2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 595-609
Márcia Regina Kaminski ◽  
Denis Antônio Silva ◽  
Clodis Boscarioli

Resumo: Considerando a relevância que representam, Sustentabilidade e Alimentação Saudável são temas frequentemente discutidos no ambiente escolar. Todavia, mais que apenas abordar esses assuntos, é preciso auxiliar os estudantes a atribuir-lhes significado, de modo que o aprendizado passe a ser observado em atitudes cotidianas compatíveis. Assim, buscando uma abordagem significativa desses conteúdos curriculares, este artigo descreve uma experiência realizada em uma escola pública municipal com 53 alunos de 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, com os quais foram abordados os temas Sustentabilidade e Alimentação Saudável em um projeto que incluiu dez aulas sequenciais desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Informática e no pátio da escola. As atividades compreenderam o trabalho com Educomunicação por meio da discussão de reportagens televisivas, gamificação por meio de um caça QR Code e de uma atividade com Kahoot e do protagonismo dos estudantes, que após as atividades iniciais desenvolveram uma campanha de conscientização na escola. A motivação e o engajamento dos estudantes em desempenhar as atividades estão entre os principais resultados alcançados e, em consequência disso, ocorreu a melhor compreensão dos conteúdos, que refletiu em mudanças de atitudes em relação aos cuidados com o meio ambiente e com a alimentação saudável, que puderam ser observadas no cotidiano escolar e familiar.Palavras-chave: Educomunicação. Gamificação. Protagonismo estudantil. Educação básica. Tecnologias digitais. Abstract: Sustainability and Healthy Eating are important topics that are often discussed in the school environment. However, rather than just addressing these issues, it is necessary to help students attribute meaning to them, so that learning can be observed in compatible attitudes daily. This article describes a practice carried out in a municipal public school with 53 students in the 5th year of elementary school, with which the topics Sustainability and Healthy Eating were approached in a project that comprised ten sequential classes developed in the Computer Laboratory and in the school yard. The activities included the work with educommunication through the discussion of television reports, gamification through a QR Code hunting and an activity with Kahoot and the protagonism of the students, who after the initial activities developed an awareness campaign on the topic in the school. The students' motivation and commitment to perform the activities are among the main results achieved and, consequently, a better understanding of the contents occurred, reflecting changes in attitudes towards the care of the environment and healthy eating that could be observed in school and family life.Keywords: Educommunication. Gamification. Student protagonism. Basic education. Digital technologies.

Laura Benevides Roland ◽  
Caroline Tavares de Souza Clesar

Resumo: O uso dos computadores e dispositivos móveis associados à internet vem ganhando espaço nas escolas de educação básica como ferramentas didáticas utilizadas para auxiliar a aprendizagem dos educandos. Assim sendo, a presente investigação, de cunho qualitativo-exploratória apoiada em estudo de caso, teve como objetivo identificar a presença e o uso de Laboratório de Informática (LI) no ensino de Matemática nos anos iniciais em escolas públicas e privadas do município de Alegrete/RS. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas: I) levantamento de dados; II) observação não participante das práticas docentes no LI; e III) entrevista. Os resultados revelaram que a maior parte dos professores observados não realiza um planejamento didático-pedagógico para as atividades a serem desenvolvidas no LI. Destaca-se a importância da fluência digital e do domínio do conteúdo para o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas criativas e contextualizadas, bem como o aporte de infraestrutura e formação continuada.Palavras-chave: Laboratório de Informática; Tecnologias Digitais; Ensino de Matemática; Prática docente. The use of digital technologies in the teaching of mathematics in the elementary school Abstract: The use of computers and mobile devices associated with the Internet has been gaining ground in basic education schools as teaching tools used to help the learning of students. Thus, the present qualitative-exploratory investigation, supported by a case study, aimed to identify the presence and use of Computer Laboratory in the teaching of Mathematics in the elementary school in public and private schools in the city of Alegrete-RS. For this, the research was carried out in three stages: I) data collection; II) observation of teaching practices in the Computer Laboratory; and III) interview. The results revealed that most of the teachers observed do not carry out a didactic-pedagogical planning to work in the Computer Laboratory with their students. From the interview conducted, we highlight the importance of digital fluency and content domain for the development of creative and contextualized pedagogical practices, as well as the contribution of infrastructure and continuing education. Keywords: Computer Lab; Digital Technologies; Mathematics teaching; Teaching practice.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Márcia Regina Kaminski ◽  
Clodis Boscarioli

<p class="ResumoRevista"><strong>Resumo: </strong>O ensino de programação pode oferecer importantes contribuições ao desenvolvimento dos estudantes. Vários movimentos incentivam o ensino de programação nas escolas por meio de eventos como os da Hora do Código. A plataforma é um ambiente utilizado para promoção destes eventos que disponibiliza gratuitamente jogos educacionais para o ensino de programação. Este trabalho relata a experiência da participação de alunos de 2º a 5º ano de Ensino Fundamental I de uma escola pública em um destes eventos ocorrido no Estado do XXXXXX. Os resultados positivos motivaram a escola a estender as atividades com a plataforma para alunos de 1º ano e Educação Infantil. Os resultados dessas experiências são também detalhados.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The teaching of programming is gaining space in the school environment given the contributions it can offer to student development. Several movements encourage this work in schools through events such as Hora do Código. The platform is an environment used to promote these events that provides free educational games for programming learning. This paper reports the experience of the participation of students from 2nd to 5th year of Elementary School I of a public school in one of these events occurred in the State of XXXX. The positive results motivated the school to extend its activities with the platform for 1st year students and Early Childhood Education. The results of these experiments are also detailed.</p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (69) ◽  
pp. 686
Joaquim José Soares Neto ◽  
Raíssa Ferreira Teixeira

<p class="texto-padro">A Educação Física escolar contribui para o enriquecimento da experiência dos alunos na educação básica, viabilizando o seu acesso a um vasto universo cultural. Assim, para que seus conteúdos sejam explorados pelos professores e sua experiência seja apreendida de maneira positiva pelos alunos, é importante a existência de condições materiais e de infraestrutura, as quais convencionamos chamar ambiente escolar para a Educação Física. Destarte, a proposta deste trabalho consistiu na estruturação de um instrumento de coleta de informações para o monitoramento do ambiente escolar para o ensino e prática da Educação Física, tendo como referencial os conteúdos propostos nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. A metodologia de construção do instrumento contou com duas etapas: 1) procedimentos teóricos via revisão de literatura e sistematização teórica e sua operacionalização em itens do questionário; 2) submissão à análise de especialistas para validação semântica e teórica.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> Escolas; Infraestrutura da Educação; Monitoramento; Educação Física.</p><p class="texto-padro"> </p><p><strong>El monitoreo del ambiente escolar para la educación física en la educación fundamental</strong></p><p>La Educación Física escolar contribuye para enriquecer la experiencia de los alumnos en la educación básica, viabilizando su acceso a un vasto universo cultural. De este modo, para que sus contenidos sean explorados por los profesores y su experiencia sea aprehendida de manera positiva por los alumnos, es importante que haya condiciones materiales y de infraestructura, que decidimos llamar de ambiente escolar para la Educación Física. Así, la propuesta de este trabajo consistió en la estructuración de un instrumento de recogida de informaciones para el monitoreo del ambiente escolar destinado a la enseñanza y práctica de la Educación Física, siendo su referente los contenidos propuestos en los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales. La metodología de construcción del instrumento contó con dos etapas:1) procedimientos teóricos vía revisión de literatura y sistematización teórica y su operacionalización en ítems del cuestionario; 2) sumisión al análisis de especialistas para su validación semántica y teórica.</p><p><strong>Palabras clave:</strong> Escuelas; Infraestructura de la educación; Monitoreo; Educación Física.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Monitoring the school environment for physical education in elementary school</strong></p><p>School Physical education contributes to the enrichment of students’ experience in basic education, giving them access to a large cultural universe. Therefore, for teachers to exploit its content and students to benefit from the experience, the material conditions and infrastructure are important. We would conventionally call this the school environment for physical education. Thus, the purpose of this study consisted in developing an instrument for gathering information to monitor this school environment, for the teaching and practice of physical education. It uses the content proposed in the national curriculum parameters as a reference. The methodology for developing the instrument involved two steps: 1) theoretical procedures, from a literature review and a theoretical systematization and operationalization of items of the questionnaire; 2) submission to expert analysis for semantic and theoretical validation.</p><p class="texto-padro"><strong>Keywords:</strong> Schools; Education Infrastructure; Monitoring; Physical Education.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Renato De Oliveira Dering ◽  
Eduardo Dias da Silva

On this qualitative paper, five characteristics are presented that facilitate or hinder the teaching and learning of reading practices in the public school media regarding the development of students' reading and writing skills. It is understood that reading and writing are processes related to the construction of meaning, based on the concept of literacy advocated by Kleiman (2013) and Soares (2009; 2015). Rather than pointing out mistakes, it is intended to instigate a critical sense in the search for changes in teaching posture by teachers, improvements in the physical conditions of the school environment, investments in continuing education of teachers and managers of public basic education in general, in addition to of the appreciation of the relationship between the text read / produced with the context of the student interacting in its construction of meaning. It is noticed that in fact the stimulus for reading contributes effectively to learning reading and writing, in this sense the public school environment must approach a teaching that allows students to interact with the texts and produce meanings together with them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-79
Débora Luana Kurz ◽  
Everton Bedin ◽  
Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald

Background: One of the challenges in pedagogical practice in science in the initial years of elementary school (EF) is focused on developing objects of knowledge with an emphasis on scientific literacy. Objective: To investigate how the pedagogical practices of teachers of the 1st and 2nd grades of the elementary school contribute to promoting access and the development of scientific knowledge to educate a scientifically literate individual. Design: Ethnographic case study, through triangulation of data in a qualitative research perspective. Setting and Participants: Seven basic education women teachers who work in three different schools in the municipality of Vera Cruz/RS participated. Data collection: Observation and description in a logbook, questionnaires and interviews with teachers, as well as one student’s notebook and the official school document (Pedagogical Political Project). Results: The promotion of subsidies for access and mediation of scientific knowledge in teaching actions, although a significant portion of teachers has little corroborated the education of a scientifically literate individual. Conclusions: There must be actions aimed at continuing teacher education to favour significant school environment changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 76
Iago Ramon Möller ◽  
Ernani Mügge ◽  
Claudia Schemes

RESUMOO presente artigo trata da utilização de plataformas digitais de leitura na educação básica. O principal objetivo é, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e de entrevista com estudantes que utilizam a plataforma digital Elefante Letrado, investigar as possibilidades de interação oferecidas por essas ferramentas e o grau de adesão a elas por parte de seus usuários. Para embasar a análise de resultados, o estudo aborda a revolução tecnológica em curso, a utilização de tecnologias digitais na educação, a literatura digital e questões relativas ao livro e à leitura na contemporaneidade. O artigo conclui que o surgimento das plataformas digitais de leitura reflete a época atual e que a interação do homem com a máquina ocorre de maneira inquestionável e intensa. Nada mais natural, portanto, que incluir esse modo específico de se apreciar literatura no ambiente escolar, desde que garantida a qualidade das obras e de sua forma de exploração, processo responsável pela riqueza da experiência de leitura.Palavras-chave: Plataformas digitais de leitura. Leitura. Literatura digital.ABSTRACTThe present article deals with the use of digital reading platforms in basic education. The main goal is, by means of a literature review and an interview with students who use the digital platform “Elefante Letrado”, to investigate the interaction possibilities of these tools and the degree of adherence by its users. To support the result analysis, the study approaches the ongoing technological revolution, the use of digital technologies on education, the digital literature and questions related to the book, and to the reading in the contemporaneity. The article concludes that the emergence of digital reading platforms reflects the current time, and that the man interaction with machines occurs in an unquestionable and intense way. Nothing more natural, therefore, than including this specific literature appreciation way in the school environment, since the quality of the works and their form of exploitation – which is the responsible process for the richness of the reading experience – has been guaranteed.Keywords: Digital reading platforms. Reading. Digital literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 725-744
Marciano Coleta Leal ◽  
Paulo De Souza Danelichen

Com os avanços da ciência e tecnologia em um mundo de constante globalização, o ser humano passa por uma experiência de um descontrolado desequilíbrio ambiental. O presente artigo tem como tema a educação ambiental no ensino fundamental com uma introdução à educação ambiental e os desafios desse tema no âmbito escolar. Vivemos em um período de muitas mudanças, as quais exigem de nós enquanto seres humanos, a visão do futuro para garantir a sobrevivência das futuras gerações. Atualmente, mais que nunca sentimos a necessidade de nos dedicar a educação ambiental na perspectiva de uma mudança global, num prazo de urgência. O ambiente escolar é o precursor para a formação de cidadãos conscientes, na ação de uma “sociedade sustentável”. Desse modo, este artigo apresenta os desafios desse tema no âmbito escolar, mais especificamente com alunos do ensino fundamental, com o objetivo de desenvolver um trabalho de conscientização sobre a referida temática, bem como abordar questões de relevância para o processo educativo e formativo dos mesmos. The insertion of environmental education in the context of fundamental education With the advances in science and technology, in a world in constant globalization, the human being is subjected to an experience of total environmental imbalance. In this sense, this article, inserted in the theme of environmental education in elementary school, aims to discuss the challenges of this theme in the school context. We live in a period of many changes, which compel us, as human beings, to look to the future to guarantee the survival of future generations.Today, more than ever, we feel the need to dedicate ourselves to environmental education with a view to global change, in an urgent timeframe. The school environment is the precursor for the formation of conscientious citizens, in the action of a “sustainable society”. In this way, we present the challenges of the theme in the school context, more specifically with the students of basic education, with the objective of developing an awareness raising work on that theme, as well as addressing issues relevant to their educational and training process. Keywords: Environment. Environmental education. Elementary School. Challenge.

1989 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 320-332 ◽  
David A. Shapiro ◽  
Nelson Moses

This article presents a practical and collegial model of problem solving that is based upon the literature in supervision and cognitive learning theory. The model and the procedures it generates are applied directly to supervisory interactions in the public school environment. Specific principles of supervision and related recommendations for collaborative problem solving are discussed. Implications for public school supervision are addressed in terms of continued professional growth of both supervisees and supervisors, interdisciplinary team functioning, and renewal and retention of public school personnel.

Lilian Marques Silva

The almost instantaneous access to information provided by technological advances has revolutionized the behavior of people and of the classrooms too. Teachers had to adapt themselves to new technologies to maintain students interested and attentive to the discipline being taught. In this work, the behavior of the students of the 6th grade of elementary school II during class was observed. The school chosen is a public school in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The research was based on data collection. The students were observed by being filmed during six months. The results showed that the students were interested in the classes and committed to the activities. The place that the student chooses to sit in the classroom influences the behavior of the teacher, because the more distant the teacher, the less he participates in the class.

Leah Plunkett ◽  
Urs Gasser ◽  
Sandra Cortesi

New types of digital technologies and new ways of using them are heavily impacting young people’s learning environments and creating intense pressure points on the “pre-digital” framework of student privacy. This chapter offers a high-level mapping of the federal legal landscape in the United States created by the “big three” federal privacy statutes—the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)—in the context of student privacy and the ongoing digital transformation of formal learning environments (“schools”). Fissures are emerging around key student privacy issues such as: what are the key data privacy risk factors as digital technologies are adopted in learning environments; which decision makers are best positioned to determine whether, when, why, and with whom students’ data should be shared outside the school environment; what types of data may be unregulated by privacy law and what additional safeguards might be required; and what role privacy law and ethics serve as we seek to bolster related values, such as equity, agency, and autonomy, to support youth and their pathways. These and similar intersections at which the current federal legal framework is ambiguous or inadequate pose challenges for key stakeholders. This chapter proposes that a “blended” governance approach, which draws from technology-based, market-based, and human-centered privacy protection and empowerment mechanisms and seeks to bolster legal safeguards that need to be strengthen in parallel, offers an essential toolkit to find creative, nimble, and effective multistakeholder solutions.

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