scholarly journals Islamic Shari'a Configuration of Buka Luwur Tradition in Kudus

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 201
M. Mundakir ◽  
Aat Hidayat

<span class="fontstyle0">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle2">combines Islamic law teaching and Javanese tradition. As an empirical religious phenomenon, its events have meaning and symbol that overlaps the local community traditions with the adopted Islamic</span><span class="fontstyle0"> Shari’a </span><span class="fontstyle2">implementation. However, formalist and rational religious understandings view </span><span class="fontstyle0">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle2">tradition as a </span><span class="fontstyle0">bid’ah</span><span class="fontstyle2">, with no basis in Islamic law. Using grounded research models and Fazlur Rahman’s double movement theory, this article portraits </span><span class="fontstyle0">noumena </span><span class="fontstyle2">from a series of </span><span class="fontstyle0">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle2">traditional rituals. It describes the configuration of the Islamic </span><span class="fontstyle0">Shari’a </span><span class="fontstyle2">implementation in the tradition. The community believes that the tradition symbolizes love for guardians by hoping for a blessing on work and remembering their struggle in preaching Islamic values. Also, the </span><span class="fontstyle0">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle2">tradition’s implementation is a symbol of social solidarity that needs to be appreciated in a plural society. It is a form of harmony and cooperation <span class="fontstyle0">in holding ceremonies and rituals among believers. The results show that </span><span class="fontstyle2">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle0">events’ symbolizes a blessing for prayer to be quickly answered, refuse calamity, teach tolerance values preached and practiced by Sunan Kudus, and solidarity in helping one another. The configuration and internalization of Islamic law in the Javanese tradition are found in the election on the 10</span><span class="fontstyle0" style="font-size: 7pt;">th</span><span class="fontstyle0"> of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Muharam, </span><span class="fontstyle0">as the top of the </span><span class="fontstyle2">Buka Luwur </span><span class="fontstyle0">rituals series. Furthermore, the configuration of Islamic law in that tradition is found in the teaching of respecting ancestors. Indonesias embrace the religious characteristics of traditional and Sufistic Islam. This facilitates interaction, internalization, and configuration of the Islamic </span><span class="fontstyle2">Shari’a</span><span class="fontstyle0"> teachings with Javanese people’s traditions and culture, especially the Kudus community</span>. </span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
Muhammad Ruslan

Abstract: The study of Islamic law and various global challenges requires a solutive method of ijtihad to solve contemporary issues today. In addition, social dynamics relating to the development of information technology and the spread of culture are in need of ijitihad in Islamic law. Yusuf Al-Qardawi has done a lot of contemporary ijithad as stated in this paper and how it could be addressed by Muslims in any part of the world, including Indonesia. The double movement theory of Fazlul Rahman has also taken part in giving an offer as a renewal of Islamic law over contextual legal issues without denying the basis of the primary sources of Islamic law, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah. The ijtihad method takes place through the historical criticism of norms at primary sources based on space and time and socio-cultural background. All this aims to capture the universality of the holy message contained in the primary sources. The value of universality is in the form of humanity, freedom (al-hurriyah), justice (al-adalah), and equality (al-musawah). This is relevant in the context of contemporary space and time especially in keeping up with the information industry era. This paper asserts the flexibility of the law based on sharia to provide solutions to the any emerging problems. Therefore, the teaching of legal methodology not only teaches the so-called ushul al-fiqh but also teaches the concepts that are relevant to the current social political situation and conditions.Keywords: Ijtihad, current issues, Islamic law

Kodifikasia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Abid Rohmanu

Penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana paradigma dan teori penafsiran hukum Fazlur Rahman dan Abdullah Saeed. Teori penafsiran Rahman (double movement) dan Saeed (teori kontekstual), penulis hipotesakan mempunyai sandaran paradigmatis yang mapan. Dalam konteks inilah, tulisan ini juga ingin menelisik bagaimana relasi paradigma dan teori penafsiran hukum mereka berdua. Hal ini penting karena telah terjadi krisis paradigmatis dalam studi hukum Islam, yakni terpisahnya wacana teologi sebagai basis paradigmatis hukum dengan wacana hukum Islam itu sendiri. Tulisan ini berbentuk kajian pustaka terhadap pemikiran Rahman dan Saeed. Sebagai alat analisis, penulis memakai teori paradigma sebagaimana digagas oleh Thomas Kuhn dan yang dikembangkan oleh pemikir lain semisal Kuntowijoyo dan Hans Kung. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan, pertama, paradigma Rahman dan Saeed berporos pada visi teologis yang telah bergeser dari teosentris atau antroposentris ke teoantroposentris. Pergeseran visi teologis tersebut adalah dari keimanan tauhidi yang abstrak ke yang fungsional, dari keadilan formal ke keadilan yang substantif, dari peran akal sebagai the logic of justivication and repetition ke the logic of discovery, dari keterbelengguan manusia (fatalisme) ke kebebasan (freedom). Kedua, konsisten dengan paradigma di atas, Rahman dan Saeed merumuskan teori double movement (gerakan ganda) dan teori kontekstual. Teori kontekstual Saeed adalah pengembangan lebih lanjut dari teori gerakan ganda Rahman. Saeed memperjelas bentuk teori gerakan ganda dan merumuskan hirarki nilai. karena itu penulis mensintesakan teori keduanya sebagai penalaran reflektif hukum berbasis nilai maqa>s}id.   This study wants to see how the paradigm and the theory of law interpretation of Fazlur Rahman and Abdullah Saeed. The theory of Rahman (double movement) and Saeed's interpretation (contextual theory), the hypothesis writer has an established paradigmatic backrest. In this context, this paper also wants to explore how the relations of paradigms and the theory of legal interpretation both of them. This is important because there has been a paradigmatic crisis in the study of Islamic law, namely the separation of theological discourse as a paradigmatic basis of law with the discourse of Islamic law it self. This paper takes the form of a literature study of the thoughts of Rahman and Saeed. As an analysis tool, the author uses paradigm theory as initiated by Thomas Kuhn and developed by other thinkers such as Kuntowijoyo and Hans Kung. This paper concludes, first, that the paradigm of Rahman and Saeed pivots on the theological vision that has shifted from theocentric or anthropocentric to theoanthropocentric. The theological vision shift is from the tauhidi faith which is abstract to the functional, from formal justice to substantive justice, from the role of reason as the logic of justification and repetition to the logic of discovery, from human reluctance (fatalism) to freedom. Second, consistent with the paradigm above, Rahman and Saeed formulated the theory of double movement and contextual theory. Saeed's contextual theory is a further development of Rahman's double movement theory. Saeed clarified the form of double movement theory and formulated a value hierarchy. Therefore the author synthesizes the second theory as a value-based legal reflective reasoning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Nur Hidayah

There has been a concern over a high unemployment rate among graduates of Islamic higher education and a low proportion of entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In fact, a high proportion of entrepreneurs is one of indicators of a country’s welfare. This has generated a question: to what extent do Islamic values cultivate entrepreneurial culture among its adherents? How to cultivate entrepreneurial culture in Islamic higher education? This paper will investigate this matter using a case study of Faculty of Islamic Law and Economics at Banten State Institute for Islamic Studies.  The paper argues that the curriculum at the faculty of Islamic Law and Economics has not been oriented towards building entrepreneurial culture. The curriculum consists of subjects to enhance the students’ competence and skills to prepare them as bachelors of syari`ah economics for the professions such as manager, lecturer, researcher, syari`ah auditor, etc, instead of preparing them for entrepreneurs who are capable to build his or her own business from the scratch.    To propose Islamic entrepreneurship study program at the FSEI of IAIN SMHB, it is important to have a strong political will not only from the internal IAIN but also higher authoritative body such as the Ministry of Religious Affairs to facilitate this from not only the accreditation process but also financial support. A further feasibility study needs to be undertaken to build its infrastructure such as qualified lecturers, appropriate curriculum structure, and recruitment student system. Since this field has a strong link with a ‘real sector’, there has been an urgent need to build cooperations with business sector to enable the students to undertake their apprentice and build their networks to facilitate their ability to develop their own business.     Keywords: Islam, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Almunauwar Bin Rusli

Abstract. This Article examines the interpretation ushul fiqh of KH. Sahal Mahfudh in Indonesia includes concept, methodology and contribution. This article shows that (a) the concept ushul fiqih of KH. Sahal Mahfudh have two models that antrophosentrism based on benefit of the local community and idealization of implementation of Islamic law as a ethnics, control and social liberation (b) KH. Sahal Mahfudh used two methodology that textual and contextual approach (c) The contributin of Ushul Fiqih KH. Sahal Mahfudh includes management of zakat for poverty, envirom=nmental preservation and relocation of prostitution. In summary, KH. Sahal Mahfudh Shows creativity to operate fiqh for respond social problem throught rational, operational and measurable action.  Keywords : KH. Sahal Mahfudh, Concept, Methodology, Contributions  Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji nalar ushul fiqh KH. Sahal Mahfudh di Indonesia yang meliputi konsep, metodologi dan kontribusi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa (a) Konsep ushul fiqh KH. Sahal Mahfudh terbagi atas dua model yaitu antroposentris berbasis kemaslahatan masyarakat lokal dan mengidealisasi adanya penerapan pelaksanaan hukum Islam sebagai etika, kontrol, serta sarana pembebasan sosial (b) Metodologi yang digunakan oleh KH. Sahal Mahfudh terbagi atas dua jalan yaitu tekstual dan kontekstual (c) Kontribusi yang menonjol dalam pengembangan ushul fiqh dari KH. Sahal Mahfudh meliputi pendayagunaan zakat untuk pemecahan problem kemiskinan, pelestarian lingkungan hidup, dan relokasi prostitusi. Kesimpulannya adalah KH. Sahal Mahfudh mengapreasiasi  penggunaan metodologi berpikir dan qai’dah fiqhiyyah. KH. Sahal Mahfudh menunjukkan kreativitas dalam mengoperasionalisasikan fiqh untuk merespons problem sosial melalui tindakan rasional, operasional dan terukur.    Kata Kunci : KH. Sahal Mahfudh, Konsep, Metodologi, Kontribusi  

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 356-385 ◽  
Andrew Harding

Malaysia has a classically plural society with a Malay/ Muslim majority and a legal system which, for historical reasons, is bifurcated between the common law and Islamic law. It also has a colonial-era federal constitution under which Islam is a state issue. Disputes concerning religion are both many and divisive. They are dealt with mainly in constitutional terms, especially in debates about the notion of an Islamic state, in light of Article 3 and the enshrinement of an official religion and in litigation. The latter is rendered complex by the separation of Islamic from common law jurisdiction in 1988, a fact that has given rise to highly sensitive and troubling litigation involving, especially, religious conversion in Lina Joy (2007). This article traces historical developments relating to religion and the law, and finds cause for some optimism that religious divides can be bridged by constitutional means, in light of recent judicial responses and evolving debates about the constitutional position of Islam.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Zabaidah Haji Kamaludin

An Islamic system of governance is an ideal system, which is a tantalising objective for many Muslims but often times not achieved in practice. Countries may call themselves ‘Islamic’ but the core element of Islamicity, that of values such as compassion, equity and justice may not have breached the consciousness of their leaders and citizens. Sometimes it is individuals who act as the catalyst for sparking action. For a Muslim, it is his īmān that serves to light his conscience, and guiding him the dispensation of his everyday tasks within his organisation. This individualised īmān may at times serve as a small but critical factor tilting the different organisational functions of government towards integrations under an Islamic system of governance. This paper recounts the challenges of a Muslim engaging in legal issues in a non-Islamic context, seeking to help enable his organisation to undertake the role of incorporating non-Islamic law with Islamic values.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-124
Zaenuddin Mansyur

In order to answer a variety of issues faced by human being in the current era, such as human rights abuses, social disintegration, and terrorism, the renewal of Islamic law in the level of theoretical and practical aspects is very urgent. This paper aims to examine one of the Islamic legal reform efforts, namely to build a more technical understanding of the concept of maṣlaḥah contained in the maqāṣīd sharī‘ah, called the al-kulliyat al-khamsah. Therefore, the concept of maṣlaḥah in ḥifẓ al-dīn is technically defined as al-ḥurriyah al-i‘tiqād (freedom of religion and schools); in ḥifẓ al-nafs as al-karamat al-insān (human being breeding); in ḥifẓ al-nasl as ḥifẓ al-usrah (wholeness and harmony of the family); in ḥifẓ al-māl as al-taḍammun al-insān (social solidarity ), and in ḥifẓ al-‘aql as al-ḥuqūq as al-tarbiyāt (increasing human resources quality).

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen ◽  
Nasimul Falah ◽  
Fitriyani Lathifah

This research demonstrates conceptual corporate governance (CG) which has relationship with regulations and Islamic teaching. Then, to investigate CG in Islamic Bank in Indonesia and to review law aspects and Islamic values related to rules of corporate CG in Islamic Bank in Indonesia. The study used qualitative approach using study literature and interview to analyze the implementation of corporate governance in Islamic bank in Indonesia. This study found that Islamic Banks which issued the rules of CG were not following philosophy of Islamic principles and not following strongly Islamic law and positive law. Hence, there were several fraud cases on Islamic banks inIndonesia. Islamic corporate governance in Indonesia still not find the implementation like in Malaysia. Rules of CG through regulation for Islamic bank is involving futher researher to examine the right policy. The regulation of corporate governance regulations for Islamic bank still need to be refined and turned into Islamic corporate governance standard in accordance with Islamic principles and national laws which required by Islamic bank.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-280 ◽  
Ofir Winter ◽  
Uriya Shavit

AbstractProfessional and amateur sports have become the focus of much attention in contemporary Islamic law. In recent years, jurists have issued fatwās (religious opinions) in response to hundreds of queries about the legitimacy of sporting activities. These queries cover a wide field of subjects: karate, mixed-gender swimming and the high salaries of soccer players. The mushrooming of fatwās is a sign of the importance of sports amongst Muslims. It also indicates that some sporting activities challenge traditional Islamic values and practices. By presenting an overview of contemporary fatwās dealing with sports, we analyze some of the dilemmas faced by Muslims who wish to practice or enjoy modern sports, and the jurists' attempts to resolve these dilemmas. Using sports as a mirror, we highlight some major lines of friction between two movements: The socially liberal Wasatiyya school and the socially conservative Salafiyya school.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>Al-QUR’AN VERSES AND PROPHET HADITH OF DELIVERING LESSON PRINCIPLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STUDENTS’ ABILITY.<strong> </strong>Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach </em><em>a</em><em>ppears to make the learning implementation with conducive fun atmosphere, and students centered. In the SCL approach, the teacher gives many attentions in involvement, initiative, and student social interaction in classroom.</em><em> </em><em>One of the principle in SCL approach is teacher delivers the lessons in accordance with students’ ability.</em><em> </em><em>By using Fazlur Rahman double movement theory to analyze the Qur’an verses and historical criticism, eidetic criticism, and pratical criticism of Hassan Hanafi to analyze the prophet hadith,</em><em> </em><em>this study aims to reveal the moral ideal of Qur’an and prophet hadith about delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability as well as determining the contextual meaning for life recently.</em><em> </em><em>There are 21 Qur’an verses which contains the basic idea of delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability</em><em> </em><em>and there are 11 Hadiths which contains</em><em> </em><em>delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability.</em><em> </em><em>The verse and hadith show the necessity principles to put human in accordance with his position and necessity to talk with them in accordance with his ability, and completed with practical examples from the Prophet. The implementation of educational values in some Qur’an verses and Prophet hadith is able to make the learning more empower the students’ potential and influence on student personality development</em>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Student-Centered Learning, Learning, Students’ Ability</em>.</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pendekatan <em>Student-Centered Learning</em> (SCL) muncul untuk mewujudkan terlaksananya pembelajaran dengan suasana yang kondusif, menyenangkan, dan berpusat pada siswa. Dalam pendekatan SCL, guru banyak memberikan perhatian pada keterlibatan, inisiatif, dan interaksi sosial siswa di kelas. Salah satu prinsip yang ada dalam pendekatan SCL adalah guru menyampaikan pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa. Dengan menggunakan teori <em>double movement</em> Fazlur Rahman untuk menganalisis ayat Al-Qur’an serta kritik historis, kritik eidetis, dan kritik praksis Hassan Hanafi untuk menganalisis hadis Nabi, tulisan ini bermaksud mengungkap ideal moral ayat Al-Qur’an dan hadis Nabi tentang prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa serta menentukan makna kontekstualnya bagi kehidupan saat ini. Ada 21 ayat Al-Qur’an yang mengandung ide dasar prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa dan ada 11 hadis yang mengandung prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa. Ayat dan hadis tersebut menampilkan prinsip keharusan menempatkan manusia sesuai kedudukannya serta kemestian berbicara dengan mereka sesuai dengan kemampuannya, juga disertai contoh praksis dari Rasulullah saw. Implementasi nilai-nilai edukatif dalam beberapa ayat Al-Qur’an dan hadis Nabi ini mampu mewujudkan pembelajaran yang lebih memberdayakan potensi anak didik serta berpengaruh pada pengembangan kepribadian siswa.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><em>Student-Centered Learning, Pembelajaran, Kemampuan Siswa</em>.</p><p> </p>

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