2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 128-145

A primeira versão da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), anunciada em setembro de 2015 e publicada em 2016, objetivava padronizar o ensino no Brasil, apontando temas que deveriam corresponder a 60% da carga horária do Ensino Fundamental e Médio. Na área de História, as intepretações apresentadas geraram grande polêmica, uma vez que duas categorias importantes para o trabalho do historiador, tempo e espaço, foram insuficientemente abordadas. O texto inicial da BNCC praticamente excluiu, dentre outras áreas, a História Antiga do currá­culo sugerido, provocando respostas imediatas. No á¢mbito de tal debate, professores (as) de História Antiga manifestaram-se, sobretudo a partir de artigos cientá­ficos, redes sociais e má­dia, respondendo, de certa maneira, a pergunta: História Antiga para quê? Este artigo analisa tais intervenções de modo a tentar compreender quais justificativas foram apresentadas naquela ocasião para a permanência de História Antiga em um currá­culo nacional.    Palavras-chave: História Antiga. Currá­culo. BNCC.  THE TEACHING OF ANCIENT HISTORY IN BRAZIL AND THE BNCC DEBATEAbstract: The first version of the National Curricular Common Base, announced in September 2015 and published in 2016, aimed to standardize teaching in Brazil, pointing out themes that should correspond to 60% of the hours of primary and secondary education. In History, it was all, but controversy, since two important categories to the historian's work, time and space, were insufficiently approached. Initially, among other areas, Ancient History was excluded of the suggested curriculum, which caused immediate criticism. In the context of such a debate, teachers of Ancient History addressed the subject on academic papers, social networks and the media. In a certain way, all of them answered the question: Ancient History, what for? This article analyzes these interventions in order to comprehend what justifications were presented at that time for the permanence of Ancient History in a national curriculum.Keywords: Ancient History. Curriculum. BNCC.LA ENSEá‘ANZA DE HISTORIA ANTIGUA EN BRASIL Y EL DEBATE DE LA BNCCResumen: La primera versión de la Base Nacional Común Curricular, anunciada en septiembre de 2015 y publicada en 2016, objetivaba estandarizar la enseñanza en Brasil, apuntando temas que deberá­an corresponder a 60% de la carga horaria de la Enseñanza en el Fundamental y Medio. En Historia, las interpretaciones presentadas generaron gran polémica, ya que dos categorá­as importantes al trabajo del historiador, tiempo y espacio, fueron insuficientemente abordadas. El texto inicial de la BNCC prácticamente excluyó, entre otras áreas, la Historia Antigua del currá­culo sugerido, provocando respuestas inmediatas. En el marco de tal debate, los profesores de Historia Antigua se manifestaron, sobre todo a partir de artá­culos cientá­ficos, redes sociales y medios digitales, respondiendo la pregunta: Historia Antigua para qué? Este artá­culo analiza estas intervenciones para intentar comprender qué justificaciones se presentaron en aquella ocasión para la permanencia de la Historia Antigua en un currá­culo nacional.Palabras clave: Historia Antigua. Currá­culo. BNCC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-208
Ana Pérez-Escoda ◽  
Gema Barón-Dulce ◽  
Juana Rubio-Romero ◽  

The explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a major transformation in media consumption and the use of social networks. New habits and extensive exposure to connected devices coupled with unmanageable amounts of information warn of a worrying reality, especially among the younger population. The aim of this research is to discover the degree of trustworthiness of Generation Z towards the media, their media consumption preferences and the association they make between media consumption and fake news. Using a descriptive and exploratory quantitative methodology, a study is presented with a sample of 225 young people belonging to this population niche. The study addresses three dimensions: media consumption, social networks and perception of fake news. The results show that generation Z is an intensive consumer of the media they trust the least and perceive traditional media as the most trustworthy. The findings indicate that social networks are the main source of information consumption for this ge­neration, among other content, despite also being the least trustworthy and the most likely to distribute fake news according to their perceptions. There is a lack of media literacy from a critical rather than a formative perspective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Ivig De Freitas Santos ◽  
Maria Érica de Oliveira Lima

A Igreja Católica sempre procurou estar conectada com a mídia e a pandemia de COVID-19 estreitou ainda mais os laços da instituição religiosa com as mídias sociais. Neste cenário, também as festas populares precisaram reconfigurar suas práticas para atender a necessidade do isolamento, o que incluiu a presença ainda mais forte destas celebrações no ambiente digital. Nesse contexto, o objeto da presente pesquisa é a “Caminhada com Maria”, tradicional procissão católica realizada em Fortaleza, ocorrida em formato virtual em 2020. A metodologia utilizada é a netnografia, por meio da análise dos comentários dos fiéis durante a transmissão ao vivo da festa religiosa. Foi possível observar como os participantes se apropriaram destes espaços para manifestar práticas devocionais e votivas, o que demonstra as oportunidades de comunicação que a religiosidade tem experimentado na Era digital. Redes Sociais; Festa popular; Internet; Religiosidade; Folkcomunicação. The Catholic Church has always sought to be connected with the media and the COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened the religious institution's ties to social media. In this scenario, popular festivals also needed to reconfigure their practices to meet the need for isolation, which included the even stronger presence of these celebrations in the digital environment. In this context, the object of this research is the “Walk with Mary”, a traditional Catholic procession held in Fortaleza, which took place in virtual format in 2020. The methodology used is netnography, through the analysis of the comments of the faithful during the live broadcast of the religious festival. It was possible to observe how the participants appropriated these spaces to manifest devotional and voting practices, which demonstrates the communication opportunities that religiosity has experienced in the digital age. Social networks; Popular festival; Internet; Religiosity; Folkcommunication. La Iglesia Católica siempre ha buscado estar conectada con los medios de comunicación y la pandemia de COVID-19 ha fortalecido aún más los lazos de la institución religiosa con las redes sociales. En este escenario, las fiestas populares también necesitaban reconfigurar sus prácticas para satisfacer la necesidad de aislamiento, que incluía la presencia aún más fuerte de estas celebraciones en el entorno digital. En este contexto, el objeto de esta investigación es el “Caminata con María”, tradicional procesión católica celebrada en Fortaleza, que tuvo lugar en formato virtual en 2020. La metodología utilizada es la netnografía, a través del análisis de los comentarios de los fieles durante la transmisión en vivo. de la fiesta religiosa. Se pudo observar cómo los participantes se apropiaron de estos espacios para manifestar prácticas devocionales y de voto, lo que demuestra las oportunidades comunicativas que ha experimentado la religiosidad en la era digital. Redes sociales; Fiesta popular; Internet; Religiosidad; Comunicación popular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-160
Francisco Javier Labrador ◽  
Francisco José Estupiñá ◽  
Marina Vallejo-Achón ◽  
Iván Sánchez-Iglesias ◽  
María González-Álvarez ◽  

Los posibles efectos negativos de la publicidad de juegos de azar (JdA), sobre todo en Adolescentes y Jóvenes (AyJ), generan alarma social. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de las investigaciones sobre publicidad y juego en AyJ, en los últimos 10 años, siguiendo las directrices PRISMA, seleccionándose 31 trabajos. Los resultados destacan que AyJ, en contra de la legislación, participan con frecuencia en JdA, presentando problemas de juego. La publicidad de JdA es variada e intensa en especial en TV, eventos deportivos y redes sociales, estando dirigida a JyA, aunque suelen ser críticos con ella. Afecta más a varones jóvenes y con conductas de juego inadecuadas, consolidándolas. Los contenidos principales tratan de normalizar el juego y resaltar ganancias (sociales o económicas). El nivel de recuerdo y las actitudes sobre la publicidad del juego se asocian a incrementos en la intención de jugar, comportamientos de juego, y problemas de juego. Los incentivos más eficaces para jugar incluyen promociones económicas. La publicidad parece tener efecto, aunque reducido, para mejorar la actitud hacia los JdA e incrementar la participación en éstos, pero es difícil identificar sus efectos a medio y largo plazo. Son necesarios más estudios sobre JdA y publicidad, en especial en España. The possible negative effects of Gambling Advertising (GA), especially in Adolescents and Youth (A&Y), generate social alarm. A systematic review of the research on advertising and gaming at A&Y in the last 10 years was carried out, following the PRISMA guidelines, including 31 studies. The results highlight that A&Y, against the law, frequently participate in gambling, with some having gambling problems. The GA is varied and intense, especially on TV, sporting events and social networks, also targeting A&Y, although they are often critical of it. It affects more young men and people with inappropriate gambling behaviors, consolidating those behaviors. The main contents try to normalize gambling and highlight profits (social or economic). The levels of recall as well as the attitudes about the GA are associated with increases in gambling intentions, behaviors, and problems. The most effective incentives to gamble include economic promotions. Publicity seems to have an effect, albeit reduced, to improve the attitude towards gambling and increase participation in it, but it is difficult to identify its effects in the medium and long term. More studies on gambling and advertising are necessary, especially in Spain.

2020 ◽  
pp. 291-304
Flora Marín-Murillo ◽  
José-Ignacio Armentia-Vizuete ◽  
Iñigo Marauri-Castillo ◽  
María-del-Mar Rodríguez-González

Sugar was a topic of interest for the Spanish online press during 2017 and 2018. This is demonstrated by the 245 texts that were published in five online newspapers:,,,, and This study focuses on a comparative analysis of the informational treatment, relevance, themes, frames, comments, and stylistic resources that each of these media displayed. The quantification and evolution of the content corroborate that this topic is consolidated on the news agenda of the media and has been evolving towards the themes of Nutrition/Health, to the detriment of content in the field of Economy/Politics. Looking at the most relevant frames, nuances are observed in each of the newspapers studied. When the subject of sugar is approached from an economic or political angle, all the media highlight the frame of solutions/measures, whether they be corporate or institutional. However, and also place emphasis on the Conflict frameworks, which is hardly relevant for the rest. The emphasis is placed on the Evidence/Revelation frameworks in the texts about Nutrition/Health, except again for, which prioritized the Consequences frameworks. Almost all the newspapers use resources close to service journalism, and a pedagogical vocation emerges from the headlines. Above all, and (to a lesser extent) use a more informative tone. Readers’ comments are very scarce despite the tone of complaint and alarm of much of the content, focusing on Nutrition/Health issues, on and Resumen Durante los años 2017 y 2018 el azúcar fue un tema de interés para la prensa digital en España. Así lo demuestran los 245 textos que se insertaron en cinco diarios digitales:,,, y Este estudio se centra en el análisis comparativo del tratamiento informativo, relevancia, temáticas, encuadres, comentarios y recursos estilísticos que cada uno de los medios desplegó. La cuantificación y evolución de los contenidos corrobora que se trata de un asunto asentado en la agenda informativa de los medios y que ha ido derivando hacia las temáticas de Nutrición/Salud, en detrimento de los contenidos de Economía/Política. Si nos fijamos en los encuadres más relevantes, se observan matices en cada uno de los diarios estudiados. Cuando se aborda el tema del azúcar desde la economía o la política, todas las cabeceras destacan el enfoque de Soluciones/medidas, sean estas corporativas o institucionales. Sin embargo, y pusieron también el énfasis en los marcos de Conflicto, apenas relevantes en el resto. En los textos sobre nutrición y salud se pone el acento en los marcos de Evidencia/Revelación, a excepción de nuevo de, que priorizó los marcos de Consecuencias. Casi todos los diarios emplean recursos cercanos al periodismo de servicio, y de los titulares se desprende una vocación pedagógica. Sobre todo y, en menor medida, utilizan un tono más informativo. Los comentarios de los lectores son muy escasos pese al tono de denuncia y alarma de muchos contenidos, concentrándose en las temáticas de nutrición y/o salud en y

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 737-745
Karine Aillerie

Because they are ‘complex and fascinating’ (Boyd, 2014) and deeply heterogeneous, teenagers’ media and information uses are still the subject of much research. The complexity of these practices requires a relevant holistic approach, able to take into account the multiplicity of contexts of use, the multiplicity of interactions and media or tools used, and able to encompass both what is directly visible and what is implicit (Leander and McKim, 2003). Transliteracy, originally defined by Sue Thomas and colleagues as ‘the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and films, to digital social networks’ (Thomas et al., 2007), seems interesting in this respect and is the basis of our investigation and analysis. The work described here proceeds from a programme funded by the French national research agency (ANR Translit 2013–2016) focusing on the possible faces of transliteracy in action, on how high-school students (15–16 years old) manage information individually and collectively, with all the media and tools available nowadays, and academic requirements and support. The ethnographic methodology included observations of learning situations carried out between November 2013 and March 2015 (two classes of around 30 pupils each and four teachers involved).

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-123
Cristiane Guilherme Bonfim ◽  
Márcia Vidal Nunes

This article aims to reflect on the impact that the campaign #PrimeiroAssédio [first harassment], created by the NGO Think Olga, in 2015, had on the perception of Facebook female users on the subject of harassment, drawing from the perspective of Cultural Studies. This hashtag encouraged the sharing of content and placed the feminist issue of combating sexual harassment on the agenda. We have used Martín-Barbero’s (1997) concept of mediation to investigate the context in which users published posts on Facebook and have conducted interviews with women who have published comments in the campaign’s posts. In a context of prolific content generation and intense participation, with many people speaking to many people, many authors see the emergence of politically driven action on social media, the so-called “digital activism”, as being relative, holding little expectations of radical social change. Our interviewees’ answers indicate that, in terms of tangible changes, they found that they were able to engage in dialogue about the topic with the people who were closest to them.         Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o impacto da campanha #PrimeiroAssédio, criada pela ONG Think Olga, em 2015, na percepção de leitoras no Facebook sobre o tema assédio, sob a perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais. A hashtag incentivou compartilhamento de conteúdo e agendou veículos de mídia sobre assédio, uma pauta que é bandeira de movimentos feministas. O conceito de mediações de Martín-Barbero (1997) é usado para investigar o contexto de postagens no Facebook e entrevistas com mulheres que comentaram em posts da campanha. No cenário de geração de conteúdo em profusão e da participação de muitos falando para muitos, a atuação política nas redes sociais, o chamado ativismo digital, é perpassada com alguma relativização, sem expectativa de mudança radical. As respostas das entrevistadas sinalizam que campanhas como essa podem  alcançar repercussão fora das redes, mas indicam que a mudança gerada foi o diálogo mais frequente sobre o tema com o círculo de pessoas mais próximo.Este artículo objetiva hacer una reflexión sobre el impacto de la campaña #PrimeiroAssédio (#Primeracoso), creada por la Organización no Gubernamental Think Olga el 2015, en la percepción de lectoras en Facebook sobre el tema acoso, bajo la perspectiva de los Estudios Culturales. La etiqueta incentivó que el contenido fuera compartido y generó agenda setting de medios de comunicación sobre acoso, una pauta que es bandera de los movimientos feministas. El concepto de mediaciones de Martín-Barbero (1997) es usado para investigar el contexto de publicaciones en Facebook y entrevistas con mujeres que comentaron en posts de la campaña. En el escenario de geración de contenido en profusión y de participación de muchos comunicando para muchos, la actuación política en las redes sociales, el llamado activismo digital, se puede identificar alguna relativización, sin expectativa de cambio radical. Las respuestas de las entrevistadas señalan que campañas como esa pueden alcanzar repercusión más allá de las redes, pero apuntan que el cambio generado ha sido el diálogo más a menudo sobre el tema con el círculo de personas más cercanas.

Comunicar ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (40) ◽  
pp. 127-135 ◽  
Ana Almansa-Martínez ◽  
Oscar Fonseca ◽  
Antonio Castillo-Esparcia

Social networks have become areas of social interaction among young people where they create a profile to relate with others. The way this population uses social networks has an impact on their socialization as well as the emotional and affective aspects of their development. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze how Facebook is used by young people to communicate among themselves and the experiences they gain from it. On the one hand, while teenagers claim to know the risks, they admit to accepting strangers as friends and to sharing large amounts of true data about their private lives. For this reason, it is necessary to understand the media and digital phenomenon that the youth are living through. Although they are legally prohibited from using Facebook until they are 13, the number of underage users of this social network is growing, without any restraint from parents or schools. This investigation compares the use of Facebook by youth in Colombia and Spain by using the content analysis and interview techniques. In Colombia 100 Facebook profiles were analyzed and 20 interviews carried out with students between 12- and 15-years-old attending the Institución Educativa Distrital Técnico Internacional school in Bogotá. In Spain, 100 Facebook profiles were analyzed and 20 interviews held with students of the same age group attending various secondary schools in Andalusia. Las redes sociales se han convertido en ámbitos de interacción social entre los jóvenes, que crean un perfil para relacionarse con los demás. La exposición pública en el caso de los adolescentes puede generar problemas sobre aspectos sociales, emotivos y afectivos. Esta investigación analiza cómo se usa Facebook por parte de los jóvenes y qué experiencia obtienen de ello. Aunque dicen conocer los riesgos, admiten que aceptan a desconocidos como amigos y ofrecen datos reales sobre su vida. Ante esta situación, se hace más evidente la necesidad de la alfabetización mediática y digital de estos jóvenes que, aunque no deberían estar en Facebook hasta los 13 años, cuentan con un perfil de manera mayoritaria. Para ello se ha utilizado una metodología basada en el análisis de contenido y las entrevistas en profundidad. Se trata de un estudio comparativo entre Colombia y España. En Colombia se han realizado 100 análisis de perfiles y 20 entrevistas en profundidad. La muestra ha sido de adolescentes de 12 a 15 años, de la Institución Educativa Distrital Técnico Internacional de Bogotá. En España se han analizado 100 perfiles y se han realizado 20 entrevistas a chicos de 12 a 15 años, de Institutos (IES) de Andalucía.

Susana Guerrero Salazar

The press and social networks constitute the most recurrent platform for debate on the subject of “women and language”. The media discourse on this subject covers many aspects that have not yet been addressed in depth, including the discourse that is generated when the academic dictionary is taken as a point of reference. This article analyses sexism (or not) of some definitions in the dictionary through a press corpus obtained from the Hemeroteca Virtual de las Lenguas de España (HEVILE), which has allowed us, in the first place, to catalogue the words and definitions related to women which have been news in recent years and, therefore, the object of debate; secondly, to verify the beliefs and linguistic attitudes regarding the role of the Academy and its dictionary in society; and, finally, to decide what effects the debate generated (especially through social networks) on the latest changes carried out in some of these definitions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 609
Jasna Vuković ◽  
Miroslav Vujović

The paper discusses the image of archaeology and archaeologists created in the public by various media. On the grounds of analysis of the texts in which the subject of archaeology figures in newspapers and on social networks, it is demonstrated that archaeologists are mainly perceived in the public as inert “concealers” of the real truth of the past. The reason behind this is equally in the insufficient knowledge of the media, but as well in the reluctance of professional archaeologists to communicate. The paper offers an outline of long-term strategy to bridge the existing gap and inform the public about the mission and social relevance of the discipline.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 293-326
Isabel Ferin Cunha ◽  
Ana Santos Cabrera

As eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2018 suscitaram uma grande curiosidade em Portugal e a cobertura jornalística da imprensa e das televisões, abertas e generalistas, refletem esse interesse. Este artigo procura, na introdução, contextualizar os elementos históricos, culturais, políticos e económicos que subjazem à interrelação Portugal-Brasil, pautada por movimentos pendulares humanos contínuos. Em seguida, enquadra-se as eleições brasileiras em tendências macro-políticas mundiais, tendo em consideração a crise das democracias no Ocidente, a emergência de governos populistas, autocráticos e autoritários, assim como a utilização/manipulação dos Media e das redes sociais. Segue-se o estudo empírico sobre a cobertura jornalística das Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras de 2018, na imprensa (2 diários; 2 semanários e 2 revistas) e na televisão (3 telejornais de canais abertos). Os resultados apontam para uma cobertura intensa tanto na imprensa como na televisão, com um número de notícias significativo, as quais envolvem correspondentes especiais enviados ao Brasil, comentadores de televisão e colunistas de imprensa, para além de testemunhos de personalidades e de cidadãos comuns portugueses e brasileiros. O clima de estupefacção e de incredulidade face ao candidato vencedor prevalece não só nas matérias jornalísticas, como nos comentários e artigos de opinião, até ao final da análise realizada, que decorreu de 1 de Setembro a 1 de Dezembro  de 2018.    AbstractThe Brazilian presidential elections of 2018 aroused a great curiosity in Portugal and the press and television coverage reflect this interest. This article seeks to contextualize the historical, cultural, political and economic elements that underlie the interrelationship between Portugal and Brazil, guided by continuous human movements. Then, the Brazilian elections are framed in global macro-political trends, taking into account the crisis of democracies in the West, the emergence of populist, autocratic and authoritarian governments, as well as the use / manipulation of the Media and social networks. Next we presented the empirical study on the journalistic coverage of the Brazilian Presidential Elections of 2018, in the press (2 daily newspapers, 2 weekly and 2 magazines) and in television (3 open channels of news programs). The results point to intense coverage in both the press and television, with a significant number of news items, which include special correspondents sent to Brazil, television commentators and press columnists, as well as testimonies of personalities and ordinary Portuguese and Brazilians citizens. The atmosphere of stupefaction and disbelief towards the winning candidate prevails not only in journalistic matters, but also in comments and opinion articles, until the end of the review, which took place from 1 September to 1 December 2018.ResumenLas elecciones presidenciales brasileñas de 2018 motivaron una considerable curiosidad en Portugal y la cobertura de noticias en la prensa y en la televisión, abierta y general, reflejan este interés. En la introducción de este articulo se pretende hacer la contextualización de los elementos históricos, culturales, políticas y económicas que subyacen en la interrelación Portugal-Brasil, enmarcada por los desplazamientos humanos pendulares. A continuación, se encuadra las elecciones brasileñas en tendencias macro-políticas mundiales, teniendo en cuenta la crisis de las democracias en el Occidente, la emergencia de gobiernos populistas, autocráticos y autoritarios, así como la utilización / manipulación de los medios y de las redes sociales. Seguidamente se presenta un estudio empírico sobre la cobertura periodística de las Elecciones Presidenciales Brasileñas de 2018, en la prensa (2 diarios, 2 semanales y 2 revistas) y en la televisión (3 telediarios de canales abiertos). Los resultados apuntan a una fuerte cobertura tanto en la prensa como en la televisión, con una cantidad importante de noticias, cuya producción implicó corresponsales especiales enviados a Brasil, comentaristas de televisión y columnistas de la prensa, bien como testimonios tanto de personalidades como de ciudadanos comunes portugueses y brasileños. El clima de estupefacción y de incredulidad frente al candidato vencedor prevalece no sólo en las materias periodísticas, como en los comentarios y artículos de opinión, hasta el final del análisis realizado, que tuvo lugar entre el 1 de septiembre e el 1 de diciembre de 2018.

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