scholarly journals Penerapan Pembelajaran Tematik Kurikulum 2013 oleh Guru SD/MI di Desa Klepek Kecamatan Sukosewu Kabupaten Bojonegoro Semester Gasal Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Ari Indriani

Elementary school is the starting point of formal education in Indonesia. While this study has the objective to provide insight to the teacher on the application of thematic learning curriculum 2013 that includes planning, implementing and assessing thematic learning curriculum in 2013. Thematic learning curriculum 2013 that applicable in elementary school / MI is an integrated thematic learning, learning to integrate material from multiple subjects in a single theme to cultivate a skill on learners. The subjects in this study are teachers in elementary school / MI in Klepek Sukosewu District of Bojonegoro and methods of data collection use interviews and questionnaires. The conclusion from this study is that the learned predetermined theme of the center located at Master Books, learning methods used according to the theme being studied, while the valuation techniques used are based on attitude.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Ichsan Anshory AM ◽  
Setiya Yunus Saputra ◽  
Delora Jantung Amelia

ABSTRAK           Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran tematik integratif di kelas rendah SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak, memperbarui pengetahun guru-guru SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak tentang kurikulum 2013, Memberikan Inovasi tentang pelaksanaan K13 yang sesuai dengan peraturan yaitu tidak memisah-misahkan mata pelajaran, serta memberikan ilmu pengetahuan yang baru tentang kurikulum 2013 di SD Muhammadiyah Wajak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, penelitian yang didasarkan pada data alamiah yang berupa kata-kata dalam mendeskripsikan objek yang diteliti melalui kegiatan pengumpulan data yang diambil saat penelitian terjadi  Hasil dan kesimpulan kegiatan PPDS  di SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari penerapan pembelajaran oleh tim PPDS yang sesuai dengan ciri-ciri pembelajaran tematik integratif yang mana antara lain berpusat pada anak, tidak memisah-misahkan mata pelajaran satu dengan yang lainnya, meskipun pada awalnya guru-guru di sana masih belum begitu faham dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik dalam kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik sesuai kurikulum 2013 di SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak, maka peneliti menyimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1)Guru sudah mengetahui tentang kurikulum 2013 akan tetapi pada pelaksanaan guru belum sepenuhnya paham, 2)Kesiapan sarana dan prasarana untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran tematik yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 cukup memadaiKata Kunci : Tematik, Kurikulum 2013ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe integrative thematic learning in low grade Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak elementary school, update the knowledge of teachers of SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak, Giving Innovation about the implementation of K13 in accordance with the rules that is not separating subjects, as well as providing new knowledge about 2013 curriculum at SD Muhammadiyah Wajak. This research is a qualitative research, research based on natural data in the form of words in describing the object under study through data collection activities taken when the research occurredResults and conclusions of PPDS activities in SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak progressed well and smoothly. This can be seen from the application of learning by the PPDS team in accordance with the characteristics of integrative thematic learning which, among others, centered on children, did not separate subjects with one another, although at first the teachers there are still not so understand with the implementation of thematic learning in the curriculum 2013. Based on the implementation of thematic learning according to the 2013 curriculum in SD Muhammadiyah 07 Wajak, the researchers concluded as follows: 1) Teachers already know about the curriculum 2013 but on the implementation of teachers have not fully understood, 2) Readiness facilities and infrastructure to support thematic learning process in accordance with the 2013 curriculum is sufficient.Keyword : Tematic, Curriculum 2013

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-92 ◽  
Laila Fatmawati ◽  
Rani Dita Pratiwi ◽  
Vera Yuli Erviana

This research aims to describe the development steps and the appropriateness of multicultural education module based on the character of patriotism and nationalism in thematic learning for students in 2nd grade Elementary School. This is a research and development applying Borg and Gall design. The trial was conducted on 10 students of 2nd grade in Muhammadiyah Bodon Elementary School. The data collection techniques in this research were interviews, observations, module feasibility assessments by experts, teachers’ assessment, and questionnaire of learners’ responses. The eligibility of the multicultural education module is shown by the result of the assessment by the validation experts at the time of FGD. The validation by media expert scored of 72, the validation by learning expert scored of 74, and the validation by language expert scored of 60. The limited product trial were conducted in class II A, based on the students' assessment get the mean score of 37.5, while the assessment by the teacher scored 70 , both are very good category. The field trial were conducted in class II B, based on the students' score, obtained 36.94 score, and 76 from the teachers; both are very good category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jamilatun Nafi’ah

Literacy plays an important role in learning including at the elementary school level. Literate ability is good for students, encouraging the development of other abilities, because literacy is a basic ability to gain abilities in other fields. Especially in providing an understanding of the 2013 thematic integrative curriculum learning. Learning that contains several subject matters integrated into one theme needs to empower literacy culture in its application. Literacy culture in integrative thematic learning can be developed in terms of classroom management, choosing learning methods related to literacy and choosing strategies in applying literacy to integrative thematic learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Kustiwi Nur Utami ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran tematik integratif yang layak dan efektif untuk meningkatkan karakter santun dan tanggung jawab, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri atas sepuluh tahap, yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan produk awal, uji coba awal, revisi hasil uji coba awal, uji coba lapangan, revisi produk hasil uji coba lapangan, uji pelaksanaan lapangan, penyempurnaan produk akhir, dan diseminasi produk. Subjek uji coba berjumlah 3 siswa SD Glagahan pada uji coba awal, dan 9 orang siswa SD Tunjungan pada uji coba lapangan yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perangkat pembelajaran meliputi: silabus, RPP, LKS, media pembelajaran, dan soal tes prestasi. Hasil penilaian ahli materi dan ahli media untuk menguji kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran valid dan berkategori baik. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan layak serta memenuhi kriteria praktis dan efektif dalam meningkatkan karakter, motivasi, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Pembelajaran dengan produk yang dikembangkan mampu meningkatkan karakter santun dan tanggung jawab, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Kata kunci: perangkat pembelajaran tematik, karakter, motivasi, prestasi belajar. DEVELOPING THEMATIC LEARNING KITS TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTERS, MOTIVATION, AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Abstract: This study aims to produce integrated thematic learning kits capable of improving students’ characters, especially politeness and responsibility, learning motivation, especially intrinsic learning motivation, and learning achievement. This was a research and development study consisting of ten stages, namely research and data collection, planning, preliminary product development, preliminary tryout, revision based on the preliminary tryout results, field tryout, revision based on the field tryout results, field implementation testing, product finalization, and product dissemination. The tryout subjects were Grade II students of the elementary school, consisting of 3 students of SD Glagahan in the preliminary tryout and 9 students of SD Tunjungan in the field tryout, selected based on the criteria for students from the upper, moderate, and lower groups. The research product is integrated thematic learning kits consisting of a syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, learning media, and learning achievement tests. The results of the assessment by the material expert and the learning media expert show that the developed learning kits are valid and good and appropriate to be used for thematic learning at the elementary school. The results of the tryout show that the developed learning kits are appropriate and capable of improving students’ characters, motivation, and learning achievement. Keywords: thematic learning kits, characters, motivation, learning achievemen

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19
La'bati Nur Aqrimna ◽  
Ida Putriani ◽  
Sripit Widiastuti

Thematic learning in elementary school has obstacles in its implementation, one of which is related to the media. The results of the observation show that students need pictorial media. The purpose of this research is to develop learning media in the form of pictorial modules to support learning. The researchers used research development or Research and Development (R&D), according to Borg and Gall. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. Based on the results of material expert validation, it was 89%, linguist validation was 88%, and media expert validation was 84%. The results of the student readability questionnaire were 88%, and the teacher's readability questionnaire was 92%. The conclusion is the thematic module of the development of transportation technology for elementary students was developed suitable for use in learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Diaken Noor Immansari ◽  
Ichsan Anshory

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Tahfizh Qur’an Thematic Learning in Aisyiyah Elementary School Malang, and what the impacts of this program in student character. This research is a qualitative descriptive study of elementary schools in Malang, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the tahfizh Qur’an thematic learning at Aisyiyah Elementary School in Malang consisted of four stages, namely verse screening phase, film screening phase, memorizing phase, and evaluation phase. Through the tahfizh Qur’an thematic learning conducted at SD Aisyiyah Malang, four characters appear in student, namely: 1) religious character; 2) integrity character, shown in honesty, politeness, love for truth; 3) independent character, including hard work, disciplined, brave, and learners; and 4) mutual cooperation character, including cooperation, solidarity, and mutual assistance.Keywords: Character Building, Learning, Tahfizh Qur’an Thematic Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahi bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran tahfizh Qur’an Tematik di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang, dan mengetahui apa saja karakter siswa yang muncul melalui program ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sekolah dasar di kota Malang, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pembelajaran tahfizh Qur’an tematik di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu tahap pemilihan ayat, tahap pemutaran film, tahap menghafal, dan tahap evaluasi. Melalui program tahfizh Qur’an tematik yang dilaksanakan di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang, tampak empat karakter yang muncul pada anak, yaitu: 1) nilai karakter religius, termasuk di dalamnya nilai beriman bertaqwa, dan toleransi; 2) nilai karakter integritas, tampak pada kejujuran, keteladanan, kesantunan, cinta pada kebenaran; 3) nilai karakter mandiri, termasuk pada kerja keras, disiplin, berani, dan pembelajar; dan 4) nilai karakter gotong royong, termasuk di dalamnya kerja sama, solidaritas, dan saling menolong.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Karakter, Pembelajaran, Tahfizh Qur’an Tematik 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ita Rahmatiya ◽  
Heri Maria Zulfiati

This research aims to describe: (1) An overview of the value of the character of nationalism and patriotism that students have, (2) The implementation of the value of character planting nationalism and patriotism, (3) The inhibitory factor and solution carried out in the implementation of the value of character planting nationalism and patriotism on thematic learning with the IPS of grade IV students Elementary School state Singosaren Bantul. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Research data sources are principals, teacher classes, and students. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. These research instruments are observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and documentation. Test the validity of data using an extension of observation, increase persistence, triangulation (source triangulation, technique, and timing), and use reference material. The data analysis techniques in this study used Miles and Huberman analyses consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusions. The results showed that (1) the idea of the value of nationalism and patriotism character is that students already have the value of nationalism and patriotism in themselves and also have been able to apply attitudes to the value of the character in everyday life even though not maximally. (2) The implementation of the character value of nationalism and patriotism in the learning of IPS-charged thematic, by inserting the value of the character in the learning materials, using the learning media, using inspirational stories and showing heroic films to motivate students, doing outing class activities in the museum, through school activities and policies such as performing flag ceremonies, singing national songs and local songs, using traditional clothing (3) Inhibitory factor and solution done in the implementation of the value of character planting nationalism and patriotism in the thematic learning with the IPS of grade IV students Elementary School state Singosaren Bantul namely a factor that comes from the self, factors of environmental condition of students who are less conducive, experiencing addiction in the use of gadgets, school facilities that have not been fully fulfilled in support of the to overcome this problem, the solution is to provide direct guidance to the students who have less interest during the process of learning IPS-charged thematic, doing a variety of activities that are performed as a means of meeting with the parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 334
Kurniati - Fadhilah ◽  
Fenny Roshayanti ◽  
Veryliana Purnamasari

Education in Indonesia is still relatively low, because students have not been able to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. There needs to be an educational concept that is able to answer the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0, one of which is STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics). This study aims to analyze the potential of STEAM contained in the Teacher's Book and Student's Book Theme 1-9 Revised 2017 grade IV Elementary School. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the object of research directed to find out the potential of STEAM contained in the 2017 Revised Teacher's Book and Student's Book for Grade IV Elementary School. Data obtained from secondary data in the form of Teacher's Books and Revised 2017 Student Books for Class IV Elementary Schools that have been analyzed. The data collection method used the documentation analysis method so that the researchers analyzed the Theme Books 1-9 Class IV Elementary School. The data analysis method used is the Miles and Huberman model starting with data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions and verification. The results show that there are facts that have STEAM potential and facts that have STEAM potential with an average of 80% of STEAM potential from the number of lessons in Themes 1-9. So, the results of the analysis of the 2017 Revised Teacher's Book and Theme Book for Grade IV Elementary School have the potential for STEAM. However, there are some learnings that do not have STEAM facts, so the learning does not have STEAM potential.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Ari Indriani

<em>The elementary school is the starting point of formal education in Indonesia. In this study used is a public primary schools Bejirejo Kunduran Blora District of the academic year 2013/2014. The sample used is the Elementary School fifth grade students Bejirejo , techniques used in data collection motivation questionnaire. As a precondition test using linearity and significance. While the hypothesis test using t-test. The conclusions of this research is the influence of fifth grade students' motivation to learn mathematics achievement in elementary school Bejirejo.</em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nafiah Nafiah

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of management of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya. The focus of this study are 1. The lesson plan for integrative thematic class based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school . the research method of this study is descriptive kualitatif, the data collection technique are interview, observation and documentation. The result of this study are 1) the lesson plan of integrative thematic based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya conducted by several steps are : a) set thema, b) doing analisys SKL, KI, and basic competence, c) arrage syllabus, d) arrage the lesson plan, 2) doing integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 Khadijah primary school used scientific approch by observing, questioning, reasoning, trying, processing, displaying, verivicaying, and communicating, 3) the assessment of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school used authentic assessment that include written assessment, project assessment and portfolio assessment.

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