scholarly journals Patterns of semantics forming for the -out component 
in verb-adverbial compounds

Aiiana A. Ozonova ◽  

The current paper aims to analyze structural types of polypredicative sentences of purpose in the Altai language in comparison with Tuvan and Yakut. The material for this study was obtained by continuous sampling from folklore, fiction and Press in the Altai language. For comparison with Tuvan and Yakut, books and articles covering grammar issues of those languages, particularly syntax, were used. In the course of study, descriptive and comparative methods were applied together with the method of structural modeling. It was found that in order to express purpose, the following patterns are used: (i) monofinite (participial-case, participial-postpositional, adverbial-participial), and (ii) bifinite with conjunctions. The comparison showed that the systems of patterns expressing purpose in the languages differ in syntactic arrangement, postpositions and participial-case forms. This study enabled to identify 6 patterns of purpose in Altai compared to 8 in Tuvan described by L. A. Shamina and 14 in Yakut identified by N. N. Efremova. Clearly, Yakut demonstrates the most developed system of the patterns. It was also found that in all the three languages, monofinite patterns are dominant. Two patterns were identified as common for the three languages: (i) monofinite participial pattern with reason-purpose postposition учун / ужун / иhин 'because of, in oder to', and (ii) bifinite pattern with the common Turkic link деп / диэн 'in order to'. Another finding was that adverbial-participial patterns are mono-subject while participial-case and participial-postpositional patterns are variable-subject. The outlook for further study will include semantic types and functioning analysis of the patterns of purpose in Altai compared to other Siberian Turkic languages.

Maria D. Chertykova ◽  

The current paper aims at describing the semantic structure of the common Türkic verb кöр- «look, see» and identifying the relevant features in its semantics. Particularly, the meaning of «direction of view» is analyzed when the verb is joined by a noun in the accusative and directional cases, a subordinate clause describing specific situations as well as adverbs with the corresponding meaning. Being polysemantic, the verb, beside its direct meaning, is characterized by 8 indirect ones that are common for other Turkic languages; they are related to 3 spheres: social, emotional, and mental. In addition to those, 4 other lexical-semantic variants were found that preserve the seme of perceptiveness, although it is not dominant in them. All these findings demonstrate huge word-building, high structural and analytic potential of this verb in the Khakas language.

Ludmila S. Dampilova ◽  
Erzhena B. Ayusheeva

Introduction. The article aims to analyze Buryat versions of the epic Geser to identify their local features. It includes a detailed review not only of published texts, but also of manuscripts stored in the archives of Buryatia. For the first time, the regional versions of Geser are systematically examined as a necessary stage for further comparative studies of the genesis and transformation of epic traditions in Central Asia. Methods. The work uses comparative-historical and comparative methods of analysis. Of these, the latter was of key importance in comparing the versions of the epic that differ in terms of the place of their origin and temporal parameters. Results and discussion. The analysis began with a detailed discussion of published authentic texts of Geser represented by the Ekhirit-Bulagat and Ungin versions. Then, the features of archival versions of the epic are systematized and defined. The previous work on the plot composition and characters of each individual text is thoroughly compared to finally identify the features of the Buryat versions of the epic. Conclusion. The authors argue that the Ungin versions are quite close to the Mongolian ones, while the Ekhirit-Bulagat version, in their opinion, stands apart both in terms of their composition and themes. The introductory part of the uliger, a mythological prologue with a shamanic pantheon of deities, is characteristic only of the Buryat versions of Geser. Also, as far as the Western Buryat version is concerned, it may be pointed out that the influence of Buddhist teachings, which were not widespread in the heyday of the epic, was minimum. Of relevance are also the contaminations of the common Mongolian storytelling traditions with the characteristic motifs of the Central Asian epic. The identification of specific features of the local versions of Geser may expand our understanding of the specifics of the national epic as one of the main manifestations of traditional culture.

Alexander Savelyev

Despite more than 150 years of research, the internal structure of the Turkic language family remains a controversial issue. In this study, the Bayesian phylogenetic approach is employed in order to provide an independent verification of the contemporary views on Turkic linguistic history. The data underlying the study are Turkic basic vocabularies, which are resistant to replacement and likely to reflect the genealogical relationships among the Turkic languages. The method tested in the chapter is based on the strict clock model of evolution, which assumes that relevant changes occur at the same rate at every branch of the family. This study supports the widespread view that the binary split between Bulgharic and Common Turkic was the earliest split in the Turkic family. The model further replicates most of the conventional subgroups within the Common Turkic branch. Based on a Bayesian analysis, the time depth of Proto-Turkic is estimated to be around 2,119 years BP, which is in accordance with the traditional estimates of 2,000–2,500 years BP.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 239-269 ◽  
Andreea S. Calude

In Romanian, the middle marker se is employed to encode five distinct situation types: reflexive, reciprocal, (medio-)passive, inchoative and impersonal. This work identifies the relationships among the different uses of the marker and puts forward explanations for them within a cognitive, functional framework. Following studies such as those by Faltz (1985), Haiman (1983), Haspelmath (2005), Kemmer (1993ab), Lakoff (1977), Manoliu-Manea (1994, 2000), Maldonado (1992, 1999), Manney (2000), and Yoshimura and Taylor (2004), the current paper gives a synchronic account of the Romanian Middle Domain, its organization and the relationships between the various middle constructions found inside it. Findings suggest that the semantic property of low elaboration of events (introduced by Kemmer, 1993ab) constitutes the common denominator among the different uses explored. This work provides an insight into Romanian itself, as well as a contribution to cognitive theories of human language and responds to the call for more data and further investigations of middles cross-linguistically (see Smith, 2004).

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Xuan Li Liu ◽  
Dan Dan Wang ◽  
Zi Hao Wang ◽  
Da Li Meng

The pharmacological evaluation demonstrated that the extracts from the stem ofS. brachyantheracould significantly increase the outputs of urine of rats compared to those of furosemide treated group, and the effect could last for a longer period of time. The best effect appeared in the first two hours, which scientifically confirmed the diuretic effect of the plant. The comparative pharmacognosy study showed that the characters of the crude drugs of the stem ofS. brachyantherawere similar to those ofAkebia caulis. Further systemic work on its chemical constituents by chromatographic methods and NMR elucidations led to the isolation of 10 triterpenoids, 6 flavonoids, 4 lignanoids, and 3 phenylethanoid glycosides, whose structural types were much similar to those ofA. quinata. Among them, 7 compounds were firstly reported in the genus ofStauntoniaand calceolarioside B was the common characteristic constituent in both plants. From the similar pharmacognosy characters, pharmacological effects, and chemical constituents, it could be concluded thatS. brachyantherahave a great possibility to be a succedaneum ofAkebia caulis, whose supply is extremely short in recent years.

Mariya Chertykova

Статья посвящена выявлению и описанию дифференциальных особенностей семантики периферийных глаголов со значением зрительного восприятия. В данную подгруппу мы классифицируем семь хакасских глаголов, выражающих различные стороны зрительного акта, из них четыре глагола имеют лексические соответствия в других тюркских языках. В ходе семантико-когнитивного анализа материала выявляются общие и отличительные особенности этих глаголов. Таким образом, выявлено, что лексические соответствия хакасских глаголов хара- «пристально смотреть; обозревать», пахла- «подсматривать, заглядывать» в других тюркских языках (например, в турецком, азербайджанском, татарском, башкирском, казахском) имеют обширную семантическую структуру и в результате развития многозначности они могут демонстрировать ослабление исходного перцептивного признака в последующих вторичных значениях. Глагол хара- / кара-, помимо перцептивного обозначения, указывает и на другие сферы человеческой деятельности, например, в азербайджанском, каракалпакском языках данный глагол обладает лексико-семантическим вариантом (ЛСВ) «подчиняться». В татарском, башкирском и др. языках данный глагол в силу частотности употребления, принимает на себя модальное значение «попробовать». Проанализированы также семантические составляющие глаголов, характерных (по нашим наблюдениям) для хакасского языка. В сибирских тюркских же языках эти глаголы в своих ЛСВ обычно сохраняют перцептивную сему, только тув.: каракта- и тоф.: қарақта- показывают семантический сдвиг в плане когнитивного соотношения зрительного и ментального процессов. По нашим наблюдениям, характерными для хакасского языка оказались глаголы: хылчаңна-, хайбағын-, маркированные семой «[смотреть], поворачивая голову» и глагол аңды-, актуализирующий признак целенаправленности и концентрации зрительного акта.The article is devoted to the identification and description of the differential features of the semantics of peripheral verbs with the meaning of visual perception. In this subgroup, we classify seven Khakass verbs expressing various aspects of the visual act, of which four verbs have lexical correspondences in other Turkic languages. In the course of semantic-cognitive analysis of the material, the common and distinctive features of these verbs are revealed. Thus, it has been revealed that the lexical correspondences of the Khakass verbs хара- «watch closely; observe», пахла- «peep, peep» in other Turkic languages (for example, Turkish, Azeri, Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh) have an extensive semantic structure and as a result of the development of ambiguity, they can demonstrate a weakening of the original perceptive trait in subsequent secondary values. The verb хара- / кара-, in addition to perceptual designation, indicates other spheres of human activity, for example, in the Azerbaijani, Karakalpak languages, this verb has the LSW «to obey». In the Tatar, Bashkir and other languages, this verb, due to its frequency of use, assumes the modal meaning «try». The semantic components of the verbs characteristic (according to our observations) for the Khakass language are also analyzed. In the Siberian Turkic languages, these verbs in their lexico-semantic variants (LSV) usually retain perceptual semo, only tuv.: каракта- and tof.: қарақта- show the semantic shift in terms of the cognitive relation of the visual and mental processes. According to our observations, the characteristic verses for Khakass were: хылчаңна-, хайбағын-, marked with sema «[watch], turning the head» and verb аңды-, the actualizing sign of focus and concentration of the visual act.

D. I. Medvedeva ◽  
M. S. Degtyannikova

The article examines similarities between French and Serbian languages at the morphological level. The study of linguistic contacts in modern linguistics is a separate direction, which contributes to the growth of interest in the processes of borrowing, where a special place is given to the theory of tracing and its fixation in scientific materials in Russian, the Baltic and some Turkic languages. The paper considers the tracing of French lexemes by the Serbian language as one of the types of external influence on the language, which makes it possible to reveal the nature and extent of this influence from certain sources. The goal of the paper was to identify and describe some structural and semantic similarities in certain lexical groups in French and Serbian languages in comparison with Russian at the morphological level. 140 French and Serbian linguistic units were analysed and compared to their Russian equivalents. Continuous sampling method, componential analysis and comparative analysis were used in the study. As a result, it was found that the French and Serbian lexemes under study are marked by coincidence of the inner form and morphological structure. As for the Russian equivalents, they are represented by word collocations, loan words (transliterations or transcriptions), or lexemes with a different inner form.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 209-226
Thierry Ponchon ◽  
Tatiana Retinskaya ◽  
Natalia Voynova ◽  
Jerome Baghana ◽  
Karpenko Viktor

This article aims to bring on some enlightenment on the specifics of an experimental base formation for the creation of web maps dedicated to the French common youth slang. The relevance of the article is due to the pervasive nature of the French youth's “argotization” over the past two decades. The proposed study is devoted to the specifics of the formation of an experimental base for the creation of French common youth slang web maps, which will allow an illustration of the territorial localization of the slang (argotic) vocabulary. In this context, the authors elaborate preparatory procedures to form the basis for web mapping, namely the multistage processing of “argotographic data”, the inventory of core and peripheral “argotisms” and the verification of the identified linguistic facts under anti-epidemic restrictions on the mobility of scientists. The stages of the youth speech survey, which can be conducted remotely, are described. A review of lexicographic sources for the collection of argotic units is carried out. At the same time, the latest linguistic phenomenon of the French youth common slang (argot commun des jeunes) is briefly examined, and its relationship to the French common slang (argot commun) is described. The material of the study is youth argot lexemes collected from four traditional dictionaries and vocabulary lists of French and Russian eminent slang specialists (“argotologists”), four collaborative digital dictionaries, and two oral linguistic corpora. Youth argotisms are studied from the aspect of frequency parameters and the number of fixations in the argotographic sources. At the stage of collecting and identifying the elements of the common French youth slang vocabulary, several methods were applied: the method of sampling, the continuous sampling method, and the corpus linguistics method, including automated information extraction and the textual searches in large-scale corpora (concordances). At the stage of verification of the collected lexemes for their attribution to the French common youth slang, multiple crossed procedures were used: questionnaires, interviews, introspection, and “the initiated to the initiated” one. The present study was carried out in an experimental way, which, in turn, is applied in the research field on an actively developing social dialect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 56-66
E. A. Shumskikh

The paper focuses on a variety of methods used by I. S. Turgenev to transform the phraseological units (PU) in his novel "Home of the Gentry" ("Dvoryanskoe gnezdo"). It is noted that it is those phraseological unities which in the language system display variation that are, as a rule, subject to transformations in the novel. Continuous sampling was employed to detect and analyse the individual author’s phraseological units while studying the text of the novel. Additionally, the common and occasional variants of such phraseological units were compared by means of referring to dictionaries. The paper highlights the mechanism of the author’s transformation of Russian phraseological units, i. e. shows the peculiarities of building occasional phraseological semantics in the text. Moreover, word-forming and morphological modifications of the common variants of phraseological units, the syntagmatic peculiarities of individual author’s idioms are described. The study investigates the role of occasional phraseologisation in the semantic space of the novel and comprehensively defines the structural-semantic and expressive-stylistic characteristics of occasional phraseological units.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-344
I. A. Nevskaya

Specific syntactic constructions of complex predicates that assign more than one predicate to their semantic subject are well known cross-linguistically. Examples of such constructions are structures such as He returned tired, lived alone, worked as a teacher, etc. They contain two semantic predicates – a main one expressed by a finite verb form, and a secondary one, often expressed by a nominal form or an infinite verb form. Our research has shown that depictive predicates have their structural and functional peculiarities in different South Siberian Turkic languages, compared between themselves and with depictives in Oguz and Kypchak languages. The article deals with South Siberian depictive secondary predicates and describes their semantic and structural types. A special attention is paid to depictive predicates having a subject, different from the subject of the main predicate.

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