2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ni Made Ayu Putri Maharani . ◽  
Drs. I Ketut Ardana,M.Pd. . ◽  
DB.KT.NGR. Semara Putra,S.Pd., M.For. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri terhadap keterampilan berbicara anak kelompok A di TK Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong Pre-Experimental Design dengan menggunakan desain penelitian One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 15 anak yang terdiri dari 6 anak perempuan dan 9 anak laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi. Data keterampilan berbicara anak menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pre-test sebesar 45,80, sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 80,67, dan diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 21,26.Pada ttabel dengan kriteria signifikansi 5% dengan dk = 14 menunjukkan nilai 2,145. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan berbicara yang dibelajarkan dengan metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri sebelum dan setelah perlakuan. Data keterampilan berbicara menunjukkan bahwa thitung 21,26 > ttabel 2,145, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berbicara anak kelompok A di TK Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019.Kata Kunci : keterampilan berbicara, metode bercerita, media gambar berseri. This study aims to determine the effect of the storytelling method assisted by serial image media on speaking skills of group A children in Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Kindergarten Academic Year 2018/2019. This type of research is classified as Pre-Experimental Design using the research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The sample in this study were 15 children consisting of 6 girls and 9 boys. The data collection technique used in this study was observation. Data on children's speaking skills showed an average pre-test value of 45.80, while the post-test average value was 80.67, and a tcount of 21.26 was obtained. At ttable with a significance criterion of 5% with dk = 14 shows a value of 2.145. These results indicate that there is a significant difference in the speaking skills taught by the method of telling a picture of serial media before and after treatment. Speech skill data shows that tcount 21.26> t table 2.145, it can be concluded that the method of storytelling assisted by serial image media affects the speaking skills of group A children in Kindergarten Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Academic Year 2018/2019.keyword : speaking skills, storytelling methods, serial image media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Indah Prawoko . ◽  
Dr. Maria Goreti Rini Kristiantari,M.Pd . ◽  
Drs. I Ketut Adnyana Putra,M.Pd .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang signifikan metode bermain peran terhadap peningkatan keterampilan berbicara pada anak kelompok A TK Handayani I Denpasar Barat Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimen dengan desain ekperimen yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Sampling Jenuh karena dalam penelitian ini semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Hal ini dilakukan karena jumlah populasi relatif kecil, yaitu kurang dari 30 orang. Jadi, sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sama dengan populasinya yaitu anak Kelompok A TK Handayani I Denpasar Barat dengan jumlah anak sebanyak 25 anak. Data keterampilan anak dikumpulkan dengan instrument non test. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan uji t. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 30,80 sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 86,36. hasil dari analisis data yang diperoleh dari nilai thitung yaitu sebesar 73,97. pada ttabel dengan kriteria signifikasi 5% dengan dk=24 yang menunjukkan nilai ttabel 2,064 berdasarkan hasil dari analisis tersebut, maka keterampilan berbicara anak menunjukkan nilai thitung 73,97 > ttabel 2,064. maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa yaitu terdapat pengaruh signifikan metode bermain peran terhadap keterampilan berbicara pada anak kelompok A TK Handayani I Denpasar Barat Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. berdasarkan hasil dari simpulan penelitian tersebut maka dapat disarankan kepada peneliti lain agar dapat menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang yang meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada anak. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bermain peran berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berbicara kelompok A TK. Handayani I Denpasar Barat Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019.Kata Kunci : metode bermain peran, peningkatan keterampilan This study discusses the importance of learning methods to play a role in improving speaking skills in group A Denpasar Barat Handayani I Kindergarten Academic Year 2018/2019. The type of research used was pre-experiment with the experimental design used was one group of pretest-posttest. The sampling technique used in this study is Saturated Sampling because in this study all research members were used as samples. This is done because the number of participation is relatively small, which is less than 30 people. So, the sample in this study is the same as the population of children in Group A of Denpasar Barat Handayani I Kindergarten with 25 children. Child skills data are collected with non-test instruments through collection, scores. the results of this study show the average pretest value of 30.80 while the posttest average value is 86.36. the results of data analysis obtained from the value of tcount which is equal to 73.97. in t table with 5% significance criteria with dk = 24 which shows 2.0t ttable value based on the results of the analysis, then the children's speaking skills assess the tcount> t table. So it can be denied that this is the method that is played. Play kindergarten towards speaking skills in group children. Handayani I TK Denpasar Barat Academic Year 2018/2019. Based on the results of the conclusions of this study, it can be approved for other researchers to be able to use learning methods that improve speaking skills in children.keyword : method of role playing, improvement of speaking skills

Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Ali Wira Rahman

Vocabulary considered one of the important things to learn for students, the vocabulary is basic thing that students must be mastered in foreign language lessons, especially in English. Without vocabulary students will have difficulty in mastering skills in English such as writing, reading, listening and speaking.  Therefore, it is very important to find out the solution to enhance students’ vocabulary. The objective of the research is to find out whether or not using Jumbled letters can improve the students vocabulary of the tenth grade students in MAN 2 Barru and to find out whether or not using Crossword puzzle can improve the students vocabulary of the tenth grade students in MAN 2 Barru. This research applied quasi-experimental group design with two groups experimental and control class. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Barru in academic year 2018/2019. The Total sample of the research was taken by using clustering random sampling which consisted of 141 students. From two classes taken from the population of the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Barru, X MIA 1 as the experimental class consisted 29 students and X MIA 3 as the control class that consisted 29 students. The result of the data analysis showed that there was a significant difference of students’ vocabulary before and after teaching vocabulary through jumbled word letters. The value of t-test pre-test 2.09 was higher than t-table 2.000, and the value of post-test 4.62 was higher than t-table 2.000, at the level significance a =0.05 and degree of freedom (df) = 56. It can be concluded that jumbled word letters can enhance the vocabulary of the tenth grade students’ of MAN 2 Barru

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Elsa Nurlia

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan siswa menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif; 2) kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif; 3) perbedaan kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 sebelum dan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen, serta desain penelitiannya adalah pre-test and post-test group. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif dikatagorikanC (cukup), dengan rata-rata 66,38%; 2) kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif dikatagorikan B (baik), dengan rata-rata 77,83%; serta 3) ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 sebelum dan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif yang terlihat dari hasil gainnya yaitu 11,45%. Hasil uji hipotesis pun menunjukan > , yaitu4,60 > 2,76 yang artinya hipotesis kerja ( ) diterima dan hipotesis nol ( ) ditolak. Jadi, model pembelajaran berpikir induktif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menerapkan vokal é, e, dan eu dalam menulis pengalaman siswa kelas VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014. AbstractThis research is triggered by lack of student ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing experience. This research aims to describe: 1) the ability to apply the vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 before using the learning modelof inductive thinking; 2) the ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 after using the learning model of inductive thinking; 3) The differences of ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 before and after using the learning model of inductive thinking. The method used in this research is an experiment quasi and then this research design is the pre-test and the post-test group. Based on the results, it can be concluded that: 1) the ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 before using the learning model of inductive thinking is categorized C (enough), with an average 66,38%; 2) the ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 after using the learning model of inductive thinking is categorized B (good), with an average 77,83%, and 3) there is a significant difference between the ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014 before and after using the learning model of inductive thinking that can be seen from its gain result is 11,45%. The result of the hypothesis test represents the value >  is 4,60 > 2,76 which means that the working hypothesis ( ) is accepted and the null hypothesis ( ) is rejected. Therefore, thelearning model of inductive thinking can improve the ability to apply vocal é, e, and eu in the writing students experience at class VII-I SMP Negeri 29 Bandung academic year 2013/2014.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-120
Kamelia Kamelia ◽  
Hiqma Nur Agustina ◽  
Imam Sudarmaji

The objective of this study is to find the use of mind mapping on improving students’ writing ability, especially for biographical recount text at the tenthgrade students of SMAN 7 Kota Tangerang in the academic year of 2018/2019.The sample of this study were 35 students. This study used quantitative method with pre – experimental design by using one group pre –test and post – test. The result of the research shows that there is a significant difference in student’s writing ability between tenth grade students of SMAN 7 Kota Tangerang before and after taught using the mind mapping technique. It can be seen in the result of the study, the average pre – test score of experiment class students is 68.26 and the average post – test score of experiment class students is 85.40. It means that there is a significant difference in students’ writing ability between tenth grade students of SMAN 7 Kota Tangerang before and after taught using the mind mapping technique. The research hypothesis is proven that using mind mapping technique in teaching writing especially in recount text makes the students’ writing score higher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Eka Nofa Ayu Istiqomah

The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is any effect and significant difference achievement of students in writing recount text between before and after being taught by using an animation video and how the students’ respon toward the use of an animation video in teaching writing recount text. The research was conducted at SMK Antartika 1 Sidoarjo. Sample of this study is students in first grade TPM 6 class. The method that is used in this research is quantitative method with pre-experimental design. To get the data, the researcher gave pre-test and post-test to the students. The researcher used an animation video in teaching writing recount text. An essay is given by the researcher to the students to know the effect of the students after used an animation video. Based on the result of the research, there are some research findings that can be represented. First, there is significant difference achievement of students in writing recount text. Second, the students’ understanding give a positive respon toward the use of an animation video. In conclusion, the use of holiday animation video gives a significant difference on the students’ achievement in writing recount text and the students’ respon of the use of an animation video in teaching writing recount text are positive.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Devi Budi Wijaya ◽  
Suwandi Suwandi ◽  
Sukma Nur Ardini

This study is based on the research which attempted to examine the effectiveness of realia in writing descriptive text by the seventh grade students. The objectives of the research were (1) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught by using realia, (2) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught without using realia, (3) also to analyze and find out whether there is significant difference between students who are taught by using realia and those taught without using realia. Quasi experimental design was used with the population of 256 seventh grade students of SMP N 4 Semarang in the academic year 2017/2018. By using purposive sampling technique, there were two classes chosen as the sample of this study; vii a and vii b. The instruments of collecting data used were tests; pre-test and post-test. After the data were collected, they were analysed using t-test. The findings were as follows: (1) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught using realia was good with the mean of the post-test was 80.21. (2) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught without using realia was adequate with the mean of the post-test was 74.44. (3) there was significant difference of the two group students. t-test 4.89 > t-table 2.00. therefore, ha was accepted that realia was effective as a media in teaching writing of descriptive text.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ester Florencia Sagay ◽  
Hedison Polii ◽  
Herlina I. S. Wungouw

Abstract: Changes to respiratory function due to regular aerobic exercise will affect the value of pulmonary function, especially in Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). This research aimed to determine the effect of aerobic exercise on FVC overweight male students of Unsrat Medical Faculty. This research is analytic with design experimental, one group pre and post test design. The sampling technique used is non-purposive sampling technique. The research sample was taken from the students of the Faculty of Medicine 2009, Univercity of Sam Ratulangi who fulfill the inclusion criteria. Some 32 students were selected as research subjects. After giving informed consent, FVC measurement was done with the spirometer. After it was measured, they were given treatmen in the form aerobic exercise using a stationary bike for three weeks with frequency of exercise three times a week and exercise intensity for 30 minutes. We measured again FVC values after the exercise three times program. Normality test data showed significance for FVC value before treatment by 0.752, and after treatment by 0.912. Comparison of the average value before and after exercise were tested by using a paired test. Significant value for FVC is P = 0.084, means there is no significant difference between FVC values before and after exercise (P> 0.05). The mean FVC was 3.88 before treatment and after treatment the mean value was 4.00, an increase in the average value of 0.11. Conclusion:Aerobic Exercise on a regular basis using a stationary bike on the overweight male student can improve lung function in particular the mean FVC but there was no significant difference from the mean value. Keywords: FVC, Aerobic Exercise, Overweight.   Abstrak: Perubahan fungsi pernapasan karena latihan aerobik secara teratur akan mempengaruhi nilai fungsi paru khususnya Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik terhadap FVC mahasiswa pria Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat dengan berat badan lebih.Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan rancangan eksperimental one grup pre and post test design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik non purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian diambil dari Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Angkatan 2009.Sejumlah 32 orang mahasiswa terpilih sebagai subjek penelitian dan dilakukan pengukuran FVC dengan Spirometer.Setelah itu diberikan perlakuan berupa latihan aerobik menggunakan sepeda statis selama tiga minggu dengan frekuensi latihan tiga kali seminggu dan intensitas latihan selama 30 menit.Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran kembali nilai FVC sesudah program latihan.Uji normalitas data menunjukkan nilai signifikansi untuk FVC sebelum perlakuan sebesar 0.752, dan sesudah perlakuan sebesar 0.912. Perbandingan nilai rata  rata  sebelum dan sesudah latihan diuji dengan menggunakan uji t berpasangan.Nilai signifikan untuk FVC adalah P = 0.084, berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara nilai FVC sebelum dan sesudah latihan (P > 0.05) .Nilai rerata FVC sebelum pelakuan adalah 3,88  dan nilai rerata sesudah perlakuan adalah  4,00,  terjadi penigkatan nilai rerata sebesar 0,11.Simpulan:Latihan Aerobik menggunakan sepeda statis secara teratur dapat meningkatkan nilai rerata fungsi paru khususnya FVC tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dari nilai rerata tersebut. Kata Kunci: FVC, Latihan Aerobik, Berat Badan Lebih (Overweight).

Eka Novitasari

Media audiovisual dapat digunakan sebagai media layanan informasi yang dapat  dimanfaatkan oleh konselor dan siswa untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami materi layanan.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membuktikan apakah layanan informasi dengan media audiovisual efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang motif menikah dikalangan siswa kelas XII SMK Muhammadyah Sayung Demak. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah termasuk dalam jenis eksperimental design, dengan metode the one group pre test – post test design. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII SMK Muhammadyah Sayung Demak tahun ajaran 2017/2018 sebanyak 18 siswa. Instrument yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah instrument tes pemahaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman tentang motif menikah dikalangan siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan layanan informasi dengan media audiovisual (z=  3.732,  P<0.05). Jadi layanan informasi dengan media audiovisual efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang motif menikah dikalangan siswa. Penelitian ini mempunyai implikasi bahwa guru bimbingan konseling disekolah perlu memberikan layanan informasi dengan media audiovisual untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang motif menikah dikalangan siswa.   Audiovisual media can be used as an information service medium that can be used by counselors and students to help students understand the service materials. The aim of the research is to prove whether information service with audiovisual media is effective to improve understanding about married motives among class XII students of SMK Muhammadyah Sayung Demak. The design of this study is included in the type of experimental design, with the method of the one group pre test - post test design. Subjects in this study were students of class XII SMK Muhammadyah Sayung Demak academic year 2017/2018 as many as 18 students. The instrument used in data collection is the comprehension test instrument. The results showed that there was an increased understanding of the motives of marriage among students before and after being given information services with audiovisual media (z = 3.732, P <0.05). this study has implications that information services with audiovisual media are effective to improve understanding of the motives of marriage among students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nur Hidayati

The objectives of the study are (1) To find out the students’ vocabulary mastery before being taught by using homophone stories, (2) To find out the students’ vocabulary mastery after being taught by using homophone stories, (3) To find out the significant difference the vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Kranggan before and after being taught using homophone stories. The population of the study was the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Kranggan. The writer took class 7D as a sample of the study. The class consists of 31 students. The writer used experimental quantitative research in the study. Test as the instrument was used to collect the data. The objective of conducting try out test was to measure the validity, reliability, discrimination power, and level difficulty of the test. The data was computed and it was find out that 30 items were valid. Then, the valid items were used for the pre-test and post-test of vocabulary mastery item tests. The result of the mean score of students before being taught by using homophone stories was 56.34 and the mean score of students after being taught by using homophone stories was 77.5. The result showed that the mean score of post-test was higher than pre-test. Then, the writer calculated t-test to know whether or not there was significant difference students’ achievement between them who were taught before using homophone stories and students who were taught after using homophone stories. The result showed that t-test was higher than t-table. It was 9.19> 1.697. It means that there is significant difference between the students’ vocabulary mastery after being taught by using homophone stories and before being taught by using homophone stories. From the data above, it can be concluded that the students’ vocabulary mastery after being taught by using homophone stories was higher than the students’ vocabulary mastery before being taught by using homophone stories. The data prove that it is effective to use homophone stories as a media teaching in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Uswatun Khasanah

The objective of this research is to find out whether there is any significant difference of students in Listening skill between before and after being taught by using the Video. The research is conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Gempol Pasuruan. Sample of this study is students in 7th grade class A. The method that is used in this research is quantitative method with pre-experimental design Pretest and postest. To get the data, the researcher gave pre-test, treatment and post-test to the students. The researcher using Video in Teaching Listening. Based on the result of this research, the shows that ,there is significant difference of students test in Teaching Listening class before and after students are given video in litening class. The data obtained are then analyzed using the t-test and obtained with a significant level of 5%, it is known that tcount = 16.56 is greater than t table = 2.06. Thus, it shows that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted and by using the Eta Squared formula. The results of the calculation obtained a value of 0.91.

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