2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Elvawati Elvawati

<em>Regional autonomy is the right, authority, and duties of the autonomous regions to organize and manage their own affairs and interests of local communities in accordance with the legislation. The purpose of regional autonomy under Law no. 5 1975 is to allow the relevant area to control and manage their own households to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government administration in the context of service to the community and implementation. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of regional government, especially in the implementation of development and service to the community and to improve pembinanan political stability and national unity.</em>

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Era Nandya Febriana ◽  
Jayus Jayus ◽  
Rosita Indrayati

Indonesia is the Unitary State. It is understood that within a unitary state, the central government operates a high state sovereignty. In order not to be arbitrary, the activities of the central government are supervised and limited by the constitution. The government which is divided from the Central Government to the Regional Government included Regional Autonomy therein, as well as the authority of the Regional Government, is on duty to manage the Regional Property. In carrying out its authority as an administrator of local property, there are still many abuses or omissions committed by the local government in operating its authority in managing regional property, such as the negligence of the Regional Assets, the misuse of authority in the revocation of rights already granted by the regional government on the right to use of local property, using local property for personal interest. In the management of regional property required planning, implementation, and supervision by the local government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the constitution. Keywords: Authority, Local Government, Management of Regional Property

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Maria Trimurni Esni ◽  
Anwar Made ◽  
Retno Wulandari

Regional Autonomy is the right, authority and obligation of autonomous regions to regulate and manage their own government affairs and the interests of local communities in accordance with statutory regulations. The basic consideration of the implementation of regional autonomy is the development of conditions in the country that indicate that the rise of globalization that demands competitiveness of each country, including the competitiveness of local governments. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the implementation of performance-based budgeting, accountability and transparency as an independent variable both partially and simultaneously on the financial performance of the city of Malang. This study uses a quantitative approach with a sample of 44 employees in OPD and BPKAD Malang. Measurement of variables using a Likert Scale with a score of up to 5. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and to test the significance level using the f test and hypothesis testing using t test with the help of the SPSS 22 program. Partial results indicate that the application of performance-based budgeting has a significant effect on regional financial performance, the accountability variable has a significant effect on regional financial performance and the transparency variable does not affect the regional financial performance and the results of research simultaneously show that the application of performance-based budgeting, accountability and transparency affects the regional financial performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Desi Sommaliagustina

Abstrak Otonomi daerah adalah suatu bentuk demokrasi yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah Pusat kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengelola rumah tangga mereka sendiri dengan berpegang pada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Implementasi otonomi daerah merupakan titik fokus penting dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Pengembangan suatu daerah dapat disesuaikan oleh pemerintah daerah dengan potensi dan kekhasan masing-masing daerah. Ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat baik bagi pemerintah daerah untuk membuktikan kemampuannya menjalankan wewenang yang merupakan hak daerah. Otonomi daerah adalah salah satu agenda utama reformasi yang bertujuan mengurangi kesenjangan ekonomi-politik antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Era reformasi menjadi titik awal pergeseran paradigma terpusat yang diadopsi oleh Orde Baru ke era desentralisasi. Desentralisasi dalam konteks Indonesia diyakini sebagai cara untuk membangun pemerintahan yang efektif, mengembangkan pemerintahan yang demokratis, menghormati keanekaragaman lokal, menghormati dan mengembangkan potensi masyarakat lokal, dan mempertahankan integrasi nasional. Masyarakat menaruh harapan yang besar pada otonomi daerah untuk membawa perubahan dalam sistem negara. Sayangnya desentralisasi telah menyebabkan banyak korupsi di wilayah ini. Inilah yang terjadi pada 2018 lalu. Tahun 2018 tampaknya menjadi tahun yang gelap bagi upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan korupsi, terutama di daerah. Pada 2018 Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) telah menjerat puluhan kepala daerah dalam sejumlah kasus dugaan korupsi mulai dari gubernur, bupati, walikota, hingga pejabat daerah. Hingga akhir 2018, KPK masih menjerat kepala daerah yang tersandung kasus korupsi yaitu Bupati Jepara Ahmad Marzuqi dan Bupati Cianjur Irvan Rivano Muchtar sebagai tersangka. Daftar panjang kepala daerah yang dijerat oleh KPK selama 2018 menunjukkan bahwa penanganan kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia masih membutuhkan perhatian serius dari banyak pihak. Demikian juga, Indeks Pencapaian Korupsi Indonesia masih jauh dari ideal, yaitu 3,7, seperti yang dikatakan oleh juru bicara KPK Febri Diansyah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa korupsi yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah kepala daerah merupakan salah satu bentuk kegagalan otonomi daerah. Dengan kata lain ada banyak pekerjaan rumah yang harus dilakukan terkait dengan implementasi otonomi daerah. Karena kasus-kasus yang ditangani oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi menunjukkan bahwa korupsi masih terjadi dan merupakan gejala di banyak lembaga. Kata Kunci: Otonomi Daerah, Korupsi, Kepala Daerah         Abstract Regional autonomy is a form of democracy given by the Central Government to the Regional Government to manage their own household by sticking to the applicable laws and regulations. The implementation of regional autonomy is an important focal point in order to improve people's welfare. The development of an area can be adjusted by the regional government with the potential and distinctiveness of each region. This is a very good opportunity for the local government to prove its ability to exercise the authority that is the right of the region. Regional autonomy is one of the main agendas of reform aimed at reducing the economic-political gap between the central and regional governments. The era of reform became the starting point of shifting the centralized paradigm adopted by the New Order to the era of decentralization. Decentralization in the Indonesian context is believed to be a way to build effective governance, develop democratic governance, respect local diversity, respect and develop the potential of local communities, and maintain national integration. The community places considerable expectations on regional autonomy in order to bring about changes in the state system. Unfortunately decentralization has caused a lot of corruption in the region. This is what happened in 2018 ago. The year 2018 seems to be a dark year for efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption, especially in the regions. In 2018 the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has ensnared dozens of regional heads in a number of cases of alleged corruption ranging from governors, regents, mayors, to regional officials. Until the end of 2018, the KPK still ensnared the regional heads who tripped over corruption cases namely Jepara Regent Ahmad Marzuqi and Cianjur Regent Irvan Rivano Muchtar as suspects. The long list of regional heads snared by the KPK during 2018 shows that the handling of corruption crimes in Indonesia still needs serious attention from many parties. Likewise, the Indonesian Corruption Achievement Index is still far from ideal, namely 3.7, as said by KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah. This indicates that corruption committed by a number of regional heads is one form of failure in regional autonomy. In other words there is a lot of homework that must be done related to the implementation of regional autonomy. Because the cases handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission indicate that corruption still occurs and is a symptom in many institutions. Keywords: Regional Autonomy, Corruption, Regional Head

2021 ◽  
M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Digital-based simultaneous regional head elections which aim to build autonomous regions. This is in accordance with the regional government administration system in Indonesia, namely the Regional Autonomy policy which explains that each Regional Government is implemented based on the principle of decentralization in the form of broad, real, and responsible autonomy. In the context of implementing such broad, real and responsible autonomy, the Regent and Deputy Regent have a very strategic role in the field of governance, development and community service and are fully responsible for the running of regional government. The essence of the aforementioned objectives, among others, is to emphasize more on the principles of democracy, community participation, equity and justice and to pay attention to regional potential and diversity. Thus it can be interpreted that regional autonomy is expected to prosper the people and revive democracy which is reflected in the program, performance and figure of a regional head who is currently directly elected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-76
Arifuddin Nurdin

This study aims to analyze the implementation of DPRD members 'initiative rights and the factors that hinder the exercise of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of Regional Regulations. This type of research is normative juridical research, the source of this research data is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The collected legal materials are processed and compiled systematically and provide detailed and in-depth explanations to reveal problems regarding the legislative function of DPRD members with the intention of seeking consistency between applicable legal norms. The results showed that the implementation of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of regional regulations was still not optimal even though it had referred to PP No. 12 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of DPRD Standing Orders because many DPRD members have never used the right of initiative in preparing academic texts and the Draft of Regional Regulation. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of regional regulations consist of human resources, the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the budget, the role of the Expert Team, as well as low community participation being an inhibiting factor. The suggestion that the authors propose is that DPRD members in carrying out the legislative function should not only wait for the proposed Regional Regulation coming from the Regional Government but actively use their initiative right in forming Local Regulations as regulated in the legislation, as well as addressing the factors existing obstacles in order to optimize the implementation of the initiative rights of DPRD members.  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan hak inisiatif Anggota DPRD dan faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD pada pembentukan Peraturan Daerah. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tertier. Bahan hukum yang berhasil dikumpulkan diolah dan disusun secara sistematis dan memberikan penjelasan secara rinci dan mendalam untuk mengungkap permasalahan mengenai fungsi legislasi anggota DPRD dengan maksud mencari konsistensi antara norma hukum yang berlaku.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah masih kurang optimal sekalipun telah mengacu pada PP No. 12 Tahun 2018 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Peraturan Tata Tertib DPRD, karena banyak anggota DPRD yang tidak pernah menggunakan hak inisiatifnya dalam penyusunan naskah akademik dan Rancangan Peraturan Daerah. Faktor penghambat pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah terdiri dari Faktor sumber daya manusia, efektifitas dan efisiensi penggunaan anggaran, peranan Tim Ahli, serta partisipasi masyarakat yang rendah menjadi faktor penghambat. Adapun saran yang penulis ajukan adalah, hendaknya anggota DPRD dalam melaksanakan fungsi legislasi tidak sekedar menunggu usulan Rancangan Perda yang berasal dari Pemerintah Daerah, tetapi secara aktif mempergunakan hak inisiatifnya dalam membentuk Peraturan Daerah sebagaimana yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, serta mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat yang ada agar dapat mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD.   Kata Kunci: hak inisiatif; fungsi legislasi; frasa, peraturan daerah;

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Bagio Kadaryanto

Consequences of the implementation of the Act Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government spawned extraordinary complexity of the problems in some areas. One of the problems that arise is a rampant discourse of regional expansion that occurs both at the provincial and district/city. In essence, the establishment, merger, and abolition of the area aim to improve public services to be more optimal, shorten the span of control, and accelerate the welfare of society in strengthening the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the implications of the establishment of new autonomous regions in the frame of the Republic of Indonesia based on Act Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government; and to understand the implications of the establishment of new autonomous regions preparation for improving people's welfare by Act Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government. This type of research is a normative legal research. Methods and techniques of data collection through library studies or studies document. Mechanical analysis of legal material is a descriptive qualitative. Conclusions from this research are that the implications of the establishment of regional preparation of new autonomous within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia before Act Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government due to the local communities feel there is an imbalance of equity and fairness between regions with each other in the local government areas. Implications of the establishment of new autonomous regions preparation for improving people's welfare by Act Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government that in order to establish an area or region of the expansion needed a measure as the basis for the determination. Establishment and expansion of new areas should be based on the divisions that are objective with those aspects of the financing of Human Resources and other support facilities

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Andri Meiriki ◽  
Adi Musharianto ◽  
Novitri Landong NS

The present study was aimed at examining the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial management of South Tangerang City, Banten Province. The present study was categorized as a descriptive study. This study emphasized more on secondary data analysis. The data used in the present study were institutional administrative data (i.e., the data from South Tangerang City Government) comprising the Regional Budget of South Tangerang and the 2014-2018 Report on the Regional Government Administration (LPPD), as well as the regional financial budget stated in the report issued by South Tangerang Statistics. The instruments of analysis used in the study were effectiveness ratio and efficiency ratio. The study found that the financial management of South Tangerang City was categorized as highly effective. Further, the study also found that the financial management of South Tangerang City was categorized as fairly efficient.

Purwaningsih Purwaningsih ◽  
Dusadee Ayuwat ◽  
Jaggapan Cadchumsang

Transmigration in Indonesia is perceived as an important approach to improve welfare; however,   this policy has also been a subject of criticism. Along with the enactment of the Regional Autonomy Law, the transmigration policy changed from centralized to decentralize. That is, the regional government has a large role in making decisions on the implementation of transmigration. The national transmigration program was rejected in several transmigration destinations in Indonesia. Nevertheless, transmigration is still recognized as one of the programs that can improve people's living standards and one of the ways to develop the region. This paper discusses the role of transmigration in the development process in East Kalimantan Province and various issues related to interactions between local communities and transmigration communities as migrants. The sources of data and information in this paper are reviews of various research reports, journal articles, books, and other supporting documents.

Yurispruden ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Afifuddin Afifuddin

 ABSTRACTThe implementation of public services is still going on with the old public administration practices. Therefore, it is time for the bureaucracy to change its mindset. The development of the paradigm of public administration can bring enlightenment to the bureaucracy. Public Service innovation and creativity is one of the right solutions in the era of regional autonomy in achieving the welfare of modern regional government. The Indonesian state in running the government, the relationship between the central government and local governments must be well and harmoniously established. The intertwined goal is for the prosperity of the people. Regional autonomy can provide flexibility for regions to innovate and create local community creativity as material for local government policies. Therefore, several important discourses in Public Administration Science can be a reference for modernizing the administration of local government in the era of regional autonomy. Keywords        : Innovation, Public Service Creativity, Regional Autonomy, Center,                          Region and Local Government ABSTRAKPenyelenggarakan pelayanan publik masih saja terjadi praktik-praktik old public administration. Oleh karena itu sudah saatnya birokrasi merubah mindsetnya. Perkembangan paradigma administrasi publik dapat membawa pencerahan bagi birokrasi. Inovasi dan kreativitas Public Service merupakan salah satu solusi yang tepat di era otonomi daerah dalam mencapai kesejahteraan pemerintahan daerah yang modern. Negara Indonesia dalam menjalankan pemerintahan, hubungan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah harus terjalin dengan baik dan harmonis. Tujuan yang terjalin tersebut untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Otonomi daerah dapat memberikan keleluasaan bagi daerah untuk melakukan innovasi dan kreativitas masyarakat setempat sebagai bahan kebijakan local government. Oleh karena itu beberapa wacana penting dalam Ilmu Administrasi Publik dapat menjadi rujukan untuk memodernisasi penyelenggaraan pemerintah daerah dalam era otonomi daerah. Kata Kunci    : Inovasi, kreativitas Public Service, Otonomi Daerah, Pusat, Daerah dan                          Local Government 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-258
Ryan Surya Pradhana

Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government divides Regional-Owned Enterprises into Regional Public Companies and Regional Companies. The Regional Government Law divides government affairs into three classifications, namely absolute government affairs, concurrent government affairs, and general government affairs. Furthermore, government authority is the right and obligation of the government in carrying out government actions or actions as regulated in Article 1 point 6 jo. Article 17 through Article 19 jo. Article 1 point 8 of the Government Administration Law. Regional government authority is the implementation of government affairs as regulated in Article 1 point 5 of the Regional Government Law, which states that government affairs are governmental powers which are the authority of the President whose implementation is carried out by state ministries and administrators of Regional Governments to protect, serve, empower and prosper the community, among others through the establishment of Regional owned enterprises. Regional-owned enterprises are established through regional regulations based on regional needs and business field feasibility. Regional needs are assessed through studies covering aspects of public services and community needs. Meanwhile, the feasibility of the business sector of Regional Owned Enterprises is studied through analysis of economic feasibility, market and marketing analysis, financial feasibility analysis, and analysis of other aspects. Analysis of other aspects contains aspects of laws and regulations, availability of technology, and availability of human resources.

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