scholarly journals ESPAÇOS DE CONSUMO E LAZER (SHOPPING CENTERS): uma discussão sobre a centralidade urbana e a fragmentação socioespacial

Ellen Tamires Pedriali Colnago ◽  
Eliane Silva Santos

CONSUMER AND LEISURE SPACES (SHOPPING CENTERS): a discussion on urban centrality and socio-spatial fragmentationESPACIOS DE CONSUMO Y OCIO (SHOPPING CENTERS): una discusión sobre la centralidad urbana y la fragmentación socioespacialEste trabalho apresenta uma discussão teórica a respeito da centralidade urbana e a fragmentação socioespacial, considerando os shopping centers enquanto espaços privilegiados das práticas de consumo e lazer das classes médias e altas moradoras dos residenciais fechados. Para tanto, considera-se a expansão territorial das cidades e com ela a alteração do modelo centro-periferia, marcado por espaços cada vez mais seletos de consumo, possibilitados pelo desdobramento das áreas centrais e do surgimento de novas centralidades nas áreas periféricas das cidades, que se diferenciam e segmentam de acordo com a classe social, promovendo a fragmentação socioespacial. Como forma de entender este processo, discutimos num primeiro momento o conceito de centralidade, posteriormente a passagem do processo de segregação socioespacial ao processo de fragmentação socioespacial e, por fim, entendemos os shopping centers a partir de novas centralidades que estimulam e expressam o processo de fragmentação socioespacial, a partir das práticas espaciais das classes médias e altas que frequentam os shopping centers em busca de conforto, segurança, e possibilidade de permanecer entre os “iguais”.Palavras-chave: Novas Centralidades; Segregação Socioespacial; Fragmentação Socioespacial; Shopping Centers; Práticas Espaciais.ABSTRACTThis paper presents a theoretical discussion about the urban centrality and the social and spatial fragmentation, considering the shopping centers as privileged spaces of the consumption and leisure practices of the middle and upper classes living in closed dwellings. In order to do so, we consider the territorial expansion of cities and with it the change of the center-periphery model, marked by increasingly select spaces of consumption, made possible by the unfolding of the central areas and the emergence of new centralities in the peripheral areas of the cities, which are differentiated and segmented according to social class, promoting socio-spatial fragmentation. As a way of understanding this process, we first discuss the concept of centrality, later the passage from the socio-spatial segregation process to the process of social-spatial fragmentation, and finally, we understand the shopping centers from new centralities that stimulate and express the process of social-spatial fragmentation, based on the space practices of the middle and upper classes that attend shopping centers in search of comfort, security, and the possibility of remaining among the “equals”.Keywords: New Centralities; Socio-spatial Segregation; Socio-spatial Fragmentation; Shopping Centers; Space Practices.RESUMENEste trabajo presenta una discusión teórica acerca de la centralidad urbana y la fragmentación socioespacial, considerando los shopping centers, en cuanto espacios privilegiados de las prácticas de consumo y ocio de las clases medias y altas moradoras de los residenciales cerrados. Para ello, se considera la expansión territorial de las ciudades y con ella la alteración del modelo centro-periferia, marcados por espacios cada vez más selectos de consumo, posibilitados por el desdoblamiento de las áreas centrales y del surgimiento de nuevas centrales en las áreas periféricas de las ciudades, que se diferencian y segmentan de acuerdo con la clase social, promoviendo la fragmentación socioespacial. Como forma de entender este proceso discutimos en un primer momento el concepto de centralidad, posteriormente el paso del proceso de segregación socioespacial al proceso de fragmentación socioespacial y, por fin, entendemos los shopping centers a partir de nuevas centrales que estimulan y expresan el proceso de fragmentación socioespacial, a partir de las prácticas espaciales de las clases medias y altas que frecuentan los shopping centers en busca de confort, seguridad y posibilidad de permanecer entre los “iguales”.Palabras clave: Nuevas Centrales; Segregación Socioespacial; Fragmentación Socioespacial; Centros Comerciales; Prácticas Espaciales.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Laura Besio

<p>El trabajo manifiesta una discusión teórica enmarcada en una investigación mayor aún en proceso sobre saberes y prácticas de cura asociadas a plantas en la región de “Guanacache” (noreste de Mendoza, Arg.). Pobladores que desde la década de 1990 pasaron a personificar un sujeto colectivo huarpe, con reconocimiento de vínculos de continuidad biológica, cultural y social con poblaciones indígenas del pasado. Bajo el supuesto de que las prácticas y saberes trasmitidos que implican el uso de plantas podrían no estar refiriéndose sólo a elementos naturales formalmente ordenados por fuera del sentido social al que dan sentido y contexto, propongo desde una mirada etnográfica construir el carácter histórico y contextual que adquieren los chañarales (bosques nativos de chañar: especie medicinal botánicamente definida como Geoffroea decorticans) en tanto espacios tejidos de sociabilidad en el que transcurren variadas celebraciones rituales: de iniciación de jóvenes en el campo, prosperidad de cosechas futuras, curación de palabra para plantas y animales enfermos, entre otros. Intentaré explicar las formas relacionales en que los chañarales están siendo convocados por la gente local como ámbitos de resistencia espiritual y material para la cura que sincronizan alianzas entre mundos pasados y a la vez presentes.</p><p>Palabras clave: Guanacache; bosque de chañar; ambiente; plantas curativas; magia y ritual.</p><p>Abtract<br />The work manifests a first theoretical discussion framed in further research still in the process of healing knowledge and practices associated with plants in the region of “Guanacache” (northeast of Mendoza, Arg.), settlers from the 1990s came to personify a collective subject huarpe, with appreciation links biological, cultural and social continuity with the past indigenous populations. Under the assumption that the practices and transmitted knowledge involving the use of plants could not be referring only to natural elements formally ordered outside the social sense to give meaning and context, I propose from an ethnographic look to build the historical and contextual character acquire chañarales (native forests consist mainly of chañar: medicinal species botanically defined as Geoffroea decorticans) while tissue spaces of sociability in various ritual celebrations that take place: initiation of young people in the field, prosperity of future harvests, healing word to disease of plants and animals, among others. My focus of study are healing plants and by employing ontological theories hybrid society nature that try to explain the relational ways that chañarales would be called by the local people as areas of spiritual strength and material for the cure that synchronize alliances between past worlds and simultaneously present.</p><p>Keywords: Guanacache; chañar forest; environment; healing plants; magic and ritual.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (30) ◽  
Rosângela Azevedo Corrêa

Pocos estudios se han realizado dentro de la fábrica, desde el "el piso de la fábrica" y el estudio de la agroindustria de limón ofreció una excelente oportunidad para hacerlo. Las características de la etnografía y la observación-participante dentro y fuera de las fábricas, una de capital mexicano y otra de capital danés, son útiles para dar cuenta de los procesos de reconstrucción de la historia de la región a partir de contextos socioeconómicos específicos, y para dar cuenta de las articulaciones prácticas entre los planes macro y micro de las relaciones socioeconómicas y políticas. La observación-participante directa en diversas actividades relacionadas con la producción del limón fue una herramienta esencial para un acercamiento a los grupos sociales que conforman la región del Valle de Tecomán. Palabras clave: Antropología del trabajo. Agroindustria del limón. Sistema económico mundial. Observación participante.   Lemon agro-industry in the Valley of Tecoman, Mexico: An Anthropological Approach.   Abstract Few studies have been performed inside the factory, from the "factory shop floor" and the study of agro-industry lemon offered an excellent opportunity to do so. The resources of ethnography and the participant observation, inside and outside of factories of mexican capital and other capital of Danish, are useful to give an account of reconstruction processes of regional history from contexts socio-economic specific, and to understand the joints practices between the macro and micro relations socio-economic and political. The direct participant observation  in the various activities related to the production of lemon was a fundamental tool for an approximation to the social groups that define the region of the Valley of Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. Keywords: Anthropology of work. Agribusiness lemon. Agro industry system. Participant-observation. Factory shop floor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-218
Marko Juvan ◽  
Joh Dokler

This article presents methodological starting points, heuristics and the results of a GIS-based analysis of the history of Slovenian literary culture from the 1780s to 1941. The ethnically Slovenian territory was multilingual and multicultural; it belonged to different state entities with distant capitals, which was reflected in the spatial dynamic of literary culture. The research results have confirmed the hypotheses of the research project ‘The Space of Slovenian Literary Culture,’ which were based on postulates of the spatial turn: the socio-geographical space influenced the development of literature and its media, whereas literature itself, through its discourse, practices and institutions, had a reciprocal influence on the apprehension and structuring of that space, as well as on its connection with the broader region. Slovenian literary discourse was able to manifest itself in public predominantly through the history of spatial factors: (a) the formation, territorial expansion and concentration of the social network of literary actors and media; (b) the persistent references of literary texts to places that were recognized by addressees as Slovenian, thereby grounding a national ideology. Taking all of this into account, and based on meta-theoretical reflection, the project aims to contribute to the development of digital humanities and spatial literary studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 235-246
Alexey L. Beglov

The article examines the contribution of the representatives of the Samarin family to the development of the Parish issue in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The issue of expanding the rights of the laity in the sphere of parish self-government was one of the most debated problems of Church life in that period. The public discussion was initiated by D.F. Samarin (1827-1901). He formulated the “social concept” of the parish and parish reform, based on Slavophile views on society and the Church. In the beginning of the twentieth century his eldest son F.D. Samarin who was a member of the Special Council on the development the Orthodox parish project in 1907, and as such developed the Slavophile concept of the parish. In 1915, A.D. Samarin, who took up the position of the Chief Procurator of the Most Holy Synod, tried to make his contribution to the cause of the parish reforms, but he failed to do so due to his resignation.

Iván Cisternas Villacura

  RESUMEN El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre la práctica del trabajo social en el rol de perito social forense dentro del sistema de administración de justicia, donde su labor se funda en mediar entre la realidad del periciado –sujeto del que se debe dar cuenta en una investigación judicial– y quien requiere de los antecedentes necesarios para que el “Juez” dicte sentencia, lo que habitualmente genera un “conflicto de interpretaciones”. En tal sentido, es relevante discutir las dificultades que deben enfrentar las y los trabajadores sociales, en cuanto a la comprensión de una realidad cada vez más compleja, y al conflicto que se genera entre las interpretaciones de los mundos de vida de las personas y los requerimientos del sistema judicial chileno. Palabras clave: Pericia judicial social forense - Trabajo Social Pericial - Conflicto de interpretaciones. A compreensão dos conflitos de interpretação na prática do perito social forense RESUMO O presente artigo é uma reflexão sobe a prática do trabalho social no rol de perito social forense dentro do sistema de administração de justiça; onde seu labor funda-se em mediar entre a realidade do periciado – pessoa de quem se deve dar conta numa investigação judicial – e quem precisa dos antecedentes necessários para que o “Juiz” determine sentencia o que habitualmente, gera um “conflito de interpretações”. Neste sentido, é relevante discutir as dificuldades que devem enfrentar as e os trabalhadores sociais, em quanto á compreensão de uma realidade cada vez mais complexa, e ao conflito que se gera entre as interpretações dos mundos de vida das pessoas e aos requerimentos do sistema judicial chileno. Palavras chave: Pericia judicial social forense - Trabalho Socia Pericial - Conflito das interpretações. Understanding the conflicts of interpretation in the social forensic expert practice ABSTRACT This article is a reflection on social work practice in the social role forensic expert plays in the legal system, where their job is based on mediating between ‘periciado’ – individual who is being charged during a trial at the court and requires the necessary case background for the ‘Judge’ to deliver judgment, which usually generates a “conflict of interpretations”. In this view, it is relevant to discuss the difficulties faced by social workers, in terms of understanding an increasingly complex reality, and the conflict that emerges among the interpretations of the life of people and Chilean legal system requirements. Keywords: Forensic Social Legal Expertise - Forensic Social Work – Conflict of interpretations

2014 ◽  
pp. 143
Pamela Labra Godoy ◽  
Rodrigo Fuentealba J.

Resumen: Los procesos de formación de profesores han estado fuertemente influenciados por una lógica aplicacionista y una visión fragmentada y prescriptiva de la naturaleza del conocimiento. Se puede observar una enseñanza basada en la oralidad, en un bajo trabajo práctico y una escasa vinculación con la realidad educativa y los requerimientos del contexto. Se hace necesario que en dichos procesos se reconozca a los futuros profesores como sujetos de conocimiento con quienes se debiese generar una estructura curricular práctica activa y reflexiva.El reconocer la complejidad de los procesos que se llevan a cabo en el contexto educacional, hace necesario transitar desde una lógica instrumental/mecanicista, proceso-producto a una perspectiva epistemológica donde se rescate el dinamismo del ámbito educacional y la complejidad del sistema social en que éste se encuentra inserto. Palabras clave: Formación Inicial Docente - Construcción de Conocimiento Profesional – Prácticas – Reflexión Profesional Abstract Teacher education processes have been heavily  influenced by application logic, as well as, to a fragmented and prescriptive vision of the nature of knowledge, instead of the construction of it. A teaching process based on the predominance of oral discourse, low practical work, and a limited relation with educational reality and context needs, has been  observed. It seems necessary to recognize student - teachers as knowledge subjects with whom there should be an active/reflective curricular activity, and also recognize the complexity of the processes that take place in the educational context. In other words, it is necessary to move from an instrumental, process/ product perspective towards an epistemological perspective able to recognize the dynamism in the educational system and the complexity of the social system in which it is immersed. Key Words: Initial Teacher Formation- Professional Knowledge Construction- Practicum- Professional Reflection

1997 ◽  
Vol 36 (4I) ◽  
pp. 321-331
Sarfraz Khan Qureshi

It is an honour for me as President of the Pakistan Society of Development Economists to welcome you to the 13th Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Society. I consider it a great privilege to do so as this Meeting coincides with the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the state of Pakistan, a state which emerged on the map of the postwar world as a result of the Muslim freedom movement in the Indian Subcontinent. Fifty years to the date, we have been jubilant about it, and both as citizens of Pakistan and professionals in the social sciences we have also been thoughtful about it. We are trying to see what development has meant in Pakistan in the past half century. As there are so many dimensions that the subject has now come to have since its rather simplistic beginnings, we thought the Golden Jubilee of Pakistan to be an appropriate occasion for such stock-taking.

Christopher Hanlon

Emerson’s Memory Loss is about an archive of texts documenting Emerson’s intellectual state during the final phase of his life, as he underwent dementia. It is also about the way these texts provoke a rereading of the more familiar canon of Emerson’s thinking. Emerson’s memory loss, Hanlon argues, contributed to the shaping of a line of thought in America that emphasizes the social over the solipsistic, the affective over the distant, the many over the one. Emerson regarded his output during the time when his patterns of cognition transformed profoundly as a regathering of focus on the nature of memory and of thinking itself. His late texts theorize Emerson’s experience of senescence even as they disrupt his prior valorizations of the independent mind teeming with self-sufficient conviction. But still, these late writings have succumbed to a process of critical forgetting—either ignored by scholars or denied inclusion in Emerson’s oeuvre. Attending to a manuscript archive that reveals the extent to which Emerson collaborated with others—especially his daughter, Ellen Tucker Emerson—to articulate what he considered his most important work even as his ability to do so independently waned, Hanlon measures the resonance of these late texts across the stretch of Emerson’s thinking, including his writing about Margaret Fuller and his meditations on streams of thought that verge unto those of his godson, William James. Such ventures bring us toward a self defined less by its anxiety of overinfluence than by its communality, its very connectedness with myriad others.

Torun Reite ◽  
Francis Badiang Oloko ◽  
Manuel Armando Guissemo

Inspired by recent epistemological and ontological debates aimed at unsettling and reshaping conceptions of language, this essay discusses how mainstream sociolinguistics offers notions meaningful for studying contexts of the South. Based on empirical studies of youth in two African cities, Yaoundé in Cameroon and Maputo in Mozambique, the essay engages with “fluid modernity” and “enregisterment” to unravel the role that fluid multilingual practices play in the social lives of urban youth. The empirically grounded theoretical discussion shows how recent epistemologies and ontologies offer inroads to more pluriversal knowledge production. The essay foregrounds: i) the role of language in the sociopolitical battles of control over resources, and ii) speakers’ reflexivity and metapragmatic awareness of register formations of fluid multilingual practices. Moreover, it shows how bundles of localized meanings construct belongings and counterhegemonic discourses, as well as demonstrating speakers’ differential valuations and perceptions of boundaries and transgressions across social space.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 310
Alicia Izharuddin

What accounts for the endurance of forced marriage (kahwin paksa) narratives in Malaysian public culture? How does one explain the ways popular fascination with forced marriage relate to assumptions about heteronormative institutions and practices? In a society where most who enter into marriages do so based on individual choice, the enduring popularity of forced marriage as a melodramatic trope in fictional love stories suggests an ambivalence about modernity and egalitarianism. This ambivalence is further excavated by illuminating the intertextual engagement by readers, publishers and booksellers of Malay romantic fiction with a mediated discourse on intimacy and cultural practices. This article finds that forced marriage in the intimate publics of Malay romance is delivered as a kind of melodramatic mode, a storytelling strategy to solve practical problems of experience. Intertextual narratives of pain and struggle cast light on ‘redha’ (submission to God’s will) and ‘sabar’ (patience), emotional virtues that are mobilised during personal hardship and the challenge of maintaining successful marital relations. I argue that ‘redha’ and ‘sabar’ serve as important linchpins for the reproduction of heteronormative institutions and wifely obedience (taat). This article also demonstrates the ways texts are interwoven in the narratives about gender roles, intimacy, and marital success (or lack thereof) and how they relate to the modes of romantic melodrama.

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