scholarly journals Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pemeliharaan Kebersihan gigi dan Mulut Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Kabupaten Kupang

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Applonia Applonia ◽  
Bambang Priyono ◽  
Niken Widyanti

Pada masa kehamilan, rongga mulut mudah mengalami peradangan karena adanya perubahan hormonal yang menyebabkan gingiva menjadi sensitif bila kesehatan mulut tidak terjaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kabupaten Kupang. Penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional dilakukan dengan mengambil subyek penelitian 97 ibu hamil. Variabel bebas terdiri dari pengetahuan, sikap, dan kebiasaan menginang sedangkan variabel terikat terdiri dari perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disusun dengan metode Likert untuk mengukur variabel sikap dan perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil. Kuesioner dengan dua pilihan (benar atau tidak benar) untuk mengukur variabel pengetahuan serta kuesioner pilihan ganda untuk mengukur variabel kebiasaan menginang. Kuesioner tersebut telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi product moment dan regresi berganda pada tingkat signifikan α< 0,05. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan variabel pengetahuan, sikap, dan kebiasaan menginang, berkolerasi secara signifikan dengan perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut (F = 21,890, p= 0,000). Ketiga variabel tersebut secara bersama – sama memberikan kontribusi sebesar 41,6%. Pengetahuan memberikan pengaruh paling besar terhadap perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Semakin baik pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut, dan semakin kurang frekuensi menginang, semakin baik frekuensi kebersihan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil.Factors Affecting Oral And Dental Hygiene Maintaining Behaviour Of The Pregnant Women In Public Health Centre Of Kupang Regency. During pregnancy, woman’s oral cavity becomes inflamed easily due to hormonal changes so that gingiva becomes sensitive if the oral hygiene is not well maintained. The purpose of this study is to examine factors that influence the oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior of pregnant women at Public Health Centre of Kupang Regency. An observational analytical study with cross sectional design was conducted on 97 pregnant women as the subject research. Independent variables were knowledge, attitude and betel chewing habit, and dependant variables were oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior of pregnant women. Variables of attitude, oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior of the pregnant women was assed using questionnaire with Likert Scale method. Questionnaire with two options (true and false) was used to measure knowledge variable, and multiple choice questionnaires were used to measure betel chewing habitvariable. Questionnaire was tested its validity and reliability. The data were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis at the significant rate α< 0,05. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that knowledge, attitude and betel chewing habit correlated very significantly on oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior (F = 22.052, p = 0.000.), and those three variables gave collectively contributionof 41.6% on oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior, while betel chewing habit correlated negatively on oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior. Knowledge variable gave the greatest contribution on the oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior. The better knowledge and attitude on oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior and the less frequent betel chewing habit were, the better the oral and dental hygiene maintaining behavior will be.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Eva Putriningrum ◽  
Nurul Khasanah

The exclusive breast milk is feed baby only with the breast milk until the age of six months without any additional liquid or food. The scope of exclusive breast milk in Yogyakarta does not reach the expected rate amount 80%,  one of them was in Public Health Centre of Kota Gede I. Low rate success of exclusive breast milk feeding was affected by many factors, such as lack of information regarding breast milk and misunderstanding of information about breast milk.  This research aims to analyze the correlation between education and age, with knowledge of pregnant women at third trimester about exclusive breast milk in Public Health Centre of Kota Gede I, Yogyakarta. The design of this research used analytic survey with a Cross-Sectional design and 30 pregnant women at third trimester as samples, with the saturated sampling technique. The statistical test used Chi-Square Test. This research showed that there is a correlation between education and knowledge with p-value of 0,019 and odd ratio value of 9,33; there is a correlation between age and knowledge with p-value of 0,004 and odd ratio value of 20,0. It can be concluded that there is a correlation between education and age, with knowledge about exclusive breast milk.  Keywords: Education, Age, Knowledge, Exclusive Breast Milk ABSTRAK  ASI eksklusif merupakan pemberian ASI saja pada bayi sampai usia enam bulan tanpa tambahan cairan ataupun makanan lainnya. Cakupan ASI eksklusif di Kota Yogyakarta belum mencapai angka yang diharapkan yaitu 80%, salah satunya adalah di Puskesmas Kotagede I. Rendahnya cakupan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif dipengaruhi banyak hal, salah satunya adalah kurangnya informasi mengenai ASI atau salah dalam memahami informasi mengenai ASI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis korelasi antara pendidikan dan umur, dengan pengetahuan ibu hamil trimester III tentang ASI eksklusif di Puskesmas Kota Gede I Yogyakarta. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan rancangan Cross Sectional, dengan sampel 30 ibu hamil Trimester III dan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi antara pendidikan dengan pengetahuan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,019 dan nilai odd ratio sebesar 9,33, dan terdapat korelasi antara umur dengan pengetahuan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,004 dan nilai odd ratio sebesar 20,0. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara pendidikan dan umur, dengan pengetahuan tentang ASI eksklusif.  Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Umur, Pengetahuan, ASI Eksklusif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Lilik Anggraini ◽  
Sunarsih Sunarsih ◽  
Baksono Winardi

Abstrak Latar Belakang : Kelas Ibu Hamil (KIH) adalah kelompok belajar ibu-ibu hamil dengan anggota maksimal 10 orang yang merupakan sarana untuk belajar bersama. Puskesmas Menur merupakan puskesmas yang terendah cakupan K4 66,93% dari target 90%. Jumlah peserta dari kelas ibu hamil sendiri 3,4%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh partisipasi ibu dalam kelas ibu terhadap cakupan K4. Metode dan Bahan Penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 44 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling. Variabel Independent yang diukur adalah partisipasi ibu dalam kelas ibu hamil sedangkan variabel dependent adalah cakupan K4. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuisioner untuk mengukur partisipasi ibu dalam kelas ibu hamil dan cakupan K4 dengan mengobservasi dari buku KIA dan kohort. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Spearman Rho’ dengan α= 0,05. Hasil : Sebagian besar ibu hamil (65,9%) memiliki partisipasi baik, ibu hamil yang berpartisipasi baik sebagian besar (61,4%) cakupan K4 lengkap, dan ibu hamil yang berpartisipasi kurang sebagian kecil (13,6%) cakupan K4 tidak lengkap. Pada analisis data didapatkan p value = 0,004 (p<0,05) artinya ada pengaruh partisipasi ibu dalam kelas ibu hamil terhadap cakupan K4. koefisien korelasi 0,421 yang berada pada rentang 0,40 – 0,599 bermakna kekuatan korelasi antar variable sedang. Sedangkan angka koefisien korelasi pada hasil diatas bernilai positif,, sehingga pengaruh kedua variable tersebut bersifat positif yang kuat. Kesimpulan : ada pengaruh partisipasi ibu dalam kelas ibu hamil terhadap cakupan K4 di Puskesmas Menur Kecamatan Kota SurabayaAbstract Background: Maternal Class is a study group pregnant mothers with members a maximum of 10  to learn together. Menur Public Health Centre is the lowest completeness (K4) ANC of maternal 66,93% from target 90%. Total of participants from the maternal class just 3,4%. This research aims to analyze the influence of maternal class participant to completeness (K4) Antenatal care. Methods and Material: the research was conducted using quantitative observational analytic with cross sectional study approach.. The number of research is 44 pregnant women. The Accidental sampling method is apllied in taking the sample in this research. Data collected by quistionaire to determine participation in maternal class and completeness seen by observing MCH books and cohort. Data analyzed by Spearman Rho’statistic test at significance level α=0,05. Results: Most (65,9%) have a good participation in maternal class, most pregnant women who have good participation (61,4%) have K4 antenatal care scope completely, and a small proportional (13,6%) of pregnant women with lack participation did not have completeness (K4) Antenatal care. Data analize was obtained p value = 0,004 (p<0,05) which means there was influence of maternal class participant to completeness (K4) Antenatal care . Correlation coefficients value’s 4,21 in the range of 0,40 – 0,599 which means the strength between variables is medium. While the correlation coefficient number in results are positively strong. Conclusion : there was influence of maternal class participant to completeness (K4) Antenatal care at working area Menur Public Health Centre in Sukolilo Municipality Surabaya City.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 420-423
Prapada Watcharanat ◽  
Prasong Tanpichai ◽  
Ravee Sajjasophon

Purpose: This research aims to study the relationship between perception of elderly’s health and health behaviors in Nakhon Nayok province, Thailand Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study. The questionnaire was used to collect the data. This research was conducted in Nakhon Nayok province. The sample size was 270 which applied Taro Yamane's formula at a significant level 0.05. The descriptive statistics was implemented to describe the variables by presenting the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis was applied to analyze the relationship between perception of elderly’s health and health behaviors. The statistical significance was considered to reject Hypothesis-null at < 0.05. Results: From a total of 270 people, more than 58.22% of the elderly perceived that they had moderate health conditions. Most elderly had congenital diseases (62.2%). The multiple regression analysis results showed that health status perception and health status perception when compared to their cohort related significantly to health behavior. Conclusion: The government should support the elderly on participation, trust, engagement, and cultural concern of the people in the community, which can contribute to promoting the physical, mental and social condition of the elderly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Dian Sari

<p><em>Pulmonary Tuberculosis is one of the infectious diseases that become the main problem of Indonesian society. Based on a survey conducted at Andalas Public Health Centre obtained PMO (supervisor taking medicine) TB Lungless provide support to the patient of Pulmonary TB.. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitude with the support of family as the PMO of Pulmonary TB patients. The study was conducted at the Andalas Public Health Centre Padang in 2017. The type of descriptive analytic research using a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 59 people taken from a population of 145 people PMO using simple random sampling systematic techniques. The results showed that 27.1% of PMO was not good at providing support, 32.2% knowledge was low, and 37.3% had a negative attitude. Chi-square test concluded that there is a significant correlation between knowledge (p = 0,036), and attitude (p = 0,000), with family support as PMO in Public health centre working area Andalas Padang of the year 2017. The result of this research can be used as a reference in improving TB program Lung so it can reduce the incidence of Pulmonary TB in Public health centre working area Andalas Padang.</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p><em>Tuberkulosis Paru merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang menjadi masalah utama masyarakat Indonesia. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Andalas Kota Padang didapatkan sebahagian PMO (pengawas minum obat) TB Paru kurang memberikan dukungan kepada penderita TB Paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan dukungan keluarga sebagai PMO penderita TB Paru.Penelitian dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectionaldengan sampel sebanyak 59 orang yang diambil dari populasi 145 orang PMO menggunakan teknik sistematik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 27,1% PMO kurang baik dalam memberikan dukungan, 32,2% pengetahuan rendah, dan 37,3% mempunyai sikap negatif. Uji chi-square disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan (p= 0,036), dan sikap (p=0,000), dengan dukungan keluarga sebagai PMO di Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang Tahun 2017. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi dalam meningkatkan program TB Paru sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kejadian TB Paru di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Jong Won Lee ◽  
Jihyoun Lee ◽  
Min Hyuk Lee ◽  
Se Kyung Lee ◽  
Wan Sung Kim ◽  

Abstract Backgroud: As the survival rates of cancer patients have been increasing due to early diagnosis and technological advances in treatment, their caregiver burden has also emerged as an important issue. In view of this situation, this study aims to investigate the unmet needs and quality of life of caregivers of Korean breast cancer survivors.Methods: A multicenter cross-sectional interview survey was performed among 160 caregivers of Korean breast cancer survivors. Caregivers who gave written informed consent to participate completed the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool for Cancer Caregivers and EuroQol-5 Dimensions. Data were analyzed using the t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.Results: The mean age of the caregivers was 46.4 years, 44.4% (71/160) were spouses of patients, and 52.5% (84/160) were personally taking care of cancer survivors. Unmet needs were highest in the ‘healthcare staff’ domain (mean ± SD: 1.69 ±1.11), and the item with the highest level of unmet needs was ‘needed information about the current status of the patient’s illness and its future courses’ (1.98 ± 1.04). Unmet needs were correlated with age, educational level, marital status, employment, religion and psychosocial status. Poorer quality of life was closely related to higher levels of unmet needs. In multiple regression analysis, age, employment, religion, and levels of stress and despair were closely associated with unmet needs.

2022 ◽  
pp. 130-149
Bikash Basnet ◽  
Sarah Eyaa ◽  
Nekpen Euodia Okhawere

This chapter integrates collectivism with the dimensions of the Expectancy Theory to investigate the direct and indirect impact of horizontal and vertical collectivism on employee motivation of operational and non-operational staff. Data were collected from 205 employees using a cross-sectional survey. Hypotheses were tested with multiple regression analysis. Across both employee categories, horizontal collectivism improves motivation while vertical collectivism does not have a significant impact on motivation. Mediation effects were significant in the relationship between horizontal collectivism across both employee categories. However, there were some variations in the mediation effects on the relationship between vertical collaboration and motivation across the two categories. This chapter contributes to motivation literature by integrating the Expectancy Theory with two under-investigated dimensions of collectivism to compare motivation determinants among operational and non-operational staff. This chapter presents implications for managers and policy for improving employee motivation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 014556131990039
Yousef Aljathlany ◽  
Abdullah Aljasser ◽  
Abdullah Alhelali ◽  
Manal Bukhari ◽  
Mohammed Almohizea ◽  

Objectives: We aimed to comprehensively investigate different upper airway segments in adults, determine the predictors of the size of each segment, and identify an appropriate endotracheal tube (ETT) size chart. Study Design: Retrospective chart review. Setting: Tertiary care center. Materials and Methods: The data for patients aged >18 years who underwent neck computed tomography were screened. Patients with existing tumors, trauma, or any pathology that can alter the normal airway anatomy and those with intubation, tracheostomy, or nasogastric tubes were excluded. Computed tomography software was used to measure the anteroposterior diameter (APD), transverse diameter (TD), and cross-sectional area (CSA) at the glottic, proximal subglottic, distal subglottic, and tracheal levels. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the predictors of the airway size. Results: One hundred patients were reviewed. The TD was consistently smaller than or equal to the APD at each level in all but 3 patients. The mean CSA and TD (170 mm2 and 11.3 mm, respectively) of the glottis indicated that the glottis was most often the narrowest level, followed by the proximal subglottis where the mean CSA and TD were 192.1 mm2 and 12.7 mm, respectively. Moreover, the mean APD was the smallest at the level of the trachea (20.1 mm). Multiple regression analysis confirmed that height and sex were the predominant predictors of measurements for the 4 airway segments. In addition, age was associated with the TD and CSA of the distal subglottic and tracheal segments, respectively. Conclusion: One-third of our participants exhibited a proximal subglottic diameter that was equal to or smaller than the glottic diameter. Our findings also suggested that the height and sex of the patients are important variables for the selection of an appropriate ETT size.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (5) ◽  
pp. 659-668 ◽  
Michele N. Bronstein ◽  
Rosa P. Mak ◽  
Janet C. King*

We investigated the relationships between BMR, fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass in pregnancy. BMR was measured by indirect calorimetry and body composition was assessed by densitometry in seventeen non-pregnant women (79·9 (SD 26·3, range 505−151·4) kg) and sixteen pregnant women (75·7 (SD 20·6, range 545−115·9) kg). The pregnant women were evaluated during weeks 31−35 of gestation. Multiple regression analysis of BMR with FFM and fat mass in the non-pregnant women showed that FFM was a highly significant predictor of BMR (P < 0·0001), but fat mass was not (P = 0·09). In contrast, in the pregnant women, multiple regression analysis revealed that fat mass was a highly significant predictor (P < 0·001), while FFM was not (P = 0·69). Evaluation of the interaction terms in the combined data set confirmed that the relationships of BMR with FFM and fat mass differ significantly in non-pregnant and pregnant women. It is proposed that pregnancy represents a unique condition during which BMR is regulated by maternal adipose reserves. An augmented BMR in overweight pregnant women may be protective, given that excessive weight gain may be detrimental to neonatal and maternal health.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-155 ◽  
Antoine Guedeney ◽  
Christophe Foucault ◽  
Eva Bougen ◽  
Beatrice Larroque ◽  
France Mentré

AbstractObjectivesThe objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the prevalence of relational withdrawal behaviour in infants aged 14–18 months attending a public health centre in Paris, (2) to check some identified risk factors for relational withdrawal behaviour in this population.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in infants aged 14–18 months attending a child health screening centre during the year 2005.ResultsA total of 640 children were included in the study. Thirteen percent of the 640 infants (n = 83, 95% CI [10.4%; 15.6%]) had an ADBB score at 5 and over 5 on the ADBB. There was a clear relationship between withdrawal behavior and having psychological difficulties as reported by parents, and between withdrawal and developmental delay. Withdrawal was also significantly associated with being a boy, with living in risk conditions (e.g. child being in joint custody, or with living in a foster family), with being adopted, or with being a twin. More withdrawn infants were taken care of at home.ConclusionSustained relational withdrawal behaviour was linked with developmental disorders and psychopathology and not with SES, ethnical origin or rank of birth. The scale could be used in screening early psychopathology in infants aged 2–24 months of age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-230
Ratnasari Iskandar ◽  
Febriani Eka Putri

Background: Personal Hygiene includes all activities required to meet the needs of day-to-day, which is commonly known activity of daily life (ADLs). The issue of personal hygiene or self-care deficit is the most common problem occured in mental patients, because patients with mental disorders have the abnormalities in the ability to perform or complete activities of daily living independently. Objective: To determine the relationship between family support and personal hygiene of mental patients in Wara Public Health Centre, Palopo in 2020. Method: This study used the cross-sectional research method. The population in this research was all mental patients registered on Wara Public Health Centre. The samples was recruited using a total sampling technique obtaining 43 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaire sheet and observation. The data obtained were processed and analyzed by using Microsoft Excel program and statistical program (SPSS) version 20 for the Chi-square test. Result: The univariate analysis showed the frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis showed a relationship between family support and personal hygiene (? = .003). Conclusion: There is a relationship between family support and the personal hygiene of mental patient in Wara Public Health Centre, Palopo City in 2020  

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