scholarly journals Memperkuat ’Urf dalam Pengembangan Hukum Islam

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-41
Ach Maimun

Sejauh ini, keberadaan ’urf sebagai sumber hukum Islam tidak menonjol. Padahal `urf memiliki posisi penting untuk pengembangan Islam di Nusantara yang kaya budaya. `Urf dapat menjadi pembendung kolompok yang anti terhadap tradisi lokal. Para ulama sejatinya telah berbicara panjang lebar tentang ’urf sebagai dasar hukum. Para mujtahid dan mufti disyaratkan menguasai tradisi suatu masyarakat dan cermat mempertimbangkannya. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya penguatan ‘urf dalam rangka pengembangan hukum Islam agar dapat tetap berperan di masa depan. Tujuan itu dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah, yaitu memperbaiki cara memahami dan mendudukkan nash sebagai landasan utama hukum Islam, menegaskan posisi fiqih sebagai hasil ijtihad manusiawi yang historis dan kultural, dan melakukan negosiasi antara doktrin Islam dengan tradisi sekaligus menciptakan tradisi baru sebagai wujud penerjemahan doktrin yang bersifat mutlak. (The existence of 'urf as one of sources of Islamic law is not dominant while it has an important position in the context of Islamic development in Indonesia, which is rich of culture and tradition. `Urf can be a barrier against those who are anti-local traditions. Actually, Islamic scholars have discussed a lot about ‘urf as the legal basis in the context of Islamic law. Mujtahid (experts in islamic law) and mufti (advisers on religious law) are required to be knowledgable of the traditions of a society and carefully consider them.Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the 'urf for developing Islamic law in order to keep it playing a role in the future. In so doing, it is necessary to take several steps; improving the way to understand and place the texts of the Quran as the main foundation of Islamic law, affirming the position of Islamic jurisprudence as the result of historical and cultural human interpretation and judgement (ijtihad), and negotiating between Islamic doctrine and tradition while creating new traditions as a form of absolute doctrinal translation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 234
Tubus Tubus

This paper aims to examine the making of the contents of wills examined from the point of view of Islamic law, in practice the reality in the lives of many people who have not heed the word basmallah as an incantation in the contents of the will for the followers of Islam. In this study using sociological juridical method, where the primary data obtained directly from field research, while secondary data obtained from the literature. The results obtained that the way of making the contents of the will and the absence of public legal awareness is optimal for the making of the contents of wills in accordance with Islamic law. And there are still weaknesses in the Making and Implementation of the contents of the current will, when the testament is oral, namely: The absence of the sacred intention or the noble intention of the collector must not necessarily occur; unsecured rights of the recipient, in the event of any problems of the future heirs of the pewasiat; there is a difficulty of proof in the absence of witnesses, when the will is brought before the Court. Law renewal in the making of the contents of the will in the presence of a notary in the perspective of Islamic law are: the reconstruction of its value, the Ideal Formation of the Will, the testament is done in writing witnessed by two witnesses and before the Notary. Ideal Construction Format of Testament Creation. The testament is written in the presence of two witnesses or in the form of a Deed or a Notary Deed. At the head of the will or the Deed or Notarial deed is included a sentence “Basmallah”.

Al-Qadha ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Muhajir Muhajir

The legal basis of marriage law in Indonesia Constitution No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Compilation of Islamic law which is a reduction of Islamic rules regarding marriage, divorce, representation and inheritance originating from classical Islamic jurisprudence literature from various schools which are summarized and adapted to the needs of the people of Indonesia. The two legal bases regarding the marriage are expected to be a legal basis for the Indonesian people who will carry out the marriage. But in the practice of implementing marriage in the community, many new things appear that are ijtihad because there are no rules specifically set out to regulate such matters such as marriage through telephone. 

Muhammad Anis

AbstractZakat is an obligation for those who have the ability called Muzakki which aims to help others and for those who don’t have the ability to be called Mustahik, including the poor, amil, converts, people who owe, people who demand knowledge, and people who struggle in the way of Allah Swt. Besides that, zakat can also be a tool for empowering Muslims. The Muzakki, Amil and Zakat Collecting Institutions must be at the forefront in the process of empowering umad, according to Minister of Religion Regulation No. 52 of 2014, Zakat is a treasure that must be issued by a Muslim or a business entity owned by Muslims to be given to those entitled to receive it in accordance with Islamic law. According to QS. At-Taubah verse 60, that Allah gave the provisions there are eight groups of people who receive Zakat. In general, Zakat is divided into two types of Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah must be issued in the holy month of Ramadan for every soul both men and women with Islamic religious requirements, Living on the Month of Ramadan, Having food or basic needs for the night of Eid al-Fitr. Zakat Harta (Mal) is zakat which is issued if the nizab has been fulfilled and is not in conflict with religious law. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Solutions, Zakat.AbstrakZakat merupakan Kewajiban bagi yang punya kemampuan dinamakan Muzakki yang bertujuan untuk membantu orang lain dan bagi tidak punya kemampuan dinamakan Mustahik, diantaranya adalah Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Orang Yang berutang, Orang yang Menuntut Ilmu, dan Orang yang berjuang dijalan Allah Swt. Disamping itu zakat juga dapat menjadi alat pemberdayaan ummad. Para Muzakki, Amil dan Lembaga Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ) harus berada pada garda terdepan dalam dalam proses pemberdayaan umad, menurut Peraturan Menteri Agama  no 52 Tahun 2014, Zakat adalah Harta yang wajib dikeluarkan  oleh seorang muslim atau badan usaha yang dimiliki oleh orang islam untuk diberikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Menurut QS. At-Taubah ayat 60, bahwa Allah memberikan ketentuan ada delapan golongan orang yang menerima Zakat. Secara umum Zakat terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu Zakat Fitrah dan Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah wajib dikeluarkan pada bulan suci ramadhan atas setiap jiwa baik laki laki maupun perempuan dengan syarat beragama Islam, Hidup pada Bulan Ramadhan, Memiliki kebutuhan makanan atau kebutuhan pokok  untuk pada malam hari raya idul fitri. Zakat Harta (Mal) adalah zakat yang dikeluarkan jika nizabnya sudah terpenuhi dan tidak bertentangan dengan syariat agama.Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Solusi, Zakat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Wildan Hidayat

Religion descends on the will of God, but understanding and trying to realize religion is up to the object of religion itself, namely human beings. It was at this point that the science of religion was born, which was entirely human and dependent on the mastery of human knowledge. Religion is sacred, holy and perfect, but understanding religion is human, imperfect and worldly. The constant is religion itself (al-diin nafsuh), while the knowledge or understanding of religion (al-ma'rifah al-diniyyah) is temporal and will change. Context is often overlooked by a system of understanding that is brutally adhered to by Islamic reasoning now, so to return the text to something sacf li kulli zaman wan there needs to be a problematic review and 're-reading' to get 'new understanding' of modern Islam. Ushul Juris prudence which is a reaction/ response to the problem of the system as well as the doctrine of 'dirty' politics and disputes of ahl-Ra'yi and ahl-Hadīst about the meaning of texts in the modern era is required to be able to provide solutions to stagnation of Islamic law. Ushul Jurisprudence is not only as a ‘device’ reader of the text of the Qur'an and al-Sunnah but also acts as ‘bidder’ for a new understanding situation. However, the condition of the Ushul Fikih reading room as a level of Islamic religious law has limited methodology so that it cannot cover all aspects of understanding. This is where the author feels the need to bring up the offer and continuation of reconstruction related to the understanding of religion, especially the reconstruction of the Islamic Jurisprudence, so that the plurality of understanding of the sacred Islam will not only be a brutal understanding (madzhabi taqlidi) but the embodiment of methodology in understanding religion is really real.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Samir Chihani ◽  
Kaci Si Youcef ◽  

The Algerian legislator has developed several ways and methods to release the marital union. One of these is the Khol’â or the dislocation whereby the woman requests divorce from her husband in exchange for money that she offers to him. If the husband accepts both Khol’â or the dislocation and the offer, then there is no problem. In case he accepted the dislocation and rejected the offer, the judge would have to determine the allowance on the basis of the dowry of similar cases. Before the amendment of the family code in 2005 and due to the lack of clarity in the text, the judges’ opinions differed if the husband refused dislocation altogether. A woman may request Khol’â before completing the physical marriage procedures, that is, before consummation, and here we face the problem of the judges ’response to her request. This research paper aims to clarify the truth of what judges in general, and Supreme Court justices in particular, have said, regarding whether Khol’â is considered a pure right for women or men had a share in it. And, whether it is really not valid to divorce before consummation because it violates either the law or the provisions of Islamic law. In our research, we have used the descriptive and analytical methodology, in addition to the comparative method. At the end we have deduced that the judges used to stipulate the husband’s consent for the Khol’â. But now they have established that it is a pure right for women, especially after amending Article 54 of the family law. They are also almost unanimous in the non-permissibility of Khol’â before consummation, while the Supreme Court is settled on that. We have come to the conclusion that this does not have a legal basis, that means there is no text that prohibits it not even in Sharia, as the jurists of the four schools are all agreed upon its validity.

Emilia Justyna Powell

This chapter explains concepts fundamental to this book: international law, Islamic law, Islamic international law, sharia, and the category of Islamic law states (ILS). The ILS category offers an efficient and clear-cut conceptual vehicle for mapping out the balance between religious law and secular law, and how this balance translates into ILS’ preferences with respect to international conflict management venues. The chapter explains how the ILS category differs from other seemingly parallel concepts or definitions present in the scholarship, such as “Islamic states,” or “Muslim states.” It discusses the characteristics and internal variation within the ILS category across different countries and different schools of Islamic jurisprudence. This chapter also presents an analysis of ILS’ domestic legal systems, elaborating on Islamic constitutionalism, and the relationship between religious norms and secular norms in constitutions and sub-constitutional legal systems. Some features analyzed include holy oath, supremacy clause, and sharia education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
JM. Muslimin ◽  
Rizky Fauzi Iskandar ◽  
Yulia Fatma

The principles of Islamic jurisprudence can provide a convenient solution for practitioners of Islamic law in formulating the law of this rapidly expanding vaccine field for now and the future. This study aims to obtain the rationale of fiqhiyyah principles used by Indonesia Ulama Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI) related to contemporary medical and health sciences, especially vaccines.. This research is a qualitative library research with primary source the fatwa of  Indonesian Ulama Council.. The data and document are reviewed through content analysis techniques using descriptive-analytical and interpretative methods. The approach in this study uses the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh) and Islamic legal maxims (qawa'id fiqhiyyah) approach. . The conclusion of the study is the permissibility and prohibition of using vaccines are based on the ingredient of the vaccines. If the ingredient is extracted from allowed materials (halal), the vaccines are accepted. On the contrary, if it is contaminated by illegal materials, the vaccines are rejected. However, in the urgent situations, all vaccines can be accepted based on the logics of emergency and need.

Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah

The development of a dynamic era produces many new products and cases that are present in the modern economy. Islamic law has set and provided restrictions on these issues concerning aspects of halal and haram. The Qiyas method is needed in legal studies to produce fiqh formulations in Islamic economic and financial law. This paper aims to explain the concept of qiyas as a method of istinbath Islamic law and then examine the application of qiyas in the discovery of Islamic economic and financial law. This type of research is normative legal research with a conceptual approach. Legal material is collected through the study of literature with discussion of ushûl fiqh (Islamic law methodology) dan fiqh mu’âmalah (Islamic Jurisprudence about economics and finance) in classical and contemporary literature. The existence of qiyas as a method of istinbath law has a very important position in economics and finance. New products and cases that are present need to be responded and analyzed. Exploring the law with qiyas must be done throught careful and in-depth studies by looking at the similarity of true ‘illat (legal motives) so that the construction process of thinking qiyas in legal discovery can be applied appropriately.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-89
Munadi Usman

Islamic Law Compilation (ILC) in article 209 contains provisions on the mandatory testaments of adopted children. Some legal experts in Indonesia have denied these provisions as they have no clear legal basis in Syariah or Islamic jurisprudence. This research aims to review the provision of mandatory testaments using the 'urf principle. This research is a legal normative study using conceptual and statute approaches. The result of this study shows that the tradition (‘urf) in the form of giving assets to children applies in Indonesian society, even though practically there are still differences between one region to another according to their respective customary law systems. The 'urf can be taken into consideration to institutionalize the mandatory testaments for adopted children providing that it can be proven to be a valid 'urf.Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) dalam pasal 209 berisi ketentuan tentang wasiat wajib anak adopsi. Beberapa ahli hukum di Indonesia telah menolak ketentuan ini karena mereka tidak memiliki dasar hukum yang jelas dalam yurisprudensi Syariah atau Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau ketentuan perjanjian wajib menggunakan prinsip ‘urf. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif hukum dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan statuta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tradisi (‘urf) dalam bentuk memberikan aset kepada anak-anak berlaku di masyarakat Indonesia, meskipun secara praktis masih ada perbedaan antara satu daerah dengan daerah lain sesuai dengan sistem hukum adat mereka masing-masing. ‘Urf dapat dipertimbangkan untuk melembagakan wasiat wajib untuk anak-anak adopsi asalkan itu dapat dibuktikan sebagai ‘urf yang shahih.Keywords: mandatory testaments; adopted child; ‘urf.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-54
Rafat Kemel Al-Sayouri ◽  
Mohd. Shafiee Hamzah

Islam is a religion of ease, there is no inconvenience in its ritual obligations prescribed for its followers and when contemplating on the acts of worship which Almighty Allah has ordered Muslims to perform and the way to carry out these acts, there is ultimate ease and simplicity. Almighty Allah distinguished the Islamic religious obligations from other past nations with ease in worship. The Quranic main purpose and objectives is to make people's lives easy by guiding them to worship Almighty Allah, and to disseminate ease among people in terms of perception, mindset, behavior and coexistence. Therefore, this research aims at establishing the legal basis of the concept of ease in the aspect of worship as per perception of the Quranic expression, and manifestation of ease in worship and its objectives in order to explain the reality of Islam in terms of being a religion of ease and moderation. It also aims to highlight the tolerance aspect of Islamic law. The research aims at explaining the concept of ease, its Quranic derivations and conjugations, and to explain Quranic ease in the aspect of worship. This qualitative research depended on gathering information based on inductive descriptive approach which dissects verses about ease and interprets them, and it also followed the analytic approach through abstracting semantics of the verses and lessons learnt from such verses. Among the conclusions reached in this research is the simplicity and ease of the legal rulings, and aversion of inconvenience, bearing in mind that anything which is extreme or creates inconvenience exits the concept of ease and has no basis in the Islamic religion. Ease is a vital objective of the purposes of the Islamic law. It is the means which should lead to the worship of the Almighty Allah, and it is from this where the importance of explaining the concept of ease comes through the Holy Qur’an to present it to people, preachers and educators. الإسلام دين اليسر، لا مشقة في كل تكاليفه الشرعية التي أمر أتباعه بأدائها، وإن الناظر بعين التدبر إلى العبادات التي فرضها الله تعالى على المسلمين والكيفية التي تُؤدى بها، يجد فيها يُسراً ما بعده يسر، وقد ميز الله تعالى أمة الإسلام على غيرها من الأمم بيسر العبادات، ومن غايات ومقاصد القرآن الأساسية، تيسير حياة الناس، بتوجيهها إلى عبادة الله، ونشر اليسر بين الناس تصوراً وخلقاً وسلوكاً ومعايشةً، فمن هنا تكمن مشكلة البحث في التأصيل الشرعي لمفهوم اليسر في مجال العبادات من منظور القرآن الكريم، وبيان صور اليسر في العبادات ومقاصدها، لبيان حقيقة الإسلام من حيث أنه دين اليسر والاعتدال، وإبراز الوجه السمح للشريعة الإسلامية، ويهدف البحث إلى بيان مفهوم اليسر، واشتقاقات وتصريفات كلمة اليسر في القرآن الكريم، وبيان اليسر القرآني في مجال العبادات، وهذا البحث بحث كيفي، ولقد اعتمد الباحث على جمع المعلومات على المنهج الوصفي الإستقرائي بتتبع آيات اليسر وبيان تفسيرها، واتبع كذلك المنهج التحليلي باستخلاص دلالات الآيات وفوائدها، ومن النتائج التي توصل إليها الباحث، أن الأحكام الشرعية جاءت سهلة ميسرة في أصلها، وأن الحرج يجب دفعه، وكل أمر فيه غلو أو تشديد هو خروج عن اليسر، والقصد فيه ليس من الدين في شيء، وأن اليسر مقصد هام من مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية، وهو وسيلة تعين على تحقيق غاية العبودية لله تعالى، ومن هنا تظهر أهمية توضيح مفهوم اليسر من خلال القرآن الكريم وتقديمه للناس والدعاة والمربين.

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