مهارة الكلام منظور من عملية التعلم والتعليم في جامعة باتوسنجكر الاسلامية الحكومية سومطرى الغربية

Suharmon Suharmon

This research aims to obtain infomation about Arabic learning especially speaking skill in Arabic Language Education Department at IAIN Batusangkar. The research uses a quantitative approach. The instruments to collect the data are test and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the research state that the students’ speaking ability at class “ A “ are 28% low, 36% moderate, and 36% high. While, at class “B”, students’ speaking abilities are 36.4% low, 40,9% moderate, and 22.7% high. The cause of students’ low ability is the unappropriateness of teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking. There are about 96% students at class “A” agreed and 86.4% students at class “B” had similar answer. Another cause is students’ low motivation in learning. Class “A” students agreed for about 76% of them and 77% of class “B” students answered the same. From the finding, it can be concluded that the inability of students to speak Arabic can be overcomed by improving teaching strategies and encouraging maximum motivation  to learn Arabic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Suadi Suadi Suadi

The background of the study was the phenomenon of the first semester students of class A English Language Education Department at STAIN Mandailing Natal. Most of them were seldom using English in everyday activity because they did not have enough motivation, adequate vocabulary, and self-confidence. To activate their speaking skill ability, it was used their speaking video recording. By this, they did not only speak, but also involved in correcting, commenting and evaluating their performance in speaking skill. It was productive solution to overcome their problem. The respondents of this study were 15 first semester students Class A English language Education department in STAIN Mandailing Natal. This study was categorized into Class Action Research (CAR). The method of data collection used in this study was form test of speaking video recording which was measuring seven aspects of speaking skill, they were (1) pronunciation, (2) fluency, (3) word choice, (4) structure, (5) self-confidence, (6) teamwork and (7) creativity. The result of cycle 1 showed that the students’ average score in speaking skill was 7.2. In the cycle 2, the students achieved far better average score namely 8.4. It means there was a progress on students’ speaking skill achievement after learning through speaking video recording. The conclusion was the use of speaking video recording was able to improve the students’ speaking ability because they were brave, motivated and interested to express English as the way they wanted it.

Arif Rahman Hakim

This study aims to know UIN Antasari students’ common mistakes in writing Arabic annexation system (idhafat). The sample is 90 students who join in the subject of tarkib tawabi. It takes qualitative approach with error analysis method. The data are collected from the documentation of students’ syntax workbook which is then analyzed by syntactic error analysis. The result of the study shows that the common mistakes in writing Arabic annexation vary from the mistake in mudhaf, mudhaf ilaih, multiple idhafat, and that in meaning of idhafat. These errors are caused by inadequate duration of learning Arabic in the secondary school level, the teacher that focuses more on explaining syntax theory, and the school’s orientation in raising students’ speaking skill.

Siti Soleha ◽  
Fansi Onita Santoso ◽  
Zaim Elmubarok

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar persentase kesalahan penggunaan (jìnyìcí), mengetahui kesalahan apa saja yang dilakukan mahasiswa, menentukan cara untuk membedakan penggunaan (jìnyìcí) dan merumuskan solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kesalahan penggunaan (jìnyìcí) tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester VI angkatan 2014 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Negeri Semarang sebanyak 25 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi dan metode tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui persentase kesalahan penggunaan (jìnyìcí) adalah sebesar 28,4%. Kesalahan tersebut tergolong pada tingkat rendah, namun ada beberapa kesalahan yang perlu lebih diperhatikan yaitu kesalahan dalam penggunaan fungsi tata bahasa dan kesalahan dalam memahami makna. Cara membedakan penggunaan (jìnyìcí) dapat dilakukan mahasiswa dengan mempelajari fungsi tata bahasa kosakata (jìnyìcí) dan memahami makna kosakata (jìnyìcí). Solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah mempelajari fungsi tata bahasa kosakata (jìnyìcí) secara keseluruhan dengan benar, memahami makna kosakata (jìnyìcí) secara spesifik, dan memperbanyak latihan membuat kalimat menggunakan kosakata (jìnyìcí).This study aims to identify mistake percentage in using (jìnyìcí), identify what mistakes conducted by students, determine how to differentiate the usage of (jìnyìcí), and formulate solution to reduce mistake in using (jìnyìcí). This study uses descriptive-quantitative approach. There are 25 sixth students of Mandarin Language Education Department in Universitas Negeri Semarang as population and sample. In addition, data is collected by documentation and testing method. Based on the analysis, there is 28,4% of mistake in using (jìnyìcí). This finding is categorized as low. However, there are some mistakes that need to be noted. For instance, mistake in using grammar and interpreting meaning. Furthermore, (jìnyìcí) can be differentiate by studying grammar of (jìnyìcí) and understand the meaning of (jìnyìcí). Finally, it is recommended to study the grammar of (jìnyìcí), specifically understand the meaning of (jìnyìcí) and increase the exercise to make sentences using (jìnyìcí).

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-87
Sultan Sultan ◽  
Dwi Yulianingsih

This study aims to (1) classify errors in the use of Indonesianlanguage which include the use of spelling and punctuation, word selection,sentence composition, paragraph preparation in the scientific work of FTKUIN Mataram students; (2) describe the obstacles and solutions for the useof Indonesian in writing scientific papers among students of UIN Mataram.This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that is supported by verbaldata writing. Data collection in research uses documentation and interviews.The documentation was taken from the fifth semester students’ scientificwork of the Arabic Language Education Department. The results showedthat the errors in the use of Indonesian language of FTK UIN Mataramstudents included 35% letter writing errors, 45% writing punctuation errors,25% word selection errors, and 20% sentence writing mistakes. The obstaclesin the use of Indonesian in the scientific work of students of the Faculty ofEngineering UIN Mataram are language barriers and non-language barriers.Language barriers in the form of not mastering Indonesian languagerules correctly, and non-linguistic barriers include lack of practice andhabituation, control of the results of writing scientific papers for studentsof the Faculty of Engineering UIN Mataram. The solution that can bedone is to get used to the use of Indonesian language based on languagerules, coaching by lecturers through mentoring writing scientific papers.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengklasifikasikan kesalahanpenggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang meliputi pengguanaan ejaan dan tandabaca, pemilihan kata, penyusunan kalimat, penyusunan paragraf dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram; (2) mendeskripsikan hambatandan solusi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam penulisan karya ilmiah dikalangan Mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang didukung dengan data verbal tulisan.Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan dokumentasi danwawancara. Dokumentasi diambil dari karya ilmiah mahasiswa semesterV Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakesalahan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram meliputi kesalahan penulisan huruf 35%, kesalahan penulisan tanda baca45%, kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata 25%, dan kesalahan dalam penyusunankalimat 20%. Adapun hambatan dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram adalah hambatan kebahasaandan hambatan non-kebahasaan. Hambatan kebahasaan berupa kurangmenguasai kaidah bahasa Indonesia dengan benar, dan hambatan nonkebahasaanmeliputi kurangnya latihan dan pembiasaan, pengontrolanterhadap hasil menulis karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram.Adapun solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pembiasaan penggunaanbahasa Indonesia berdasarkan kaidah kebahasaan, pembinaan oleh dosenmelalui pendampingan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Maman Abdurrahman ◽  
Masor Masor ◽  
Hikmah Maulani ◽  
Ade Kartini

Characteristic of mahfuzhat is using of high register and contain cultural content and norms. That is bring  own problems into student from memorizing procces, understanding a meaning and practicing. The goals of this study aims to describe and to provide a solution problematic that it has related with mahfuzhat learning. This research uses a case study approach, by observing field phenomena. As for the research subjects, namely students of the 1st semester of the Arabic Language Education Department. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation, then the data analysis used was data display, data reduction and triangulation. The research findings show that the problem of competency aspects is due to aspects of vocabulary, rules and differences in several elements and characteristics between Arabic and Indonesian, the lack of time for practice, non-linguistic problems due to internal and external factors of the learners. The solutions include increasing the components and implementing learning as well as strengthening the motivation and self-confidence of learner.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 106
Ketut Lingga Bimantara ◽  
I Putu Ngurah Wage Myartawan ◽  
Kadek Sintya Dewi

This study aimed to observe the implementation of infographics in speaking for social interaction course and analyze students' responses toward infographics implementation.  This study used an embedded mixed-method design with qualitative dominant in which the primary component is qualitative and the supporting component is quantitative. This study was conducted in English Language Education Department of Ganesha University especially in speaking for social interaction course. The results showed that in implementing infographics in the speaking class, the lecturer used infographics in pre-activity, whilst-activity, post-activity. The researcher found the use of infographics only once in pre-activity as brainstorming media, twice in whilst activity as the practice for students to know the capability of the students' speaking skill, and the rest of the meetings the lecturer used the infographics in post-activity as evaluation. Additionally, the implementation of infographics in post-activity also got positive responses from most of the students.  Majority of the students stated that the use of infographics was very beneficial in supporting students to speak better.

Aulia Mustika Ilmiani ◽  
Nurul Wahdah ◽  
Mahfuz Rizqi Mubarak

Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory is a theory that connects behaviorist and cognitive learning theory. This theory assumes that people can pay attention to others through observation, reinforcement, and modeling to learn new information and behavior. Based on this principle, the Arabic Language Education study program lecturer at IAIN Palangka Raya started learning maharah kalam by inviting students to review videos as a pilot, to be imitated and practiced. The purpose of this study is to describe the learning process of Mahārah Kalam using social cognitive theory. Using descriptive qualitative methods, research data is generated through the process of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that there were four basic activities of learning maharah kalam using social cognitive theory. First, observing the pronunciation of a conversational sentence from a learning video. Second, remembering the pronunciation of the sentence either in the form of vocabulary or the question word used. Third, replicating pronunciation by imitating conversational sentences according to the learning video. Fourth, showing abilities by exploring conversations, as well as the pronunciation learned

Ariana Oktavia

<p><em>The purpose of this study was to find out on the effectiveness of movie making activities to improve students’ learning motivation and speaking skills of the third semester of Port and Shipping management students of STIMART “AMNI” Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. This research was an experimental research design which involved two groups. They were control group and experimental group. The subject of this research was Class A and B of the third semester of Port and Shipping Management of STIMART “AMNI” Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. Each class was consists of 30 students. Class A was experiment group and class B was the control group. At the beginning of this research, both groups were given pretest. Then, the experimental group was given treatment of movie making activities which was done for five times. The control group was not getting any treatment. Next, both groups were given posttest.The result of this research was based on the result of both groups pretest and posttest. The control group pretest result was 60, 6 and the posttest result was 77,2 while the experimental group pretest result was 67,4 and the posttest result was 83,4 so, it could be concluded that movie making activities was 83,4% effective to improve and increase students’ learning motivation and speaking skills of Port and Shipping management students of STIMART “AMNI ” Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017.</em></p><p><em></em><strong><em>Keywords :</em><em> Movie making activities, Speaking, Motivation.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan kegiatan pembuatan film untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dan ketrampilan berbicara taruna semester tiga jurusan Ketatalaksanaan pelayaran Niaga dan Kepelabuhanan STIMART “ AMNI ” Semarang tahun akademik 2016/2017.  Penelitian ini adalah penelitian experimental yang melibatkan 2 grup. 1 grup sebagai control grup dan 1 grup sebagai experimental grup. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah taruna kelas A dan B mempunyai jumlah taruna sebanyak 30 taruna . Kelas A sebagai eksperiment grup dan kelas B sebagai kontrol grup. Pada awal pelaksanaan penelitian , kedua grup diberikan pretest . Kemudian , kelas yang merupakan eksperimental grup diberikan perlakuan menggunakan kegiatan pembuatan film. Perlakuan ini dilakukan lima kali . Bagi control grup tidak diberikan perlakuan sama sekali. Selanjutnya, kedua grup diberikan posttest. Hasil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil dari pretest dan posttest dari kedua grup. Hasil pretest dari control grup 60,6 dan posttestnya 77,2 sedangkan hasil pretest eksperimental group 67,4 dan posttestnya 83,4 jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pembuatan film 83,4% efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dan ketrampilan berbicara taruna semester tiga jurusan Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga dan Kepelabuhanan STIMART “ AMNI ”Semarang tahun akademik 2016/2017.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : <em>Kegiatan pembuatan Film, Berbicara, Motivasi</em></strong></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Anwar Sanusi

The translation results are considered good quality if the translation results can divert messages that are spread from source language into the target language with an accurate, clear, and natural choice of words. The research aimed to identify and determine the level of accuracy of the translation results of the Arabic Language Education Department of Indonesia University of Education. Accuracy can be considered as the suitability or accuracy of the message conveyed between the source language and target language. This research used a qualitative-descriptive-comparative approach with content analysis design. The results of this research indicate that out of the 16 translation data translated, 18 respondents had an average accuracy of each level, consisting of 12.2% highly accurate, 61.1% accurate, 22.2% less accurate, and 4.5% not accurate.

Al-Ma rifah ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Ahmad Marzuq

This research is aimed to describing the gramatical errors on the text that committed by the students of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Jakarta. Grammatical errors in this case covering morphological errors and syntactic errors. Data obtained through an Arabic essay writing activities performed by 25 students and then the data were analyzed using the method of error analysis.   The results showed that 25 students essays founded 68 grammatical errors. These grammatical errors consist of 38 syntax errors and 30 morphological errors.   Grammatical errors made ​​by students can be caused by several factors such as the influence of the mother tongue / first, the influence of the second language being studied, as well as the influence of developmental errors.   Keywords:gramatical errors, morphological errors, syntactic errors, arabic essay

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