Jurnal Socius ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
Rusmaniah Rusmaniah

Trackling the problem and children drop out of school is the responsibility of the state and public. One of the solution is through Bina Remaja Sosial Institution Budi Satria South Kalimantan Province.To accusedof coaching froam Bina Remaja Sosial Institution Budi Satria South Kalimantan Province, researchers focused matter as the following. (1) factors teenagers dropping out of school (2) the implementation guidance moral (3) by factors in support and factors barrier for developing moral. This research designed with descriptive qualitative design and using a list of queations as instrument interview in data collection. Based on the result of this research found that (1) tha process of servise training at Bina Remaja Sosial Institution Budi Satria South Kalimantan Province namely planning stages, the approach of early stage, stage services for panti, stage of the distribution, guidance advanced stage, termination. (2) the factors causing the teenager drop out of school namely economic factors, drop out , and family that lacking a harmonious.(3) by factors in support the implementation of the guidance among other people around, learning environment conducive, funding from the regional government, cooperation with outside , and cooperation among employees. (4) factors obstacles in the implementation of the guidance among other habits ugly beneficiaries who carried away into an environment panti, the son of princess promiscuity, background beneficiares different, a lack of facilities and infrastructure, and lack of the number of instructors. Keywords:Guidance, social institution, teenager, dropping out of school.Melacak masalah dan anak putus sekolah adalah tanggung jawab negara dan masyarakat. Satu solusinya adalah melalui Lembaga Bina Remaja Sosial Budi Satria Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Untuk dituduh melakukan pembinaan, Bina Remaja Sosial Institution Budi Satria Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, peneliti memfokuskan perhatian sebagai berikut. (1) faktor remaja putus sekolah (2) pedoman pelaksanaan moral (3) oleh faktor pendukung dan faktor penghalang untuk pengembangan moral. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan daftar antri sebagai instrumen wawancara dalam pengumpulan data.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa (1) prosesi pelatihan servis di Bina Remaja Sosial Budi Satria Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan yaitu tahap perencanaan, pendekatan tahap awal, pelayanan panggung untuk panti, tahap pendistribusian, panduan stadium lanjut. , Penghentian (2) faktor penyebab remaja putus sekolah yaitu faktor ekonomi, putus sekolah, dan keluarga yang kurang harmonis. (3) Faktor pendukung dalam mendukung pelaksanaan bimbingan antara orang lain disekitarnya, belajar lingkungan kondusif, dana dari Pemerintah daerah, kerjasama dengan pihak luar, dan kerjasama antar karyawan. (4) faktor hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan antara lain kebiasaan penerima manfaat jelek yang terbawa ke lingkungan panti, anak pergaulan putri, latar belakang berbeda, kekurangan sarana dan prasarana, dan minimnya jumlah instruktur.Kata kunci: Bimbingan, lembaga sosial, remaja, putus sekolah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Vanessa Vanessa ◽  
Fitri Eriyanti

This article describe the factors that cause fishermen children who drop out of school in Pasia Nan Tigo Subdistrict Koto Tangah Padang City. In this study, it was intended to find out what are the factors taht cause fishermen’s children to drop out of school in Pasia Nan TigoVillage. This Research uses qualitative approach, and research type using descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study through interviews, observations and documentation studies, instruments in this study are interview guidelines that have been prepared, as well as mobile phones to collect data in research. In the research data reduction can be drawn conclusions from the data taht has been obtained. The results showed that the factors that cause fishermen to drop out of school in Pasia Nan Tigo Village are the economic factors of parents, the environment,parents’ awareness about the meaning of education, workfactors and interest an motivation factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Prince Mokoena ◽  
Adrian D. van Breda

South Africa, like many countries, has high numbers of learners who do not complete secondary schooling. This reduces these young people’s chances of finding work or of earning a better salary. It is thus important to understand the factors that contribute to high school dropout. In the study reported on here we investigated the factors that caused a number of female learners to drop out and return to high school in a rural community in Mpumalanga. The learners provided 3 reasons for dropping out of school: pregnancy, illness and immigration. The analysis of these factors suggests 3 underlying themes that influence the ability of children to remain in school, viz. health, policies and structures, and poverty. The implications of these and recommendations to address them are discussed. The authors argue that greater interdepartmental efforts are required to support vulnerable girls to remain in school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Tamliha Harun

The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) at SMPN 3 Banjarbaru, Cempaka Subdistrict, Banjarbaru City, is it in accordance with the Regulation of the Director General of Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 1881 / D / BP / 2019 concerning Guidelines for Implementing the Smart Indonesia Program at the Basic Education level. This research is a descriptive study, with data collection techniques interview, observation, and documentation, then the results are analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that: a. Implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIH), through the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) at SMPN 3 Banjarbaru has been running well and effectively, in accordance with applicable regulations; b. The number of students receiving assistance from the Smart Indonesia Program through the Smart Indonesia Card at SMPN 3 Banjarbaru was 228 students. However, there are some people who actually no longer meet the requirements, because the income of the parents / guardians of the students concerned has increased from before. KIP recipient students, the process of recapitulation, verification and input of student KIP recipient student data to Dapodik, until the disbursement and use of KIP funds by recipient students; d. The Smart Indonesia Program (PIH), through the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) at SMPN 3 Banjarbaru, is very beneficial for students from poor or underprivileged families, so that the number of students dropping out of school can be reduced; e. However, there were still some students who received KIP or their guardians who did not understand the use of KIP funds, so they were used to finance expenses outside the context of their educational / school needs. 

Pedro Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez ◽  
David López-Aguilar ◽  
María Olga González-Morales ◽  
Rocío Peña-Vázquez

The relationship between engagement and the intention to drop out was the focus of this research. Following an empirical–analytical approach, a sample of 1,122 university students responded to a questionnaire designed to measure the engagement and the intention to drop out of school. The results confirmed that undergraduates who considered dropping out had lower scores on the engagement scale. These data are relevant for the adoption of preventive measures against academic dropouts.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (5) ◽  
pp. 598-603 ◽  
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes ◽  
Mary J. Lopez

We evaluate how intensified interior immigration enforcement impacts the likelihood that children of unauthorized immigrants will repeat a grade or drop out of school. Using a weighted index of the intensity of interior immigration enforcement at the MSA level, we find that increased enforcement has the largest impact on younger children ages 6 to 13. The estimates, which account for the non-random residential location of children and their families, reveal that increased enforcement raises young children's probability of repeating a grade by 6 percent and their likelihood of dropping out of school by 25.2 percent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Sisrika Hayatul Rahmi ◽  
Wisroni Wisroni

This research was motivated by the high independence of school dropouts in Jorong Koto Baru Lembah Gumanti District, Solok Regency, which was marked by their own income and their participation in community activities. The independence of teenagers dropping out of school was allegedly due to the efforts of parents in establishing their independence. The total population in this study were 25 teenagers who dropped out of school with a sampling of 60% so that there were 15 people. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive with percentage calculation. The results of the study found that, (1) the opportunity given by parents, (2) communication conducted by parents, and (3) the responsibility given in the formation of independence in Jorong Koto Baru was categorized as very good.Keywords: Efforts, Independence

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-75
Birgit Brock-Utne ◽  
Torill Aagot Halvorsen ◽  
Mwajuma Vuzo

Both in developing countries in the South and developed countries in the North a large portion of pupils from each cohort drop out or, maybe more correctly described, are pushed out of school each year. In the South, there is also a considerable portion of school-aged children who do not attend school at all. The article examines selected data collected from ethnographic interviews, during a Norwegian ongoing longitudinal project, and a survey in Tanzania, and other developing countries. We ask the questions: What are the reasons for this situation? Are the reasons the same in the South as in the North? In this article examples will be given from a country in the North, Norway and a country in the South, Tanzania. What do we know about the reasons for dropping out of school in these two countries? Who are the children dropping out? From which social class do they come? Are they from urban or rural areas? Were there more boys or more girls? What happens to the children after they drop out of school? How much is the school itself to blame for the situation? How relevant is what is learnt in school to the life children lead and their job prospects? What could have been done differently in order to retain children in school in the South, exemplified by Tanzania, and the North exemplified by Norway?

2014 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-194 ◽  
Eureka B. Mokibelo

Among San communities in Botswana, the rate of student disengagement from both primary and junior secondary school is an ongoing concern for educators. San learners leave school at all levels of primary and junior secondary education. Students who leave school have tended not to provide reasons as to why they are dropping out. This study investigated some of the reasons why San learners decided to drop out at primary and junior secondary school levels in the Central District in Botswana. In-depth interviews were undertaken with 20 former students living in five cattle-posts where the participants worked as cattle herders. The results indicate that some San drop out of school for reasons of survival, both within and outside school. The findings of the study offer insights into some of the issues that impede students within San communities in achieving their educational goals. Further, the findings could assist educational authorities in their review of current educational practices in Botswana so that that all citizens can be appropriately accommodated within the education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-220
Muhammad Arwan Rosyadi ◽  
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin ◽  
Anisa Puspa Rani ◽  
Taufiq Ramdani

The high dropout rate in West Nusa Tenggara is a worrying fact behind the incessanteducation programs such as Law No. 20 of 2013 which requires 20 percent of the statebudget for education. In 2017, as many as 80 school-aged children in Guntur Macanvillage, Gunung Sari sub-district, West Lombok Regency were not in school. Besides theexternal factors (family economy) which are considered as the dominant factors causingdropout students, there is a personal initiative factor that encourages adolescents to takeaction to drop out of school. This research aims to understand: (1) the internal motives ofindividuals who encourage teenagers to drop out of school, (2) subjective knowledge aboutdropouts in teenagers dropping out of school, and (3) the form of externalizing the meaningin daily life - specifically in education and economics. This study used a qualitative researchmethod with a phenomenological approach. Then, the subjects of the study are teenagerswho dropped out of school in Guntur Macan Village. The focus and unit of analysis in thisstudy are the motives, subjective meanings, and externalization of individual actors(informants). This study finds out various motives and subjective meanings of studentdropout school. After dropping out of school, externalization in the field of education, themajority took the form of "other externalization", and the minority attended courses at theVocational Training Center. While in the economic field, the majority of teenagers droppingout of school are construction workers (peladen), and the minority are mechanics. Based onthe identification of motives, subjective meaning, and externalization of teenagers whodropped out of school in Guntur Macan Village, three categories of dropping out of schoolactions were obtained; conventional, conditional, and constructional.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 163 ◽  
Abdelaziz Razouki ◽  
Laila Rafouk ◽  
Widad Bouab ◽  
Khadija EL Hariri ◽  
Abdelhakim Alagui ◽  

Dropping out of school has been a major concern at the Moroccan university for several years and is apparent in several university reports.  28% to 30% of students drop out in their first year. The risk factors for dropping out are numerous. The risk of dropping out of school is higher for a student from a disadvantageous social background than for those from a privileged background, with identical academic skills. Research shows that many factors, such as anxiety, uncertainty, Lack of guidance, isolation or alienation, academic difficulties, teaching methods and the teachers’ attitude are key determinants of students’ disengagement from their studies. Actions have been taken by the Moroccan government to reduce this phenomenon; particularly in the form of the “Programme d’Urgence” launched by the Ministry (2008-2012), but the situation has not improved significantly.This publication reports the results of a research conducted at the Cadi Ayyad University since 2015. The tool used to run this investigation is a questionnaire while withdrawing their baccalaureate’s degree from the student affairs service, canceling their registration.

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