scholarly journals Pendampingan Petani Padi Melalui KKN Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Piasa Kulon Kabupaten Banyumas

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Ahadiyat Yugi Rahayu ◽  
Okti Herliana ◽  
Sapto Nugroho Hadi ◽  
Ida Widiyawati

The Ngudi Mratani Farmers Group in Piasa Kulon Village is one of the producers of healthy rice that is cultivated organically, but there are several obstacles in providing fertilizers, biopesticides and marketing the rice produced. The objectives of this activity are 1) providing technology transfer in organic rice cultivation by utilizing rabbit urinee as liquid organic fertilizer (POC) 2) Providing training on the manufacture of Local Micro Organisms (MOL) and biopesticides 3) providing assistance related to marketing organic rice. This activity was carried out in July - August 2017 by KKN-PPM students of Jenderal Soedirman University accompanied by a team of service providers from the Faculty of Agriculture as field supervisors. The method used is Rural Appraisal Participation (PRA), which is the active involvement of all parties involved in activities. The stages of the activity were direct field surveys, interviews, training discussions and mentoring on organic rice cultivation techniques, post-harvest handling and marketing. The results of this activity were an increase in farmer understanding by 35%, farmer skills in making MOL, POC rabbit urinee and vegetable pesticides to support organic rice production by 50%. The existence of attractive post-harvest handling and product packaging that increases the quality and selling power of the organic rice produced.

Jurnal Agrium ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Riza Syofiani ◽  
Santi Diana Putri

 Nagari Palaluar, Koto VII Subdistrict, Sijunjung Regency has an area of 5,47.17 ha. . The farmer groups in Palaluar Nagari who are partners are the Gelugur Jaya Farmers Group and the Minang Farmers Group. The dominant farming effort was cultivated by the Gelugur Jaya farmer group, namely rice. In rice cultivation, farming communities in this group every planting season always use artificial fertilizers. Even though rice harvested straw can be reused as an alternative source of organic fertilizer. Most of the agricultural waste, namely rice straw, is simply burned so that it can increase global warming. There are quite a lot of weeds in empty land and on the roadside in the Gelugur Jaya farmer group area. However, farmers have never used it as a source of organic material. Then the Minang farmer group built, the dominant farming business was rice and corn and cocoa plants. Cocoa plants produce a lot of waste, that is, cocoa skin waste is left piling around the land. Therefore it is necessary to process agricultural wastes. The objectives of this PKM program are (1) to increase the knowledge of partner group farming communities about the potential for sugar weeds and agricultural waste as alternative organic fertilizers in reducing the use of artificial fertilizers (2) provide examples of the application of rice cultivation techniques to the use of alternative organic fertilizers, namely weeds and agricultural waste to reduce the application of artificial fertilizers and increase the yield of rice crops. The method of carrying out activities is carried out by lecture, question and answer, demonstration, training (practice), assignment, mentoring and evaluation. The results expected from the implementation of the program are: (1) farmers' knowledge will increase about the importance of making and the potential of sugar weeds and agricultural waste as a source of alternative organic fertilizers to reduce the application of artificial fertilizers and increase rice production. (2) the farming community of the partner group is willing and able to imitate the application of rice cultivation techniques by utilizing sugar weeds and agricultural waste as an alternative organic fertilizer. Keywords : kirinyuh, agricultural waste, organic fertilizer, rice production

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Yaya Hasanah

Eco enzyme is a fermented liquid from organic waste fruits, vegetables, and other organic waste which is very useful for agriculture, health, and households. One of Deli Serdang villages that are very vulnerable to Covid-19 is Karang Anyar Village, located in Beringin District, only about 5 km from Kuala Namu International Airport. On the other hand, in Karang Anyar Village, there is a Mekar Pasar Kawat farmer group that cultivates organic rice that needs liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). This community service aims to educate the public about using an eco enzyme from household waste as liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and disinfectant. Implementing community service that is carried out is training and practice of making eco enzyme and its benefits, direct practice of demonstration plot of rice cultivation by utilizing eco enzyme as LOF. The results are training and mentoring in making eco enzyme based on household waste, training and hands-on practice on applying eco enzyme in the environment as disinfectant, training, and direct demonstration plot rice cultivation by utilizing eco enzyme produced as organic fertilizer liquid

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (04) ◽  
pp. 20213-20217
Dr. Ir. Ni.Gst.Ag.Gde Eka Martiningsih ◽  
Dr.Ir. I Putu Sujana, MS

Introduction of organic rice-based rice cultivation technology package through demplot is done in Subak Sungi 1 using ciherang variety. The number of farmers participating in demonstration plots in organic cultivation of paddy-based rice cultivation were 5 people, with age of farmers aged greater than 55 years occupying the highest percentage (45.45%), with elementary education level (72.75%), followed by high school education (18.25%), and junior high (9%). The average farmland area is 34.63 acres, with self-owned status (55,94%), status as penyakap 41,18% and rent status 2,88%. The farmers' response to the organic rice-based rice planting assessment is quite high, as evidenced by the evaluation that 100% of farmers participating in demonstration plots know and understand about organic rice system cultivation, and they agree to develop this cultivation system in the future. Demplot research results can increase the yield components and weight of dry grain harvest per hectare. Organic rice-based rice cultivation technology EVAGRO able to increase production of dry grain harvest significantly with a value of 6.8 tons / ha. There is a tendency of dry weight value of ciherang varieties of 6.8 tons / ha giving highest but not significantly different with PGPR organic based technology.

Agrikultura ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
N. Usyati ◽  
Nia Kurniawati ◽  
Ade Ruskandar ◽  
Oco Rumasa

ABSTRACTPest and natural enemy population in three different rice cultivation in Sukamandi RegionSome on limiting factors in rice production include the cultivation system and pest damage. To suppress the damage, several control techniques have been applied, such as technical culture. The aim of this study was to gain information on population and pest damage, as well as natural enemy population in three different rice cultivation systems. The study was arranged in Randomized Block Design with three treatment and 9 replications. The treatments were: 1) organic rice cultivation, 2) semi organic, and 3) farmer technique. The used rice variety was Inpari 30. The plot size was 6 m x 90 m. The variables observed included population and pest damage, natural enemy population, and rice yields. Thirthy two rice hills were observed randomly in diagonal direction, with 2 weeks interval from two weeks after transplanting until harvest. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova) and the difference among the treatments was evaluated with Duncan multiple area test at 5% level. The results showed that brown plant hoppers population on organic rice cultivation is lower than semi-organic rice cultivation and farmer technique, but there were no difference of natural enemy population among treatments. The lowest yield was obtained from the organic rice cultivation (2.67 t/ha).Keywords: Rice cultivation, Pests, Natural enemiesABSTRAKBeberapa faktor pembatas produksi padi diantaranya adalah cara budidaya dan adanya serangan hama. Untuk menekan serangan hama, beberapa teknik pengendalian telah diterapkan diantaranya adalah pengendalian secara kultur teknis (cara budidaya). Pada MT-2 tahun 2016, penelitian dengan tujuan mendapatkan informasi mengenai populasi dan serangan hama, serta populasi musuh alami pada tiga cara budidaya padi telah dilakukan di lahan kebun percobaan Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Sukamandi. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga cara budidaya dan diulang sebanyak sembilan kali. Adapun cara budidaya yang digunakan terdiri atas:1) budidaya padi organik; 2) semi organik; 3) cara petani. Varietas yang digunakan adalah Inpari 30. Ukuran plot 6 m x 90 m. Variabel yang diamati meliputi populasi dan tingkat serangan hama, populasi musuh alami, dan hasil panen. Pengamatan dilakukan secara langsung di pertanaman pada 32 rumpun sampel secara acak diagonal dengan interval dua minggu sekali mulai umur tanaman dua minggu setelah tanam sampai menjelang panen. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (Anova) dan perbedaan antar perlakuan dievaluasi dengan uji wilayah berganda Duncan pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi hama wereng coklat pada cara budidaya padi organik lebih rendah dibandingkan cara budidaya padi semi organik dan budidaya padi cara petani, tetapi tidak ada perbedaan populasi musuh alami pada cara budidaya padi organik, cara budidaya padi semi organik dan budidaya padi cara petani. Hasil panen terendah (2,67 t/ha) terlihat pada perlakuan budidaya padi organik.Kata Kunci: Budidaya padi, Hama, Musuh alami

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Yoshihiro Shima ◽  
Shigenori Miura ◽  
Yoshihiro Uenishi

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Putri Permatasari ◽  
Sapja Anantanyu ◽  
Widyatmani Sih Dewi

Boyolali Regency of Central Java, Indonesia is an area that has developed organic rice cultivation. The development of the adoption rate organic rice cultivation has been conducted since 2009 and still sustainability until today. In fact, not all regions can accept and apply organic rice cultivation. This research was conducted from December 2016 to February 2017 in Boyolali Regency. This research aimed to analyze : (1) the adoption of organic rice cultivation in Boyolali Regency (2) the sustainability of organic rice cultivation in Boyolali Regency (3) the factors affecting the sustainability of organic rice cultivation in Boyolali Regency. This study was quantitative research with explanatory type. The analysis technique employed in this study was a Linear Regression; the sample consisted of 86 farmers living in the Sub Districts having widest organic rice farmland: Sambi, Mojosongo, and Andong. The result of research done by linear regression analysis using SPSS 23,0 program showed that the adoption rate of organic rice cultivation affected directly the sustainability of organic rice significantly with t-test probability (Sign) value of 0,017 less than specified α of 0,05. It indicated that seed preparation, land preparation, seeding, planting, fertilizing and maintenance affected the sustainability of organic rice cultivation in terms of economic and social.<br /><br />

2011 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 320 ◽  
Dianne F. Winkler ◽  
Louise J. Farnworth ◽  
Sue M. Sloan ◽  
Ted Brown

Objective. The aim of this paper is to examine the progress and effect of the current 5-year $244 million national Young People in Residential Aged Care program on the reduction of young people in aged care. Method. Semi-structured telephone interviews with 20 service providers, 10 advocacy organisations and 6 public servants across Australia actively involved in the implementation of the program. Results. The development of new accommodation options has been slow. The 5-year program aims to move 689 young people out of nursing homes; in the first 4 years of the initiative only 139 people had moved out. The lives of those who have been helped by the program have been enormously improved. Conclusions. This study highlights the challenges of achieving a long-term reduction in the number of young people in residential aged care, including the challenge of achieving systemic change to prevent new admissions. Implications. The accommodation options currently being developed for this target group will soon be at capacity. Without sustained investment in developing alternative accommodation options and resources to implement systemic change ~250 people under 50 are likely to continue to be admitted to aged care each year in Australia. What is known about the topic? Prior to the current 5-year, $244 million, national Young People in Residential Aged Care program there were more than 1000 Australians under 50 years of age who lived in aged care facilities. Aged care is not designed or resourced to facilitate the active involvement of young people with high clinical needs in everyday activities or support their continued participation in the life of their community. What does this paper add? In the first 4 years of the national program only 139 people moved out of aged care. The lives of those who have been helped by the program have been enormously improved. The program is unlikely to result in a long-term reduction in the number of young people in aged care. What are the implications for practitioners? Systemic change and sustained investment in accommodation options is required to resolve the issue of young people in aged care.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Dwi Winarsih ◽  
Erma Prihastanti ◽  
Endang Saptiningsih

Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) is one of vegetable commodities that has a high commercial value. Many people like it because it has a good taste and it contains several kinds of vitamin and mineral that good for health. This research aims to know the influence of liquid bio organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer addition to post harvest product caisim leaf and know the best combination of fertilizer for post harvest product caisim leafquality. Data analysis used is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and then continued by test significant different used Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 95%. The caisim plant that have been harvested then being observed on its fiber content, water content, and physical appearance. The result showed thatthe addition of liquid bio organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer has not influence for water content and physical appearance of caisim leaf, but it has an influence on fiber content. Treatment with basic media with the addition of 1 mL + 2,17 g NPK is the best treatment to increase fiber content of caisim leaf Tosakan variety.   Keywords: liquid bio organic fertilizer, caisim, quality of post harvest product

2014 ◽  
Vol 955-959 ◽  
pp. 1903-1906
Zi Yu Lin ◽  
Shao Hong You ◽  
Jin Xu ◽  
Yang Li ◽  
Chang Jie He

Using phytoremediation technique to remove contaminants from soil had become a topic in current research.This article expounded the domestic and oversea research progress of hyperaccumulators on cultivation techniques and was systematically elaborated from many aspects,including variety selecting,seedling breeding,fertilizing (nitrogen phosphorus and organic fertilizer),usage of chelator and ameliorant,polyploid breeding,etc.The direction of hyperaccumulators research is put forward that the aboveground biomass and the heavy metal accumulation quantity should be raised through improving cultivation measures,meanwhile a new idea about research of plant tissue culture has been come up with.

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