scholarly journals The implementation of school-based lesson study at elementary school

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Purnomo Purnomo

This study aims to describe and interpret the implementation of school-based lesson study in SDN I Kretek. This study uses the qualitative research. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, field notes, and documentation. The data validity was determined through sources and techniques triangulation. The data were analyzed using the Interactive Analysis Model from Miles and Huberman. The results show: (1) the planning of school-based lesson study program at SDN 1 Kretek has been implemented from the beginning of the school year 2014/2015 by establishing school-based lesson study team. This team is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating school-based lesson study program at SDN 1 Kretek, (2) school-based lesson study at SDN 1 Kretek is implemented in three phases, namely planning, implementation, and reflection, and (3) The evaluation of lesson study is conducted by each teacher who has conducted the open class and conducted thoroughly with a meeting by a team of school-based lesson study SDN 1 Kretek at the end of the school year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Insar Damopolii ◽  
I Iwan

Lesson study has been carried out on V semester students in microbiology courses in the Biology Education and Teaching and Education Faculty Study Program, University of Papua, in the odd semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. The lesson activity of this study aims to improve the process and quality of biology learning. The activities carried out were the activities of the lesson team of biological studies consisting of model lecturers and observers. Lesson Study activities are carried out as many as four open classes, each open class consists of four stages of activity, namely: plan, implementation, observation and reflection or see. Each stage of producing planning (Chapter Design, Lesson Design, RPS and assessment instruments). The learning process is carried out through the application of the Two Stay Two Stray type (TSTS) cooperative learning model. Data obtained through observations by observers. The results obtained in the open class activities show that: (1) increasing student activity, creativity and independence, (2) students' understanding of concepts that are considered difficult to improve, and (3) the quality of microbiology learning increases (4) Learning cooperative type TSTS through lesson study activities (LS) can enhance collaboration and discussion between members of the lesson study team in planning and implementing learning, as well as reflection on learning activities (5) Can improve lecturer professionalism because initially lecturer-centered learning turns into learning centered on college student

2002 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 293-300 ◽  
Hila J. Spear

This ethnographic study, a component of another study that examined the lived experiences of a small group of pregnant teenagers, focused on the social and learning environment of an alternative school program for pregnant and parenting female adolescents, aged 13 to 19. Field notes, participant observation, group discussion, and informal conversational data were gathered over a 16-week period. Analysis of the data revealed four major themes: nurture and positive regard, sisterhood and belonging, mentoring and sense of family, and proactive learning environment and academic pride. The girls who attended the program developed close relationships with their peers and teachers. Many of them experienced academic success for the first time and reported that pregnancy and impending motherhood motivated them to do better in school. Recommendations for a more comprehensive school-based approach to meeting the needs of pregnant and parenting teens are made, particularly after the babies are born.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 571-578
Apri Retnaningsih ◽  
Achadi Budi Santosa

This study aims to reveal the role and participation of the community in the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) and the factors supporting and inhibiting implementation. The research was conducted using observation sheet guides and interview guidelines supported by a review of school administration documents, through a qualitative approach to the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the implementation of SBM was quite successful; this was indicated by a significant change in schools, namely the increase in school quality and increased public interest in Muhammadiyah Mutihan Elementary School. In the implementation of SBM, the school is more flexible because it can manage schools independently, making programs based on the school's needs and abilities. Public participation is quite good; the community always supports and helps school activities and controls the school. Supporting factors in implementing SBM are the community, alumni, foundations, and sponsors. While the inhibiting factor is limited land, schools cannot provide sports fields for students and the limited ability to accompany teachers.

Utami Nurjannah

The background of this study is the low activeness students in Social Studies learning. This study aims to investigate the improvement of the activeness of Grade VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Duduksampeyan in Social Studies learning through the STAD model.This was a classroom action research (CAR) study. The research subjects were Grade VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Duduksampeyan in the academic year of 2019/2020 with a total of  32 students. The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of activity steps of planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data were collected through observations, interviews, field notes, and tests. They were analyzed by means of the qualitative technique using the interactive analysis model by Miles and Huberman consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data trustworthiness was enhanced through technique triangulation.The results of the study showed that the use of the STAD model was capable of improving the activeness of Grade VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Duduksampeyan in Social Studies learning. This was indicated by the improvement of each indicator for students’ activeness obtained from the data collected through observations, interviews, and field notes. In Cycle I, the results was still low so that the action was continued in Cycle II. In cycle II, the students’ activeness improved. The improvement from Cycle I to Cycle II satisfied the criterion for the success of the action, namely ≥ 75% so that the study was successful. Keywords : STAD, Students’ Activeness, Social Studies Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Magfirah Thayyib

The understanding of group dynamics is a challenging field. It is quite often that the interaction and energy between students in the group present in negative pattern or less healthy. Lesson study is considered to be a suitable way to cope with that group dynamics problem. The objectives of this research are to describe the pattern of group dynamics in Theory of Translation class and outline the efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics through Lesson Study. The research was conducted in class 3A of third semester of English Language Education Study Program. The data of group dynamics were obtained from the observers’ sheets. While the data of the efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics were obtained from plan and reflection discussion notes, and a checklist of application. In analyzing the data, the first data were presented descriptively and made into inferences. The second data were grouped and described; then their effectiveness was analyzed qualitatively. Based on the result of the research, it is found that the group dynamics in Theory of Translation class from open class 1 – 4 went through a betterment. The efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics were distributing job and responsibility within group, delivering the whole instruction of group activities in the beginning and checking for students understanding, and providing worksheet for group work and learning media for each group.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Abdul Ghofur

This research departs from academic anxiety, the thesis is only used as an annual ritual for the graduation requirements of students, regardless of competence standards, methodological, and actuality issues about education, especially ignored Arabic. In this case thesis student of Arabic Education Study Program (PBA) IAIN Surakarta year 201-2015. The few questions that will be answered in this study are: what are the Arabic educational clusters that have been studied; What percentage, which clusters are already saturated and need to be abandoned to avoid repetition; What clusters are still open opportunities to serve as a topic of study in the future; How its adaptability to the new educational issues being in the community, and what are the methodological problems that are often found. This study includes literary because the data and primary sources are derived from written materials derived from the thesis of students Prodi PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection using documentation technique. The written data collected and categorized and then analyzed inductively by content analysis method (content analysis). Data analysis technique is an interactive analysis model, namely: data reduction data, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research shows that from 98 thesis amount, "Typology of Study" data of Thesis student of PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014, a normative study is 72 (73.47%), and the sociology of education is 16 (16.33%). For the actuality of the issue, students of PBA FITK are about the problem of applying methods and approaches in learning Arabic. While issues related to current issues concerning the education of Arabic language, such as translation, content analysis, and character thinking, have not been raised much. While methodologically, the most errors that are found from the students' thesis Prodi PBA is in aspects of the theoretical framework, data analysis, and other grammar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sri Widayati

Implementation of Lesson Study in the third semester students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi academic year 2017/2018. The aims of this article is to improve the process of studying of fiction Prose. The undertaken activities are the activities of the Lesson Study team which are consisted of model lecturers and observers (observers). The lesson Study activities are conducted three times open class. Each open class consists of four stages of activity, namely: planning (plan), implementation (do), observation and reflection (see). Each planning stage produces a learning plan, an MFI, and an assessment instrument. The learning process was done through the application of cooperative learning strategies “cooperative learning model typed”. The results obtained from the implementation of lesson study, namely increasing the liveliness, creativity, and student independence. Students' understanding of the subject matter of fiction prose fiction was increased. The quality of learning also was increased.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Siti Mumun Muniroh

This study intends to explore and analyze the moral development of students of early childhood at boarding school Salafiyah Shafi'ites Pekalongan. The study was focused on three moral development, namely the aspect of moral reasoning, moral feeling, and moral behavior. The research data was obtained through interviews, observation, field notes and documentation. Data analysis use an interactive analysis model introduced by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are: moral reasoning of students of early childhood show heteronomous morality. Students understand some important points such as justice, stealing, punishment and tolerance. Some students have an understanding that justice, punishment or regulation are something that are governed by a caregiver who has authority and can not be changed. Moral behavior has been demonstrated too by the students early age. Students have been able to show moral behavior, such as following the rules applied in the boarding school. Meanwhile, from the aspect of moral sense, students of early childhood has evolved as embarrassment, empathy and guilt when breaking the rules.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Tri Rohmadi ◽  
Sri Dwiastuti ◽  
Alvi Rosyidi

<p>The purpose  of this research  to  enhance  students discussion  activity  by using  of  STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) learning method with worksheets in class XI IPA 1 SMAN 5 Wonogiri 2008/2009 school year. Kind  of  this research  is  a classroom action research  with  the design consisted  of  two  cycles and each cycle consists  four stages  includes planning, action,  observation  and reflection. The  research subject was  XI IPA  5  class students of SMAN 1 Wonogiri of 2008/2009 school year. Data collection carried out by observation, questionnaires and interviews. Analyzing data in this research is using  qualitative analysis techniques, which refers to the  interactive  analysis model, consists of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The validation of the data uses triangulation technique. The results of  first cycle  showed  students  discussion activity  there has been  an increased in  but  not optimized  and  continue in  second  cycle  until the target of  students  discussion activity  has been  optimal  reached.  Based  on the research it can  be  concluded  application  of the  STAD (Student  Teams Achievement  Division) learning method  with worksheets to improving student activity in the discussion, especially biology in class XI IPA 1 SMAN 5 Wonogiri 2008/2009 school year.</p><p align="center"> </p><p class="0jTULISANKATAKUNCIKEYWORDS">Key Words: discussion activity, Student Teams Achievement Division</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Endang Rahmawati

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan mendeskripsikan: Kecerdasan emosional para da’i dalam aktivitas dakwah, Kecerdasan emosional yang dimaksud adalah meliputi kecerdasan emosional secara intra personal dan kecerdasan emosional antar personal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma alamiah (naturalistic paradigm) yang bersumber pada pandangan fenomenologis. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan observasi non partisipan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan instrumen pengumpul data berupa human instrument. Sedangkan sumber data atau informan penelitian ditentukan dengan snowball sampling tehnique yang keabsahan datanya ditentukan melalui keajegan pengamatan, triangulasi data dan auditing analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif Milles & Huberman melalui kegiatan utama yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : Kecerdasan emosional para da’i / pemateri kajian senja masjid nasional Al-Akbar Surabaya meliputi dua hal yakni kecerdasan emosional secara intra personal dan antar personal. pada kecerdasan emosional intrapersonal menunjukkan bahwa para da’i mampu mengelola emosinya dalam berdakwah, dan menggunakan potensinya secara tepat dalam dakwah dan mempunyai motivasi yang kuat serta juga mampu memotivasi jamaah untuk terus ada di jalan dakwah. kecerdasan emosional para da’i secara antar pribadi ditunjukkan dengan interaksi sosial yang baik antara da’i dan mad’u dan ini terbukti dari beberapa pendapat jamaah yang rutin mengikuti kajian senja bahkan ada beberapa jamaah yang sudah menjadi jamaah rutin kajian senja selama beberapa tahun. Para da’i juga menggunakan rasa empatinya kepada mad’u secara proposional atau tepat, sehingga banyak mad’u merasa nyaman ketika para da’i menyampaikan dakwahnya dan mereka bisa menerima materi dakwah dengan baik dan bisa mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kecerdasan antar personal selanjutnya yang dimilki oleh da’i di kajian senja masjid nasional Al-Akbar surabaya adalah rasa tanggung jawab. Para da’i melaksanakan tugasnya untuk mengisi materi kajian senja sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan oleh pengurus, dan tanggung jawab yang terpenting dalam dakwah adalah apa yang sudah disampaikan harus sesuai dengan apa yang diamalkan. Abstract :   This research aims to reveal and describe: Emotional intelligence of Da'is in da'wah activity, Emotional Intelligence in question are including intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence. This study uses a qualitative approach using natural paradigm (naturalistic paradigm) which is based on phenomenological views. The data collection is done by non participant observation, interview, and documentation with data collecting instrument in the form of human instrument. While data sources or informant of research determined by snowball sampling technique which validity of its data determined through daily observation, triangulation of data and auditing data analysis using interactive analysis model of Milles & Huberman through main activity ie data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: The emotional intelligence of the Da'is or speakers of “Kajian Senja” of National Mosque Al-Akbar Surabaya includes two things, are intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence. In the intrapersonal emotional intelligence shows that the Da'is are able to manage their emotions in preaching, and use their potential correctly in dakwah and has strong motivation and also able to motivate public to continue to exist in the way of da'wah. The emotional intelligence of the Da'is are interpersonally demonstrated by the good social interaction between Da'i and Mad'u and this is proven from opinions of “jamaah” who's following the “Kajian Senja” regularly even there is some “jamaah” whose have been following this study for several years. The Da'is also use their sense of empathy to Mad'u proportionally or appropriately, so that many mad'u feel comfortable when the da'i deliver their da'wah and they can received the material of da'wah very well and practiced it in everyday life. The next interpersonal emotional intelligence that is owned by Da'is in the “Kajian Senja” of national mosque Al-Akbar Surabaya is a sense of responsibility. The Da'is carry out their duties to fill the “Kajian Senja” in accordance with the schedule specified by the board, and the most important responsibility in the da'wah is that what has been submitted must be in accordance with what is practiced.

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