Ronny Ersya Novianto

This study aims to build a sustainable model for empowering Arjuno coffee farmers. This study uses a qualitative method. This study indicates that Arjuno coffee farmers adhere to Javanese-Islamic values and culture; this is the basis for describing Pre-Incubation Strengthening of Javanese-Islamic Culture-Based Social Business (ISBSBoJI). Meanwhile, ISBSBoJI was built by increasing the capability and productivity of Arjuno coffee farmers with market orientation and collaboration. The goal of Post-ISBSBoJI is to increase trust and sustainable welfare.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Novi Indriyani Sitepu

This study aims to analyze the urgency of consumption in the economy and the implementation of Islamic values in public consumption behavior. The data used was time series data to food consumption on Indonesian from year 2011 to 2014. The analysis was conducted with qualitative method using the analysis techniques library research, are deskriptive analysis. The result shows that consumptive behavior becomes a habit Indonesian society, so the community income mostly just for consumption. Islam provides a solution that balanced consumption behavior that is not tabdjir and not ishraf.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang urgensi konsumsi dalam perekonomian dan implementasi nilai Islam pada perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Data yang digunakan adalah data seri waktu (time series) terhadap konsumsi makanan di Indonesia dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan tekhnik analisis library research yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perilaku konsumtif menjadi kebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia, sehingga penghasilan masyarakat sebagian besar hanya untuk konsumsi. Islam menawarkan pola konsumsi yang seimbang yaitu tidak tabdjir dan tidak ishraf.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-526
Firdaus Armanda ◽  
Syahrizal Abbas

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa qanun jinayat menggunakan emas murni sebagai standar dalam jarimah maisir dan uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jinayat. Selain itu, apa menjadi dasar filosofis, yuridis, dan sosiologis bagi penentuan standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jinayat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam Qanun Jinayat tidak terlepas dari sejarah masyarakat Aceh yang kental dengan nilai keislaman, sehingga uqubat emas murni yang dikenal dalam Islam diambil juga dalam qanun. Terdapat tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam qanun Aceh, yaitu faktor filosofis, yuridis, dan sosiologis. Pure Gold Uqubat In Jinayat Qanun This study aims to find out why the qanun Jinayat uses pure gold as the standard in jarimah maisir and uqubat (fines) against perpetrators of jinayat. Moreover, what is philosophical, juriditical, and sociological basis for determining the uqubat standard for fines for jinayat perpetrators. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative method. The results showed that pure gold uqubat contained in jinayat qanun is inseparable from the history of the Achenese which is thick with islamic values, so the pure gold uqubat is also taken from qanun. There are three factors that influece the establishment of pure gold uqubat stipulate in Aceh qanun, namely philosophical, juridical, and sociological factors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Marlon Pontino Guleng ◽  
Razaleigh Muhamat@Kawangit ◽  
Zulkefli Aini

Mainstreaming the issue of Islamic education in the Philippines will be a major avenue in providing the overall educational requirements for every Filipino Muslims. A qualitative method is applied in this study, which mainly involved analyzing contents. The findings of the study show that Islamic education plays a vital role in peace and development for Muslims-Christians relationship. The study finds out that due to the achievement of peace and development for the country, the government implements Arabic Language and Islamic Values Program (ALIVE) that lead to National Public Holiday, provide equal education, provide opportunity for Muslims scholars and give some advantage to Muslim society in the Philippines. Focus on the issue of Islamic education in the country will create a garden of peace that may lead to respect and harmony.

2020 ◽  
pp. 120633122096126
Bob Giddings ◽  
Majid Almehrej ◽  
Manuel Cresciani

The courtyard form of the traditional Arab house responded to both climate and the culture of its inhabitants. Islamic values, as well as socioeconomic factors, played crucial roles in the design. However, the mid-20th century marked the beginning of Saudi Arabia’s first rapid economic growth as a result of the discovery of oil; which dramatically increased the wealth and prosperity of the population, and resulted in new lifestyles. This period witnessed the introduction of the grid layout street pattern and the detached villa house. This type became the prevalent style in Saudi Arabia, the central province, and Riyadh in particular. While the traditional courtyard house more than satisfied cultural needs, increasingly it was viewed inappropriate for affluent 21st-century lifestyles. Yet this research confirmed that the villa style is creating fundamental problems for Saudi families. The theoretical framework is set in sustainability theory, and investigates the principles of home through human needs, place, and house. The methodology uses a survey strategy with questionnaires, interviews, and building analysis to determine which aspects of home are satisfied by each type. The dilemma is that Saudi families will not return to the courtyard type because it does not meet important requirements of status; whereas the villa type does not meet significant criteria such as privacy. The context is increasing climatic temperatures, which are making both types increasingly uncomfortable. This study highlights the need for a specific contemporary home style that would satisfy 21st-century aspirations, respect Islamic culture, and respond to changing climate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Irman Irman

Kesepian yang dialami lansia di panti jompo memberi dampak negatif pada perilaku sosial. Peneliti ingin mengungkapkan perilaku lansia yang mengalami kesepian dan implikasinya terhadap konseling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan responden lansia yang mengalami kesepian di panti jompo Kasih sayang Ibu di Batusangkar. Adapun teknik yang digunakan untuk mengambil data yaitu melalui wawancara yang mendalam dan pengamatan. Analisis data menggunakan teori miless & Huberman, dan uji keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan beberapa hal; Pertama, munculnya perilaku negative dan salah suai lansia yang mengalami kesepian, dan perilaku tersebut muncul sebagai akibat ketidakmampuan dalam mengelola perasaan. Kedua, adanya usaha yang dilakukan lansia untuk menghilangkan kesepian, diantara yaitu melalui kegiatan ibadah dan berdiskusi dengan orang dipercaya. Ketiga, perilaku lansia yang mengalami kesepian dan usaha yang telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesepian tersebut berimplikasi pada penerapan konseling Islam, khususnya dari sisi interaksi sosial dan pengelolaan perasaan berlandaskan nilai-nilai Islam, serta pemantapan nilai-nilai ibadah sebagai usaha untuk mengatasi kesepian.    Kata Kunci: lansia; kesepian; konseling Islam.__________________________________________________The loneliness experienced by the elderly in nursing homes has a negative impact on social behavior. The researcher wants to reveal the behavior of the elderly who experience loneliness and its implications for counseling. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, with elderly respondents who experience loneliness in nursing homes Mother's Love in Batusangkar. The technique used to retrieve data is through in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis using the theory of Miless & Huberman, and data validity testing using triangulation. The results of the study found several things; First, the emergence of negative behavior and wrong elderly people who experience loneliness, and the behavior appears as a result of the inability to manage feelings. Secondly, there is an attempt by the elderly to eliminate loneliness, between, namely through worship activities and discussions with trusted people. Third, the behavior of the elderly who experience loneliness and the efforts that have been made to overcome loneliness have implications for the application of Islamic counseling, especially in terms of social interaction and management of feelings based on Islamic values, and the strengthening of worship values as an effort to overcome loneliness.Keywords: elderly; lonely; Islamic counseling. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 644-655
Shofwan Al Faroqy Hasibuan ◽  
R. Hamdani Harahap ◽  
Agus Purwoko

This study is to analyze the role of youth in developing their knowledge of the coffee business to attract tourists to visit the Siamrjarunjung Tourism Area and its surroundings and introduce Simalungun coffee to a wider area so that it is generally known. This study uses a qualitative method. The results of this study, the development of coffee businesses in the Simarjarunjung Tourism Area and its surroundings have followed the current trends in big cities. Coffee entrepreneurs have processed coffee beans from cherries, green beans, roast beans, and have even consumed coffee. Local youth have developed their knowledge on how to manage coffee since 2016. The impact is very visible from the increased income of coffee farmers who previously sold cherries, now they can sell in the form of green beans, roast beans, and even coffee drinks clearly increase income for farmers and coffee entrepreneurs. shop. The development of the coffee shop business has also increased with the development of knowledge of coffee shop business entrepreneurs about contemporary coffee brewing techniques favored by millennials. The role of youth in increasing the selling value of coffee can be seen from the increase in the capacity of youth in understanding coffee management and even making places to enjoy coffee in the Simarjarunjung and Surrounding Tourist Areas, namely coffee shops. There are 6 (six) coffee shops in the Simarjarunjung Tourism Area and its surroundings, each of which is managed by local youths by selling various kinds of coffee products such as green beans, roast beans, and coffee drinks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Nur Hafni ◽  
Aiyub Aiyub

The Province of Aceh has a robust legal basis and umbrella in implementing an education system based on Islamic values following the mandate of Law No. 11 of 2006 and is described in the provincial and district qanuns of North Aceh. Implementing the special autonomy policy in education gives the Aceh Provincial government the flexibility to develop creative and innovative Islamic-based programs following the characteristics of Aceh's privileges. This study aims to analyze the formulation of Islamic values-based curriculum education policies in primary education and the collaborative actors involved in forming Islamic values-based educational curriculum policies. The research was used the descriptive qualitative method. The informants were determined by purposive sampling. The study found no synergy of cross-actor in collaborative governance in the formulation of Islamic values-based Aceh education curriculum policies. Thus, the implementation of education programs based on Islamic values was interpreted and meant differently among agencies. In addition, the National Curriculum strongly dominated the implementation of Aceh education in primary education, while local policies on Islamic values were few. Therefore, the policies of providing education do not reflect the specificity of Aceh's privileges. Besides that, the Islamic-based education policy program was not explained in a more detailed derivative policy.

Faisal Faisal

Applying Islamic values are an important part of teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to determine students’ perception towards teaching mathematics based Islamics values. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The subject as students grade VII 1 SMPN 2 Langsa. Research metholodogy used was descriptive qualitative method. The result study showed that the percentages of students’ perception towards applying Islamic values on teaching mathematics were 51% strongly agree, 40% agree, 7% less agree, and 2% disagree.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-112
Ela Hikmah Hayati ◽  
Rasikin Rasikin

This study discusses one of the dance arts in Pandeglang Banten, namely the Dhikr Saman dance. This dance is one culture that is able to carry Islamic values. The emergence of the Dhikr Saman dance culture is from a tarekat called Samaniyah brought by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abd Karim al-Samman from Aceh in the 18th century, by modifying the teachings of the Khalwiyat, Qadiriyah, Naqsabandiyah and Syadziliyah orders. This study aims to reveal how the role of the Dhikr Saman dance uses the structural functional theory analysis tool proposed by Talcot Parsons. The results of this study reveal that the Dhikr Saman Dance art is able to give a role in spreading Islamic values in the Pandeglang community in the aspects of religion and culture, but after 2009 the Dhikr Saman Dance no longer has an important role in the Society due to more modern thought changes brought by Muhammadiyah, which suggests that Islamic values contained in the Dhikr Saman dance are impure teachings.Keywords: Influence, Islamic Culture, Dhikr Saman, Pandeglang Studi ini membahas tentang salah satu seni budaya Tari di Pandeg¬lang Banten yaitu tari Zikir Saman. Seni tari ini merupakan salah satu budaya yang mampu membawa nilai-nilai Islam. Munculnya budaya tari Zikir Saman yaitu dari sebuah tarekat yang bernama Samaniyah yang dibawa oleh Syekh Muhammad bin Abd Karim al-Samman dari Aceh pada abad ke-18 M, dengan cara memodifikasi ajaran tarekat Khalwiyat, Qadiriyah, Naqsabandiyah dan Syadziliyah. Studi ini bertujuan meng¬ungkap bagaimana peran seni tari Zikir Saman dengan menggunakan alat analisis teori fungsionalisme struktural yang dikemukakan oleh Talcot Parsons. Hasil dari studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa seni tari Zikir Saman mampu memberikan peran dalam menyebarkan nilai-nilai Islam di kalangan Masyarakat Pandeglang dalam aspek agama dan budaya, akan tetapi setelah tahun 2009 tari Zikir Saman tidak lagi mempunyai peran penting dalam Masyarakat karena adanya perubahan pemikiran yang lebih modern yang dibawa oleh Muhammadiyah, yang menggap bahwa nilai-nilai Islam yang terkandung dalam seni tari Zikir Saman merupakan ajaran yang sudah tidak murni.Kata Kunci: Pengaruh, Seni Budaya Islam, Zikir Saman, Pandeglang

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Nizrah Nizrah ◽  
Nasaruddin Nasaruddin ◽  
Hamiyuddin Hamiyuddin

This research has a problem that how is the implementation of the topo salia custom in Desa Maninili Barat, Kecamatan Tinombo Selatan, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, and what is the view of Islamic law on the topo salia custom. The research method used is a qualitative method that describes field research. In the data collection technique, the writer used the method of observation and direct interviews with informants, namely the village head and several religious figures as well as documentation. Then, the results of the research found that first the topo salia custom is a ritual that is carried out in the month of Rabiul Awal to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. namely on the 12th of Rabiul Awal, this tradition was carried out with the aim of rejecting calamities and making their children live and cultured. Second, according to the view of traditional Islamic law, topo salia does not contradict Islamic law because it contains Islamic values, such as deliberation, mutual cooperation, strengthening friendship, and a form of gratitude to Allah swt.

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