scholarly journals Socio-Economic Dependence of Peasant to Local Collector on Rice Farming System

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-31
Waza Karia Akbar

The poverty of peasant in Gunung Talang is caused by low income, low education and limited land. The purpose of this research is to analyze the bases of the peasant socio-economic dependence to the local collector (local assemblers) on rice farming system. The research is also analyzing the soci- economic relations of peasants and local collector on rice farming system. This research was conducted through the qualitative method with descriptive research type. The results show the socio-economic dependence due to peasant’s conditions. They do not have the capital to cultivate the agricultural land. Peasants are trapped in the patron clients system. They cannot get out from poverty. The socio-economic relation between the peasants and the local collector of rice farming occur because of a very strong relationship with their blood relatives (Dunsanak).

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-31
Waza Karia Akbar

The poverty of peasant in Gunung Talang is caused by low income, low education and limited land. The purpose of this research is to analyze the bases of the peasant socio-economic dependence to the local collector (local assemblers) on rice farming system. The research is also analyzing the soci- economic relations of peasants and local collector on rice farming system. This research was conducted through the qualitative method with descriptive research type. The results show the socio-economic dependence due to peasant’s conditions. They do not have the capital to cultivate the agricultural land. Peasants are trapped in the patron clients system. They cannot get out from poverty. The socio-economic relation between the peasants and the local collector of rice farming occur because of a very strong relationship with their blood relatives (Dunsanak).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-58
I Gusti Ayu Aditi

This study aims to conduct a study of land pawning legalization, particularly regarding the basis and principles of pawning agricultural land in Balinese community customs in North Lombok. This phenomenon is related to the still implementation of the land pawning system under customary law, in the sense that the implementation still refers to the interests of people who have strong capital. This research is designed in a qualitative descriptive research type using a case study approach. The results of this study found that the Legal Basis and the principle of implementing agricultural land pawning refer to the national law which is imbued with customary law, namely with the characteristics of communalistic customary law, religious magic in dealing in agreement in words and actions. There are two kinds of land pawning, namely dead pawning, and life pawning. Dead pawning recognizes the time limit for land returning without a living pawning ransom. Living pawning does not recognize the minimum time limit that the mortgaged can do one harvest before it can be redeemed. Transactions carried out with legal assistance or testimony from the hamlet head or village head will be clear, guaranteed, or protected by law, especially against claims from third parties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-115
Untari Untari ◽  
Maria Veronoca Irene Herdjiono

Merauke has a large potential for agricultural land with a type of agriculture that can be developed, namely a wetland farming system that is very suitable for paddy production. The objectives of this study are: a) to know the patterns of paddy farming, b) analyze the level of production from land tenure patterns, and c) analyze the level of economic efficiency of paddy farming in the pattern of paddy farmland ownership in Marga Mulya village, Semangga District, Merauke Regency. The study used 60 respondents as a source of data and information on primary research data. Data analysis method used to answer the research objectives is farming analysis and R/C ratio. The results of the study concluded that there are two patterns of rice farming land ownership, namely the pattern of ownership of private land and leased land. The two patterns of land ownership show that the pattern of ownership of private land has a higher production compared to the pattern of ownership of rent versus 2,785.71 kg/ha/season and 2,313 kg/ha/season with an efficiency level of 2.57% and 2.51%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Annisya Triana ◽  
Hetty Krisnani

ABSTRAKSebagai seorang wanita yang telah menikah, wanita mempunyai peran dalam keluarga inti sebagai isteri, sebagai ibu, dan sebagai pengurus rumah tangga. Namun saat ini, tidak terbatas pada melayani suami, merawat anak, dan mengurusi rumah tangga seringkali keadaan ekonomi keluarga menuntut ia untuk bekerja dan ikut terjun ke sektor publik untuk mencari suatu kegiatan yang dapat menambah penghasilan keluarganya. Terbatasnya lapangan kerja, minimnya ketrampilan, serta pendidikan yang rendah menjadikan K3L Unpad sebagai pilihan pekerjaan bagi para ibu rumah tangga yang bertempat tinggal di kawasan Jatinangor. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, jenis penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan teknik survai. Populasinya adalah Petugas K3L Unpad sebanyak 347 orang (di Zona 1 sebanyak 26 orang) dengan sampel sebesar 12 orang yang dipilih secara accidental. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur, serta indeep interview terhadap 2 informan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui mengenai bagaimana para ibu rumah tangga pekerja K3L dalam menjalani peran ganda yang mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi dalam keluarganya serta bagaimana kontribusi mereka dalam rangka membantu menunjang perekonomian keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para ibu rumah tangga pekerja K3L ini dapat menjalankan kedua peran tersebut dengan baik. Walaupun bekerja, mereka tidak lupa dan tetap bertanggung jawab akan peran dan tugasnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. ABSTRACKAs a married woman, women have a role in the nuclear family as wives, as mothers, and as housekeepers. But today, not limited to serving a husband, caring for children, and taking care of households, often the family's economic situation requires him to work and join the public sector in search of an activity that can supplement his family's income. Limited employment, lack of skills, and low education make K3L Unpad a job choice for housewives who live in Jatinangor area. Using a quantitative approach, this descriptive research type uses survey techniques. The population is 343 officers of K3L Unpad (in Zone 1 as many as 26 people) with a sample of 12 persons chosen accidentally. Data collection techniques using structured interview methods, and indeep interviews against 2 informants. This research is aimed to find out how housewife of HOs worker in undergoing double roles affecting economic condition in her family and how their contribution in order to help support family economy. The research has shown that these housewife workers can perform both roles well. Although working outside the home, they remain responsible for the role and duties as a housewife.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Achmad Suryana ◽  
Ketut Kariyasa

<strong>English</strong><br />Especially for Asian regions, rice is a strategic commodity because it is a staple food for most of the Asian people. In terms of agricultural land resources availability, several countries have become importers whereas the others exporters. The result of economic study in Asia shows that Cambodia and Thailand have a better agricultural land resource availability to provide rice for their people than the other countries in Asia. The rice farming system is able to give a better life to rice farmers in Malaysia, but it is unable yet to Indonesian rice farmers because of their very small landholding size, even though they have applied intensive technology.  Indonesian food autonomy (for rice) is better than that of several countries in Asia, such as Nepal, Japan, the Philippine and Malaysia.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Khususnya bagi kawasan Asia, beras merupakan komoditas strategis karena sebagian besar penduduknya menjadikan beras sebagai makanan pokok. Terkait dengan ketersediaan sumberdaya lahan pertanian untuk memproduksi beras, sebagian negara menjadi eksportir beras, sebagian lainnya masih harus impor. Hasil kajian komparatif ekonomi padi di Asia menunjukkan bahwa Kamboja dan Thailand memiliki daya dukung lahan pertanian dalam memproduksi beras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penduduknya paling baik. Malaysia mampu menjadikan usahatani padi memberikan kehidupan yang layak bagi petaninya, sementara usahatani padi di Indonesia belum mampu memberikan kehidupan yang layak bagi petani, karena rata-rata luas garapan petani padi di Indonesia sangat sempit, sekalipun teknologi produksi padi yang diterapkan  petani Indonesia sudah cukup intensif, dibawah China, Korea, Jepang, dan Vietnam. Tingkat kemandirian pangan beras Indonesia relatif lebih baik dibanding negara Nepal, Jepang, Filipina, dan Malaysia, namun masih lemah dibandingkan negara Asia lainnya.


This study mainly focuses on customer care management and customer loyalty. Even though there are many experiential studies about customer care management and customer loyalty system, the lack of studies on customers in Karabük and Safranbolu locally, has leaded to focus on this study. Thus, this study mainly focuses on the influence of customer care treatments of banks in Karabük and Safranbolu on customer loyalty. Descriptive research type was used in the study. In this study simple random sampling method was used which is one of the probability sampling method, face to face surwey to all 726 participants was used for the study. As the result of the experiential study, the attendance and influence of customer care management and loyalty systems have been comparatively low, but it has been figured out that customer care management system influences customer loyalty level.

Agel Vidian Krama ◽  
Nurul Qamilah

Location Hospital and Health Center in Bandar Lampung and the District Pesawaran not currently mapped by conventional or digital. And there is no data base that provides information about the location and distribution of hospitals and health centers in Bandar Lampung City, and the uneven number of health facilities to ensure the availability of health services for all citizens, by optimizing existing health care facilities. Contributions utilization of spatial studies in the health field is used for mapping and modeling of health in order to facilitate access, provision of efficiency and planning of health services in order to take policy related to determining the location of health facilities. The research method uses spatial model approach with descriptive research type and analysis through the use of Huff Model. The results of the regionization shows the coverage area of hospital services serving 33 points in the District Pesawaran and 24 point Population in Bandar Lampung with the spread of regionization is divided into 3 regions. Keywords: Health Service, Regionalization

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Ni Wayan Noviani ◽  
Ni Komang Sari Suindani

<p><strong><em>Abstract: Knowledge of Pregnant Women About Sexual Relations Position During Pregnancy</em></strong><em>. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about the position of sexual relations during pregnancy in BPM Wahidah, S.ST Year 2017. This research type is descriptive research with cross sectional approach by using accidental sampling technique. The population of this study were pregnant women who did the examination in BPM Wahidah, S.ST. The number of samples is 50 respondents who meet the inclusion criteria. This research started from 6-21 february 2017. The result showed that pregnant woman's knowledge about the position of sexual relationship during pregnancy was mostly (54%) knowledgeable enough. A small percentage of respondents aged 20-35 years ie 11 people (22%) have enough knowledge, from the work showed that almost half of respondents ie 23 people (46%) who do not work have enough knowledge, from education showed that almost half of respondents or 16 people (32%) who have medium education have enough knowledge, and from parity shows that almost half of respondents are 14 people (28%) who are multiparous have enough knowledge.</em></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak : Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Posisi Hubungan Seksual Pada Masa Kehamilan. </strong>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang posisi hubungan seksual pada masa kehamilan di BPM Wahidah, S.ST Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan <em>cross sectional </em>dengan menggunakan teknik <em>accidental sampling. </em>Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang melakukan pemeriksaan di BPM Wahidah, S.ST.Jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 responden yang memenuhi criteria inklusi.Penelitian ini dimulai dari tanggal 6-21 februari 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang posisi hubungan seksual pada masa kehamilan sebagian besar (54%) berpengetahuan cukup. sebagian kecil responden umur 20-35 tahun yaitu 11 orang (22%) memiliki pengetahuan cukup, dari pekerjaan menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden yaitu 23 orang (46%) yang tidak bekerja memiliki pengetahuan cukup, dari pendidikan menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden atau 16 orang (32%) yang berpendidikan menengah mempunyai pengetahuan cukup, dan dari paritas menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden yaitu 14 orang (28%) yang multipara memiliki pengetahuan cukup.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Zaitun Zaitun

This research was conducted to find out how big the interest of tourists who come to visit wajik stalls and sugar cane juice sweet so that in know whether the two places are worthy made in culinary branding in the city of Berastagi tourism. The method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive research type which explain the actual condition that happened in the field with data collection technique through observation, interview and documentation. Based on the results of the research can be in the know that in general the interest of visitors to enjoy the menu at the stall wajik peceren better in comparison the interest of visitors in sweet sugar cane stalls. The price offered in these two stalls is very relative and classified as not so expensive and visitors who come to stalls wajik peceren usually buy diamonds that are characteristic of the shop to be brought as by the family at home while the visitors who enjoy the menu at the sweet sugar cane where in general, visitors who come only enjoy the menu on offer, especially Berastagi sugar cane and not brought home as souvenir for the family.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. e048020
Yinjie Zhu ◽  
Ming-Jie Duan ◽  
Hermien H. Dijk ◽  
Roel D. Freriks ◽  
Louise H. Dekker ◽  

ObjectivesStudies in clinical settings showed a potential relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and lifestyle factors with COVID-19, but it is still unknown whether this holds in the general population. In this study, we investigated the associations of SES with self-reported, tested and diagnosed COVID-19 status in the general population.Design, setting, participants and outcome measuresParticipants were 49 474 men and women (46±12 years) residing in the Northern Netherlands from the Lifelines cohort study. SES indicators and lifestyle factors (i.e., smoking status, physical activity, alcohol intake, diet quality, sleep time and TV watching time) were assessed by questionnaire from the Lifelines Biobank. Self-reported, tested and diagnosed COVID-19 status was obtained from the Lifelines COVID-19 questionnaire.ResultsThere were 4711 participants who self-reported having had a COVID-19 infection, 2883 participants tested for COVID-19, and 123 positive cases were diagnosed in this study population. After adjustment for age, sex, lifestyle factors, body mass index and ethnicity, we found that participants with low education or low income were less likely to self-report a COVID-19 infection (OR [95% CI]: low education 0.78 [0.71 to 0.86]; low income 0.86 [0.79 to 0.93]) and be tested for COVID-19 (OR [95% CI]: low education 0.58 [0.52 to 0.66]; low income 0.86 [0.78 to 0.95]) compared with high education or high income groups, respectively.ConclusionOur findings suggest that the low SES group was the most vulnerable population to self-reported and tested COVID-19 status in the general population.

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