scholarly journals Development of Faroese children’s literature. Challenges in a minority society / Føroyskar barnabókmentir. Avbjóðingar hjá eini smátjóð

2017 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 96
Marna Jacobsen

<p><strong>Úrtak</strong></p><p>Í greinini, sum er grundað á ein fyrilestur, ið varð hildin á ráðstevnu hjá Ibby (The International Board on Books for Young People) í Santiago de Compostela í 2010, verður sagt frá, hvussu føroyskar barnabókmentir hava ment seg, serliga við denti á bókaútgávu fyri einum lutfalsliga lítlum málbólki.</p><p>     Í Føroyum hava kvæði, sagnir, ævintýr og annar skaldskapur livað sítt fríska lív á manna munni, líka síðan fólk hava sett búgv á oyggjunum, meðan skrivaðu bókmentirnar eru av nýggjari uppruna. Fyrsta upprunaføroyska barnabókin kom út í 1958, um somu tíð sum føroyskir lærarar settu bókaforlag á stovn við tí greiða endamáli at geva út barnabøkur á føroyskum.</p><p>     At geva út bøkur í Føroyum er ikki ein løtt uppgáva, fyrst og fremst tí bara umleið 50.000 fólk tosa føroyskt mál og eitt føroyskt forlag tí ikki hevur fyrimunin av einum stórum  sølumarknaði.</p><p>     Annar trupulleiki er so tann, at føroyskir rithøvundar og kanska serliga  barnabókarithøvundar hava stríðst fyri, at føroyskt mál verður viðurkent  sum  skaldskaparmál  millum  føroyingar sjálvar. Hetta tí at føroyskt er so ávirkað av donskum, og at danskt hevur kenst líka natúrligt, ja í mongum førum natúrligari at lesa hjá flest fólkum enn teirra egna mál, føroyskt.</p><p> </p><p><strong>A</strong><strong>bstract</strong></p><p>The first children’s book published in Faroese was the renowned Robinson Crusoe by the English author Daniel Defoe. This was in 1914 and many welcomed the book, but there were also quite a few who were unhappy about it. They felt that the publication in Faroese was a provocation against Denmark or Danish language in the Faroes (Sigurðardóttir, 1990). The opposition against Robinson Crusoe in translation sheds light on a problem, which the Faroese book market has suffered and partly still suffers, namely people’s attitude towards their mother tongue.</p><p>     Although today’s opposition against Faroese is not comparable to that generated by publishing a book in 1914, language is still a very sensitive topic in children’s books. The problem is first and foremost caused by the Faroes’ political situation, as a part of the Danish kingdom, which has meant that the language used in public administration, school, church and parliament in the Faroes was Danish.</p>     The Faroese have always spoken their own language, but have only recently started writing it. Only in the latter half of the 19th century steps were taken to generate a Faroese grammar. We must also bear in mind that written Faroese was not taught in Faroese schools until 1920, and it was not until 1937 that the Public School Act was amended, making Faroese, rather than Danish, the teaching language.

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-232
Marta Kacprzak

La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: Sephardi Versions of Robinson CrusoeIn the second half of the 19th century the Haskalah, an intellectual movement whose objective was to educate and westernize Eastern European Jews, also reached the Sephardic communities in the Ottoman Empire. As a result, there emerged Sephardic modern secular literature, represented mainly by narrative fiction, theatre plays and press. It should be added that modern Sephardic literature is primarily based on translations or adaptations of Western novels. Among these texts we find Sephardic editions of classics of European literature, such as Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.I have found four different versions of Robinson Crusoe that were written in Judeo-Spanish and edited in aljamía. Two of them were published serially in Sephardi press, one in Salonica in 1881 and the other in Constantinople in 1900. The other two editions were prepared by Ben Tsiyon Taragan and published as complete versions, the first one in Jerusalem in 1897 and the second one in Constantinople in 1924. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief analysis of the Sephardic adaptations of Robinson Crusoe by Taragan. La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: sefardyjska wersja Robinsona CrusoeHaskala, zwana także Żydowskim Oświeceniem, to ruch intelektualny, którego celem było odrodzenie kulturowe i społeczne Żydów z EuropyWschodniej oraz ich integracja ze środowiskiem lokalnym. W drugiej połowie XIX wieku Haskala objęła także społeczność Żydów sefardyjskich zamieszkujących tereny należące do Imperium Osmańskiego, w wyniku czego powstała współczesna, świecka literatura sefardyjska reprezentowana głównie przez prozę, sztuki teatralne oraz prasę. Warto dodać, że współczesna literatura sefardyjska oparta jest przede wszystkim na przekładach lub adaptacjach powieści uważanych za klasykę literatury europejskiej, takich jak Romeo i Julia Williama Szekspira, Robinson Crusoe Daniela Defoe czy Podróże Guliwera Jonathana Swifta.W trakcie prowadzonych przeze mnie badań natrafiłam na cztery różne judeo-hiszpańskie wersje Robinsona Crusoe, które zapisane zostały alfabetem hebrajskim, tzw. pismem Rasziego. Dwie z nich ukazały się w prasie sefardyjskiej, jako powieść w odcinkach, pierwsza w Salonikach w 1881 r., a druga w Konstantynopolu w 1900 r. Pozostałe dwie, autorstwa Ben Tsiyona Taragana, zostały wydane w całości, pierwsza w Jerozolimie w 1897 r., druga zaś w Konstantynopolu w 1924 r. Celem tego artykułu jest prezentacja oraz krótka analiza sefardyjskich adaptacji Robinsona Crusoe autorstwa B. T. Taragana.

Babel ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48 ◽  
Carmen Toledano Buendia

The incorporation of English novels into the Spanish literary system during the 18th century is characterized, in general terms, by their late appearance, especially if a comparison is drawn with other European countries, and by French mediation. One of the most illustrative examples is the assimilation process followed by Robinson Crusoe. This work, written by Daniel Defoe in 1719, appears for the first time in Spain in 1826 — more than 100 years after it was originally written — in an abridged version for children. This paper aims to explore some of the many factors that may play a part in the late appearance of this novel and its reception as a juvenile or children’s book. Apart from the sociopolitical circumstances that turned Spain into a country which was very suspicious of foreign influence, an important factor to take into account is the influence of the French mediation. The introductory role played by mediator systems involves a filtered way of access through which the mediating culture reveals its own points of view and aesthetic criteria. Most of the 19th-century Spanish translations of Robinson Crusoe are secondhand translations from French and inherit the didactic and moralizing interpretation that the French makes of Robinson Crusoe. But the reading of Defoe’s work as juvenile or children’s literature is not only the result of the mediator system; it is also a consequence of the literary tradition to which the text is attached. When this work was imported there was an established tradition of Robinsonades that influenced its reading and interpretation and had created a particular set of expectations in the reader. This study also tries to analyze the different strategies used by Spanish translators in order to adapt Defoe’s novel to the poetic and ideological expectations of its potential readers and to the new function assigned to the text in the new cultural context.

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 11-38 ◽  
Maria E. Rodríguez-Gil

Summary This paper examines Ann Fisher’s (1719–1778) most important and influential work, A New Grammar (1745?). In this grammar, the author did not follow the trend of making English grammar fit the Latin pattern, a common practice still in the eighteenth century. Instead, she wrote an English grammar based on the nature and observation of her mother tongue. Besides, she scattered throughout her grammar a wide set of teaching devices, the ‘examples of bad English’ being her most important contribution. Her innovations and her new approach to the description of English grammar were indeed welcomed by contemporary readers, since her grammar saw almost forty editions and reprints, it influenced other grammarians, for instance Thomas Spence (1750–1814), and it reached other markets, such as London. In order to understand more clearly the value of this grammar and of its author, this grammar has to be seen in the context of her life. For this reason, we will also discuss some details of her unconventional lifestyle: unconventional in the sense that she led her life in the public sphere, not happy with the prevailing idea that women should be educated for a life at home.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Lisbeth Worsøe-Schmidt

The aim is to investigate how digitisation and in particular e-books have changed relations between private players and public institutions within the Danish book world through a case study of eReolen, a private-public partnership functioning as common platform for public libraries’ lending of e-books in Denmark. Traditional and new models of the book world are discussed as the basis of understanding relations between the players. A new way of analysing the field outlined by literary sociologist, Professor Johan Svedjedal, is adopted. The main conclusions are that the lending of e-books has disrupted the traditional understanding and interaction between the public library system and the commercial book market. In addition, the Danish library system through the partnership has taken on a new function in relation to the commercial market, namely acting as the engine in building a market for Danish e-books.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-113
Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

The tradition of school sports facilities has its roots in ancient civilizations, primarily in ancient Greece. The preserved ruins of gymnasiums at Delphi, Olympia, Millet, Priene, Dedina, Pergamon, Ephesus or Thermessos, document well that sports facilities were a major part of the education system. They served not only for students and sports training but were opened to the public, used for social gatherings, political meetings and disputes. Contemporary school sports facilities derived from the 19th-century concept of the school’s educational program. It also included the indoor and outdoor physical education classes and facilities used for ‘body-building exercises’ - as it was named. In Poland, according to the current basic curriculum of the Ministry of National Education, the goal of physical education is to shape the long life habit of physical activity. The school activities should develop the appropriate interests and attitudes of students. Therefore, school activities should meet the needs, interests and abilities of the individual student as fully as possible. The present regulations of the Ministry of Education demand, that such classes should take place in a well-equipped sports hall or on a school playground.

2011 ◽  
pp. 107-125
Craufurd D. Goodwin

Two of the earliest novels in English, Robinson Crusoe (1719) by Daniel Defoe and Gulliver's Travels (1726) by Jonathan Swift, are widely perceived as an entertaining adventure story and a pioneering work of science fiction. Viewed by modern economists, however, they appear as expressions of opposing positions on the desirability of integration within a world economy. Crusoe demonstrated the gains from trade and colonization and the attendant social and political benefits. By contrast, Swift warned of complex entanglements that would arise from globalization, especially with foreign leaders who operated from theory and models rather than common sense.

Revue Romane ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-293
Margareth Hagen

The first chapters of Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio were printed in 1881, the same year as the publication of the novel I Malavoglia, Giovanni Verga’s masterpiece of verismo. While every critical reader of Verga’s realism has pointed out his particular narrative interpretation of evolution, Collodi’s has novel very seldom been connected to the theories of evolution, even if Darwin’s ideas were highly present in the public debate in Florence during the last decades of the 19th century. The reasons for this silence are primarily to be found in the genre of Pinocchio, in the fact that it is children literature, and therefore primarily related to the narrative mechanisms of the fairy tales and pedagogical literature. Focusing on Pinocchio, the article discusses to which degree Darwinism can be traced in Collodi’s literature for children, and questions if the continuous metamorphoses of Pinocchio can be read also in connection with the naturalist conception of the literary characters as unstable, in continuous evolution, and not only as part of the mechanisms of fairy tales and mythological narratives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (102) ◽  
pp. 155
Ainhoa Uribe Otalora

Resumen:La Constitución española establece en su artículo 3 que el castellano es la lengua oficial del Estado, al tiempo que reconoce la existencia de un plurilingüismo. Sin embargo, existen territorios donde los ciudadanos se enfrentan a una situación desigual a la hora de emplear el castellano como lengua vehicular. Esta situación es aún más grave si la desigualdad procede de los poderes públicos. El artículo es un estudio de caso del acceso a la información pública en lengua castellana, no en vano, junto al mandato del artículo 3 CE, el artículo 9 CE obliga a los poderes públicos a publicar las normas (lo que supone publicarlas también en español), al tiempo que el principio de publicidad se vio reforzado por la aprobación de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno, y por las respectivas leyes de transparencia autonómicas, que regulan el acceso de los ciudadanos a la información pública. Dicho acceso a la documentación de carácter público debe hacerse, por ende, en la lengua oficial del país, así como en las lenguas cooficiales en sus respectivos territorios. Por ello, el artículo analiza el mayor o menor grado de acceso en lengua castellana a los documentos que publican ensu página web los distintos parlamentos autonómicos, sean de naturaleza legal, política, económica o de otro tipo. En consecuencia, aquí se realiza un estudio de caso centrado en las seis Cámaras autonómicas con lenguas cooficiales, para verificar el grado de cumplimiento del artículo 3 CE, el artículo 9 CE, y el el artículo 12 de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno. Son los siguientes: 1) El Parlamento Vasco (Eusko Legebiltzarra); 2) el Parlamento Navarro (Nafarroako Parlamentua); 3) el Parlamento Catalán (Parlament de Catalunya); 4) el Parlamento Valenciano (Corts Valencianes); 5) el Parlamento de Baleares (Parlament de les Illes Balears); y 6) el Parlamento Gallego (Parlamento de Galicia). El objetivo último de la presente investigación es abordar unas conclusiones que permitan fortalecer y hacer cumplir el mandato constitucional, así como permitir a los ciudadanos hacer uso de su lengua oficial.Summary:I. Introduction: Approach of the Study Object. II. Legal Approach to the question. 2.1. The article 3 of the Constitution: background and meaning. 2.2. The constitutional principles of multilinguism. 2.3. The regional legal framework of bilingualism 2.4. Jurisprudence on the Spanish language. 2.5. The right to get access to law and public information in Spanish language. III. The praxis of the regional parliaments in the compliance with the article 3CE, the art. 9 CE, and the art. 12 of the Act of Transparency. IV. Conclusions. V. Bibliography.Abstract:The Spanish Constitution establishes in the article 3 that the Spanish is the official language of the State. It also enshrines the existence of mutilinguism in the country. However, there are some territories where citizens face inequalities when using Spanish as their mother tongue. This situation is even harder if the inequalities come from public powers. The article focuses on the citizens’ access to public information in Spanish. In fact, not only the Spanish is the official language (art. 3 CE), but also the article 9 of the Constitution forces the public authorities to publish laws (which means also to publish them in Spanish), as well as the Act of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Government (Ley 19/2013) enables citizens to get access to public information (which means to access to the documents also in Spanish). Hence, the articleanalyses the level of public access in Spanish to the documents uploaded on the websites of the regional parliaments. Therefore, it is a case study focused on the six regional parliaments with more than one official language. They are the following ones: 1) The Basque Parliament (Eusko Legebiltzarra); 2) the Parliament of Navarra (Nafarroako Parlamentua); 3) the Parliament of Catalonia (Parlament de Catalunya); 4) the Valencian Parliament (Corts Valencianes); 5) the Parliament of the Balearic Islands (Parlament de les Illes Balears); and 6) the Galician Parliament (Parlamento de Galicia). It will study the level of compliance with the article 3 and 9 of the Constitution and the article 12 of the Act of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Government (Ley 19/2013). The aim of the article is to get to conclusions that enable the legislator to strengthen and force the compliance with the constitutional mandate, as well as to empower citizens to use the official language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-37
Paola Encarnación Sandoval

Este artículo estudia la relación entre el motivo del naufragio y el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje en El Criticón de Baltasar Gracián y Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe. El argumento es que el naufragio se configura como un núcleo del relato propicio para desarrollar la aventura intelectual. El análisis de paralelismos entre estos textos, centrado en cuatro elementos —la intención edificante de las obras, el tratamiento del naufragio, el encuentro de los personajes y el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje—, revela una concepción peculiar de la aventura, en la cual el componente intelectual es importante para desarrollar el enfrentamiento de los personajes con sus realidades. El objetivo del estudio consiste en plantear una reflexión en torno a las inquietudes de estos autores sobre el conocimiento como parte de la aventura literaria.

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