Keyboard Span in Old Musical Instruments: Concerning Hand Span and Overuse Problems in Pianists

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 169-171
Naotaka Sakai

The keyboard spans (i.e., octave spans) of old keyboard instruments was compared with those of modern pianos to explore whether the relationship between keyboard span and hand span is a contributory factor in overuse problems among pianists. The distance on the keyboard between the left side of the C4 key and the right side of the C5 key was measured in 120 old keyboard instruments, including 26 harpsichords, 8 clavichords, 7 spinets, 4 virginals, 75 pianofortes, and 20 square pianos, manufactured from 1559 through 1929. The oldest harpsichords and pianoforte showed a keyboard span equal to that of the modern piano. In late 18th and early 19th centuries, the span diminished by 3 to 6 mm on average. In the later 19th century, the keyboard span returned to the 188-mm modern size. Unfortunately, almost all famous piano pieces composed in that 100-year period use a small keyboard, and this fact is compatible with the paradoxical situation that many modern pianists struggle with difficult piano techniques on a modern keyboard, which is broader than the old type that the 18th and 19th-century composers used.

Biaknungi Biaknungi

Music occupies a very important role in our lives. Music has been so helpful in many different ways; it has helped in changing our moods and also helped many to express themselves better through music. Music in India has undergone vast changes over generations. Since Vedic times, Indians were required to accurately recite the Vedas. This accuracy in recitation was essential as the Vedas were, in those days, transmitted through memory - Smriti and were learnt through hearing –Shruti. The kind of an emphasis applied on recitation and the right pronunciation lead to studies in phonetics and sound manipulation. The traditional Mizo musical instruments are very simple and crude in comparison to other Indian musical instruments and very out-dated to Modern Musical instruments. They can broadly be divided into three: Beating or Striking instruments; Wind instruments and String instruments. Using the Pearson‟s product movement correlation analysis, the four dimensions of music genres under the Short Test of Music Preferences scale (STOMP) - Reflexive and Complex, Intensive and Rebellious, Upbeat and Conventional and Energetic and Rhythmic and the big five personality traits were evaluated

1995 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38 ◽  
Paul H. Brietzke

Benjamin Disraeli took a calculated “leap in the dark” in 1867, when he extended the right to vote to almost all British men. With hindsight, his leap can be seen to have been a necessary (but not sufficient) means of defusing discontent and promoting democratization. Ethiopia seems poised for an even bigger constitutional leap into a murkier realm, into an ethnicized attempt at democratization. To gain acceptance, a new constitution like Ethiopia's must seem to be all things to all people and, in Ethiopia and elsewhere, the end of the Cold War has seen an explosion of ethnic nationalisms similar to the one occurring in Europe late in the 19th century. Without benefit of hindsight one can only make informed guesses about the effects of a new Ethiopian “constitutionalism” on events which are largely beyond the drafters’ control. I will argue that there are grounds for a guarded optimism over Ethiopia's leap.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-90
Marlon Butarbutar

ABSTRAK Wabah covid -19 telah menjadi pandemic di hampir semua negara di dunia. Pandemi ini membuat para ilmuwan berpikir keras mencari penyebab adanya virus tersebut dan sekaligus berjuang hingga kini menemukan obat dan vaksin yang tepat. Pandemic ini telah menimbulkan kepanikan di masyarakat dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Karena kemunculan virus ini sangat berbahaya dan bisa mematikan serta penyebarannya yang cepat, membuat orang menyangka bahwa virus ini adalah semacam hukuman Tuhan atas manusia, bahkan ada juga yang bertanya apakah virus ini bagian dari tanda-tanda bahwa akhir zaman sudah tiba. Kepanikan ini membuat para pemimpin agama tidak mudah untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan menanggapi berbagai pernyataan yang liar. Karenanya penulis ikut bersumbangsih melihat covid 19 ini dalam perspektif eskatologi Paulus. Penulis akan menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk memberi gambaran mengenai covid ini dan memberi penjabaran secara teologis hasil dari penelusuran terhadap teks-teks tulisan Paulus mengenai akhir zaman, yang tentunya mengkaitkannya dengan peristiwa covid yang sedang melanda dunia. Tulisan ini akan memberi gambaran apakah memang Paulus juga memberi gambaran tentang akhir zaman yang ada kaitannya dengan penderitaan yang dialami manusia akibat penyakit dll. Atau sesungguhnya keberadaan covid hanyalah penyakit sampar biasa yang tidak berkaitan dengan akhir zaman. Karenanya melalui penelusuran dan penafsiran terhadap teks-teks yang berkaitan dengan akhir zaman, maka penulis akan menguraikan hubungan antara keberadaan covid ini dengan eskatologi menurut tulisan Paulus.   ABSTRACT _______________________________________________________________ The COVID-19 outbreak has become a pandemic in almost all countries in the world. This pandemic has made scientists think hard to find the cause of the virus and have struggled to find the right medicine and vaccine. This pandemic has caused panic in the world community, including Indonesia. Because the appearance of this virus is very dangerous and can be deadly as well as its rapid spread, people think that this virus has been activated by God on humans, some even ask whether this virus is part of the signs that the end of time has arrived. This panic makes it difficult for religious leaders to answer questions and statements that are liars. Therefore the authors share in seeing Covid 19 from the perspective of Paul's eschatology. The author will use a descriptive method to provide an overview of covid and provide a theological explanation of the results of tracing Paul's writings regarding the end of time, which of course relates it to the covid events that are hitting the world. This paper will give an idea of ??whether Paul also gave a picture of the end times which is related to human suffering due to disease etc. Or the existence of covid is just an ordinary pestilence that has nothing to do with the end times. Because of the investigation and interpretation of texts relating to the end of time, the author will describe the relationship between the existence of covid and eschatology according to Paul's writings.

2009 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-77
Luc Boeva

Natievorming en democratisering zijn onderling verweven processen, die sociale, politieke en culturele conflicten inbedden in een functionele politieke eenheid. Het nationalisme biedt, met zijn referentie aan de soevereiniteit van het volk, potentieel voor de democratisering van een samenleving. De in 2007 verschenen colloquiumbundel Natie en Democratie 1890-1921 (o.r.v. Els Witte, Ginette Kurgan-van Hentenryk, Emiel Lamberts e.a) bestudeert het effect van het democratische verruimingsproces op de Belgische natie-staat tijdens de periode 1890-1921, met als onderzoeksvraag: welke interactie had er plaats tussen natie en democratie? België is vanaf 1830 een goed voorbeeld van actieve natievorming; in het laatste kwart van de 19e eeuw was de burgerlijke natiestaat dan ook stevig gevestigd. Op het einde van de 19e eeuw werd het nationale identiteit nog versterkt door de vlugge economische ontwikkeling, de koloniale expansie en de culturele opleving. Dat gaf echter nauwelijks impulsen aan het democratiseringsproces, omdat de voornaamste krachten van het Belgisch nationalisme gevestigde belangen te verdedigen hadden. De democratische hervormingen kwamen zelden tot stand door de nood aan een verdere nationale integratie en de door de burgerlijke elite geconstrueerde Belgische natie diende tot aan WOI niet tot emancipatorische inspiratiebron. De nationalistische exaltatie na WOI versnelde echter het democratiseringsproces en omgekeerd versterkte de democratisering de nationale gevoelens. Het Vlaams-nationalisme, dat in de colloquiumbundel ook aan bod komt, werd dan weer door het democratiseringsproces versterkt. Gedragen door kleine burgerij, boeren en werkmannen, had het immers alles te winnen met een uitbreiding van het stemrecht, inzonderheid het mannelijk algemeen meervoudig stemrecht in 1894. Ook voor het vanaf dan met de Belgische natie concurrerende Vlaamse nationalisme, vormde WOI een waterscheiding. Tijdens en na de oorlog vond daarbij de strategische en ideologische splitsing plaats, die ondermeer verband houdt met de relatie tussen democratie en nationalisme. Dat we überhaupt aan de hand van de Belgische casus geen algemene conclusies kunnen trekken over de relatie natievorming-democratisering, bewijst overigens het comparatief luik in de colloquiumbundel.De relatie met de gemeenschap, de demos en de (al dan niet) democratische vertegenwoordiging is eveneens een belangrijke constante in de bijdrage over het Vlaams-nationalisme van de Gentse academici Bruno De Wever en Antoon Vrints tot een in 2008 verschenen reader over de politieke ideologieën in Vlaanderen (o.r.v. Luk Sanders en Carl Devos).Een aantal stellingen al dan niet gebaseerd op synthetiserende modellen, zwengelt de discussie aan. Dat betreft ondermeer de zgn. C-fase in de Vlaamse beweging, het onderscheid tussen patriottisme en nationalisme en het ideologisch gehalte van nationalisme.Beide publicaties scherpen in ieder geval de honger aan naar meer comparatief onderzoek op internationale schaal. ________The nationalisation of the demos. Two new contributions about nationalism in BelgiumThe formation of a nation and democratisation are two interconnected processes that mould social, political and cultural conflicts into a functional political entity. Nationalism referring to the sovereignty of the people offers potential for the democratisation of a society. The colloquium collection Natie en Democratie 1890-1921, published in 2007 (Editors: Els Witte, Ginette Kurgan-van Hentenryk, Emiel Lamberts and others) studies the effect of the democratic enlargement process on the Belgian nation-state during the period 1890-1921, with the research focusing on the question: what interaction took place between the nation and democracy? From 1830 onwards Belgium was a good example of the active formation of a nation; in the last quarter of the 19th century the civil nation state had therefore acquired a solid foundation. At the end of the 19th century the national identity was reinforced even more by the speedy economic development, the colonial expansion and cultural revival. However, that hardly provided any boost to the democratisation process, because the most prominent forces of Belgian nationalism were defending vested interests. Democratic reforms were rarely realised because of the lack of more national integration, and the Belgian nation, which had been created by the middle class elite did not provide a source for emancipatory inspiration until the First World War. The nationalist exaltation after the First World War however, speeded up the democratisation process and inversely, the democratisation reinforced the national sentiment.Flemish-nationalism in its turn, which is also dealt with in the colloquium collection, was reinforced by the democratisation process. As it found its supporters among the lower middle classes, farmers and workers, it could only gain from an extension of the right to vote, more in particular the right of universal plural voting for men in 1894. World War I was also a watershed for Flemish-nationalism which from that moment on competed with the Belgian nation. During and after the war a strategic and ideological schism took place, which among other things concerns the relationship between democracy and nationalism. The comparative section in the colloquium collection proves moreover that it is not at all possible to draw general conclusions about the relationship between the formation of a nation and democratisation on the basis of the Belgian case.The relationship with the community, the demos and their representation (whether democratic or not) is also an important constant factor in the contribution about Flemish-nationalism by the Ghent academics Bruno De Wever and Antoon Vrints to a reader published in 2008 about political ideologies in Flanders (Editors: Luk Sanders and Carl Devos).A number of propositions whether or not based on synthesizing models cranks up the discussion. This concerns among other things the so-called C-phase in the Flemish Movement, the distinction between patriotism and nationalism and the ideological content of nationalism.At any rate both publications increase our appetite for more comparative research on an international scale.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-85
Nina L. Panina ◽  

In the early 1850s, Vasily Zhukovsky develops tables with drawings of objects and phenomena and their coded names in four languages. The consistent use of visual didactics in them looks quite innovative against the background of textbooks of the time. The tables are part of the Initial Course of Study, which Zhukovsky was developing in the last years of his life. By that time he had already accumulated considerable experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language on the basis of his own handmade visual aids. Most of the tables are filled with plotlike images, but some also contain symbols, diagrams and maps. The variety of plot and composition solutions in the drawings deserves special attention. This specifically concerns plots, which are independent and developed. The drawings contain details which considerably supplement the basic meaning of the word, they are obviously designed for close examination, comparison and interpretation. The visual emphasis on letters and pictures seems to qualify the manual developed by Zhukovsky as a polylingual picture book, but the usual aims and objectives of an ABC book are here considerably more complicated. The textbook has many more parallels with the board games of that time. It can be seen as an organic continuation of the tradition of “useful” family board games as it displays affinity with them not only at the level of visual and spatial solution, visual and tactile form, but also at the level of mechanisms of interaction of a child with the handbook. It is in the sphere of board games that Zhukovsky finds means to solve the tasks of visual learning set by leading European teachers; such learning would lead a child from sensually perceived concreteness to the formation of concepts. The greatest parallels with Zhukovsky’s tables are found, firstly, in games with ruled cardboard fields. Secondly, word games (charades, rebuses, riddles) clearly influenced the development of the tables. The tables use all the principal advantages of board games in terms of visual learning: bright visual, tactile and spatial landmarks, compact information transfer in the form of diagrams and symbols, informative richness of all game elements, a variety of visual elements. Games on a ruled cardboard field also have plots, though manipulation with the field and chips, acquaintance with drawings and texts in squares on the field in such games always realize a very simple plot. Since for Zhukovsky the main plot a child should be introduced to in the learning process was the universal connection of concepts, the fields of tables, drawings and names extracted by decoding should lead a pupil towards an understanding of the relationship between objects and phenomena of this world. Within the framework of the emblematic tradition, which was still alive in Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century and which Zhukovsky never set out to destroy or overcome, interpretations of combinations of concepts and images presented in his tables had to develop freely, obeying a chain of individual associations of a pupil. At the same time, these associations were guided in the right direction because the structure of the visual series predetermined the child’s actions. The comparison of elements within one cell was followed by the comparison of cells of one column, one row, the table as a whole and the whole complex of tables. In this way, a child progressed towards generalisations; s/he was guided by the logic of the mnemonic construction of the Initial Course of Study that showed the relationship between facts of history, geography, physics, natural history, art history, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Aufannuha Ihsani

This article discusses the dynamics of the relation between the sentana (aristocrats) and kèaè (ulama) in Sumenep during the colonial period. The topic is chosen because almost all research put the aristocrats and the ulama in Madura as historically opposed parties. The main question of the article is that how the relationship started and how far it had manifested until the early days of the independence. Collecting data from babad, manuscript, official reports from the colonial government and some informants who are the descendants of the aristocrats, this research applies a social-cultural approach to explain why their close relation with the kèaè have allowed the aristocrats to maintain their dignity in society. The result shows that the close relation between sentana and kèaè originated from the figure of Bindara Saod. Although it had been tenuous because the palace customs have made the aristocrats exclusive, the relationship between sentana and kèaè did not really break. A marriage between the Sultan Abdurrahman’s granddaughter and a kèaè in the mid-19th century tightened the relationship, descending a generation of ulama with royal blood and manifested in a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in which the palace customs have been kept alive and survived until postcolonial era. [Artikel ini membicarakan dinamika hubungan yang terjalin antara kalangan sentana (bangsawan) dan kèaè (kiai) di Sumenep selama masa kolonial. Topik ini dipilih sebab hampir semua penelitian menempatkan bangsawan dan kiai di Madura sebagai pihak yang bertentangan secara historis. Pertanyaan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana hubungan itu bermula dan sejauh mana ia terejawantahkan hingga masa-masa awal kemerdekaan. Mengambil data dari babad, manuskrip, laporan-laporan resmi pemerintah kolonial, dan para informan yang merupakan keturunan kaum ningrat, penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan sosio-kultural untuk menjelaskan mengapa kedekatan dengan kèaè membuat para bangsawan dapat menjaga muruah mereka di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedekatan antara kèaè dan sentana bermula dari sosok Bindara Saod. Kendati sempat merenggang sebab adat keraton mengeksklusifkan kalangan ningrat, jalinan sentana dan kèaè tidak benar-benar putus. Sebuah pernikahan antara cucu Sultan Abdurrahman dan seorang kèaè pada pertengahan abad ke-19 M. mempererat kembali hubungan itu, menurunkan generasi para kiai berdarah biru, dan mewujud dalam sebuah pesantren di mana adat dan budaya keraton tetap hidup dan bertahan hingga era pascakolonial]

Liubomyr Ilyn

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the views of social and political thinkers of Galicia in the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. on the right and manner of organizing a nation-state as a cathedral. Method. The methodology includes a set of general scientific, special legal, special historical and philosophical methods of scientific knowledge, as well as the principles of objectivity, historicism, systematic and comprehensive. The problem-chronological approach made it possible to identify the main stages of the evolution of the content of the idea of catholicity in Galicia's legal thought of the 19th century. Results. It is established that the idea of catholicity, which was borrowed from church terminology, during the nineteenth century. acquired clear legal and philosophical features that turned it into an effective principle of achieving state unity and integrity. For the Ukrainian statesmen of the 19th century. the idea of catholicity became fundamental in view of the separation of Ukrainians between the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. The idea of unity of Ukrainians of Galicia and the Dnieper region, formulated for the first time by the members of the Russian Trinity, underwent a long evolution and received theoretical reflection in the work of Bachynsky's «Ukraine irredenta». It is established that catholicity should be understood as a legal principle, according to which decisions are made in dialogue, by consensus, and thus able to satisfy the absolute majority of citizens of the state. For Galician Ukrainians, the principle of unity in the nineteenth century. implemented through the prism of «state» and «international» approaches. Scientific novelty. The main stages of formation and development of the idea of catholicity in the views of social and political figures of Halychyna of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries are highlighted in the work. and highlighting the distinctive features of «national statehood» that they promoted and understood as possible in the process of unification of Ukrainian lands into one state. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal studies, preparation of special courses.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-72
Morteza Karimi-Nia

The status of tafsīr and Qur'anic studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran has changed significantly during recent decades. The essay provides an overview of the state of Qur'anic studies in Iran today, aiming to examine the extent of the impact of studies by Western scholars on Iranian academic circles during the last three decades and the relationship between them. As in most Islamic countries, the major bulk of academic activity in Iran in this field used to be undertaken by the traditional ʿulamāʾ; however, since the beginning of the twentieth century and the establishment of universities and other academic institutions in the Islamic world, there has been increasing diversity and development. After the Islamic Revolution, many gradual changes in the structure and approach of centres of religious learning and universities have occurred. Contemporary advancements in modern sciences and communications technologies have gradually brought the institutions engaged in the study of human sciences to confront the new context. As a result, the traditional Shīʿī centres of learning, which until 50 years ago devoted themselves exclusively to the study of Islamic law and jurisprudence, today pay attention to the teaching of foreign languages, Qur'anic sciences and exegesis, including Western studies about the Qur'an, to a certain extent, and recognise the importance of almost all of the human sciences of the West.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gagah Yaumiyya Riyoprakoso ◽  
AM Hasan Ali ◽  
Fitriyani Zein

This study is based on the legal responsibility of the assessment of public appraisal reports they make in land procurement activities for development in the public interest. Public assessment is obliged to always be accountable for their assessment. The type of research found in this thesis is a type of normative legal research with the right-hand of the statue approach and case approach. Normative legal research is a study that provides systematic explanation of rules governing a certain legal category, analyzing the relationship between regulations explaining areas of difficulty and possibly predicting future development. . After conducting research, researchers found that one of the causes that made the dispute was a lack of communication conducted between the Government and the landlord. In deliberation which should be the place where the parties find the meeting point between the parties on the magnitude of the damages that will be given, in the field is often used only for the delivery of the assessment of the compensation that has been done.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-27
D. Meshkov

The article presents some of the author’s research results that has got while elaboration of the theme “Everyday life in the mirror of conflicts: Germans and their neighbors on the Southern and South-West periphery of the Russian Empire 1861–1914”. The relationship between Germans and Jews is studied in the context of the growing confrontation in Southern cities that resulted in a wave of pogroms. Sources are information provided by the police and court archival funds. The German colonists Ludwig Koenig and Alexandra Kirchner (the resident of Odessa) were involved into Odessa pogrom (1871), in particular. While Koenig with other rioters was arrested by the police, Kirchner led a crowd of rioters to the shop of her Jewish neighbor, whom she had a conflict with. The second part of the article is devoted to the analyses of unty-Jewish violence causes and history in Ak-Kerman at the second half of the 19th and early years of 20th centuries. Akkerman was one of the southern Bessarabia cities, where multiethnic population, including the Jews, grew rapidly. It was one of the reasons of the pogroms in 1865 and 1905. The author uses criminal cases` papers to analyze the reasons of the Germans participation in the civilian squads that had been organized to protect the population and their property in Ackerman and Shabo in 1905.

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