scholarly journals The impact of emigration from Serbia to Hungary on the human resources of Vojvodina

2014 ◽  
pp. 571-581
Iren Gabric-Molnar ◽  
Agnes Slavic

In the recent decades the migration processes and circular migration are increasing worldwide and have become more and more complex. There has been a new type of international migration - back and forth international migration. Nowadays, job seeking in the international space, brain circulation, multiple citizenship and identity, property ownership and consumption at the place of origin and at destination residence result in completely new lifestyles in Central and Eastern Europe, too. After the disintegration of the socialist regime both in Serbia and Hungary, new types of emigrants from Serbia appeared in Hungary, namely students, highly qualified workers, entrepreneurs, elders and circulars. The most recent types of migrants along the Serbian-Hungarian border area are: economic emigrants (emigrant physical workers); creative class (entrepreneurs, businessmen, international traders); circulars and seasonal emigrants, as well as students. The hypothesis of this work is that the main motive of emigration from Serbia to Hungary is the economic motive, especially job-seeking. The analysis of emigration from Serbia to Hungary is based on the interviews and questionnaire-based research obtained among emigrants from Vojvodina to Hungary, who were living in Hungary or commuting there regularly between 2010 and 2013. The obtained data prove the hypothesis. The economic motives are present even when the emigrants do not stay in Hungary, but move off to more developed countries of the EU.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Muslih Faozanudin ◽  
Shainima Islam

People’s mobility and international migration are quite interesting phenomena to discuss. Until now, there are still differences in views between industrialized countries and developing countries regarding the contribution of migration to development for both sending and receiving countries. This paper aims to analyze based on existing secondary data the linkage between migration and sustainable development. For analysis, this study uses a descriptive approach, with secondary data as the primary source. The analysis found that both sending and receiving countries - benefited from population mobility and international migration. The least developed countries in the economy and overall infrastructure are supplying countries for this migration process, and increasing remittances and skilled workers to help other countries. Although it is realized that this condition is the impact of the weak economic system of developing countries on the one hand and the demographic that occur in advanced industrialized countries on the other. To maintain the stability of the supply chain for economic development, international migration is included as one of the sustainable development programs that apply more humane values. Therefore, migrants should be seen as potential contributors to the growth of sending and receiving countries, and some even claim that they are heroes of foreign exchange. Keywords:  migration, remmitance, sustainable development Mobilitas masyarakat dan migrasi internasional merupakan fenomena yang cukup menarik untuk dibahas. sampai saat ini masih terdapat perbedaan pandangan antara negara industri dan negara berkembang, tentang  kontribusi migrasi terhadap  pembangunan, baik  bagi negara yang asal migrant maupun bagi negara penerima. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berdasarkan data sekunder yang ada mengenai keterkaitan antara migrasi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Untuk analisis, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif, dengan data sekunder sebagai sumber primer. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa kedua negara-negara pengirim dan penerima - mendapat manfaat dari mobilitas penduduk dan migrasi internasional. Negara-negara kurang berkembang dalam ekonomi dan infrastruktur secara keseluruhan menjadi negara pemasok untuk proses migrasi ini, dan meningkatkan pengiriman uang dan pekerja terampil untuk membantu negara lain. Meskipun disadari bahwa kondisi ini merupakan dampak dari lemahnya sistem perekonomian negara berkembang di satu sisi dan faktor demografi dan kesuburan yang terjadi di negara industri maju di sisi lain. Untuk menjaga stabilitas rantai pasokan pembangunan ekonomi, migrasi internasional dimasukkan sebagai salah satu program pembangunan berkelanjutan yang menerapkan nilai-nilai yang lebih manusiawi. Oleh karena itu, para migran harus dilihat sebagai kontributor potensial bagi pertumbuhan negara pengirim dan penerima,  bahkan ada yang mengklaim bahwa mereka adalah sebagai pahlawan devisa. Kata kunci:  migrasi, pembangunan berkelanjutan, remiten

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-167
V.V. Antropov ◽  

In recent decades, the impact of international migration on world economic and political processes has increased significantly. Today, international labor migration of the population is one of the most important components of modern processes in the world economy, along with the other components, such as capital flow, goods, technologies and information. Globalization of the world economy has led to new trends in the processes associated with the international migration of labor, requiring scientific study. The object of the article is the modern processes of international labor migration. The aim of the work is to identify and analyze the main trends in international labor migration and its economic consequences. The author used the methods of statistical analysis, analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, and the data synthesis. The paper examines the main trends in international labor migration such as an increase in the demographic significance of international migration in the demographic development of economically developed countries, an increase in illegal migration, an increase in the composition of migration flows of highly qualified workers and the proportion of women in the number of international migrants. The article analyzes the economic impact of international labor migration on the economies of countries exporting and importing labor resources. The article concludes that migration will increase in the near future due to three reasons: persisting inequality between rich and poor countries, political and ethnic conflicts in a number of regions and the creation of new free trade zones that will facilitate labor mobility. The conclusions and recommendations of this study may be of interest to researchers and practitioners in addressing labor migration issues in Russia and other countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 134 ◽  
pp. 03013 ◽  
Sergey Zhironkin ◽  
Michal Cehlar ◽  
Vitaly Zhironkin

Sustainable development is a symbiosis of technological and social progress, as well as responsible environmental management, should not rely on old industries that actively consume non-renewable natural resources, but on new, convergent-technological ones. In this paradigm, the environmental safety of future generations is formed by structural shifts in the economies of advanced countries caused by the expansion of technological convergence. Technological convergence – the result of accelerating scientific and technological progress in the 21st century – has a transformative effect on the economies of developed countries, forming a new type of sectorial genesis. It is not related to the deepening of sectorial specialization or inter-industry cooperation within the framework of the evolution of basic technologies, but to the emergence of technologies of a fundamentally new type, formed as a result of the merger of know-how from different industries. The structural shifts arising from technological convergence do not have the historical analogues and forms of regulation developed by industrial policies of developed countries. The article outlines the key statements of the the impact of convergent technologies on the structural base of sustainable development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 86-92
T. I. Minina ◽  
V. V. Skalkin

Russia’s entry into the top five economies of the world depends, among other things, on the development of the financial sector, being a necessary condition for the economic growth of a developed macroeconomic and macro-financial system. The financial sector represents a system of relationships for the effective collection and distribution of economic resources, their deployment according to public demand, reducing the risk of overproduction and overheating of the economy.Therefore, the subject of the research is the financial sector of the Russian economy.The purpose of the research was to formulate an approach to alleviating the risks of increasing financial costs in the real sector of the economy by reducing the impact of endogenous risks expressed as financial asset “bubbles” using the experience of developed countries in the monetary policy.The paper analyzes a macroeconomic model applied to the financial sector. It is established that the economic growth is determined by the growth and, more important, the qualitative development of the financial sector, which leads to two phenomena: overproduction in the real sector and an increase in asset prices in the financial sector, with a debt load in both the real and financial sectors. This results in decreasing the interest rate of the mega-regulator to near-zero values. In this case, since the mechanisms of the conventional monetary policy do not work, the unconventional monetary policy is used when the mega-regulator buys out derivative financial instruments from systemically important institutions. As a conclusion, given deflationally low rates, it is proposed that the megaregulator should issue its own derivative financial instruments and place them in the financial market.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-172 ◽  
T. V. Kudryavtseva ◽  
V. V. Tachalov ◽  
E. S. Loboda ◽  
L. Yu. Orekhova ◽  
E. Yu. Nechai ◽  

Relevance. Periodontal diseases are a medical and social problem due to the wide spread among the population of developed countries and the impact on the quality of life. Among the many factors that are important in the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases, an important role is played by adherence to the recommendations of the dentist in respecting oral hygiene. Aim of the work was to study the adherence of patients of the dental clinic to compliance with preventive measures in the oral cavity.Materials and methods. A total of 98 patients of dental clinic, 62 female (medial age 38,6 ± 14,0 years) and 36 male (medial age 37,2±13,1 years) participated in survey. The study participants flled in the profle and answered questions about age, gender, harmful working conditions and bad habits, frequency of visits to the dental clinic, attitudes to the prevention of dental diseases, knowledge about the means and methods of oral hygiene.Results. As a result of the study, it was found that in the vast majority of cases, respondents are employed in production that does not adversely affect their health (91%), only 8% of patients indicated harmful working conditions.Conclusions. The study revealed that, despite the recommendations of the dentist, patients are not always committed to the implementation of preventive measures in the oral cavity. Dentists need to motivate patients to use not only the usual methods and means of hygiene, but also additional ones necessary for maintaining dental health.

Jo Blanden ◽  
Emilia Del Bono ◽  
Kirstine Hansen ◽  
Birgitta Rabe

AbstractPolicy-makers wanting to support child development can choose to adjust the quantity or quality of publicly funded universal pre-school. To assess the impact of such changes, we estimate the effects of an increase in free pre-school education in England of about 3.5 months at age 3 on children’s school achievement at age 5. We exploit date-of-birth discontinuities that create variation in the length and starting age of free pre-school using administrative school records linked to nursery characteristics. Estimated effects are small overall, but the impact of the additional term is substantially larger in settings with the highest inspection quality rating but not in settings with highly qualified staff. Estimated effects fade out by age 7.

Societies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Andrea Čajková ◽  
Peter Čajka

Like many developed countries in the world, China currently faces many serious demographic challenges that pose a potential risk to the country’s socio-economic development and stability. The current demographic development and trend is characterized by a change in the reproductive behavior of the population, characterized by a decline in birth rates, a change in family behavior, and a shift in the value system. This paper is aimed at identifying the impact of population policy and the degree of its influence on both the economic and social system of the country. Based on a deterministic approach, the findings reveal and demonstrate the serious demographic challenges facing China, and we are noting that there is no guarantee that parametric adjustments, such as shifting the retirement age, will de facto ensure the financial health of the pension system by preventing bankruptcy. We point out the risks and prospects for the sustainability of China’s socio-economic development based on an analysis of past and current Chinese demographic policy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
D Panatto ◽  
P Landa ◽  
D Amicizia ◽  
P L Lai ◽  
E Lecini ◽  

Abstract Background Invasive disease due to Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) is a serious public health problem even in developed countries, owing to its high lethality rate (8-15%) and the invalidating sequelae suffered by many (up to 60%) survivors. As the microorganism is transmitted via the airborne route, the only available weapon in the fight against Nm invasive disease is vaccination. Our aim was to carry out an HTA to evaluate the costs and benefits of anti-meningococcal B (MenB) vaccination with Trumenba® in adolescents in Italy, while also considering the impact of this new vaccination strategy on organizational and ethics aspects. Methods A lifetime Markov model was developed. MenB vaccination with the two-dose schedule of Trumenba® in adolescents was compared with 'non-vaccination'. Two perspectives were considered: the National Health Service (NHS) and society. Three disease phases were defined: acute, post-acute and long-term. Epidemiological, economic and health utilities data were taken from Italian and international literature. The analysis was conducted by means of Microsoft Excel 2010®. Results Our study indicated that vaccinating adolescents (11th year of life) with Trumenba® was cost-effective with an ICER = € 7,912/QALY from the NHS perspective and € 7,758/QALY from the perspective of society. Vaccinating adolescents reduces the number of cases of disease due to meningococcus B in one of the periods of highest incidence of the disease, resulting in significant economic and health savings. Conclusions This is the first study to evaluate the overall impact of free MenB vaccination in adolescents both in Italy and in the international setting. Although cases of invasive disease due to meningococcus B are few, if the overall impact of the disease is adequately considered, it becomes clear that including anti-meningococcal B vaccination into the immunization program for adolescents is strongly recommended from the health and economic standpoints. Key messages Free, large-scale MenB vaccination is key to strengthening the global fight against invasive meningococcal disease. Anti-meningococcal B vaccination in adolescents is a cost-effective health opportunity.

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