2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Irma Septiani ◽  
Albertus Djoko Lesmono ◽  
Arif Harimukti

This research to describe the learning interests of students of class X MIPA 3 of SMAN 2 Jember on vector material using the Problem Based Learning model with STEM approach. The method used in this study is a survey using a questionnaire. Indicators of learning interest questionnaire include feelings of pleasure, attention, interest, and student participation. The questionnaire has 20 statements that represent indicators of student interest in learning. The questionnaire was distributed to students of SMAN 2 Jember in MIPA 3 class X, with a total of 36 students. The average percentage results obtained for each indicator are feeling happy 72.3% in the "medium" category, 77.5% in the "high" category, 75.2% interest in the "medium" category, and 53.1% student participation in the "low" category. These results indicate that the attention gets the highest percentage while the lowest participation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Gede Agus Hendika ◽  
Made Santo Gitakarma ◽  
Nyoman Santiyadnya

This study was carried out aimed at improving student learning outcomes in Computer Assembling subjects in the subject matter and Troubleshooting BIOS configuration concepts in class X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 3 State through problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning). This type of research is action research class (class action research) carried out in 2 cycles, the first cycle consists of 3 meetings as well as to the second cycle. Subjects in this study were students of class X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 3 countries totaling 34 people. The object of this research is student learning outcomes by implementing problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning). The necessary data obtained using the method in the form of a multiplechoice test (Multiple Choice). Achievement test cycle I and cycle II as many as 20 items. Based on the analysis of data on learning outcomes in Computer Assembling subjects in the first cycle obtained an average percentage of student learning outcomes in classical amounted 55.88%. In the second cycle the average percentage of student learning outcomes in classical amounted 85.29%. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II of 29.4%. Thus, the conclusions of this study an increase in student learning outcomes through the application of problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning).

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Wilda Muhimmatun Nisa ◽  
Insih Wilujeng ◽  
Diego Pradana

This study aimed to determine the interest in learning science after using integrated learning of local snacks in Cangkringan with Discovery Learning model at Cangkringan Junior High School 1. This study is a pre-experimental design that used a onee-group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study were 31 students of class VIIIA lesson 2019/2020. Data collection techniques by using a observation and questionnaire of interest in learning before and after treatment in order to measure student interest in learning. Observations carried out by holding observations of activities that are taking place in class. The indicator of learning interest instruments, in the questionnaire is interest, pleasure, attention, and desire or awareness. Learning interest data generated in the form of scores (quantitative data) with 4 scale were strongly agree (SS), agree (S), less agree (KS), and disagree (TS). The questionnaire was developed by researchers by showing indicators of interest in learning with 23 questions. Data analysis techniques by using N-Gain analysis techniques and descriptive analysis by converting the results of percentage analysis. the result showeed that the students' interest in learning science after implementation of integrated learning of local potential with discovery learning models increases with an N-gain score of 0.59 in the medium category. The average percentage value of descriptive analysis of student learning interest has increased from 72.01 percent with moderate criteria to 88.56 percent with high criteria.

Nurul Azmi ◽  
Asrizal Asrizal ◽  
Fatni Mufit

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning ditinjau dari motivasi belajar fisika, 2) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning ditinjau dari keterampilan proses sains siswa, 3) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa ditinjau dari tingkatan kelas, dan 4) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa ditinjau dari materi pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah meta analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu : 1) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar fisika siswa SMA dengan rata-rata effect size 0,73 kategori sedang, 2) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa dengan effect size 0,62 kategori sedang, 3) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains fisika pada tingkatan kelas X, XI dan XII dengan effect size 0,86 kategori tinggi, 0,47 kategori sedang dan 0,28 kategori sedang, dan 4) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains pada materi listrik dinamis dengan effect size 2,02 kategori tinggi. Kata kunci: Problem Based Learning; Motivasi; Keterampilan Proses Sains. ABSTRACTThis study aims to 1) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model in terms of motivation to learn physics, 2) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model in terms of students' science process skills, 3) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model on students' learning motivation and science process skills in terms of from the grade level, and 4) analyzing the effect of the problem based learning model on students' learning motivation and science process skills in terms of learning materials. The type of research applied in this study is a meta-analysis. The results of this study are: 1) the problem based learning model has an influence on the motivation to learn physics for high school students with an average effect size of 0.73 in the medium category, 2) the problem based learning model has an effect on students' science process skills with an effect size 0.62 medium category, 3) problem based learning learning model has an influence on learning motivation and physics science process skills at the level of class X, XI and XII with an effect size of 0.86 high category, 0.47 medium category and 0.28 category medium, and 4) the problem based learning model has an influence on learning motivation and science process skills on dynamic electrical material with an effect size of 2.02 in the high category. Keywords: Problem Based Learning; Motivation; Science Process Skills.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Hatta Yarid ◽  
Ariswan Ariswan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika model problem based learning melalui kegiatan fieldtrip yang layak, (2) mengidentifikasi hasil belajar fisika berupa aspek kognitif, minat belajar, dan berpikir kreatif. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development). Validasi dilakukan oleh dua dosen ahli dan uji keterbacaan diujicobakan pada peserta didik. Subjek coba dilakukan pada kelas XI SMA sebanyak 30 peserta didik. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan pedoman wawancara, angket, dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis isi dan analisis deskriptif presentase. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah: (1) perangkat pembelajaran fisika dinyatakan layak dengan kriteria baik, (2) hasil belajar pada aspek kognitif diperoleh rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 62,93, dan rata-rata kelas kontrol sebesar 57,20. Hasil minat belajar peserta didik, pada kelas eksperimen memiliki rata-rata sebesar 67,50, dan pada kelas kontrol memiliki rata-rata sebesar 65,65. Sedangkan hasil belajar berpikir kreatif peserta didik diperoleh rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 74,91, dan rata-rata kelas kontrol sebesar 65,56.Kata Kunci: model problem based learning, fieldtrip, hasil belajar, kognitif, minat belajar, berpikir kreatif, perangkat pembelajaran fisika. A Problem Based Learning Model in Physics Learning Equipment Development Through a Fieldtrip Activity in Energy Material AbstractThis research was aimed to: (1) yield a learning-based problem model of physics learning equipment through a feasible fieldtrip, (2) identify physics learning results in the forms of cognitive aspect, learning interest and learner creative thinking from physics learning implementation with a problem-based learning model through a fieldtrip activity.This was a research and development research. The validation towards learning equipment was conducted by two expert lecturers and learning equipment readable was experimented to the learners. The experimented subject was conducted in XI Senior High School grade numbered 30 learners. Data gathering instrument used  interview guide, questionnaire and observation. Data analysis was conducted by a content analysis and percentage descriptive analysis. It could be concluded that: (1) physics learning equipment was declared feasible with good criteria, (2) learning results in cognitive aspect in the experimental class obtained average of 62.93 and controlled class average of 57.20. The results of learners learning interest in the experimental class had an average of 67.50 and controlled class average was 65.56. While learning result of learner creative thinking was obtained experimental class average of 74.91 and controlled class average of 65.56. Keywords: problem-based learning model, fieldtrip, learning results, cognitive, learning interest, creative thinking, physics learning equipment

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sukarman Sukarman

This study aims to improve teacher teaching skills in applying problem based learning models through group guidance. This study was conducted on SDN 001 teachers with a total of 19 teachers, conducting research from September to October 2019. Data obtained from observation sheets that observe the actions of teachers and student activities during learning takes place. The results showed that the teaching skills of teachers in the first cycle gained an average percentage of 61% with a category that experienced an increase in cycle II with an average percentage achievement of 72% which was included in good category. The results of this study concluded that the teaching skills of SDN 001 Petai in applying the problem based learning model had increased through group guidance.

Issaura Sherly Pamela ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Asrial Asrial

Innovation is needed in learning to make meaningful learning, so the student constructs their ownknowledge from the learning experience of learning process. One of the innovations is to integrate Problem Based Learning model. Problem Based Learning involves students to be active in every problem. Eleven problems type in Problem Based Learning that have different solving steps, due to every student different metacognition character potential and can change by given treatment. This research is a pre-experimental design: the pretest-posttest control and experimental group design with embedded experimental design. The metacognition character data were analyzed qualitaively, whereas the average grade data were analyzed quantitatively. The analysis of metacognition character shows the different metacognition characters and on learning process there is improvement of student achievement from 14% to 84.4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-321
Daulat Nathanael Banjarnahor

The purpose of this study was to describe: 1) How to implement civic education and learning to develop a democratic attitude and learning participation; 2) How to design a civic education learning model based on controversial issues in the mass media to develop a democratic attitude and student learning participation; 3) Based on the public To what extent can the civic education learning model of media controversial issues develop democratic attitudes and student participation in learning? It is indeed necessary to consider adopting appropriate learning methods to improve and discover students’ understanding of the knowledge conveyed by the teacher. Learning model Problem-based learning or problem-based learning is a student-oriented or student-centered learning model. Problem-based learning models have methods to deal with real-life problems, and this learning emphasizes problem-solving investigation activities. This research is a scientific paper. When using a problem-based learning learning model, a descriptive qualitative research method with a phenomenological description type is used to describe the learning process extensively and deeply. By paying attention to and analyzing the focus of reality or field experience that occurs on the research object. The object of the study is the students of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University, and the standard of study is the students participating in the civic education seminar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 502-507
Lili Suryaningsih ◽  
Sandi Achmad Pratama

Pengembangan pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan model pembelajaran problem based learning. Model pembelajaran yang menekankan pada pengembangan keterampilan berpikir dan penyelesaian masalah. Model Pembelajaran PBL menerapkan pendekatan pemberian masalah autentik pada siswa. Pemberian masalah tersebut, siswa dapat mengumpulkan fakta, mengkonstruksi pengetahuan, menumbuh kembangkan keterampilan berpikir, melatih kemandirian, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Tahapan Problem Based Learning, yaitu (a) Mengidentifikasi masalah. (b) Mengumpulkan data. (c) Menganalisis data. (d) Memecahkan masalah berdasarkan data yang ada dan analisisnya. (e) Memilih cara untuk memecahkan masalah. (f) Merencanakan penerapan pemecahan masalah. (g) Melakukan ujicoba terhadap rancana yang ditetapkan, dan (h) Melakukan tindakan (action) untuk memecahkan masalah. Sesuai dengan tujuan PBL untuk menumbuhkan sikap ilmiah, dari beberapa bentuk PBL yang dikemukakan para ahli dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah, siswa dituntut untuk berpikir secara kritis dan ilmiah dalam melaksanakan setiap langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Untuk memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk berkreasi, ilmiah langkah berpikir dengan mengumpulkan data dari hasil belajar, kemudian siswa dapat menginterpretasikan, menganalisis, dan akhirnya sampai pada kesimpulan. sehingga diharapkan siswa belajar prestasi akan meningkat. Penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi: Buku teks, RPS, LKS serta instrumen untuk kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa yang mengacu pada model 4-D (Define, Design, Mengembangkan, dan Deiseminasi). Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif, Model Alat Pembelajaran Khusus matakuliah Filologi "Naskah Aksara" untuk Melatih Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dikategorikan “sangat baik”, ditunjuk oleh terpenuhnya enam kriteria  perangkat pembelajaran yang baik yang meliputi (a) Valid menurut validator, (b) Efektif atas kemampuan Peneliti/Dosen dalam mengelola pembelajaran, (c) Efektif bagi mahasiswa kegiatan dalam pembelajaran, (d) Positif terhadap respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran, (e) Valid, reliabel, dan peka terhadap THB, dan (f) tercapai ketuntasan belajar klasikal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Riti Desmiwati ◽  
Ratnawulan Ratnawulan ◽  
Yulkifli Yulkifli

One effort that can be done by teachers to improve the competence of students was to develop of Student Worksheet (LKPD). LKPD was said to be qualified if it has valid criteria. Valid means the developed product can be used to measure what should be measured. Validity of LKPD was assessed by experts in the field. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of LKPD experimentphysics oriented by problem based learning models be used tools practicum based on digital technology. The methode of this study was descrptive methode. The research instrument used was validation sheet in the form of assessment questionnaire. Analysis of data used descriptive analysis. The validation result was obtained LKPD physics experiment oriented Problem Based Learning model with tools of practicum based on digital technology was valid criteria.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Imam Suwardi ◽  
Panut Setiono

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kevalidan, kepraktisan dan kemenarikan untuk produk pengembangan materi keterampilan mengajar berbasis Problem Based Learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Jambi yang disusun kedalam bentuk modul belajar. Langkah – langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini mengikuti langkah – langkah Model Dick, Carrey & Carrey (2009) yang disederhanakan menjadi sembilan dari sepuluh langkah yang ada. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu angket validasi ahli angket kepraktisan dari teman sejawat dan uji kemenarikan dari mahasiswa. Dari hasil uji kelayakan produk pengembangan pada hasil uji validasi ahli mendapat skor presentase sebesar 84,62%, produk yang sudah dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan. Uji kepraktisan berdasarkan hasil tanggapan dosen terhadap modul belajar sebesar 91,2 %, produk yang dikembangkan masuk dalan kategori kriteria digunakan tanpa revisi. Pada uji kepraktisan melalui tanggapan perserta didik diperoleh hasil dengan presentase rata-rata sebesar 75,16%, hasil ini berada pada tingkat kualifikasi layak. Kata Kunci: problem based learning, kompetensi pedagogik Abstract This study aims to obtain validity, practicality and attractiveness for the development of teaching skills based on Problem Based Learning materials to improve the pedagogical competence of students of the Jambi University Language and Literature Education Study Program at the University of Jambi which is organized into learning modules. The steps taken in this study follow the steps of Model Dick, Carrey & Carrey (2009) which are simplified into nine of the ten steps. The instruments used in this study were expert validation questionnaires from practical questionnaires from peers and tests of student interest. From the results of the product development feasibility test on the results of the expert validation test got a percentage score of 84.62%, the products that have been developed are very feasible to use. Practicality test based on the results of the lecturers' responses to the learning module was 91.2%, the products developed in the criteria category were used without revision. In the practicality test through student responses obtained results with an average percentage of 75.16%, these results are at the level of eligibility. Keywords: problem based learning, pedagogic competence

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