scholarly journals Kesiapan Generasi Milenial Sebagai Role Model di Era New Normal

Riesty Amaylia Safitri

<em>In 2020, the year the demographic bonus begins, the millennial generation is in the age range of 20 years to 40 years. This age is a productive age which is predicted to be the backbone of Indonesia's change. However, before achieving the optimization of the demographic bonus which is considered to have a positive impact, Indonesia was first hit by the Covid-19 outbreak with a very fast transmission. Not wanting to linger in uncertainty when the pandemic will end, the Government finally decided to live side by side with Cov19, one of which was by issuing a New Normal policy with the aim of keeping people productive and safe from Covid-19 during the pandemic. Therefore, the community needs a role model that can be used as an ideal role model and example. The millennial generation with all the characteristics and skills they have in this phase is seen as being able to become a role model in facing rapid changes and new orders in society. The approach used is a qualitative approach using literature study methods from books, journals and other sources relevant to the title. The result of this paper is that the productive age of the millennial generation has been in the take off phase, meaning that it can be used as a role model by the community.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Alif Octaviawan Yudiansyah

Community empowerment is very important for the community, especially the government itself because these activities have a positive impact on the surrounding environment. Community empowerment is also one way for people to work together to make the program that has been issued a success. This study provides an overview of the implementation of community empowerment in the ‘Jogo Tonggo’ program initiated by the Central Java Provincial Government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and looks at the impacts and strategies of the Central Java Provincial Government in reducing the number of people exposed to Covid-19. This study used a qualitative approach with a literature study method in the form of a review of the Jogo Tonggo new normal era program based on references and data in the field. The results showed that this program was also responded positively by the people of Central Java so that even in the new normal, the government did not hesitate to implement the program to reduce the level of people exposed to Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 423-433
Dana R. Buana ◽  
Masayu N. Juwita

The development of religious extremism in Indonesia continues to increase every year so that serious attention is needed by the government to deal with religious extremism in Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelagic country where there are various ethnic groups and religions that coexist. However, the development of religious extremism sometimes becomes a serious problem for the Indonesian people because it can have a negative impact and damage the unity between nations and religions. This research uses literature study. This research method is carried out by reviewing various literatures, both books, newspapers, survey reports, academic journals related to religious extremism in Indonesia. The results show that not all religious extremism has an impact on the emergence of terrorism, but the government still must make the right policies in handling religious extremism that can cause division and affect peoples welfare. The policies that have been made by the government are considered appropriate and based on the laws that have been set by the government so that they can have a positive impact in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-97
Rina Anggraini ◽  
Dhea Ananda Putri

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a real enemy for all levels of society, both from the middle to upper and lower middle classes, because this pandemic does not only attack the health aspects but all aspects of life, both in terms of economy, religion to lifestyle so that with this condition the government implements the order. a new life called New Normal. The following article is a literature study on how monetary policy is in maintaining the Indonesian economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic and will be reviewed from a sharia perspective, and will see whether government policies are fair and not only benefit certain parties. The method used is to review several research results that have been published in journals that explain the Covid-19 Pandemic and the policies taken by the government. The findings of this study inform that monetary policy is indeed influential in suppressing the inflation rate and can achieve economic stability, and the more obvious thing is that the government and a set of policy makers have been very fast in responding to the impacts arising from the Covid-19 pandemic undermining the global economy with policy stimuli that have been drawn up to fight the pandemic. From the point of view of sharia, the policies taken by the government already have a very good goal, namely meeting the needs of the people is fair and mashlahah is the main goal, the policies carried out by the government are conceptual and seen from the sharia side it is very good and upholds the welfare of the people. Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi musuh nyata bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat baik dari kalangan menengah ke atas maupun menengah kebawah, karena pandemic ini tidak hanya menyerang aspek kesehatan melainkan seluruh aspek kehidupan, baik dari segi ekonomi, religi hingga gaya hidup sehingga dengan keadaan ini pemerintah menerapkan tatanan kehidupan baru yang disebut New Normal. Tulisan berikut ini adalah studi literature tentang bagaimana kebijakan moneter dalam menjaga perekonomian Indonesia ditengah masa pandemic Covid-19 dan akan ditinjau berdasarkan perspektif syariah, serta akan melihat apakah kebijakan pemerintah sudah adil dan tidak hanya menguntungkan pihak tertentu. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengkaji beberapa hasil penelitian yang pernah dimuat pada jurnal-jurnal yang menjelaskan seputar Pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah. Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa kebijakan moneter memang berpengaruh dalam menekan laju inflasi dan dapat mencapai kestabilan perekonomian, dan hal yang lebih nyata pada saat ini pemerintah dan seperangkat pembuat kebijakannya sudah dengan sangat cepat dalam menanggapi dampak-dampak yang timbul akibat pandemic Covid-19 yang telah merusak perekonomian global dengan stimulus- stimulus kebijakan yang telah disusun demi melawan pandemic. Dari sudut pandang syariah, kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah sudah memiliki tujuan yang sangat baik, yaitu pemenuhan kebutuhan rakyat sudah adil dan mashlahah menjadi tujuan utama, pada intinya kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah secara konseptual dan dilihat dari sisi syariah sudah sangat baik dan menjunjung tinggi kesejahteraan rakyat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
I Gusti Agung Febrianto

The tourism sector has been predicted to be the second largest source of foreign exchange contribution in Indonesia, but the Covid 19 pandemic has made this sector sluggish. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has made various efforts so that this sector can return to normal. Starting from restricting people traveling, using masks when going out and always washing hands. At the time of tourism in the Covid 19 era, it is believed that millennial generation tourists will continue to carry out their activities. The millennial generation is relatively bolder when traveling on tour when compared to previous generations. With the opening of tourism in the Covid 19 era, the millennial generation will immediately carry out tourism travel activities. Perception is the process of an individual selecting, organizing, and interpreting information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. Millennial generation tourists' perceptions focus on risks when traveling. Contracting the covid 19 virus is the biggest risk. Attitude is an evacuation of trust for positive feelings or negative feelings from someone if they have to do behavior that will determine. Attitude is a characteristic that is owned by a person in forming a character, this character is a principle that is owned and is static or difficult to change. The number of respondents in this study were 100 tourists. The results of this study are the perceptions of millennial tourists towards tourism in the new normal era prioritizing the quality of health protocols both in hotels, restaurants, transportation, and in tourist objects. Similarly, the attitude of millennial tourists towards tourism in the new normal era is more concerned about health and hygiene when traveling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Agus Mauluddin

By 2050 about 70% of the world's population will live in cities. Now it is around 54%. In Indonesia, for example, BPS noted that the proportion of Indonesia's population living in urban areas was 49% in 2010 and in 2018 it was around 55%. Interestingly, in 2020 the percentage of the population living in urban areas will be dominated by the millennial generation (in the age range of 20-40 years), who are in fact of the productive age. This trend is inseparable from the urbanization factor (the process of becoming urban). With a literature study: reviews of various international and national journals, as well as literature sources for books and documents, this study argues the need for an urban socio-spatial policy in Indonesia that can adjust urban functions from the response to potential demographic changes that change naturally in society. Urban spatial planning must adjust to the conditions of the urban population, which is dominated by millennial generations. This generation will be an opportunity or vice versa to become a challenge and even a threat to Indonesia's progress in the future.

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 273-276
Mochamad Soelton ◽  
Tati Nugrahati ◽  
Rajab Ritonga

Adolescence is a time of rapid changes in the process of physical, cognitive and psychosocial or behavioral andhormonal growth. At the age of adolescence, namely the age range of 15 to 18 years adolescents will experiencethe first puberty, even some children experience puberty more quickly, which is around 10-13 years. In puberty,there is a strong urge that comes from within the individual to know something that he had neverknown. Circumstances like this that encourage adolescents in this case to try new things in life, including freesex (free sex). Sexual activity via mobile phones has now mushroomed in the community. Do not know thebeginning of when it began, but certainly there are many who know if sex can be done via cellular phone. Theactivity of having sex through a cellular phone is called phone sex. Telephone sex (Phone Sex) is a type ofvirtual sex that refers more to explicit sexual conversations that occur between two or more people over thetelephone especially when one participant or sex partner masturbates or performs sexual fantasies. Phone Sex (PS) is a sexual activity carried out by listening on a cellular phone. Providing sex education for children is the responsibility of all parties: parents, teachers, the community and the government. It becomes a preventivemeasure that can be applied early, by providing sex education for their children, especially in Early ChildhoodEducation

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Musa Taklima

<p>The research aims to find out Maslahah's review of people's transport activities by using a motorcycle (Ojek) and the urgency of legal protection for consumers of transportation by using a motorcycle (ojek). The research method used is normative juridical with a doctrinal approach that relies on secondary data sources consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials obtained through literature study, and analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of the study, first, Mashlahah's review of the Transportation of People by Motorcycle (Ojek) is a "mashlahah transportation solution" for the needs of the community to meet their transportation needs. Second, the Urgency of Legal Protection Against Consumers of Transportation of People with Motorcycle (Ojek) is no longer negotiable to be done by providing legal certainty of motorcycle taxi legality through revision of Law No. 22 of 2009. Recommendations from the results of this study are: first, the government needs to translate its obligations in providing public transport that can be accessed by all levels of society and also embody its obligations in providing legal protection for consumers, secondly, Law No. 22 of 2009 which is still relatively new is apparently unable to provide justice to ojek drivers who have contributed significantly to community needs for transportation, therefore Law No. 22 of 2009 needs to be revised and accommodate ojek as a public transport.</p><p> </p>Penelitian memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan Maslahah terhadap aktivitas angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (Ojek) dan urgensitas perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (ojek) tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan doktrinal yang bertumpu kepada sumber data sekunder  yang terdiri dari bahan hokum primer, sekunder dan tersier yang didapat melalui studi pustaka, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian, pertama, tinjauan Mashlahah terhadap Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) adalah “solusi angkutan yang mashlahah” bagi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasinya. Kedua, Urgensi Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) tidak bias ditawar lagi untuk dilakukan dengan cara memberikan kepastian hukum legalitas angkutan ojek melalui revisi Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2009. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: pertama, pemerintah perlu menterjemahkan kewajibannya dalam menyediakan angkutan umum yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh lapisan masarakat dan juga mengejawantahkan kewajibanya dalam memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen, kedua, Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 yang masih tergolong baru ternyata tidak mampu memberikan keadilan kepada pengojek yang sudah berkontribusi signifikan bagi kebutuhan masyakat terhadap tranportasi, oleh karena itu Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 perlu direvisi dan mengakomodir angkutan ojek sebagai angkutan umum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 00009
Nurul Hayati

<p class="Abstract">The community is one of the sectors that is heavily affected by the situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting from urban communities to rural communities, they are required to be able to adapt to changes that have occurred due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not only the order of people's lives that changed from previously all activities could be carried out freely outside the home without being restricted by anything, but the current condition is that all activities are limited, for activities outside the home must comply with the Covid-19 health protocol . This has a profound impact on the welfare of the community, with restrictions on activities outside the home making people helpless, many employees or laborers are laid off, the economy deteriorates. In response to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, it has entered a new normal life. This research tries to elaborate on this phenomenon, especially related to the optimization of empowerment as an effort to increase the potential of people in the new normal era. The method used is literature study. The findings in this study, namely that in community empowerment in the new normal era, it can be optimized by developing all the potential of the community, the government can work together with the community in adapting behavior in the new normal era.<o:p></o:p></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-178
Ni Komang Ayu Astiti

Development of the tourism sector contributes a sizeable foreign exchange after oil and gas, coal, and oil palm. The government has also set a target of 20 million foreign tourists visit and 275 local tourist movement In 2019. Entering the era of globalization the movement of people from one country and region more quickly because the distance is getting closer, so it supports the growth of tourism . These conditions have a positive impact on the economy and science and technology, but social change is very vulnerable to the Impact on the weakening of the resilience of culture in society. For that how to increase the resilience of culture by minimizing the negative effects of tourism development in the era of globalization in Papua is very important. Trend rating is currently more concerned about the quality of experience and a tendency to look for something unique and authentic and can not be found in the region or country. To meet market demand trends and this can be done by presenting archaeological resources in Papua as a tourist attraction. Optimizing the archaeological resources in Papua as a tourist attraction that can be empowered to improve the resilience of culture in addition to providing economic benefits is the goal of this research. The study was conducted with the literature study and survey and using descriptive analysis techniques - qualitative. From the results of analysis show that Papua has the potential archaeological resources can still be presented authenticity and contextualization. Unlock the value of cultural and archaeological resources significance in the present context to make it as a tourist attraction in Papua embryonic formation of a positive image and local identity as multi cultur values, solidarity, unity and unity, mutual assistance and proud of their own culture. AbstrakPembangunan sektor pariwisata membarikan kontribusi devisa yang cukup besar setelah minyak dan gas, batubara, dan keispa sawit. Pemerintah juga teiah menetapkan targat kunjungan 20 juta wisman dan 275 pergerakan wisatawan nusantara di tahun 2019. Memasuki era globallsal pergsrakan manusia dari suatu Negara dan daerah semakin cepat karena jarak semakin dekat, sehingga sangat mandukung pertumbuhan pariwisata. Kondisi ini mempunyai dampak positif di bidang ekonomi dan IPTEK, tetapi perubahan sosial sangat rentan yang berdampak pada melemahnya ketahanan budaya di masyarakaL Untuk itu bagaimana meningkatkan ketahanan budaya dengan meminimalisasi pengaruh negatif pembangunan pariwisata pada era globalisasi di Papua sangat periling dilakukan.Trend wisatawan saat ini lebih memperhatikan kualitas pengalaman dan kecenderungan untuk mencari sesuatu yang unik dan otentik serta tidak ditamukan di daerah atau negaranya.Untuk memenuhi trend dan permintaan pasar ini dapat dilakukan dengan menyajikan sumber daya arkeologi di Papua sabagai daya tank wisata. Mangoptimalkan sumber daya arkeologi di Papua sebagai daya tarik wisata agar dapat diberdayakan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan budaya masyarakat seiain msmberikan manfaat ekonomi merupakan tujuan dari panelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan survei serta menggunakan teknik anallsls deskriptif-kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa Papua mempunyai potansi sumber daya arkeologi masih Mengoptimalkan sumber daya arkeologi sebagai daya tarik wisata untuk ketahanan budaya

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
I Putu Angga Pratama ◽  
LGLK. Dewi ◽  
Ni Made Oka Karini

Tourists who travel to a tourism village certainly have different characteristics, motivations, and perceptions. These three things are very important to be identified, because they can become a reference material for the local community and the government related to self-improvements, facilities-improvements, infrastructure, management, and services in Trunyan Tourism Village that can affect the tourist and the returning of them, and are able to provide excellent service in accordance with the tourists expectations. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics, motivations, and perceptions of the foreign tourists who travel to Trunyan Tourism Village. Data collection techniques used in this research are observation, unstructured interviews, questionnaires, literature study, and documentation. Accidental sampling techniques used to take a sample of 100 people. Data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive qualitative data analysis technique. The results show that the most foreign tourists who travel to Trunyan Tourism Village are 33% from United States, 40% with an age range of 15-30 years old, 55% males, 29% working as employees, and 39% of master-educated. A total of 61% tourist state that the purpose of the travel is to travel/recreation, 65% state that the arrangement of the travel is arranged by the travel agency, 100% are first timers, 49% receive the information about Trunyan Tourism Village through the travel agency, 54% spend $39-$54, and 85% are accompanied by friends/family. The motivation that push foreign tourists to travel to Trunyan Tourism Village is novelty and knowledge seeking of 4.10, while the motivation that pull foreign tourists to travel to Trunyan Tourism Village is safety, cleanliness, and variety attraction of 3.71. The foreign tourists who travel to Trunyan Tourism Village have good perceptions/agree with the average total score of 3,60.

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