scholarly journals Harmonization of the Education Curriculum at Pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo: An Educational Philosophy Study

2021 ◽  
Shely Cathrin ◽  
Reno Wikandaru ◽  
Indah Listiana ◽  
Devi Ratnasari ◽  
Warsidah Warsidah ◽  

Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) have become character-building institutions trusted by the Indonesian people; however, as educational institutions, pesantren must adapt to the national education curriculum which can be challenging. The purpose of this study was to critically identify and analyze the implementation of the educational curriculum at the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo, based on the educational philosophy point of view. A qualitative approach was employed, using the hermeneutics method. Interpretation, description, synthetic analysis, internal coherence, holistic, reflection, and heuristics were used. The results indicated that the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo combined two educational curriculums. Analysis from the educational philosophy perspective found that the implementation of education was based on essentialism educational philosophical ideas, which assume that education is full of flexibility and helps students to adhere to noble values, spiritual characteristics, and human guidance to achieve a more noble life. Keywords: pesantren, curriculum, combination, essentialism, education

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Maghfuri ◽  
Rasmuin Rasmuin

Madrasa is an Islamic educational institutions that play a role in realizing national education goals. But in its history, the existence of madrassas has experienced complex dynamics and tides. This study was intended to analyze the dynamics and the development of the implementation of the madrasa curriculum, especially those based on Islamic boarding schools in the 20th century. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach using the documentation method. The results showed that the curriculum dynamics of pesantren-based madrasas in their history experienced various dynamics that could be classified into three groups, namely periods of growth, periods of development, periods of strengthening of existence. The growth period starts from the birth of madrassas from the pesantren's womb and curricula that are dominated by religious knowledge and tend not to be neatly structured. The development periods are characterized by many of fluctuations and tugging on the implementation of the madrasah curriculum mainly because it is related to recognition and existence. The period of strengthening existence began when the existence of madrassas was legally recognized, especially after the issuance of three Ministerial Decrees which emphasized improving the quality of madrasah education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yunus Yunus

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara,  terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendidikan diniyah pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, tergolong dalam sub sistem pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, menjadikan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menajdi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan tantangan ada beberapa hambatan 1)Sistem kurikulum yang lebih modern, sehingga pesantren ketinggalan jauh dari sekolah umum, 2) Kurangnya anggaran dan sumber pendanaan disebabkan oleh kurang siswa. 3) adanya sebagian orang tua tidak tertarik menyekolahkan anak di sekolah Pesantren.Kata kunci:      Pengembangan, Pondok Pesantren As’addiyah.  AbstractThe pattern of the development of Islamic boarding schools in Malangke, the strategy of developing pesantren is the method or strategy used by the place or place for the process of planning changes that require the support of all parties, among others, the Head, staff, teachers and students are expected to develop and improving educational institutions, which require short, medium and long-term efforts to deal with changes that will occur in the future. Opportunities and hands for the development of Islamic boarding schools in North Luwu, there is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, some of which emphasize the implementation of religious education, such as article 30 paragraph (1) and Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2007 concerning Education Religion and Religious Education in Article 1 paragraph (2) concerning Religious Education and Religious Education in which it is expressly stated that Islamic boarding schools conduct early childhood education at the elementary and secondary levels, belonging to the national education sub-system in Indonesia which aims to educate the nation, make humans who have faith and devotion to the Almighty God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen. While the challenges are several obstacles 1) A more modern curriculum system, so that pesantren lag far behind public schools, 2) The lack of budgets and funding sources is caused by lack of students. 3) there are some parents who are not interested in sending their children to school in Islamic boarding schools.Keywords:        Development, As'addiyah Islamic Boarding School.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin

Diniyah education has been implemented by all educational institutions in Indonesia, starting from the lowest level, namely SD/MI to SMA/MA. Initially this diniyah education was implemented in Islamic boarding schools during the month of Ramadan. The aim is to foster morals, character, and strengthen worship for students during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this study was to identify the role of diniyah education carried out in the world of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a literature study method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the role of diniyah education can be measured through 4 things, namely increasing student religiosity, developing sustainable education and in accordance with the development of the times, being patient with calamities, and increasing husnuzon attitudes in students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reksiana, Reksiana

the existence of differences of view to education children character, and can be classified in several categories and theories. This difference is seen as some figures say families or tualah people are the most important in providing character education. Others argue sekolahlah that is most vital in respect of containers of character education. This article uses a qualitative approach, with the kind of Library Research. Therefore, the overall data focuses on books or papers relating to discussion of "rightmost character Education". Quant à la méthode d’analyse de données technique utilisée est descriptive analyse qualitative méthodes, car les données sont traitées sous la forme d’un écrit de données telles que : livres, revues, articles de journaux, caractère education curriculum directives structures formelles en 2013 en ligne En ligne) et comprend le produit brut standard sous forme de législation relative à la formation du caractère. From the results of the discussion and anlisa above, concrete conclusions can be taken, that the person in charge character education namely Educational Institutions not the independence of each other, but rather inherently. Summary this rests on a concrete analysis of the various figures such as: Thomas Lickona, Jun Sung Hong and James Garbarino, David w. Johnson, and Roger t. Johnson, even from muslim figures like Abdul Majid, Jamal ‘Abdur Rahman, Moh. Solikodin Djaelani, Muchlas Samani dan Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan, first product reinforced by legislation which clearly explains the RI character education is the shared responsibility of educational institutions.

Problemos ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 77-85
Juozas Vytautas Uzdila

Antanas Maceina (1908–1987) – iškilus tarpukario Lietuvos ugdymo mokslo – tautinio auklėjimo teorijos, pedagoginio santykiavimo, švietimo ir mokyklų vaidmens lietuvių kultūroje, pedagoginio vitalizmo problemos, fenomenologinės pedagoginio akto analizės, visuotinės pedagogikos istorijos – atstovas, pagrindęs filosofijos ir pedagogikos santykį, teigęs realistinį idealizmą. Pirmasis VDU apgynęs pedagogikos daktaro disertaciją Tautinis auklėjimas (1934, vadovas – prof. Stasys Šalkauskis), A. Maceina parašė kapitalinį Pedagogikos istorijos veikalą (1939), kuriame svarsto tautinio auklėjimo ir atitautinimo problemas, aiškina lavinimo ir auklėjimo esmę, teigia ugdymo kūrybinį pobūdį ir mokyklų laisvę valstybėje. Straipsnio autorius, vertindamas įvairialypį A. Maceinos pedagoginį palikimą, koncentruoja dėmesį į tautinio auklėjimo teorijos reikšmingumą, švietimo ir mokyklų vaidmenį keliant lietuvių kultūrą, taip pat į fenomenologinę ugdymo, ypač pedagoginio akto, analizę. Iš akiračio neišleidžiama A. Maceinos pedagoginių pažiūrų raida, ugdymo interpretacijų kaita, ryškėjančio filosofo pastanga kurti universaliąją pedagogiką. Nors A. Maceinos palikimo leidėjai suskubo ugdymo teoriją pavadinti „pedagogikos filosofija“, straipsnio autorius linkęs sugrąžinti autentiškesnį, paties pedagogikos veikalų autoriaus teiktą „filosofinės pedagogikos“ įvardijimą ir analizuoti jos virsmą į ugdymo filosofiją. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: ugdymo filosofija, pietizmas pedagogikoje, tautinio auklėjimo ir atitautinimo teorija, švietimas ir mokykla valstybėje, kūrybinis ugdymo pobūdis.Philosophical Pedagogy of A. MaceinaJuozas Vytautas Uzdila SummaryAntanas Maceina (1908–1987) is an outstanding representative of pedagogical education inbetween the two wars. He worked in the spheres of the theory of national education, pedagogical correlation, and the history of world pedagogy, analyzed the role of education and educational institutions in Lithuanian culture, the problem of pedagogical vitalism, and gave a phenomenological analysis of the pedagogical act. A. Maceina grounded the close connection between philosophy and pedagogy, asserted their integral synthesis and realistic idealism. At Vytautas Magnus University he was the first to maintain a doctoral dissertation in pedagogy “National Education” in 1934 (scientific research supervisor Prof. Stasys Šalkauskis). In 1939, A. Maceina wrote his great work “A History of Pedagogy” where, with his characteristic pietism, he considered the problems of national education and denationalization, elucidated the essence of education and training, asser ted the creative nature of fostering and the freedom of educational institutions in Lithuania. The article focuses on A. Maceina’s diverse pedagogical heritage emphasizing the significance of his theory of national education, the role of school education in promoting Lithuanian culture, the phenomenological analysis of the pedagogical act, the development of his ideas of pedagogy, and his determined attempt to create world pedagogy. Although the publishers of A. Maceina’s works labeled his theory of education as “philosophy of pedagogy”, the author of the article is inclined to call back a more authentic term “philosophical pedagogy” given by A. Maceina himself and then to analize its transformation to educational philosophy.Keywords: philosophical pedagogy, educational philosophy, pietism in pedagogy, theory of national education and denationalization, school education in the state, pedagogical act, creative nature of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 318-348
Untung Khoiruddin ◽  
Muhammad Zuhdi

Religious culture of pesantren has its uniqueness which is still expected to be a support for the development of the education system in Indonesia. The authenticity and distinctiveness of the pesantren as well as the treasure the nation’s cultural traditions, is also a butter force for the educational pillar to bring up moral leaders of the nation, is a form of pesantren education that is characterized by traditionalism. This study used a qualitative approach. The data were collected through observations, interviews, and content analysis. The process of improving the quality of pesantren education is part of the development of national education, which is part of an effort to improve the quality of full human education. For achieving the quality of education, it must be based on a significant change. The change is needed in the management of quality and competitive educational institutions. Now one of the challenges faced by educational institutions is how to manage quality. Quality educational institutions, institutions that prioritize the quality of graduates and are able to demonstrate the values of education that make a top priority, due to a significant change in pesantren.

Achmad Sultoni

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Akhir-akhir ini muncul beragam persoalan moral dan karakter pada remaja dan pelajar di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan meminta sekolah-sekolah menerapkan Kurikulum 2013. Salah satu ciri kurikulum ini adalah adanya kompetensi sikap religius yang harus dicapai melalui seluruh bidang studi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan Kurikulum 2013 bidang studi Biologi dalam mengembangkan kompetensi sikap religius siswa MAN 3 Malang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif model penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif diperoleh sejumlah temuan: pertama, pengembangan sikap religius dilakukan melalui penulisan rumusan tujuan pembelajaran dan penyampaian salam serta berdo’a di awal pembelajaran; kedua, pelaksanaan pengembangan sikap religius dilakukan dengan cara menyampaikan salam dan do’a di awal pembelajaran, menghubungkan materi pembelajaran dengan ajaran Islam, menyampaikan salam dan berdo’a <em>kafaratul majlis </em>di akhir pembelajaran, dan menegur siswa yang dianggap melanggar aturan Islam; ketiga<em>, </em>hambatan pengembangan sikap religius berupa tidak tersedianya contoh atau panduan penilaian kompetensi sikap religius.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>Recently many kinds of youth and students’ moral-character issues becomes a concern in Indonesia. To cope with these problems, Ministry of Education and Culture called for the implementation of <em>Kurikulum 2013 </em>(the national education curriculum). One of the curriculum characteristics is the religious competency to achieve in every school subjects including Biology. This research is aimed to evaluate implementation of <em>Kurikulum 2013</em> in developing students’ religious attitude through Biology class in MAN 3 Malang. The field research with qualitative approach and descriptive design found that: first, the development of students’ religious competency is managed by teacher by formulating religious competency objective and accustoming <em>salam</em> and praying before the class begins; second, in the process of instruction, the teacher develop religious competency in four ways: <em>salam</em> and praying at introduction, finding relationship between Biology to Islamic teaching, <em>salam</em> and praying <em>kafaratul majlis</em> in closing the class, and admonishing students breaking the rules; last, this attitude development is constrained by the absence of evaluation guide.    </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Yazidul Busthomi

Abstract: The main capital that causes a Kiai to succeed indeveloping education in Islamic boarding schools is, in essence,extraordinary knowledge in his leadership in developing education inhis Islamic boarding school. So that education in Islamic boardingschools that are developing at this time is solely dependent on theleadership of the Kiai in developing his education. Based on thedescription of the problem, the researcher raised the title "KiaiLeadership in developing educational curriculum in Islamic boardingschools (case study: Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2 Gondanglegi,Islamic Boarding School Miftahul Ulum Putri Ganjaran, and IslamicBoarding Schools of the People of al-Amin Malang). background of theproblem that has been explained above, then the problem formulationcan be taken, namely: 1. How is the leadership of the Kiai indeveloping the education curriculum at Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2Gondanglegi Malang? 2. How is Kiai's leadership in developing theeducation curriculum at Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School inGanjaran Gondanglegi Malang? 3. How is Kiai's leadership indeveloping an educational curriculum at Pondok Pesantren Rakyat alAmin Malang? In order to obtain truly valid data in this study, theresearcher needs to determine the appropriate data collectiontechniques. Therefore, researchers use the following techniques: 1.Interview techniques, 2. Observation techniques, 3. Documentationtechniques. From the results of research conducted by researchers todescribe the leadership of Kiai in developing an educationalcurriculum in Islamic boarding schools (case study: Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2 Gondanglegi, Islamic Boarding School Miftahul Ulum PutriGanjaran, and Islamic Boarding Schools of al-Amin Malang), it can beconcluded the results of the data namely three Kiai in developingeducational curricula in their respective Islamic boarding schools, bysubmitting to heads of fields or units in developing educationalcurricula, and using responsive leadership models

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum ◽  
Musa Asy’arie ◽  
Abdullah Aly

Purpose of the study: The study aims to explore the development of Islamic boarding school culture as the basis of actualization democracy education in Pesantren. Methodology: The study uses a qualitative approach with interviews and observations and documentation as a key research tool for data collection. As for the participation in this research is Islamic Modern Boarding School Assalaam Surakarta (PPMI Assalaam). Main Findings: This study found three main themes to actualize democracy education through the development of the culture of Pesantren, namely 1) establishing the identity of Pesantren 2) created a vision and mission of Pesantren 3) integrating essential and instrumental values of pesantren with democratic values that are compatible with Islam. Applications: This study can be useful to increase knowledge treasures and to be a prototype for the actualization of democracy education in educational institutions, especially in pesantren through the development of the democratic pesantren culture. Novelty: This study created the basis and prototype of the actualization of democracy education in the school environment and especially the pesantren, through the building of the identity of Pesantren, creating the vision and mission of Pesantren and the integration of essential values and instrumental of pesantren with the values of democracy that is compatible with Islam. Carrying out the orders of the vision, mission, and objectives of Indonesian national education shown to eliminate education discrimination, and to make students able to live in the society and system of democracy, so important step of the development of school culture as the basis of it all.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-244
Mulawarman Hannase ◽  
Fatwa Arifah

This article examines how to implement the values of multiculturalism in the Islamic education curriculum as an attempt to counter narrative of radicalism in various educational institutions. This study is regardly important due to currently in the development of educational curriculum, the issue of intolerance and split religious understanding has come to the attention of the government as well as society of Indonesia. This study is a qualitative by using multicuralism theory of James A. Bank's. The study confirm that multiculturalism-based learning which contains of values of togetherness, humanity, tolerance, culture and local wisdom should be adopted as an alternative to counter radical narrative in the different educational institutions.

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