scholarly journals Obstacles Faced by College Students in Solving Probability Word Problems

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Mardiana Yusuf ◽  
Suzieleez Syrene Abdul Rahim ◽  
Leong Kwan Eu

There are many difficulties that can be identified when students solve mathematic problems especially in solving probability word problems. This study was conducted to identify the major obstacles faced by matriculation college students while solving the probability of an event word problems. Seven college students were the sample for this case study. Clinical interviews are used as a data collection. This data collection technique was selected based on the researcher’s observation on the participants as they answered the probability word problem task. The task was given during the interview session. Semi structured interviews are used to obtain in depth information. Think-aloud analysis involves observations leading to individual behaviours in the oral or nonverbal form of participants and the researcher’s field notes. Participants were found to have difficulty interpreting probabilities. There are three categories of difficulties that have been identified, namely not knowing the meaning of the word, not knowing the nature of the probability and not being able to identify the goal of the probability word problem.

1982 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30 ◽  
John Clement

A large number of college students exhibit a common misconception while solving certain algebra word problems. The error appears in writing equations where a multiplying factor is placed on the wrong side of the equation: writing 6S=P instead of S=6P, for example. Protocol analysis can allow us to investigate the cognitive processes producing the error as well as those leading to the correct solution. The findings have also led us to view the nature of the processes underlying the correct use of algebraic symbolization in a new way. The description of these basic processes should make it easier to design more effective strategies for teaching algebraic symbolization skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reza Fauzi Dwisandi ◽  
Diana Hernawati ◽  
Egi Nuryadin

<p class="E-JOURNALHeading1"><em>Palm vinegar is one of the processed products from a type of plant from the Arecaceae family, namely Arenga pinnata. </em><em>Arenga</em><em> vinegar is used by the people of the Kuta traditional village as a traditional medicine to treat a disease or prevent disease, this is based on folk knowledge, experience and ancestral traditions passed down from generation to generation in using plants as medicine. However, their utilization practices have not been published, identified and documented. Therefore, this study aims to describe the stages of making </em><em>arenga</em><em> vinegar and the practice of using it as a traditional medicine in Kuta Traditional Village. This research was conducted in Kuta Traditional Village, Tambak Sari District, Karangpaningga</em><em>l</em><em> Village, Ciamis Regency, in January-February 2021. This research is qualitative research </em><em>study </em><em>using </em><em>the</em><em> phenomenological </em><em>method</em><em>, the data collection technique used in this study </em><em>are </em><em>passive participation and active participation</em><em> observation</em><em>, semi-structured interviews with 4 people, </em><em>namely</em><em> 3 men and 1 woman</em><em>, and</em><em> document studies</em><em> were carried out</em><em>. The results showed that the </em><em>arenga vinegar making stages</em><em> in Kuta Traditional Village includes the process of lodong</em><em> sterilizer</em><em>, tapping </em><em>arenga juice</em><em>, filtering </em><em>arenga juice, </em><em>storing and fermenting</em><em> arenga juice</em><em>. As for its use, </em><em>arenga </em><em>vinegar is believed to be a traditional medicine such as types of fever, aches, liver, diabetes, stomach acid and external wounds.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Carinda Nabila Huda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor - faktor yang memengaruhi motivasi seseorang yang masih berusia muda untuk belajar dan bernyanyi keroncong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitaitif dengan wawancara semi-terstruktur sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap tiga narasumber, yaitu tiga penyanyi keroncong yang masih berusia muda, yakni 23, 24 dan 25 tahun.  Narasumber tersebut dipilih berdasarkan tiga kriteria : berusia muda, memiliki prestasi di bidang vokal keroncong, dan sudah menjadikan bernyanyi keroncong sebagai sebuah profesi. Rekaman wawancara yang sudah terkumpul kemudian ditranskrip ke dalam bentuk tulisan, diberi kode, dan direduksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor motivasi dalam bernyanyi keroncong dikelompokkan menjadi faktor yang berasal dari dalam individu (internal) dan faktor yang berasal dari luar individu (eksternal). Faktor internal berupa rasa penasaran, tertantang, perasaan suka, enjoy, seru, semangat, hobby dan perasaan ingin menambah pengalaman dan referensi. Sedangkan faktor yang berasal dari luar individu (eksternal) banyak datang dari saran dan dukungan dari orang - orang di sekitar individu tersebut. Seperti saran dari orangtua untuk bernyanyi keroncong, dukungan keluarga, teman, serta  adanya sarana dan prasarana yang memadahi.The purpose of this research was to find out the factors that influence the motivation of someone who is young to learn and sing keroncong. The was qualitative with semi-structured interviews as a data collection technique. Interviews was conducted with three speakers.  They were 23, 24, and 25 year-old-keroncong singers. The three speakers were chosen based on three criterias : young, having vocal keroncong achievments, and having a profession as keroncong singer. The interview records that have been collected are then transcribed into written form, coded, and reduced. The results showed that motivational factors in singing keroncong are grouped into factors that orginate from within the individual (internal) and factors that cone from oustide the individual (external). Internal factor such as curiosity, challenge, feeling like, enjoy, exciting, passion, hobby, and feeling want to add experience and references. While the factors that come from outside the individual (external) many come from the advice and support of the people around the individual. As suggestions from parents to sing keroncong, family support, friends, and the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure. 

2020 ◽  
morgane guillou landreat ◽  
Melia Baillot ◽  
Le Goff Delphine ◽  
Le Reste Jean Yves

Abstract Background: Opiate use disorders are a worldwide disease. In the last 30 years, opiate maintenance treatment prescription changed patients’ and also changed physicians’ practice. General practitioners (GPs) have to deal with patients on OMT who are in acute pain. Both clinically and pharmacologically, the treatment of acute pain in patients with an opiate use disorder and an OMT(opiate maintenance treatment) differs from that given to patients with other conditions. As this situation is complex, it was important to explore whether GPs recognised this problem and whether they managed it effectively.Objective: To investigate how GPs identify and manage situations of acute pain in patients with opiate use disorders and OMT. Methods: semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection technique with a purposive sample of practising GPs. Data collection continued until saturation was reached. Analysis was undertaken using a thematic analysis method. Two independent researchers, working blind and pooling data, carried out the analysis. Results: The maximal variation of the sample and saturation of data were reached with 11 GPs. The thematic analysis resulted in 4 main themes: (1) the importance and difficulties of professional links , (2) the specific clinical reasoning , (3) the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and (4) the particular characteristics of OMT patients. Conclusion: The complexity of pain and opioid dependence represents significant challenges for GPs. It is hard to achieve a balance between pain relief and opiate use disorder treatment. These questions are particularly important in general practice, where the practitioner may feel insufficiently trained, and isolated. Existing protocols do not seem to be in line with general practice. The number of patients on OMT has increased since it was first marketed; GPs will increasingly have to deal with these situations and will have to issue their own recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 542-546
Catur Dian Rahayu ◽  
Hasna Bararah M ◽  
Kalya Nabila Zuhdi ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Perdana ◽  
Nabilah Fina Aprilia ◽  

The presence of technology brings about a change in people's lives, with technology of all activities being more comfortable. Technological changes have taken place in the field of digital marketing, such as shopping online. The presence of an online shop provides considerable comfort in shopping activities. But with that convenience, it can also establish higher consumption patterns. This consumption pattern was analyzed using the concept of the consumption of Jean Boudrilland. The study USES a descriptive qualitative approach with the data-collection technique of structured interviews. In the study two results have been found, the first of these is consensual behaviors among sociology students where they buy goods through online shops out of sheer need. The second result was that a sociology student was seeking to remain unaffected by the ease of shopping through online shops in order to avoid the form of consumer behavior. From such exposure it can be concluded that the concept of consumptive society by Jean Boudrilland is relevant to today's lives where people tend to satisfy the urge to buy things instead of the need. Kehadiran teknologi membawa perubahan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, dengan adanya teknologi segala aktivitas dapat dilakukan dengan lebih nyaman. perubahan karena teknologi turut hadir dalam bidang digital marketing seperti hadirnya online shop. Kehadiran online shop cukup memberikan kenyamanan dalam aktivitas belanja. Namun dengan kenyamanan tersebut dapat pula membentuk pola konsumsi yang semakin tinggi. Pola konsumsi ini dianalisis menggunakan konsep masyarakat konsumsi dari Jean Boudrilland. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yakni wawancara terstruktur. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan dua hasil, yang pertama adanya perilaku konsumtif di kalangan mahasiswa sosiologi dimana mereka membeli barang melalui online shop karena keinginan bukan kebutuhan. Hasil yang kedua yakni ditemukan adanya mahasiswa Sosiologi yang berusaha untuk tidak terpengaruh kemudahan berbelanja melalui online shop dengan tujuan agar tidak terbentuk perilaku konsumtif. Dari pemaparan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep masyarakat konsumtif oleh Jean Baudrillard relevan dengan kehidupan saat ini dimana masyarakat cenderung memuaskan keinginan membeli suatu barang bukan atas dasar kebutuhan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 78 ◽  
Eamon Tewell ◽  
Kimberly Mullins ◽  
Natalia Tomlin ◽  
Valeda Dent

Abstract Objective – Student research habits and expectations continue to change, complicating the design of library spaces and the provision of research support. This study’s intent was to explore undergraduate and graduate student research and study needs at a mid-sized university’s two campuses in the Northeastern United States, and to improve librarians’ understandings of these practices so that more appropriate services and spaces may be developed to support student learning. Methods – The research project utilized a primarily qualitative design for data collection that spanned from fall 2012 to summer 2013, consisting of an online questionnaire, unobtrusive observations, and in-depth semi-structured interviews. Data collection commenced with a questionnaire consisting of 51 items, distributed through campus email to all students and receiving 1182 responses. Second, 32 hours of unobtrusive observations were carried out by librarians, who took ethnographic “field notes” in a variety of Library locations during different times and days of the week. The final method was in-depth interviews conducted with 30 undergraduate and graduate students. The qualitative data were analyzed through the application of a codebook consisting of 459 codes, developed by a data analysis team of 4 librarians. Results – The results address topical areas of student interactions with librarians, contact preferences, and use of library space. Of the interviewees, 60% contacted a librarian at least once, with texting being the most popular method of contact (27%). In being contacted by the library, students preferred a range of methods and generally indicated interest in learning about library news and events through posters and signage. Participants were less interested in receiving library contact via social media, such as Facebook or Twitter. Regarding student use of and preference for library space, prominent themes were students creating their own spaces for individual study by moving furniture, leaving personal items unattended, the presence of unwanted noise, and a general preference for either working nearby other students in groups or in carrels to facilitate individual study. Conclusions – Being aware of student research processes and preferences can result in the ability to design learning environments and research services that are more responsive to their needs. Ethnographic research methods, as part of an ongoing research process, are recommended as a means to better understand library user practices and expectations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-258
Darsita Suparno

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menjelaskan kesalahan pemakaian kalimat dalam tulisan-tulisan mahasiswa asing yang belajar di Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta; mendeskripsikan beberapa aspek kesalahan yang dominan, dan  3) faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan sampel tugas-tugas harian membuat karangan oleh mahasiswa asing Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta teknik samping yang diterapkan dalam kajian ini adalah teknik sampel purposif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif yang mencakupi empat dimensi, yakni pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa: pertama unsur-unsur linguistik yang mengalami kesalahan berbahasa yang kerap terjadi dalam teks karangan mahasiswa asing terjadi dalam empat kategori kesalahan, yaitu: kesalahan ejaan; pembentukan kata, aspek sintaksis dan aspek semantik. Kedua, penggunaan tanda baca. ---Abstract The aim of this research are namely: 1) to describe the error of Indonesian language in writing sentences by the foreign college students of center for language development Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University; 2) to describe the most errors, and 3) to find several factors of error. This research is a qualitative descriptive with a sample foreign college student sentences text of center for language development Jakarta State Islamic University. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection technique used was document analysis. Data analysis technique use is the interactive analytical model that includes four dimensions, such as data collection; data reduction, data presentation and verification. The conclusion of this study is such as follows. Firstly, the linguistic elements of language errors that often occur in the college student sentence texts are divided into four errors such as: spellings error, word formation or morphology, syntax and semantics. Secondly, the most error in the text of foreign college students is the punctuation errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 81
Phatchanun Vivarakanon

Globally, aging individuals who live independently facing various problems in maintaining their health and well-being. Understanding the capability of personal well-being is an important consideration in promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles in aging individuals. This paper aimed to more deeply explore, from self-care experiences of aging individuals living independently in the community, from their perspective. The study used the inductive approach of focused ethnography which is based on Orem&rsquo;s Theory of Self-Care. Data collection consisted of participant observation with field notes and semi-structured interviews with 25 aging individuals living independently in the northern part of Thailand. Three themes were followed as protocol of the data collection plan and used the identification and classification of transcription, coding, and thematic analysis as perspectives of self-care experiences of aging individuals living independently in the community setting: 1) continuing habits of healthcare practices, 2) maintaining positive emotional adaptation, 3) and having reasonable social and life adjustments. These themes exemplified the practice of activities that aging individuals initiated and performed as their daily and routine activities with the intention of maintaining life health and well-being. Consideration of aging individuals living independently self-care experiences assisted nurses and provided greater perspectives in providing actual needs and reduced resources of nursing care and healthcare system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-134
Zinatsadat Mirpour ◽  
Mohammadali Rahmani ◽  
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroodi ◽  

Introduction: Choosing an emotional partner is an important occasion that profoundly affects various aspects of life; however, many relationships fail, and people face a vicious cycle of unhealthy and harmful relationships. Objective: This study aimed to explain the concept of re-experiencing harmful relationships. Materials and Methods: This research is a qualitative study done with the Grounded Theory (GT) approach done using the purposive sampling method until data saturation. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes. In this study, 8 victims of harmful relationships and 8 psychologists were interviewed. Each interview lasted 25 to 55 minutes and was digitally recorded. Data analysis was performed along with data collection by Strauss and Corbin’s constant comparative analysis. Using Lincoln and Guba criteria, the accuracy and strength of this research were confirmed. Results: The open coding results indicated that 47 concepts could effectively frame the pattern of re-experiencing unhealthy relationships. In the axial coding stage, the concepts were classified into 8 general categories. Finally, in the selective coding stage, the phenomenon of “harmful relationships” was extracted as a significant category. The central coding paradigm consisted of 8 key features: perceived violence, psychological symptoms, unhealthy relationship strategies, dark personality traits, emotion regulation problems, retention factors, family harms, self-breaking behaviors. Each includes subclasses with specific characteristics. Conclusion: The results showed that harmful relationships are complex, dynamic, continuous, and intervened with the contextual conditions, retention factors, causal conditions, and intervening conditions. So it is necessary to develop and present psychological programs and interventions based on these problems.

Rohmatul Faizah

Abstrak The spirit of globalisation had cut out the big world to the narrow world and its today’s impact could reduce the nationalism for most of people, especially for college students. This study was qualitative study which was strengthened by the field study. The data collection technique was documentation, observation, and interview. The followings were four results from the analysed data: The nationalism knowledge programs and Islamic moderation were implemented in some subjects. They were, nationalism, widya mwat yasa, civic education, Pancasila, Islamic religion, and sports. The implementation of the nationalism knowledge and Islamic moderation reflected to some things. They were the students who were tolerant (tasamuh), moderate (tawasuth), balance (tawazun), amar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Keywords: Nationality Insight; Islamic Moderation; UPNV Yogyakarta Abstract Semangat globalisasi telah memangkas bola dunia yang luas menjadi sempit dan pengaruh globalisasi di era sekarang juga dapat mengikis rasa cinta tanah air bagi sebagian besar individu, khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang diperkuat dengan penelitian lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat empat temuan sebagai berikut: Program-program penguatan wawasan kebangsaan dan moderasi Islam ini diimplementasikan dalam beberapa mata kuliah, diantaranya, bela negara dan widya mwat yasa, kewarganegaraan, pancasila, agama Islam, dan olah raga. Penerapan wawasan kebangsaan dan moderasi Islam ini tercermin dalam beberapa hal, diantaranya mahasiswa memiliki rasa tasamuh (toleran), tawasuth (moderat), tawazun (seimbang), amar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Kata Kunci: Wawasan Kebangsaan; Moderasi Islam; UPNV Yogyakarta

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