2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
Kartika Chrysti Suryandari ◽  
Siti Fatimah ◽  
Sajidan Sajidan ◽  
Sentot Budi Rahardjo ◽  
Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo

Abstract: This study set out to examine the effectiveness of project-based science learning towards pre-service teachers literacy skills and learning creativity in wave and optical materials. This quasi-experimental study involved 115 students of Primary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.  Direct and in-depth data dissemination techniques were used in this study. The aspects of creative thinking abilities include fluency, authenticity, elaboration, and flexibility. Mann Withney U test was used to test the hypothesis, while the N-Gain test was performed to determine the pre-service teachers improvement in scientific literacy skills and creative thinking. Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses were performed in this study. The results showed that: 1) material and optical tools–based learning activities are appropriate for the pre-service teachers scientific literacy skills and creative thinking. The correct answer term includes the highest average probability statistics from other subindicators; 2) aspects of science that are used in the aspects of literacy is in good category but the originality aspect in its ability needs to be developed and processed continuously. Keywords: science literacy skill, creative thinking skill, project based learning, waves and optics PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN SAINS BERBASIS PROYEK TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN LITERASI ILMU DAN PEMIKIRAN KREATIF CALON GURU  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur keefektifan pembelajaran sains berbasis proyek terhadap keterampilan literasi dan kreativitas belajar dalam materi gelombang dan optik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimen semu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 115 siswa semester Program Pendidikan Guru Pratama, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Teknik penyebaran data langsung dan mendalam. Aspek kemampuan berpikir kreatif meliputi kelancaran, keaslian, elaborasi, dan fleksibilitas. Untuk menentukan besarnya peningkatan keterampilan literasi sains dan siswa berpikir kreatif digunakan N-Gain Test hipotesis menggunakan tes Mann Withney U. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis material dan alat optik sesuai untuk keterampilan literasi sains dan pemikiran kreatif siswa. Istilah jawaban yang benar mencakup statistik probabilitas rata-rata tertinggi dari subindikator lainnya; 2) aspek ilmu yang digunakan dalam aspek literasi dalam aspek yang baik tetapi aspek orisinalitas dalam kemampuannya perlu dikembangkan dan diolah terus- menerus. Kata kunci: keterampilan literasi sains, keterampilan berpikir kreatif, pembelajaran berbasis proyek, gelombang dan optik

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Azimar Rusdi ◽  
Herbert Sipahutar ◽  
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin

This research was intended to identify the correlation between (1) creative thinking and science literacy and (2) scientific attitude and science literacy in the concept of environment pollution. Sample was consisted of 219 eleventh grade science student of MAN Medan that was taken by cluster random sampling method. This study was encompassed phases preparation, action, and post research. The instrument were included to scientific literacy test, creative thinking test and scientific attitude questionary. The results is indicated that (1) there is positive correlation between creative thinking and science literacy with r=0.433 (2) there is positive correlation between science attitude and science literacy with r=0.363. (3) there is positive correlation between creative thinking and science attitude with science literacy with r=0,59. This study implies that reading comprehension and science attitude have important role to improve science literacy skill.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Evi Suryawati ◽  
Mariani Natalina ◽  
Nadia Nadia ◽  
Deswati Deswati

Abstract: This study aims to improve student’s science literacy skills by using 5E Learning Cycle model. The treatment was conducted collaboratively for the topic ‘Structures and functions of plants’ involving Biology lectures, pre-service teachers, and the science school teachers of SMPN 21 Pekanbaru in August 2018. The focus of the observation was on science literacy and learning activities of students, both individually and in groups. Science literacy including scientific, procedural and epistemic knowledge was measured through worksheets. While the aspects of explaining scientific phenomena, evaluating and design scientific investigations, interpreting data, and the evidence were measured using an assessment sheet performance. Curiosity, scientific argumentation and environmental awareness were measured using the observation sheet. Learning activities carried out inside and outside the classroom had a positive impact on literacy skill science. The data showed the students individually or in groups could answer questions in the worksheet, more actively engaged, more enthusiastic and more curious when observing, identifying and grouping plants using real objects around school environment. Some questions arose from students when identifying corn and carrot plants about vegetative and generative structures. Overall, the implementation of 5E Learning Cycle model can improve students' scientific literacy in learning science at SMPN 21 Pekanbaru

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
Shofwan Ridho ◽  
Nonoh Siti Aminah ◽  
Agus Supriyanto

Some research showed that many teachers have literacy skills but they have not used them in the classroom yet.This research aims to describe science literacy competence of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta students and teacher. The research uses qualitative descriptive method. The study was conducted at SMA Batik 2 Surakarta with tenth grade science class students as the subjects. There were 88 students as and 2 teacher  the subjects. The samples selected by using total sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study is science literacy test adapted from PISA (Programme for International Student Assesment). The data analysis technique used is percentage. The result of this study shows that 57,41% student mastered the science literacy competence, the student completed in science literacy competence included in the middle level this research. The interviews with teachers and students show that the use of science literacy in the classroom is still low.This research is complementary the study of the importance of teacher ability analysis in the use of scientific literacy skill in the classroom

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Arfiati Ulfa Utami

Education has an important role in preparing students to have scientific literacy skills and to be able to solve problems in daily life in the face of modern life. In science learning science literacy is very important as the development of science and technology in this era of globalization, it is necessary to develop a Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) as a measure to determine the extent of students' literacy abilities. The Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) is packaged through internet technology, where students must be able to access the internet because the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) is done online. This study aims to determine the scientific literacy skills of students through the development of the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) integrated Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods. The study sample was 35 students of class VII at Srono Banyuwangi 1 Public Middle School. The research instrument used was a test in the form of a Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) adapted from Gormally et al. This test is given to 20 students at Srono Banyuwangi 1 Public Middle School. The average results obtained using the TOSLS test in the category are sufficient (62.52). Keywords: scientific literacy, Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS), Internet of Things (IoT)

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Ika W. Utamining Tias ◽  
Srikandi Octaviani

This research is motivated by the learning process carried out in class V of SD Negeri 8 Metro Timur, SD Negeri 1 Metro Barat, SD Negeri 1 Metro Utara dan SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. The implementation of the learning process carried out by teachers who generally still use conventional learning methods and models that are only fixated on books and more teacher-centered, students listen to explanations from the teacher, take notes, memorize information and work on problems. practice questions rather than doing practical activities through experiments or experiments. As a result, the learning process becomes less attractive and seems monotonous because students tend to be passive and less participatory in learning activities. Teachers lack innovation in the use of active and innovative methods or learning models that are more student centered. That is, learning that provides more opportunities for students to construct independently the process of understanding material through a more active learning process through search activities and problem solving. In response to this, researchers conduct learning using a project based learning learning model with the aim of improving students' science process skills and scientific literacy skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of the PjBL model on process skills and scientific literacy skills. The type of this study is quasi-experimental research using the design of nonequivalent groups pre test-post test from Fraenkel and Wallen. The design of nonequivalent groups pre test - post test was started by setting the experimental group and the control group, then doing the pre test, followed by giving treatment to the two classes and ending with a post test. The subjects in this study were fifth grade elementary school students in Metro City. Data collection techniques in the form of tests. The research instrument is a spatial literacy test sheet. Data were analyzed using normality test and Mann Whitney test. The results of this study indicate that the PjBL model can improve science process skills and higher scientific literacy skills compared to groups of students who get conventional learning. Keywords: skills of science literacy, skills of science process, elementary students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 601-606
Ulia Anisatur Rosidah ◽  
Putut Marwoto ◽  
Bambang Subali

Science learning in Indonesia has not succeeded in increasing scientific literacy skills, as indicated by the decreasing international ranking from year to year. One of the efforts made to improve scientific literacy is using Android-based learning media. This study aims to analyze the need for the development of instructional media to improve students' scientific literacy at MTs Al Uswah Bergas Semarang Regency. This type of research is a descriptive study that is to describes the current situation. The data instruments used were interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The results of the research on the analysis of the needs for learning media based on android showed that 38% of the 80 students, namely 30 students agreed to develop Android-based learning media, while 29% of the students showed disagreement, 21% strongly agreed, and 12% strongly disagreed. There are aspects of literacy then students including; literacy as mastery of science as knowledge was 63%, 66% as a way of thinking, 62% of scientific literacy as a way of learning, 62% of the aspects of mastery of the competence of the interaction of science, technology, and society. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the development of Android-based mobile learning media to improve students' scientific literacy

Noly Shofiyah ◽  
Metatia Intan Mauliana ◽  
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Ria Wulandari

The STEM is an approach that seemly considered will be useful in online learning, because it can facilitate students to learn some  skills from about 21st century.  This study was aimed to develop module-based STEM in improving scientific literacy skills in distance learning through e learning. Because this research developed module-based STEM, this study was named developmental research. The research procedure follows the stages of the R & D method developed by Barg and Gall which includes the studies of preliminary, product planning, development, validation (validation by experts), and  revision, lastly field testing. Moduls that have been declared valid by experts are field tested using one group pretest-posttest design in an experimental class. The results show that the feasibility of module-based STEM in distance learning model to increase students' skills within scientific literacy was valid with the average score of 4.28 by two experts. In addition, the application of integrated STEM teaching materials through e-learning has a moderate effect on students' scientific literacy skills since the N-gain score was 0.6.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 278 ◽  
Nely Andriani ◽  
Saparini Saparini ◽  
Hamdi Akhsan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan literasi sains fisika siswa SMP Kelas VII di Sumatera Selatan menggunakan kerangka PISA. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan literasi sains dalam IPA (fisika) siswa tanpa memberikan perlakuan kepada siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data berbentuk tes tertulis.  Penilaian disesuaikan dengan kriteria penilaian PISA. Variabel penelitian ini adalah pencapaian kemampuan literasi sains siswa pada konten fisik. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan purposive sampling meliputi SMP N 1 kota Palembang, SMP N 1 kota Prabumulih, dan SMP N 1 kabupaten Ogan Ilir pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Hasil Penelitian diperoleh persentase pencapaian siswa yang paling tinggi pada level 2 sebesar 54,9 dan terendah pada level 5 yaitu hanya sebesar 28,1 dari skala maksimum 100. Secara keseluruhan rerata persentase hasil kemampuan literasi sains siswa SMP di Sumatera Selatan berdasarkan Kompetensi Proses Sains, yaitu 47,1. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kemampuan literasi sains siswa SMP di Sumatera Selatan secara keseluruhan ditinjau dari level soal dan kompetensi proses sains diperoleh hasil masih sangat rendah. This research aims to analyze the ability of Physics Science Literacy of Grade VII Middle School Students in South Sumatra by using the PISA Framework. The research method is a quantitative descriptive method that aims to get a picture of scientific literacy abilities in science (physics) students without giving treatment to students. The assessment is adjusted to the PISA assessment criteria. The variables of this study was the achievement of students' science literacy skills in physical content. Data collection techniques by written tests. Samples were taken using purposive sampling and the research sample are SMP N 1 kota Palembang, SMP N 1 kota Prabumulih, dan SMP N 1 Kabupaten Ogan Ilir The results of the study showed that the highest percentage of student’s achievement at level 2 was 54.9 and the lowest was at level 5, which was only 28.1 from the maximum 100 scale. While the overall percentage of the results of the scientific literacy skills of junior high school students in South Sumatra was based on Science Process Competence. that is 47.1. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the scientific literacy skills of junior high school students in South Sumatra as a whole in terms of the level of questions and competency of science processes are still very low.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Atikah Syamsi ◽  
Zulela M.S. ◽  
Yufiarti Yufiarti

AbstractThe study is to provide an alternative science learning model of an elementary school that can invite students to improve science literacy. As observations and questionnaires of researchers in a preliminary study at two elementary schools in the city of Cirebon, West Java, it was found that based on the average results of the initial analysis of scientific literacy tests of students from the two schools, an average of 85.7% showed negative results with the ability to answer the practice of science questions in the form of literacy, which means that students have not been able to answer literacy questions test. The research method uses model development the ASSURE development model starting with Student analysis; setting goals; choose a method, media / material, use media & material; activating student involvement as well as evaluations & revisions developed by Sharon Smaldino. As for the preliminary study conducted by analyzing 5th-grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) PGM and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)  An-Nur Cirebon as samples and also observing teachers from the two schools, so this research produces a SIBELPOLEN model for science learning, which consists of teaching syntax, teacher roles, support system, accompaniment impact, instructional impact and designing lesson plans that can improve Science literacy competence of elementary school students.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif model pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) di sekolah dasar dalam  meningkatkan literasi sains pada siswa. Hasil observasi dan angket peneliti dalam studi pendahuluan di dua Sekolah Dasar di Kota Cirebon Jawa Barat diketahui bahwa berdasarkan rata-rata hasil analisis awal tes literasi sains siswa dari dua sekolah tersebut rata-rata 85,7% menunjukkan hasil negatif dengan kemampuan menjawab soal latihan soal IPA berupa literasi yang artinya siswa belum mampu menjawab soal tes literasi. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan pengembangan model ASSURE yang diawali dengan Student analysis; menetapkan tujuan; pilih metode, media / material, gunakan media & material; mengaktifkan keterlibatan siswa serta evaluasi & revisi yang dikembangkan oleh Sharon Smaldino. Adapun studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan menganalisis siswa kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) PGM dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) An-Nur Cirebon sebagai sampel dan juga melakukan observasi terhadap guru dari kedua sekolah tersebut, maka penelitian ini menghasilkan model SIBELPOLEN untuk pembelajaran IPA. yang terdiri dari: sintaks pengajaran, peran guru, sistem pendukung, dampak pendampingan, dampak instruksional dan merancang rencana pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi literasi sains siswa sekolah dasarHow to Cite: Syamsi, A, M. S. Zulela., Yufiart (2020). ).  Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy through the Cycle-based Learning Model. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 7 (1), 133-142. doi:10.15408/tjems.v7i1.16941

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-27
Umi Roufatuz Zahro ◽  
Woro Sumarni ◽  
Suharto Linuwih

The progress of science and technology in various countries has accelerated toward the 21 century. The measurement of scientific literacy is very important to find out the extent to which students have been literated in science as an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. The preparation of test instruments based on scientific literacy is an effort to measure the literacy skills of students in the field of science. The purpose of this study was to develop a valid, practical and effective science literacy test instrument to measure the scientific literacy skills of students on the theme of global warming. The research method used in this study was the method of Research and Development (R & D) with the research design of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The final product in this research development is a scientific literacy-based test instrument to measure the scientific literacy skill of students that have been declared valid and feasible by experts and is valid in the content, in the form of 20 reasonable multiple-choice questions that are tailored to the indicators of the scientific literacy, complete with a grid of questions, answer keys, and bibliography. Based on the results, it is concluded that the validity of the test instruments received an average percentage of 79.99% and was included in the category of valid and feasible to use. The practicality of the test instrument is in the very practical category seen based on the results of student responses by 87.5% and teacher responses by 94.23%. The effectiveness of the test instrument is in the effective category, Since this studycan reveal or position the scientific literacy skills of students into three criteria items, namely high, medium, and low, it can be used as input and thought contribution in an effort to improve the quality of making the test instruments to measure the skill of scientific literacy on the theme of global warming.

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