nimra Gul ◽  
Sajjad Ali ◽  
Faiza Latif ◽  
Fazal Rahim Khan

The aim of this research was to find out relationship between newspaper readers fear effects and Pulwama incident. The rationale behind the selection of topic was to measure the level of fear of war at the time of crisis between two countries. This study is based on quantitative methodology, whereas, survey research method was applied. For the data collection, the researcher applied questionnaire comprises 23 closed-ended questions from 50 respondents through purposive sampling method. The results revealed that both newspapers covered the issue, which spread fear of war among them due to repeatedly news stories, blaming contents, over presentation, exaggeration, LOC war like situation, biased and manipulated information. The correlation findings supported the hypotheses significantly that there is association between fear of war and newspaper reading.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Elfira , Sari ◽  
Gene Henfried Meyer Kapantow ◽  
Audrey Julia Maria Maweikere

This study aimed to determine the contribution of income of the Berkah Cone business workers to their family income. This research was conducted for 3 months, starting from January to March 2020. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews with Berkah Cone business workers and Berkah Cone business owners. Secondary data were obtained from monographs of Sumompo Sub-district and literature related to research. The sampling method used was a census to all workers consisted of 12 people. The results of this study indicated that the income of the Berkah Cone business workers has a 69.75% contribution to the family income. The value of 69.75% according to the contribution assessment criteria belongs to the very large category (> 50%). This means that the income earned by workers in the Blessing Cone business greatly helped their families and themselves in fulfilling theirdaily needs and making a real contribution to the family income.

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