scholarly journals Ethics of local government heads: A study of leadership in Surabaya, Bandung, and Purwakarta, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 406
Mohammad Taufik ◽  
Bambang Irawan ◽  
Etika Khairina ◽  
Mochammad Iqbal Fadhlurrohman ◽  
Paisal Akbar

The most significant aspect of a leader’s behavior is ethics because it is a guideline for interacting, acting, and involving in government in an ethical manner without abusing power. This article aims to find out how the ethics of regional heads are applied in the administration of regional government. The research method used was qualitative with a literature study approach. Data collection was done by literature study by collecting various materials from books, journals, research results, and mass media (news). The results of research conducted on three districts/cities in Indonesia involving three leaders of the Mayor of Surabaya, the Mayor of Bandung, and the Regent of Purwakarta in 2015 show some real examples of regional heads who apply ethical values in their leadership, which can be seen from their performance and competence as well as ideas (innovation) and relationships with the community. It has gone well by applying ethical principles in its performance such as accountability, transparency, legal assurance, and justice. Competence in leadership includes the application of ethical values including emotional intelligence, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. This study concludes that government ethics greatly influence the implementation and desired results, as well as on leadership, which will affect the performance carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Nevy Rusmarina Dewi ◽  
Wahyu Khoiruzzaman ◽  
Muhammad Fatwa Fauzian ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

ABSTRACTThe radicalism movement is currently one of the centres of attention of the Indonesian government because several incidents have repeatedly occurred in Indonesia. The radicalism movement is a concept that wish changes in society using a narrow religious understanding base which usually leads to bomb terror acts. The Central Java region is one area that is often used as the basis of radicalism movements spreading across various regions. The government cooperates with several Islamic organizations, one of which is (Nahdlatul Ulama), to take part in preventing radicalism that can threaten the integrity of the nation and state. This article aims to reveal the role of Nahdlatul Ulama's national politics in repressing the radicalism movement in Indonesia, especially in the Pati Regency area. The research method applied is qualitative with a literature study approach and through interviews. The NU Branch Leader (PCNU) made several programs to repress radicalism in the Pati Regency area, among others, by solidifying students in the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) by holding Basic Leadership Training (LDK) in collaboration with the National Military Forces (TNI) and academics. In addition, Ansor and Banser of Pati Regency were active in conducting discussions with the theme of counteracting radicalism. These activities by Nahdlatul Ulama are effective in repressing radicalism in the Pati Branch area.  Keywords: national politics; radicalism; PCNU Pati Kabupaten.ABSTRAKGerakan radikalisme pada saat ini menjadi salah satu pusat perhatian pemerintah Indonesia karena berulang kali aksi ini terjadi di Indonesia. Gerakan radikalisme merupakan paham yang menginginkan perubahan dalam masyarakat yang seringnya menggunakan dasar pemahaman agama yang sempit yang biasanya berujung pada aksi teror bom. Wilayah Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sering menjadi basis gerakan radikalisme yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Pemerintah menggandeng beberapa ormas Islam salah satunya adalah Nahdlatul Ulama yang ikut andil dalam rangka pencegahan radikalisme yang dapat mengancam keutuhan bangsa dan negara.  Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap peran politik kebangsaan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam membendung gerakan radikalisme di Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Pati. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur serta melalui wawancara. PCNU membuat beberapa program yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka membendung radikalisme di wilayah Kabupaten Pati antara lain dengan mensolidkan para pelajar dalam Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (IPNU) dengan mengadakan Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) yang bekerjasama dengan TNI maupun akademisi.  Selain itu Ansor dan Banser Kabupaten Pati aktif untuk melakukan diskusi dengan tema menangkal radikalisme. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut efektif dalam rangka membendung radikalisme oleh Nahdlatul Ulama di wilayah Cabang Pati.Kata kunci: politik kebangsaan; radikalisme; PCNU Kabupaten Pati.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Eartha Beatricia Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This study aims to describe the representation of sex education in the film Dua Garis Biru by director Gina S. Noer. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two-way significance and the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The subjects of this study are Dara and Bima, the object of this study is a sign of sex education represented in scenes, dialogues, and characters in films. Methods of data collection by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of how Dara and Bima, two teenagers, must be responsible for the consequences that they did not think of before due to free sex. This film also illustrates the important role of parents in communicating information about sex to children. The results of this study indicate that there is a picture of sex education in the film Two Blue Lines. It was concluded that the side or form of sex education is displayed in scenes, dialogues, or characters that insert the importance of knowing sex education and knowing the consequences of every action related to sex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan representasi pendidikan seks  dalam Film Dua Garis Biru karya sutradara Gina S. Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dengan signifikan dua arah dan pemaknaan denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dara dan Bima, objek penelitian ini adalah tanda pendidikan seks yang direpresentasikan dalam adegan, dialog, dan karakter dalam film. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Film Dua Garis Biru bercerita tentang bagaimana Dara dan Bima, dua remaja harus bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi yang tidak mereka pikirkan sebelumnya karena melakukan seks pranikah. Film ini juga menggambarkan pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang seks kepada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gambaran tentang pendidikan seks dalam film. Sisi atau bentuk pendidikan seks ditampilkan dalam cuplikan adegan, dialog, atau karakter tokoh yang menyisipkan pentingnya mengenal pendidikan seks dan mengetahui konsekuensi dari setiap perbuatan yang berhubungan dengan seks.

2021 ◽  
pp. 243
I Made Oddie Gupta Wardana ◽  
Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ari Mayadewi

Perceptions of pedestrian convenience on the pedestrian path of Gajah Mada Street Denpasar. Gajah Mada Street as an economic and tourist area requires good and comfortable physical infrastructure to support easy accessibility and circulation of visitors to the area. One of the physical infrastructures is a pedestrian lanewhich functions as an access to support pedestrian activities. The purpose of this study was to identify the physical conditions of the pedestrian paths and to determine the perception of pedestrian comfort on the pedestrian path at Gajah Mada Street. The research method used in this research is a survey method byperforming primary data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires and secondary data through literature study. Based on the research conducted, it is known that there are physical conditions and supporting facilities for the damaged pedestrian paths, in the form of materials and street furniture such as: seats, trash cans and roadside plants. Based on the assessment of perceptional respondents about the condition of pedestrian path has been considered comfortable and safe. The suggestion of this research is that it is necessary to improve the physical condition of the damaged pedestrians. The purpose of improving pedestrian facilities and infrastructure is to facilitate the pedestrians in order to be comfortable and safe in carrying outactivities on the pedestrian path.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Cici Afifatul Hasanah ◽  
Ayu Ferliana ◽  
Depict Pristine Adi

The purpose of this study is describe feminism and the resilience of women in the world of work in Indonesia and Iceland. Feminism as a system of ideas, as a framework and study of social life and human experience that evolved from a women-centered perspective. In Indonesia and Iceland, this is a long history as a reflection of the responsibility regarding the reality of gender inequality. In this study researchers used a research method with the type of literature study. Data collection techniques that utilize secondary data obtained through the library and then described and analyzed to extract from the literature such as books, journals, report, documents and other materials that support this research. Based on the results and discussion that has been presented, it can be concluded that feminism is increasingly developing and being recognized by the world. Feminism and the resilience of women in these two countries have shown that women have great opportunities in the development of the world of work, politics and other fields. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan dalam dunia kerja di Indonesia dan Islandia. Feminisme sebagai sistem gagasan,   sebagai kerangka kerja dan studi kehidupan sosial dan pengalaman manusia yang berevolusi dari perpsektif yang berpusat pada perempuan. Di Indonesia dan Islandia, hal ini adalah sejarah panjang sebagai cerminan dari tanggung jawab tentang realitas ketidaksetaraan gender. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis kajian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik penelitian kepustakaan yang memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui perpustakaan kemudian di deskripsikan dan dianalisis untuk disarikan dari literatur seperti buku, jurnal, laporan, dokumen dan bahan lain yang mendukung penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dipaparkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa feminisme semakin lama semakin berkembang dan diakui oleh dunia. Feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan di dua negara ini sudah menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan memiliki peluang besar dalam perkembangan dunia kerja, politik dan bidang lainnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ida Aroyani ◽  
Hasanudin Hasanudin ◽  
Husni Husni

This study aims to 1) determine the values ​​of Aqidah Education in "Novel MARS How Meaningful a Mother in My Life" by Aishworo Ang. 2) find out the relevance of Aqidah Education Values ​​in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother is in My Life" by Aishworo Ang with current Islamic education. The research method used by the author is content analysis. This analysis is used by the writer to reveal, understand and capture literary works. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are literature study techniques or documentation by examining various writings related to the object of research. The collected data were then analyzed using the stages of data processing, categorization, and data interpretation. After analyzing the data, the authors obtained the following conclusions: 1) The values ​​of aqidah education in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" by Aishworo Ang includes: a) Illahiyat, (a matter of divinity such as about His Essence) b ) Nubuwat, (prophetic issues, scriptures, etc.) c) Ruhaniyat (unseen problems such as spirits, angels, jinn, etc.) d) Sam'iyyat, (problems that can be known through revelation, such as barzhakh , heaven, hell and others) 2) The Relevance of Aqidah Educational Values ​​in Aishworo Ang's Novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure is in My Life" with current Islamic education, which is in accordance with the aims of education aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian people, namely humans having faith and fearing God Almighty, this is in line with the contents of the story in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" which generally contains the values ​​of faith, including faith in Alla. h, faith in the book of Allah, faith in the Angel of God, faith in the Prophet, faith in the Last Day, and faith in the destiny of Allah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Syahrul Ibad ◽  
Musdalifah Musdalifah

This study discusses political parties reviewing strategies in gaining mass support, the strategy carried out by political parties is to achieve predetermined goals which in this case are referred to as the vision and mission of political parties using techniques, tricks, methods and implementation of tasks by utilizing party structure, so that the work program is in accordance with the wishes of the community. Meanwhile, to uncover the strategy of political parties in gaining mass support, a library research method or approach is used. Literature study or literature can be interpreted as a series of activities related to library data collection methods, reading and recording and processing research materials. Research results show that strategy of political parties in gaining the support of the masses is always trying to fix the party from the party's internal and external parties, so that the party can provide a better change for the community through political party programs and through power struggles in general elections.Penelitian ini membahas tentang partai politik tinjauan strategi dalam meraih dukungan massa, strategi yang dilakukan partai politik ialah untuk mencapai tujuan yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya yang dalam hal ini disebut sebagai dengan visi dan misi partai politik dengan menggunakan teknik, trik, cara maupun pelaksanaan tugas dengan memamfaatkan struktur partai, sehingga program kerja sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat. Sedangkan untuk mengungkap strategi partai politik dalam meraih dukungan massa digunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan, Studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi partai politik dalam meraih dukungan massa adalah selalu berusaha membenahi partai dari internal partai maupun ekternal partai, sehingga partai bisa memberikan perubahan yang lebih baik bagi masyarakat melalui program partai politik maupun melalui perebutan kekuasaan dalam pemilihan umum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Subhannur Rahman, Yumi Baida Rahmah

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that attacks a part of the body's metabolism that makes a patient a change in behavior. Behavior change along with the treatment process, if the management of the behavior change is good then the healing process also becomes effective. Spiritual needs are ways that can help management change patient behavior. Objective: This study aims to determine the spiritual needs of patients with diabetic ulcers. Method: This study uses a literature study approach used several sources selected based on criteria established by researchers. Results: From 10 journals obtained and conducted a literature review of spiritual needs that were met when the patient met the criteria described in a good relationship to interpersonal, intrapersonal, transpersonal. Conclusion: The problem with poor self-management in people with diabetes mellitus is when a lack of self-motivation makes the healing process ineffective, the spiritual needs that are met the best coping, because the subconscious will create patterns of thought, emotional, and motivation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 173
Muhammad Nur Yamin ◽  
Novita Sari

The study aims to determine the application of regional leadership ethics with local wisdom of Siri na Pacce  Makassar ethnic community seen from the values contained in it, namely  Appau Tojeng, Lambusu’, Jarrek, Sipakatau, Annyomba ri Karaeng La taala, and pacce. Continuity in the application of leadership values is reflected in the nature of leadership in the District Gowa Regency. The research method is descriptive qualitative, and the focus of research is on the leadership of the Regent of the Gowa Regency. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data on the research results were processed with the analysis technique model Miles and Huberman (2014). The results of the study show that local leadership ethics are still applied to a number of values, namely Appau Tojeng is applied through the union of words and actions taken; Jarrek  is implemented through accountability for achieving the organization's vision and mission; Lambusu’ is applied through open information delivery; Sipakatau is implemented through the provision of benefits, Annyomba ri Karaeng Allah Taala  is implemented through religious activities carried out within the scope of his administration; and pacce is applied through caring for employees and the community. Evidence of the importance of applying the ethical values of local cultural heritage to the organization's leadership, so that leaders, employees, and communities can create a good governance atmosphere

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Heksa Biopsi Puji Hastuti

Meoli spell present as one performance package within custom ritual called meoli ritual. Meoli ritual is a politeness expression of the perpetrators in expressing the purpose of request permission or apology to the sangia as the ruler of nature when opening the land to grow crops. This study examines the value of politeness in the meoli spell with the ethnopoetic approach. The issues raised are how has the politeness value existed in the meoli spell. By applying qualitative research method, data collection is done by observation, interview, and literature study. From the analysis, it is known that the value of politeness in the meoli mantra embodies the priority scale in which the preferred is the custom observer, followed by an apology by mentioning the whole of the target, newly expressed by the expression of intent and hope as the core message of the meoli spell. The beautiful way of disclosure also supports the value of politeness in the meoli spell

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Fani Fadliyani ◽  
Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal ◽  
Muhamad Aris Munawar

This study aims: (1) to determine the morals of students in SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (2) to determine the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (3) to find out the results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The purpose of this study was to determine the morals of students, the implementation of Islamic Personal Development and to find out the results of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. This study used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. This study used data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data used are primary data obtained directly from respondents regarding the implementation of Islamic Personal Development. Meanwhile, secondary data in the form of theories and other supporting data were obtained from literature and school archives documentation. All of these data are materials to describe the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The morals of the students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City are good enough. (2) Implementation of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City, namely through coaching which includes guidance by exemplary, guidance with habituation and guidance with advice (3) The results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in fostering the morals of students at the Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City are quite good, where students have been able to show behavior according to the existing indicators, including being able to carry out congregational prayers and prayers. sunnah dhuha and qiyamullail, reciting dhikr after every prayer and so on.

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