scholarly journals ISLAM DAN PERADABAN

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Mukhamad Anieg

<p>Abstract</p><p><span>! e word Civilization is often given the same meaning with culture. But there is a di$ erence in <span>meaning between the two terms. The term Civilization to civilization and Culture for culture. Similarly <span>differentiated between in Arabic word <span>Tsaqafah <span>(culture), said <span>Hadharah <span>(progress), and of the <span>Tamaddun<br /><span>(civilization). Al-kala’i argues that culture in the Arabic language means al-tsaqofah.Initially, i.e. from <span>the time of Rosululloh until the 12th century ad this civilization has managed successfully so that it can <span>give birth to world-class historians so that from here can also give birth to community organizations,<br /><span>the economic centre of the region, language, education, religious belief and science, all of which were <span>based on the religion of islam. Already quite a lot of Americans, Europeans and others converted to <span>Islam. However, unfortunately the addition of Muslims is not coupled the readiness concept in Islamic<br /><span>civilization progress. at this time the quantity of people the most is the religion of Islam which reached <span>1.4 billion people. But it is not the completion of the Muslims in the face of the progress of civilization.<br /><span>Finally the triumph of Islam was down. ! erefore, we must build the Islamic Civilization.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p><p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><br /><span><strong>Keyword:</strong> <span><em>Civilization, religious, community</em>.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

2000 ◽  
pp. 97-99
Anatolii M. Kolodnyi ◽  
Oleksandr N. Sagan

Ukraine is a multi-confessional state, where, as of January 1, 2000, 23 543 religious community organizations, monasteries, missions, fraternities, educational establishments belonging to 90 denominations, branches, churches are officially registered. (For comparison, at the beginning of 1991, the following organizations were registered in Ukraine: 9994, 1992 - 12962, 1993 - 15017, 1994 - 14962, 1995 - 16984, 1996 - 18 111, 1997 - 19110, 1998 - 20 406, 1999 - 21 843 organizations). In their property or use, there are over 16 637 religious buildings. Confessions have opened 250 convents, 184 missions, 49 brotherhoods, 121 religious schools, 7,165 Sunday schools and catechesis offices, and 194 periodicals. Religious needs of believers are satisfied by 21 281 priests, of whom 650 are foreigners.

علاء حسنى المزين (Alaa Hosni)

كان من أهم الآثار الإيجابية للصحوة الإسلامية التى عمت العالم الإسلامى بشكل ملحوظ منذ أوائل السبعينيات فى القرن العشرين زيادة إقبال الشعوب الإسلامية على تعلم اللغة العربية، وبدأ الاهتمام الحقيقى لجامعات العالم الإسلامى بتوفير مساقات متخصصة لهذا الغرض منذ أوائل الثمانينات، وكانت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا التى أسست سنة 1983 من أنشط الجامعات فى هذا الصدد، وهو نشاط استلفت نظر الباحث إذ وجده يستحق الرصد والتوثيق العلمى، والمراجعة إذا اقتضت الضرورة لا بهدف الإشادة بالتجربة بل رغبة فى الإفادة والاستفادة من قبل المختصين من المهتمين بهذا الميدان الحيوى من ميادين خدمة اللغة العربية بل خدمة الإسلام، وحضارته نظرا للارتباط الوثيق بين اللغة العربية وهذا الدين الحنيف باعتبارها لغة كتابه الخالد، والمعلم الرئيس من معالم الهوية الإسلامية المميزة والصمود الحضارى.*****************************************************One of the most positive effects of the Islamic awakening since the early seventies, in the twentieth century, which spread across the Islamic world in a significant manner, has been the increased Muslims’ interest in learning the Arabic language all over the world. There began a real interest in the universities of the Muslim world for the Arabic language by providing specialized courses for this purpose since the early eighties and  the International Islamic University Malaysia established in 1983 has been the most active university in this regard. And this activity of the university drew the interest of the researcher who found it worthy of investigation and scientific documentation as well as of revision, if necessary, not in order to pay tribute to the experience, but for taking advantage and learning from specialists interested in this vital field of the fields of Arabic language service which is actually service of Islam and its civilization considering the strong connection between Islam and the Arabic language, the language of the Qur’Én , the most distinctive feature of Islamic identity and resilience of Islamic civilization.

Suharmon Suharmon

This research aims to obtain infomation about Arabic learning especially speaking skill in Arabic Language Education Department at IAIN Batusangkar. The research uses a quantitative approach. The instruments to collect the data are test and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the research state that the students’ speaking ability at class “ A “ are 28% low, 36% moderate, and 36% high. While, at class “B”, students’ speaking abilities are 36.4% low, 40,9% moderate, and 22.7% high. The cause of students’ low ability is the unappropriateness of teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking. There are about 96% students at class “A” agreed and 86.4% students at class “B” had similar answer. Another cause is students’ low motivation in learning. Class “A” students agreed for about 76% of them and 77% of class “B” students answered the same. From the finding, it can be concluded that the inability of students to speak Arabic can be overcomed by improving teaching strategies and encouraging maximum motivation  to learn Arabic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-231
V.S. Pai

Maggi was the most popular instant noodles brand in India, which children in particular loved to snack on. The brand had a dominant position until suddenly in mid-2015 it got engulfed in controversy. Several state food regulators found that Maggi contained monosodium glutamate as well as lead well above the prescribed limits. Both these substances were harmful especially for children. When Nestlé India was confronted with lab test results it stuck to its position that they had a world class quality control process in place and that their products were safe for consumption. Finally, the national food regulator FSSAI, ordered a ban on the sale of Maggi including product recall. Consequently, several state governments imposed temporary ban on the sale of Maggi noodles in their respective states. The future of the company suddenly looked very bleak. Nestlé India was slow to respond to this fast unfolding crisis. Further, their responses were very brief and not adequately culture-sensitive. This led to the feeling in several quarters that the company was probably guilty of wrongdoing. To set right things Nestlé's worldwide CEO flew into India to douse the flames of the controversy and draw up an appropriate strategy to bail out the brand. He address the media, put in place a new CEO for Nestlé India and set brand Maggi on the path of recovery. However, Nestlé India was still facing a number of critical issues. What should be done to win over the trust of its customers? How should it recover market share lost to competitors both old rivals and new entrants? What strategy should it develop to succeed with the new products, especially hot heads, launched along with the comeback strategy? Should it change its approach to dealing with government health officials to prevent confrontations in future? How should it shorten the response time and make it effective in the face of a media backed public outcry in future?

2000 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-417 ◽  

In this paper I defend the possibility that a ‘contented religious exclusivist’, will be fully rational and not neglectful of any of her epistemic duties when faced with the world’s religious diversity. I present an epistemic strategy for reflecting on one's beliefs and then present two features of religious belief that make contented exclusivism a rational possibility. I then argue against the positions of John Hick, David Basinger, and Steven Wykstra on contented exclusivism, and criticize an overly optimistic conception of rationality. Finally, I describe a contented exclusivist who might very well not be fully rational in the face of religious diversity.

Al-Albab ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Hilmi Muhammadiyah

This article attempts to explore the dynamics of the Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) or Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institution community in Kediri of East Java, Indonesia in maintaining its existence, transforming and seeing the processes, patterns, and strategies that developed by the LDII. The article elaborates how social actors of the LDII carry out social practices continuously so that LDII can continue to survive, develop, and reform the doctrine and religious identity paradigm and its organizational identity thus being accepted by people in the region. The role of the actors as the agent in changing the character of the movement is discussed in this work. They have made strategies including building closeness to the authorities, building attitudes of openness, changing the image of the organization, strengthening identity, establishing dialogue and public cooperation with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI – Majelis Ulama Indonesia) that positioning LDII as a heretical and splinter organization, and establishing cooperation with Religious Community Organizations (Ormas) that are considered mainstream, such as NU (Nahdatul Ulama) and Muhammadiyah. This work attempts to provide materials and considerations in dealing with the issue of raising between the flow of splinters and established groups.

Ahmed Ali Al- Maamari ,  Fathi Mohammed Mahmoud

The topic of metamemory had attracted the attention of many researchers and scholars in the field of educational and cognitive psychology, especially how individuals become aware of and control their memory functions. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to build a psychometric scale/questionnaire for measuring metamemory. The study was conducted among a sample of 200 students joining Sharia/Islamic Law, Arabic Language, Education, English Language, Science, Economics and Management at Al Qassim University. For the purpose of the content validity of the scale, it was verified by the raters’ agreement and the internal consistency of the items of the scale. Pearson correlation coefficient was also used to calculate correlation coefficients between the scores of each item and its dimension to ensure consistency and homogeneity of the items and dimensions of the scale. The correlation coefficients of the items of the scale and the total score of the dimension to which the items belong were all positive correlation coefficients and statistically significant at the level of 0.01, which confirms the consistency and homogeneity of the items of each dimension. The homogeneity of the dimensions of the scale was also verified by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients between the score of each dimension and the overall score of the scale. The reliability of the scale and its sub- dimensions was verified using the α- Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The results showed that the scale and its sub- dimensions had high and statistically acceptable validity and reliability coefficients. Such result indicates that the scale is statistically valid and reliable.    

Faris Maturedy ◽  
Wildana Wargadinata ◽  
Iffat Maimunah

The Arabic debate competition was canceled due to the Covid 19 pandemic. So that ITHLA held the competition through zoom. Meanwhile, the Arabic Language Education Study Program held an Arabic language debate through WhatsApp. The researcher aims to describe the Arabic debate amid the Covid 19 pandemic. Researchers used a qualitative approach. Researchers obtained data by observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed descriptively. The result of this research is that debates during the pandemic are carried out through zoom and WhatsApp. The challenge is that this activity can be followed by Arabic language students throughout Indonesia because the Arabic debate is only followed by students in Java. Meanwhile, the problem is that students have to make sure their signal is good. Also, debates via WhatsApp at IAIN Jember lowered student interest. Meanwhile, students who debated through zoom found difficulties in rebutting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-29
Adi Marsono

The background of this research is that the emergence of the revitalization of education become the talk very interesting and crucial entered the times of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) recently. Seeing the condition of a nation that increasingly worse with a variety of educational failure phenomena occurring generation of people. At the regional level (ASEAN), Arabic is the language of the second alternative communication after the Malay language. Since Arabic is the language of the religious culture of the Islamic community of Malay and Arabic language turns more dominant than in English. This is because the majority of the people of ASEAN are Muslims who think that the Arabic language is flexible, open and elastic in answering the challenges of globalization and cultural transformation. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung is one of the universities which have policies, matakuliah, environment and curriculum that supports the education of Arabic-based life skill education in the ASEAN Economic Community mengahadapi (MEA). The method used in this research are : the type of research is qualitative descriptive. Methods of data collection are observation, interview, documentation. Methods of data analysis are reduction, data display and then drawing conclusions / verification.The results of this research are : 1) the revitalization of the Arabic language education based life skills education at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung in the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is conducted by: a) To formulate vision and mission that suppor Competence Life Skills Arabic, b) Develop curriculum a greater emphasis on deepening the Arabic language skills competence, c) Establishing Bi'ah Lughawiyah Arabic language in Campus and Ma'had, d) Create a special program of learning the Arabic language, e) Mastery learning strategies and Arabic language skills, f) Lecturer Professional and have optimum competence, g) Provide additional extra-based Life Skills, and h) To sharpen the practical and Delivers Native speakers. 2) The implications of life skill education to the Arabic language education at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung for facing the ASEAN Economic Community, the following: a) Linking the use of language in context, b) Lecturer more frequent use of the media, c) Institutions must make improvements in particular, d) Optimization Arabic Education management, and e) Overcoming the obstacles faced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-87
Sultan Sultan ◽  
Dwi Yulianingsih

This study aims to (1) classify errors in the use of Indonesianlanguage which include the use of spelling and punctuation, word selection,sentence composition, paragraph preparation in the scientific work of FTKUIN Mataram students; (2) describe the obstacles and solutions for the useof Indonesian in writing scientific papers among students of UIN Mataram.This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that is supported by verbaldata writing. Data collection in research uses documentation and interviews.The documentation was taken from the fifth semester students’ scientificwork of the Arabic Language Education Department. The results showedthat the errors in the use of Indonesian language of FTK UIN Mataramstudents included 35% letter writing errors, 45% writing punctuation errors,25% word selection errors, and 20% sentence writing mistakes. The obstaclesin the use of Indonesian in the scientific work of students of the Faculty ofEngineering UIN Mataram are language barriers and non-language barriers.Language barriers in the form of not mastering Indonesian languagerules correctly, and non-linguistic barriers include lack of practice andhabituation, control of the results of writing scientific papers for studentsof the Faculty of Engineering UIN Mataram. The solution that can bedone is to get used to the use of Indonesian language based on languagerules, coaching by lecturers through mentoring writing scientific papers.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengklasifikasikan kesalahanpenggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang meliputi pengguanaan ejaan dan tandabaca, pemilihan kata, penyusunan kalimat, penyusunan paragraf dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram; (2) mendeskripsikan hambatandan solusi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam penulisan karya ilmiah dikalangan Mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang didukung dengan data verbal tulisan.Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan dokumentasi danwawancara. Dokumentasi diambil dari karya ilmiah mahasiswa semesterV Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakesalahan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram meliputi kesalahan penulisan huruf 35%, kesalahan penulisan tanda baca45%, kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata 25%, dan kesalahan dalam penyusunankalimat 20%. Adapun hambatan dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram adalah hambatan kebahasaandan hambatan non-kebahasaan. Hambatan kebahasaan berupa kurangmenguasai kaidah bahasa Indonesia dengan benar, dan hambatan nonkebahasaanmeliputi kurangnya latihan dan pembiasaan, pengontrolanterhadap hasil menulis karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram.Adapun solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pembiasaan penggunaanbahasa Indonesia berdasarkan kaidah kebahasaan, pembinaan oleh dosenmelalui pendampingan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah.

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