The Infographics which are designed for environmental issues

Esra Tuncalı

Infographic is the transformation of information, sources and data in graphic format, to make them clear and easily understandable. In these graphics, sophisticated topics and maps are designed in a simple and explanatory way by means of stories. Infographics are seen in media and published works either in a scientific or simple level.In order for the world resources to fulfill not only today’s but also future generations’ needs, the basis for a sustainable life should be provided today. Organizations like Greenpeace run campaigns in accordance with the principals of protecting bio-diversity, in order for the contribution of raising awareness in society for future. These organizations often use infographics in their campaigns. Infographics contain a lot of research-focused information by quoting several sources. By the help of these researches and design, infographics form an effective way to transmit topics like “environmental issues and what to do about them”, to the target population.Based on the above explanations, how infographics deal with the issues like “nuclear hazard, the decline of biologic diversity and environmental pollution” is analyzed in this article. Furthermore, how people reach infographic design is described, and campaigns of environmentalist organizations were examined. As a result it is concluded that, in terms of the mentioned environmental issues, infographics are beneficial tools to raise awareness and to effectively transmit them to people, particularly in social media and other similar channels.Keywords: Infographics, environment, graphic design

Thisresearch is to analyze and reduce the emission of carbon footprint around campus in order to build a sustainable campus for future generations. One of the most profound issue faced by the world today is the rise of temperature which is also known as global warming. The emission of GHGs has been an alarming issue in our world today which causes not only the rise of temperature but also disastrous natural disasters such as flood, hurricane, drought and many more. Like other developing countries, Malaysia have given its full support and cooperation in its attempt to achieve a sustainable development. In Malaysia, there are several policies and legislation developed to encourage sustainability in four major areas which are water and waste management, transportation, energy and building. The importance of higher education institutions such as universities should address the diverse needs of local societies and promote sustainability. Universities should also consider including sustainability into student’s education and program to promote the environmental issues which have been one of the highest concerns around the world. Therefore, the focus of this research is to analyze and reduce the carbon footprint for a sustainable campus. Hence, the aim of this research is to analyze the emission of carbon footprint throughout the campus such as traveling to class and to suggest alternatives that the student or staff can take in order to reduce the emission of carbon footprint around campus and to build a sustainable campus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 09046
Arkadiy Larionov ◽  
Raheem Al-Rubaye Saba Jasim

Annotation. At the present time, the issues of combating environmental pollution are especially acute in the world. At various scientific and public platforms, the sources of the negative impact on the environment and ways to restore the ecosystem are discussed. The purpose of this article is to consider one of the main sources of environmental pollution - construction waste. Having studied a number of works on this topic and summarizing the results obtained, the authors give a detailed description of environmentally hazardous construction waste. At the same time, the authors propose a solution to this problem, which consists in the recycling of waste, that is, in the reuse of unnecessary things for the purpose of subsequent use as raw materials, energy, materials and consumer products. The authors argue that recycling waste can be safe and profitable, with great returns. Thus, the recycling of environmentally hazardous, in this particular case, construction waste will contribute not only to solving environmental issues, but also to improve the economic situation of the state.

2022 ◽  
Ruizhi Li ◽  
Jie Liang ◽  
Tingshuai Li ◽  
Luchao Yue ◽  
Qian Liu ◽  

The increasing energy demand and related environmental issues have drawn great attention of the world, thus necessitating the development of sustainable technologies to preserve the ecosystems for future generations. Electrocatalysts...

Kurios ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Kalis Stevanus

Lately, the attention and awareness of humankind to protect and maintain environmental sustainability are increasing. Environmental damage today is a big problem and is global, which is now an increasingly critical problem. The world is experiencing the danger of an ecological crisis. This article is intended to describe the Church's ethical-theological attitude in addressing environ-mental issues today is a very crucial issue to consider. Using research that uses qualitative research using descriptive methods based on the Bible and also using library research by analyzing literature both books and journals that discuss environmental issues. Based on ethical-theological studies, it can be concluded that humans are the managers of nature, and preservation of nature is as an implementation of love for others. By understanding this, it is hoped that the Environment, which has been entrusted to humans, needs to be managed wisely, responsibly and productively as possible for the needs and progress of future generations. Abstrak Akhir-akhir ini perhatian dan kesadaran umat manusia untuk menjaga dan memelihara kelestarian lingkungan hidupnya semakin meningkat. Kerusakan lingkungan hidup dewasa ini merupakan isu besar dan bersifat global (mendunia), yang kini menjadi masalah yang semakin genting. Dunia sedang menghadapi bahaya krisis ekologis. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan sikap etis-teologis Gereja dalam menyikapi isu tentang lingkungan hidup dewasa ini menjadi isu yang sangat krusial untuk diperhatikan. Adapun pende-katan penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif berdasarkan Alkitab dan juga menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan cara menganalis literatur baik buku maupun jurnal yang membahas permasalahan lingkungan hidup. Berdasarkan kajian etis-teologis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa, manusia adalah pengelola alam, dan pelestarian alam adalah sebagai implementasi kasih kepada sesama. Dengan pemahaman ini, diharapkan lingkungan hidup yang telah dipercayakan kepada manusia, perlu dikelola secara bijak, bertanggungjawab dan seproduktif mungkin untuk kepentingan dan kelangsungan generasi mendatang.

2021 ◽  
Liane Coulahan

Social media has become more than a platform for social engagement and connectivity. Users have tapped into the power of social media‟s reach to connect with like-minded individuals around the world. Protests, revolutions and global movements are taking shape as a result of what the Internet affords us as users – immediate connectivity. This paper aims to explore Twitter as a platform for activist movements. Specifically, I look at the language used within the Kony 2012 movement and aim to understand how the language within tweets changed overtime by following a user-generated hashtag (#Kony2012). For this study, I analyzed 325 tweets from the Kony 2012 campaign. These tweets were collected from March 5th 2012 to March 17th 2012. My findings indicate that Twitter‟s hashtag function was always used in the three following ways: (1) Sharing Information, (2) Passive Calls to Action, (3) Strong Calls to Action. Overall, the tweets I studied surrounding #Kony2012 hashtag suggest that this movement was weak in mobilizing change but strong in raising awareness

Bharti Dwivedi

Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems that the world is facing today. This is Increasing with every passing year and causing grave and irreparable damage to the environment potentially harmful substances e.g. pesticides, heavy metals and hydrocarbons are often released into the environment. Environmental education provides the necessary skills and specialized knowledge to meet the challenges related to it. The main purpose of this education is to provide knowledge, to create awareness, to create an attitude of contemplation and to provide the necessary skills to control the environmental Environmental Education helps in building the natural world, gives knowledge and method to solve complex environmental issues which also gives advancement to productive economies and harmony among communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-62

This study includes an analysis conducted in the context of “hashtag activism”, which is one of the digital activism forms. The research was performed on the #challengeaccepted hashtag activist movement that is conducted on Instagram and aims for raising awareness for violence against women. Posts shared by 51 local and foreign women for the #challengeaccepted hashtag activism were selected with the random sampling method. These sampling which is post shared by 51 local and foreign women was chosen by written #challengeaccepted hashtag activism developed for violence against women to the google research motor. The first two news links was chosen and the people who shared these hashtag was chosen and looked their personal instagram pages and added messages. Other hashtags, words, and mottos additional to the #challengeaccepted hashtag were categorized, interpreted, and inferences were made regarding the digital activism by reflecting the details of findings on the conclusion part. These posts that were grouped under specific themes were subjected to both descriptive and content analysis. These themes were created independent of each other and within the context of additional hashtags, date of the post, local-foreign women, support, courage, motivation, power, energy, leadership status. In this study, the concept of digital activism is scrutinized and tried to be analyzed through the social media campaign supported by celebrities in Turkey and around the world with the #challengeaccepted hashtag against violence against women within the concept of social responsibility.

Jamaldi Jamaldi

Maninjau Lake which is one of the attractions in Agam Regency has been known in the world of tourism to the international level. The beauty of the lake along with twist 44 and guarded row of rows of rows, adding charm to the beauty of the lake. But lately various problems that occur related to the real condition or the beauty of the lake began to be neglected. Currently the condition of the lake is polluted in very poor condition. Various efforts have been made from the issuance of regulations, reduction efforts and community involvement in the saving of the lake. One important element is the value of religious beliefs as well as the local wisdom of the community such as the religious principles adopted, cultural values, tambos, history and traditions of the hereditary is the social capital and potential of hidden communities that need to be considered in development programs including the lake lake environmental pollution rescue movement. This effort can be done through, implementing, actualizing and revitalizing religious and cultural values which are summarized in the local wisdom of Maninjau Lake communities in solving environmental pollution problems of the lake in particular and environmental issues in general Danau Maninjau yang merupakan salah satu objek wisata di Kabupaten Agam sudah dikenal dalam dunia pariwisata sampai ke tingkat internasional. Keindahan danau diserta kelok 44 dan dijaga deretan bukit barisan, menambah pesona keelokan danau. Namun belakangan ini berbagai permasalahan terjadi terkait kondisi nyata atau keasrian danau yang mulai terabaikan. Saat ini kondisi danau tercemar dalam kondisi yang sangat memprihatinkan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan mulai dari penerbitan peraturan, upaya pengurangan, dan pelibatan masyarakat dalam penyelematan danau. Salah satu unsur penting adalah nilai keyakinan agama serta kearifan lokal masyarakat seperti prinsip agama yang dianut, nilai budaya, tambo, sejarah dan tradisi turun temurun merupakan modal sosial dan potensi masyarakat terpendam yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam program pembangunan termasuk gerakan penyelamatan pencemaran lingkungan danau. Upaya ini dapat dilakukan melalui penerapan, aktualisasi, dan perevitalisasian nilai agama dan budaya yang terangkum dalam kearifan lokal masyarakat salingka Danau Maninjau dalam memecahkan persoalan pencemaran lingkungan danau khususnya dan persoalan lingkungan pada umumnya

2020 ◽  
Briliani ferga sudelma

The school environment has an impact on student learning in school, because if the school environment makes students feel uncomfortable, then these students will also lack their focus on learning, and if these students do not focus on learning, students will not understand what the teacher is teaching in front of the class . So, indirectly, learning at schools that have adequate environments and comfortable facilities is better than schools with dirty environments and uncomfortable facilities. According to Mitsuki and Lai (in Ramadhan et al, 2019), around the world, everyone faces serious environmental problems, such as global warming, acid rain, destruction of the ozone layer, environmental pollution, natural damage, and loss of biodiversity that can threaten the lives of current generations. , especially future generations.

Jurnal Common ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-66
Olih Solihin

This study aims to describe the implementation of big data on social media in carrying out crisis communication. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques through a literature study. The results of this study also emphasize three aspects, namely: 1). The government must define a crisis because to understand a crisis, of course, we must start by defining it first. Each crisis that arises is accompanied by its own characteristics. 2). The government can use Big Data information sources to accelerate the implementation of government programs. 3). One of the efforts to look at big data to identify problems is to carry out the stages of social media. In the era of advances in communication and information technology, the existence of social media can no longer be separated from the activities of the world community..

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